59.77% Pokemon - A real story / Chapter 419: A Lot of Changes

章 419: A Lot of Changes

Axel had no knowledge about it. He also realized that he may not know all the functions of the system. He thought to make an observation of his system at a deeper level and ask all the questions about the system.

Another interesting thing happened today.



Beedrill has learned its pre-domain move. Name the move.


"I will call it bug domain."

He first looked at its stats:


Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 1 year)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Pokemon rank: Pseudo-king

Ability :- Swarm (mastered)

Hidden ability :- Sniper (99%)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 6000/6000

Attack :- S+ Agility :- S

Defense :- S+ Sp. Atk :- S

Sp. Def :- S+ 


 Active: Poison Sting (E) (Lvl 41), String Shot (E) (Lvl 47), Bug Bite (E) (Lvl 43), Electroweb (G) (Lvl 39), Harden (U) (Lvl 10 max), Poison jab (G) (Lvl 36), Fell Stinger (G) (Lvl 37), Roost (G) (Lvl 39), Drill Run (G) (Lvl 38), Agility (E) (Lvl 43), Minimize (E) (Lvl 44), Calm mind (E) (Lvl 44), Swords dance (G) (Lvl 39), X-Scissor (E) (Lvl 44), Fury Cutter (E) (Lvl 43), Lunge (G) (Lvl 39), String Armor (G) (Lvl 39), Laser Focus (G) (Lvl 39), String pierce (E) (Lvl 43), fire conversion (E) (Lvl 41), Bug life (G) (Lvl 39), Substitute (E) (Lvl 45), Bug domain (Lvl 1)

Passive: Resolve (Stage III)

Core: Bug (mastered)

Hidden Power: Psychic (45%)


There were some changes. First was its stats. It had practiced very hard to upgrade its stats to such a level. Next were the moves. Some of its moves have crossed the threshold. 

He first looked at the description of its new pre-domain move.


Bug domain: Beedrill's bug-type moves would have an increase in power. The power increases if there are more numbers of Beedrill in the domain area. Powerful herd= more power.


Axel observed Red's Beedrill when it fought with his Beedrill. He noticed that bug-type energy was very easy to increase in capacity and very easy to manipulate. That was one of the reasons that Beedrill was able to learn 'Fire conversion' and 'Bug life'.

Beedrill was also a type of Pokemon who was considered more powerful when they were in a group.

So, that made Axel think of an interesting way to create its pre-domain move. What if there were more Beedrills when it was fighting with an enemy? They could share the bug-type energy with them and multiply the energy as bug-type energy was easier to manipulate. He refused to catch more Beedrills and frankly, it would not be usable in gyms or league battles cause only 1 Pokemon could fight with another. 

So, the only solution was 'Substitute'. Beedrill started to practice the move 'Substitute'. It also took an idea from Shedinja and now it was level 45.


Substitute (Level 45): It can create 3 substitutes.


It was a simple description but it was a powerful boost to Beedrill. The pre-domain move did say that 'powerful herd= more power' but it was complicated. 

First, to be a herd, there should be multiple Beedrills. It was achieved by 'Substitute'. Second, the 'substitutes' should also be powerful but that was impossible as Beedrill's power would be divided with its substitutes. 

So, he had to create a new move that would not only increase the power of Beedrill but also its substitutes. This was a work in progress. 

Then he came up with an interesting idea. What if instead of 'Fire conversion', there was such 'conversion'? Beedrill could convert any form of energy to bug type and it would transfer the same to its substitutes or it could learn from Shedinja and make its substitutes use moves too. 

That was why Axel told Beedrill to first concentrate on 'Fire conversion' and it had also leveled up to 41


Fire conversion: While using it, Beedrill could take 20% of fire energy and convert it to bug type. Previously, it was only 10%, now it is 20%.


Beedrill also leveled up to 'String peirce' to level 43, 'Poison sting' to level 41, and 'String shot' to level 47.


String pierce (Lvl 43): The attack didn't have to cover the enemy to be used. A very sharp string could not slash and cut the target.

Poison sting (Lvl 41): It has more penetrating power.

String shot (Lvl 47): It now has a poison effect.


"Beedrill, now you should focus on leveling up 'Laser focus' to level 40 and try to upgrade 'Resolve' to stage IV.", said Axel.

There were a lot of things for Beedrill to train but first, it needed to upgrade its passive move. 


The poison training ground was completed yesterday. Nidoking had been there training its pre-domain move since yesterday. Axel could tell that it was very near to achieving it. 

