72.81% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 150: Ch. 150 Graduation

章 150: Ch. 150 Graduation

My time as a student was ending and it was time to officially pass down my roles to those I had chosen.

Passing the torch to Cedric was very straight forward, I had been preparing him and he had already been taking the lead for the last two months. He showed great openness and patience, as well as understanding in dealing with others. He was also well liked among pretty much every house, made it clear as to why so many felt it when he died in canon. It made me believe he was the right choice. We also started readying Luna a bit after talking to her about being the next person to manage the exchange. She was unsure due to her young age and her difficulties with social setting, but we've been helping her out in those departments.

The claws know that Christian and I are fond of the girl, so no one dared bully her from that point on and we made sure they understood why. Our time as leaders of the house helped shape the open mindedness of others a lot, making them remember that to learn one must be willing to do more than just memorized information or read books. Learning needs a broad and open mind to properly do. Knowledge doesn't stop in books and needs to be added to in order to make it more complete. That is what a true scholar is. A person who had studied a subject and keeps on walking the path laid by those of the past and adds his own findings about the world to continue building on its foundations.

Although the kids inheriting the dueling club were still a bit uncertain, it was mainly due to taking over a role they have never experienced before. Once they get the ball rolling they'll be fine, I made sure to show them everything they would need to know. The older students understand why they'll be taking over and will be helping monitor things and Professor Flitwick was more than willing to help the kids along.

My houses Ms. Patil was nervous but determined. I had helped her gain the support of our house to help her feel more secure in her position by having her beat a seventh year student in a one-on-one for that, using some spell modifications I helped her cook up. Brainy and skilled to win the house.

Hannah was more than covered by the loyalty of her house and even more so with my very protective little sister who can probably kick most graduating students asses.

Ron won the respect of a lot of people by getting trained by Christian and Krum during this year and never giving up when he was beaten. The kid could take a beating and stand up. He was showing a lot of similarities with my wolffish friend as a dueler and was very protective of the club and its members. And I mean all of its members, even Slytherins. He's grown a lot during his time and I think he'd make a damn good Auror if he could get the necessary grades.

Daphne was basically a mini Tory most of the time and I know for a fact that she idolizes her. That's why I had my lovely fiancé help her out and taught her like I would Victoria. She is the most confident amongst the three but I had to temper her so she doesn't come off as controlling or too cold. Besides that, no one in her house dares try to mess with the Ice Queen, especially after she was trained by The Queen of Slytherin. That's just asking for trouble and those idiots know what my girl is capable of.

We've also said our goodbyes to our guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Fleur and Gabrielle were very thankful for all the help with dealing with their heritage and magic, giving lots of cheek kisses and hugs. There was also a very emotional 'goodbye for now' between James and Fleur, with promises of the two meeting this summer, which was less then a week away.

Viktor gave Christian and I firm handshakes and bro hugs, saying he would remember our friendship. He and Christian also had their own kind of emotional goodbye. No summer plans though.

The last thing I really did before I was graduating was have the meeting with Harry, Sirius and Dumbledore.

-Flashback to the meeting

"...and that is why I have asked for the both of you here today." Dumbledore said as he finished explaining our discussion at the beginning of the month.

"So I don't have to go back? I can live with Sirius like we talked about?" Asked a very emotional Harry.

"Yeah, no way in hell am i letting you go back now that the hairless cunt can bypass your mothers protection." I said to confirm the kids questions.

"And I won't be a burden?" He asked Sirius this time as he looked hopeful.

"Of course you won't pup. As much as I hate the damn paperwork, I did become Lord Black and that means a ridiculous amount of money. I've got the house done proper and it's one of the most heavily defended building in Britain." Sirius reassured Harry as he gave him a warm look.

"Aedan and I will also be making sure no one can hurt either of you as well." Reassured the Headmaster.

"Then of course I'd go with you." Harry finally said with a really excited smile.

"Alright but I do have to give you warnings on how things will go this summer Harry." I interrupted as I got serious.

"What do you mean?" He questioned as he noticed my tone.

"Yeah? What does he mean Dumbledore?" Followed up Sirius.

