57.38% Pokemon - A real story / Chapter 402: A New Adventure?

章 402: A New Adventure?

Nidoking looked at Axel with anger. It felt like it was on top of the world right now. It felt like it was the most powerful being in this whole world. So, why should it follow this human?

Instantly, it started to remember all the things Axel had done for it. All the training points, healing it when it was injured, carrying it when it was asleep. It felt that it was being very foolish. Even though it was strong, it could not break that trust.

Its eyes started to show clarity and its roars started to decrease. Within a few seconds, it had calmed down. Axel slowly came near it…

"Nido... Nidoking…", it said, telling Axel that it was alright. Axel patted its shoulders because it was very tall now.

"You did a good job, Megalania."


"Yes, you finally earned the name. I am proud of you," said Axel.

Nidoking gave him a big hug which was bone-crushing.

Axel looked at Nidoking's stats:


Pokemon's name: Nidoking (Age: 1.5 years) 

Pokemon Nickname: Megalania 

Pokemon rank: Pseudo-king rank 

Ability: Poison point (100%) 

Hidden ability: Sheer Force (0%) 

Potential: Purple 


Health: 6000/6000 Attack: S++ 

Agility: B Defense: A++ 

Sp. Atk: S++ Sp. Def: B++ 


Moves: Chip away (Egg move) (C) (Lvl 26), Sucker punch (Egg move), Venom drench (Egg move) (E) (Lvl 40), Tackle (C) (Lvl 20 max), Poison sting (C) (Lvl 39), Peck (Lvl 3), Focus energy (E) (Lvl 40), Horn Attack (C) (Lvl 25 max)*, Rest (G) (Lvl 39), Bite (G) (Lvl 39), Quick Attack (G) (Lvl 31), Sludge Bomb (G) (Lvl 39), Earthquake (E) (Lvl 44), Horn Drill (G) (Lvl 39), Poison Ball (G) (Lvl 40), Thunder Shock (C) (Lvl 28), Spinning poison (E) (Lvl 44), Agility (G) (Lvl 39), Poison spread (E) (Lvl 41), Substitute (G) (Lvl 34), Poison damage transfer (E) (Lvl 44), Sludge wave (G) (Lvl 40), Dig (G) (Lvl 32), Sandstorm (G) (Lvl 39), Fissure (G) (Lvl 39), Mud bomb (G) (Lvl 35) 

Core: Poison (Mastered) 

Hidden Power: Electric (20%) 


The nickname 'Megalania' came when Axel was training Nidoran, and it was being lazy. Axel had told it that it had another evolution after Nidorino and if it became powerful enough and evolved further, Axel would call it Megalania.

Axel had never thought that such a day would come. He was very happy for Nidoking. He was very emotional right now.

Nidoking was a powerful Pokemon. It had very high attacking power and very high defense. Axel had focused on its foundation for too long and now it was paying off. It needed to adjust to its new form as it was now bipedal, but Axel was excited to train it further and use it in battles. 

One of the major changes was its body. It had become big and very heavy compared to before. It would take some time for it to be battle-friendly in its new body. 3 of its moves had leveled up to 40: 'Sludge wave', 'Poison ball', and 'Focus energy'.



Sludge wave: Has more effect and penetrating power 

Poison ball: Can create 3 of them in an instant 

Focus Energy: Can focus in less than a second. The power of the next physical attack is greatly increased 


Evolution had also changed its hidden ability from 'Hustle' to 'Sheer force'. Since it had just learned the new hidden ability, it was at 0%. All of its stats had massively improved, especially its health, which stood at 6000!!! It was now close to reaching king rank. Axel let it move freely for some time. 

The ground would shake with every move. It was very heavy now. Axel wanted to check its weight. A normal Nidoking was above 100 Kg. His Nidoking must have much more weight than normal ones as it was taller and wider than others. The Clefable's evolution had also finished, and now they were outside of the room. Every evolved Pokemon was looking at their new forms, especially Nidokings.


Pokemon POV starts 

"Man, congrats on the evolution. You got very big. You are even bigger than me. We should battle sometime," said Charizard. 

"Yes, it is difficult to move. This new form is very hard to control," said Nidoking. 