Among all the pre-domain moves, Axel could tell with 100% certainty that Shedinja's pre-domain move was the strongest one. This was the first pre-domain move for his team and it had come out of nowhere. 

Axel had asked it how it was able to create such a masterpiece. 

Shedinja shared that it believed in Axel's words about the concept of darkness. It believed in itself that it was a powerful Pokemon and for a moment it truly believed that it that world centered around it and it would do anything. That was what it was feeling at that time. 

That was some profound concept. He told these findings to all of his Pokemons but he knew that almost none of them could feel like it cause they truly had to believe it. 

Everyone, humans or Pokemons had self-doubt. Shedinja could do it cause it had a very high mental stability as a Pokemon. Axel didn't even know if he had such a high mental state. 

However, even if his Pokemons could not do it right now, that didn't mean that they could not do it in the future. That was one of the main reasons why Axel concentrated on the primal desires and the instinct of his Pokemons.

He thought that if he could help his Pokemon achieve some level of success in their primal desires and instincts, they would have a high mental state and this may reflect on their domain moves. 


Days passed and after 4 days,



Nidoking had created its pre-domain. Name the move


"I will call it, poison domain."

Axel then looked at its stats


Pokemon's name: Nidoking (Age- 1.5 year)

Pokemon Nickname: Megalania 

Pokemon rank: Pseudo-king rank

Ability: Poison point (mastered)

Hidden ability: Sheer Force (0%)

Potential: Purple

Health : 7000/7000 Attack: S++

Agility: B Defense: S

Sp. Atk: S++ Sp. Def: A++

Moves: Chip away (Egg move) (C) (Lvl 26), Sucker punch (Egg move) (U) (Lvl 14), Venom drench (Egg move) (E) (Lvl 44), Tackle (C) (Lvl 20 max), Poison sting (E) (Lvl 42), Peck (Lvl 3), Focus energy (E) (Lvl 40), Horn Attack (C) (Lvl 25 max), Rest (G) (Lvl 39), Bite (G) (Lvl 39), Quick Attack (G) (Lvl 31), Sludge Bomb (E) (Lvl 43), Earth quake (E) (Lvl 44), Horn Drill (G) (Lvl 39), Poison Ball (E) (Lvl 40), Thunder Shock (C) (Lvl 28), Spinning poison (E) (Lvl 53), Agility (G) (Lvl 39), Poison spread (E) (Lvl 54), Substitute (E) (Lvl 45), Poison damage transfer (E) (Lvl 52), Sludge wave (E) (Lvl 44), Dig (G) (Lvl 32), Sandstorm (E) (Lvl 43), Fissure (G) (Lvl 39), Mud bomb (G) (Lvl 39), Poison domain (Lvl 1)

Core: Poison (Mastered)

 Ground (mastered)

Hidden Power: Electric (20%) 


There were a number of changes. First, it started to train in its egg move, 'Sucker punch'. It was a complicated move. If both of the Pokemon use a physical attack, there is a high chance that Nidoking's attack would hit first but it could be used strategically.

It was difficult for Nidoking after it evolved. Its body structure had changed a lot and it needed to adjust to it. 

It was also able to level up some of its moves and pass that to the threshold.


Poison sting (Level 42): It has more penetrating power.

Sludge Bomb (Level 43): Rapidly spread the sludge after it is bombed covering a wide area.

Spinning poison (Level 40): The speed of the move has increased. 

 (Level 45): The stamina consumption has decreased

 (Level 50): The speed of the move has increased

Poison spread (Level 40): Can affect 3 Pokemons.

 (Level 45): The spread speed of poison inside a Pokemon has increased

 (Level 50): May counter resistance

Poison damage transfer (Level 40): Can affect 3 Pokemons.

 (Level 45): Can transfer 30% of the damage caused to Nidoking's health. Previously it was only 20%.

 (Level 50): Doesn't need to be in constant touch with the user or its poison linking it to the user. It could be transferred without any contact for 3 minutes.


These were the changes that it had gone through. It had trained a lot in its poison-type powers. 

He then looked at its pre-domain move:


Poison domain: Can empower the user through poison.


At first, Axel wanted it to manipulate its own poison in such a way that it could increase its base stats and also improve the quality of its moves. Such things were not heard of in this world but Axel knew that it was possible. 

Poison was one of the most versatile types to ever exist. A Pokemon could use poison to cause pain, death, sleep, paralysis, or take the life force of its opponents. It could do unimaginable things. 