"Precautions Sirius. We cannot risk young Harry coming to harm and so we must warn him of what we shall do." Answered the Headmaster as he gave me a look to explain.

"You won't be allowed out this summer Harry, far too dangerous now that Voldysnake and is carpet munchers are back. To keep you safe we have to make sure you can't be easily targeted. The Headmaster and I agreed that if you really need to go out, we can arrange a date with me escorting you for your safety. The reason being that the headmaster and myself are the only wizards capable of stopping the noseless git and he will be too busy dealing with all the political nonsense that is going to start due to the minister denying reality.

Besides that, we can also arrange for your friends to come visit, but it will have to be secretive. The Weasleys already agreed to our plans and so have the Longbottoms, only the Grangers haven't been talked with yet.

So it will be restrictive and you might feel like you're being babied, but we just don't want you to die alright?" I explained as best I could about what was going to happen and what we've organized to not make his summer miserable.

"I understand. You're worried Voldemort will want to kill me and that walking around will be too dangerous. At least I'll be with Sirius, that's already a hundred times better than before." Harry said with a serious face.

'I am glad I've helped him not be so emotional as his canon counterpart. Proper explanations and inclusion do wonders.' I thought with a smile.

"But what do you mean Professor Dumbledore will be dealing with a lot of politics?" He asked with a worried expression.

"Well my boy, we have predicted that Cornelius would decide to begin a smear campaign against anyone publicly claiming the return of Voldemort, and from what people have told me we were right. We have hence decided that I would be the most vocal about such things to make him focus on me while Aedan works in secret to prepare the Aurors, effectively removing his attention from you. This means I will be keeping my distance from you in public so that he can focus solely on me and not drag you into this mess Harry." Explained the Headmaster as the kid had a troubled look on his face.

"I've got the full might of house Black, do you want me to throw it around Dumbledore?" Suddenly asked Sirius.

"Not at this moment Sirius, thank you." Answered the bearded man with a shake of his head.

"Actually I can think of a few things Sirius could do to help us against the super bigots." I spoke up, getting both of their attentions.

"Another clever idea Aedan?" Dumbledore asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Let me hear it kid. I know you've got quite the brain so I think this will be good." Sirius said with some expectations.

"The idea revolves around the three Black sisters: Andromeda, Narcissa and Bellatrix. Each need to have some things happen to mess with possible plans of the Dork Lord.

The Blacks have enough say and money to get a seat on the board of Governors of Hogwarts and I think Andromeda would be perfect for the job. She'll be able to make sure no one tries to mess with things alongside myself and Dowager Longbottom. Having an experienced Potion mistress and healer such as herself will also be crucial in what is to come. And all you have to do is bring her back into the family since it was the stuff you hate about the Blacks that got her kicked out anyway. It will also help her daughter's career to be a Black and it will help convince her.

The second goal is to remove the possibility of their side getting their hands on the Black family, so time to remove the possibility of the Malfoy's getting involved. Kick out Narcissa and Draco from the family line and voila. You can also cancel the marriage contract between the two houses to mess with them if you want.

The third is to remove a source of financing. I've no doubt they will break out the death eaters in Azkaban and gain the dementors, so let's make those people less useful. Bellatrix currently has millions from the family in her vaults, quick her out and all that disappears. You can also cancel her contract and she'll probably kill the Lestrange brothers since I've heard she hates them a lot.

So in the end, weakened politically, economically and socially, while gaining more allies and strengthening our hold onto Hogwarts." I said as I finished my explanation.

"Damn kid." Was all Sirius was able to say in response.

"That would certainly mess with a few things." Agreed Dumbledore.

"Wait, you're related to Malfoy and Bellatrix?" Asked a shocked Harry.

"Yeah, cousins. But I remember Andy, bringing her back would be great. She's the only other one to dump all those crazies. And I'm sure dear cousin Bella and Cissy would make the best faces when they realize all this. I am so in." Sirius said as he looked at me with a grin.

-End of Flashback

'Gonna be some fun reactions when Voldy learns that one of his Horcruxes is going to be in a place we'll have easy access to.' I thought as I remembered my little plan while siting in the Great Hall along with my entire year.