"You will get used to it," said Gogoat. 

"Yes, congrats, Megalania, on the evolution," said Shedinja. 

All of Axel's team started to congratulate Nidoking. 

"Don't you think that Nidoqueen is looking at me?" asked Nidoking of Charizard. 

"Man, you should give up this romance thing. You are not very good at that. You almost killed that Nidorina in the past, and now you want to try another one," said Charizard. 

"You don't know, I have matured. I will not outright ask her out. I would take my time. This time, I would score for sure." 

Pokemon POV end. 


All of his Pokemon were having a short vacation in the cave. The mission was already completed, and they had received extra rewards. The only problem was Oak. Axel and Angela had no idea how that old man would react. Oak was one of a kind. No one could predict what he would do next. 

They said their goodbyes to the Clefable tribe and Dracorock tribe, saying that they would return soon. Getting out of the cave didn't take much time. 

"Do you plan to go to Oak right now?" asked Axel. 

"Yes, let's finish this as quickly as we can. I want to return home after this. If we can get Oak on board, then the Johto region would also not trouble us," said Angela. 

"Well, that is true." 

They took the plane and changed direction to Pallet Town. Axel had already messaged Oak that they were going to come and said that they had a surprise. 


"So, you mean to say that a new type of Pokemon has been found, and you want me to go there. You are also telling me that a new evolution could be found there." 

"Yes, you are right. We told them that we have you for protection, and they agreed to let some of their tribe members go to the outside world," said Axel. 

"Axel, I would love to help you but—" 

"But what? You told me that you would support me in things like this when I became your successor." 

"I am not telling you that I would not help you. Gosh, kids these days have no patience. I just want to check Nidoking first. This is the first time I have seen it. I am very interested in the pre-evolved and post-evolved form of Aerodactyl," said Oak. 

"And you would also help us in the Johto issue too?" asked Angela. 

"Yes, don't worry about it. I just could not believe that Mt. Moon had so many secrets. Can I talk to Axel alone?" asked Oak. Angela had no problem with it and went outside the room. 

"I heard all of your stories, but some of them don't add up." 

"Like what?" asked Axel. 

Oak was being extra nice today, and it was somehow annoying him. He didn't know why, though. 

"You said that both of you went there to evolve your Nidorino. First, how did you know that Nidorino could evolve, and how did you know about the moon stone?" asked Oak. 

Oak had hit the mark just like Clefable, and he didn't want the same thing to repeat again, but he had no other answers. 

"I told you that I had an instinct for such things, right." 

"Axel, I may be old, but I am not a fool. I have known you for a long time now, and I also know that you would do something like this based on your instinct." 

"I do know about all of this, but I just could not tell you, Oak. There is something that restricts me from telling you, and let's end the topic here about this because it would do you no good." 

"Ok, if you could not tell me, does that mean that I can make a guess?" asked Oak with a smile. Why was it turning out just like the conversation he had with Clefable? 

"So, how did you know about it? I am positive that there are no research or past documents relating to its evolution and moon stone. Hmm. Let me make a wild guess here. Axel, are you a transmitter?" Axel changed his expression after hearing that word again. Axel was very bad at maintaining a straight face. 

"So, I am right. No wonder you have so much knowledge. But where do you come from? If you are a transmitter, you must have some knowledge about this world, right? This is getting even more interesting. Hahah…." Oak started to laugh out loud. 

"So, who is this being that restricts you? It must be very powerful if you are afraid to even say that to me. I want to meet this creator."



System is detecting hostile actions toward the creator. System will take prompt actions.


"Hmmm… so this thing is trying to pressure me?" asked Oak. 



System is unable to take any actions. Ding! Oak is one of the leaders of this world, so the system cannot take any actions against Oak.


"What the hell is happening now?" asked Axel aloud. 

"What happened?" asked Oak. 

"This entity is refusing to take any actions against you. It says that you are one of the leaders of this world, so it cannot take any actions." 

"Oh, that is interesting. So, this entity also has some rules to follow, huh? Well, I will not pry any further. I have no use for it, but it is interesting that there are such beings in this universe. We will go there tomorrow. Why don't you play with Ash and Gary until now? I have some things to do." 