However, poison was also considered as a medicine in some scenarios. So, Axel wanted it to empower itself by its own poison. 

Nidoking tried to do it but it was very difficult. It had never changed the property of its poison. As of that time, it could only take the life force of its opponent through poison. 

Both of them were using their brains on how to do it and then they came up with a solution. That was to use a pre-domain move to help Nidoking achieve it. And it succeeded. 

"Megalania, now we should focus on ground-type moves too cause you are also a ground type. However, as we discussed before, your main attack type would still be poison type.

I also want to add ground type in your pre-domain. However, before that you should master some ground-type moves."

Axel's Pokemon had completed their requirements for being a king-rank Pokemon. Now, they just needed to focus on their moves and their body stats. 

"Red, how many of them would rank up to king rank before the start of the league battle?", asked Axel.

Axel had read and heard that ranking to king rank would take a long time. He just wanted all 8 of them to rank up to king rank.

"It is difficult to say Axel. If you were a normal trainer with no talents, I would say that only Charizard and Steelix would be king rank by the time the league battle starts with low possibility. 

However, with your talent and the way I am watching your Pokemon grow stronger, I would say that at least 3 or 4 of them would reach king rank."

"Only, 3 or 4 of them? I thought that all of them would reach king rank."

"Axel, it is very hard for a Pokemon to reach king rank. It took my Pokemons quite some time to reach there. You should have your patience and you should at least reach elemental rank by that time. You are very weak."

Red pointed out a sour point and Axel got back to training. Axel could actually feel that he would reach uncommon rank very soon. 


2 week had passed,

Axel and Red were training. Red was using his 'Aura pressure' and Axel was defending it. After the talent got activated, Axel's stats started to rise very fast. 




The host is ranking up…. Prepare yourself.


Axel started to feel that every cell of his body was ringing. He felt an incredible amount of pain all over his body.



He started to vomit what he had eaten his morning and after that black goo came out of his mouth which was very stinky. 

"It would hurt a bit, try to control yourself. You are ranking up."

Axel didn't know that ranking up would hurt so much. When a Pokemon ranks up, there would be in ecstasy. Why did humans have to feel this kind of pain? 

Axel could not even shout out loud cause it was paining too much. After 5 minutes of excruciating pain, the pain started to slow down and then it disappeared. 

The disappearance of pain was replaced by a blissful feeling. Axel was now feeling exactly the opposite. He felt that his body was very relaxed and the pain was gone. Slowly, he started to feel his body was getting stronger and his bones were more thick and sturdy than before. 

Axel used 'Aura sense' on himself and started to feel the difference. He could feel that his cells were brimming with the extraordinary amount of aura. He felt that now he could do the warm-up without feeling tired. 

He looked at his stats:


Name :- Axel Blaze

Race :- Demi human

Rank: Uncommon

Alignment :- Venu family

Profession :- Pokemon trainer (master)

Title :- The Successor 

Reputation :- 7,130,000

Health :- 2000/2000 Aura :- 700

Strength :- 500 Agility :- 480

Intellect :- 330 Leadership :- 1500

Skills :- Active skills

 1. Identify (Lvl 14)

 2. Aura Sense (Lvl 47)

 3. Aura Resistance (Lvl 40)

 4. Aura Pressure (Lvl 34)

 5. Aura Coat (Lvl 35)

 Passive skills

 1. Overgrowth

 2. The Creator

 3. Elemental overgrowth 

 4. Move capture 

Pokemon :- Nidoking, Shedinja, Beedrill, Charizard, Gyarados, Absol, Venusaur, Tauros, Mamoswine, Pidgeot, Gogoat, Alakazam, Steelix

Pokedollars :- 4,120,000,000

Quest :- Main quest - 4

 Sub-quest - 1

 Special quest: 0

Items: Hard stone, upgrade crystal, Roto boost


Axel had set up a ranking condition for himself. He made it harder for himself. That was why it took 2 whole weeks for him to rank up. However, that made him stronger. His strength was now 500 which even he could hardly believe. 

Axel knew that with each increase in his stats, it would become harder to increase it further. Axel believed that it would start to get extra hard after the stats crossed the 1000 threshold. 

"How do you feel right now?", asked Red.

"I feel very powerful. I feel that I have become at least 2 times more powerful than before. This feeling is very surreal."

"Yes, it is. Take a rest for today and try to analyze your body. We will change your training plans from tomorrow.", Red.

"Thanks, I will now look at the progress of my Pokemons today."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C419
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