"Today marks the end of another year at Hogwarts.

A very different year, full of excitement, new friendships, danger, daring and of growth.

But we all stand here, as we do every year, better than the last, to celebrate everyones achievements and to bid farewell to our graduating class.

Seven years have come and gone for those of you leaving us.

Seven years of walking down these halls, learning from professors, making friends, mastering magic, finding yourselves and preparing for the future.

And now all of you stand as witches and wizards Hogwarts is proud to have taught.

Today is the day all of you step into the world and begin your journeys wherever they might lead you.

But please never forget the values our school embodies. Never give into fear and forget to be kind. Never forget the value of hard work and the dismiss the gift of loyalty. Never lose sight of your goals nor forget the use of cunningness. And never trap yourself in the ideas of others and forget your own brilliance.

You are all the future of the wizarding world and I look forward to hearing what each and everyone of you can accomplish." The Headmaster finished as all of the graduating seventh years threw the pointy formal hats we were wearing into the air as we cheered.

With the usual farewell feast, goodbyes to our juniors and friends, we took our trunks and left the castle we had spent our time growing up in.

As tradition for every graduate, we left Hogwarts as we first came to it, by boat.

So with my friends and fiancé, we watched the familiar castle as we moved further away from it.

"We're finally done huh." Christian said with a lot of emotions in his voice.

"Yes, our time here has come to an end." Confirms James as he also keeps his eyes firmly locked on the castle.

"A lot changed since we first rode these boats." Added Tory as she wistfully spoke.

"These were the purest times in our lives and I while never forget the memories we've made in this place." I said with a warm smile as I reminisce.

"Hey, remember that time when James created that squirting puzzle that got loose into the girls dorms?" Christian suddenly said with a smirk.

"Yeah, they were real pissed until he fixed everything and made them enchanted styling scissors." I said with a chuckle.

"What about when Tory hung all the little nobles slytherins from their knickers in the great hall for annoying her?" I then said, getting chuckles from both guys.

"Oh yeah? What about the time mr. Perfect made Snape's entire wardrobe turn pink?" She countered with her own smirk.

"Haha! That was brilliant and he still thinks it was the twins!" Christian said as he burst out laughing.

"Let's not forget the time Christian wanted to cross-breed that bubotuber and devil's snare and made that puss squirting monstrosity." James said with his own smirk.

"I remember that! Professor Sprout was almost acting like Hagrid with a new creature while Professor McGonagall was furious about getting squirted." Victoria exclaimed at the memory.

"Really didn't think I'd have to deal with that when I became friends with that kid who got shunned." I say with a chuckle.

"Didn't think I'd have to deal with getting beaten left and right for the next few years by becoming your friend either." He countered with his grin.

"Or get drilled on countless spells." Added James.

"Or have to drink all those weird concoctions he came up with." Tory said as she threw in her own jab.

"Oh please, you made everyone drink way more concoctions than I have." I replied with an eye role.

"Right, forgot you three were my precious testers." She said in response with a small smile.

"Those were pretty bad sometimes Victoria, but you know what? I wouldn't change even those memories for the world." James said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, as much as having to deal with Snape almost made me snap or how boring Binn's was, it was a blast with you three." Agreed Christian as he looked back.

"These were the most meaningful years of my life. They'll forever be a part of me." Determinedly added Tory.

"We all came a long way together in the last seven years. From scared, lonely and eccentric kids, to strong, confident and skilled young adults. I know we can take on the world after our time together here. So let's make sure others can have such memories in this place, because these are the memories we will always hold dear." I said in response to their words, getting determined nods from each of my friends as we disembarked our boat and started walking.

And with one last look back towards where the castle stood, I spoke with sincerity as we were about to bord the train one last time.

"Goodbye Hogwarts. Thank you for everything and I hope to see you soon."

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

I wanted to had in my little plan against Voldy, lots of hits with little effort.

Then I wanted to try to make graduating an emotional event as my OC’s reminisce about their times together and in the castle fondly. It is such an important part of all those kids that I can’t really say I am surprised that a lot of them have good opinions on the school even if the standards weren’t great.

Anyway, going to have different POV’s soon.


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