System was a very mysterious being. Axel didn't know what it wanted from him. He knew that the system wanted him to be strong, but for what reason? He didn't know. He had asked it multiple times, but there had been no response. 

If it wanted him to be strong, then he would be strong. Axel believed that he could only break free from its control by becoming strong. He was now seriously going to concentrate on his own power. 


Playing with Ash and Gary was fun. These kids would be the protagonists of the series if Axel were not born. He was very interested to see Ash getting together with Pikachu and Gary with Blastoise. He had to wait for it, though. 

However, he didn't want Ash to be as naive as in the series, so he had thought of personally training them when they grew up. Red and Blue would not have any problems with it. 


After 50 hours, 

"So, this is the new Pokemon, huh? It looks very weird to me." Oak was now examining Acron, Aerodactyl, and Dracorock. 

He had his devices on. He was taking samples of their blood and conducting tests. Even though he was the Pokemon master, he was also a very curious researcher. 

"So, Dracorock, you become a Dragon/Rock type after you evolve, huh? That is interesting. I always thought that Aerodactyl would be bad ass if it were a Dragon type." 

"Yes, we do change our typing from Rock/Flying to Dragon/Rock after we evolve. But that doesn't mean that we would become weak when we fly," said the leader. 

After checking them, talking to Clefable and others, Oak showed his Alakazam, which convinced them that they would be protected outside. The cave Pokemon were happy about it. Angela, Axel, and Oak not only talked to the Dracorock tribe but also all the other tribes. All of them agreed to their proposal except for the Clefable tribe. Even the Nidoking tribe wanted to go outside. 

"Mr. Axel, do you want to take one of our own onto your team? I see that you are very strong and reliable. Most of our tribe members would want to be part of your team," said the Dracorock leader. 

"I would love to have one of you on my team, but not now. I have some things to accomplish. I will come back here after 8 months and select one of you," said Axel. 

The Dracorock leader agreed with Axel. It had seen all of Axel's Pokemon and was very surprised by how he raised them. They were very powerful and also seemed happy to be a part of Axel's team. 

Axel was also interested in having Acron. He declined their offer for two reasons. First, he was going to train his existing Pokemon for the league battle. Only 7 months were left, and he didn't want to focus on a new Pokemon. 

Secondly, he would go to the Johto region after this, and he could not use his existing Pokemon in Johto region. 


The Johto region was very close to the Kanto region, and the Kanto region was much stronger than the Johto region. The Kanto region had been slowly taking over the management of the Johto region. 

Koga was a prime example. Koga was a gym leader in the Kanto region, but he had recently been promoted to one of the Elite Four members in the Johto region. That was a huge blow to the Johto region. 

A gym leader from the Kanto region had become an Elite Four member in the Johto region. The gap between the Kanto region and the Johto region was disappearing, and the Kanto region was close to swallowing the Johto region. 

To control the situation, the Johto region had introduced a new rule for trainers from other regions. The rule stated that any trainer from other regions could not use their previously caught Pokemon in Johto gym battles, league battles, Elite Four battles, and Champion battles. 

This was a simple rule, but it prevented the foreign takeover of the Johto region. That was why Axel was going to catch Acron when he registered in the Johto region. It would be a powerful Pokemon and his first Dragon type Pokemon. 


After they left the cave, they all decided to go to a nearby city to eat and rest. It had been a tiring journey, and Axel and Angela just wanted to rest. They went to the most lavish restaurant they could find. All of them were looking at Oak with wide eyes. It wasn't every day that someone would personally see the Pokemon master. 

The drinks and food were on the house, and now they were eating as much as they could. This was one of the benefits of being with the Pokemon master. 

"You have 7 months now. I would like one of your Pokemon to reach king rank. What are your plans?" asked Oak. 

Angela was shocked that Oak had such high expectations. The gap between pseudo-king rank and king rank was huge. It would take many years for a pseudo-king rank Pokemon to advance to king rank. 

Yet, Oak was talking about it as if it were a normal achievement. What shocked her even more was that Axel was not depressed or shocked by that statement. He was even agreeing with Oak. This duo was crazy.


TheSilverPrince TheSilverPrince

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C402
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


