43.75% Naruto: Older Brother / Chapter 7: Chapter seven

章 7: Chapter seven

It was early in the morning as the sun was just starting to rise as Naruto raced through the tree line out of breath, wearing his orange tracksuit bottoms and his white shirt, which was currently soaked in sweat from his extensive period of working out under his brother's watchful eye.

The blond landed on a branch in hopes of trying to catch his breath only to yelp and jump out of the way as multiple Senbon needles skewered the tree bark with force from multiple directions, which Naruto only just avoided.

"This is insane Nii-chan!" Naruto yelled as he landed on another branch only to leap out of the way again as more Senbon needles came at him.

"Don't tell me you're getting tired Otōto?" a Kenta clone asked as he dropped down onto on a branch in an upper canopy as a second one dropped beside him, "Yeah, we've only been at this for two hours, we're nowhere near done with the warm up yet." the second clone said with a smirk as he launched more Senbon needles at Naruto who just narrowly avoided them.

Back on the ground below the original Kenta nodded with a smirk on his face in approval of the scene above, with Midnight resting in the neck of his closed flak jacket watching with amusement, Sayaka stood next to the pair with a grin as well as they watched Naruto jump through the trees trying to avoid becoming a blond pin cushion.

"Keep it up Otōto!" the original Kenta called, "You've got a long way to go if you want to be Hokage." he said as he crossed his fingers as another Bunshin appeared and jumped into the trees with Senbon at the ready, "Now quit your whining and duck." it yelled launching the Senbon needles with speed.

Naruto saw them coming and did as suggested ducking under them only for his eyes to widen when three others from the other Bunshins stuck into his left butt cheek making him yelp as he jumped into the air in pain.

As Naruto flew through the air both Kenta, Midnight and Sayaka sweat dropped at the comedy of the moment as Sayaka recalled her first training session of this particular kind with Kenta and how particularly sadistic he was when they trained, and how things seemed to have only escalated from there.


Sayaka was panting heavily as she was bent over hands on her knees trying desperately to catch her breath after she had just finished what Kenta had dubbed to be their warm-up session, which had turned into fifty laps of the clearing they were training in, according to Kenta since it wasn't very large they had to do so many laps to make up for it, she had been ok with the idea that was until Kenta had made her do the full fifty in full sprint, which had led to her current appearance and state of exhaustion.

As she tried desperately to get air back into her lungs Kenta came up right along beside her barely looking like he'd broken a sweat in the experience, Sayaka looked up at him in disbelief as she spoke through each panted breath. "How…. can…you…not…. be exhausted…after…that?"

Kenta gave a small chuckle at her state, "Because I do twenty laps of the village every morning at higher speeds than what we just did, and I'm nowhere near as exhausted as you are until my fifteenth lap, this would barely qualify as a warm up for me." he explained and Sayaka looked at him her eyes growing wider with each word.

As Kenta moved to start his next set of stretches Sayaka looked down in disappointment, "I guess I've got a way's to go then." she said her voice laced with disappointment in her own abilities.

Kenta noticed her mood changing and gave her a warm smile as he put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey you're only just starting off your serious training so don't go comparing yourself to me when I've been training like this for a lot longer. Besides my first day of serious training I came home wrecked from my training, I was so sore I could barely make it up the steps to my apartment. So relax, you're pretty good already and considering you've only just started you can only get better."

Hearing Kenta's words Sayaka started to smile at the encouragement and nodded in agreement as her mood seemed to improve as she took in a final breath before speaking, "Thanks. So what next on out training schedule?" she asked not knowing she would regret asking.

Kenta seemed to get a rather twisted smirk on his face that made Sayaka a little uneasy not knowing what he was thinking.

"Well, now that we've done our stretches and warm up routine, we can start the fun stuff." Kenta said in a tone that was a little too happy as he walked over to the table where he'd left his gear.

After a few seconds, he'd attached a small black holster to his hip and undid the latch as he turned the twisted smirk on his face now a full-blown sadistic grin as he spoke, "Endurance training!"

Confused at what he meant she was about to ask what it involved, but before she could ask him to explain she very rapidly moved out of the way of three Senbon needles coming at her and stabbing into the ground with force as she rolled out of the way.

Stopping a few meters away on a knee she shot a glare at Kenta angry at the sudden attack, "What was that fo-!" she yelled, but stopped gulping slightly as she saw Kenta with his hands up holding a Senbon needle between each closed fingers, with a pleasant smile on his face that sent a shiver down her spine as she chuckled nervously, "Kenta what's going on?" she asked not sure she wanted to know the answer.

Kenta smile only widened as he spoke, "It's simple Sayaka," he said taking a step forward as Sayaka took a step back, "endurance training. The best way to up one's stamina is to push it to the limit and then keep pushing," another step forward, and another step back, "and the best way to motivate someone is through the promise of pain." another step forward, and another step back, "The adrenaline helps the heart to pump faster and the blood to flow easier meaning training is more productive." another step forward, and another step back, "This is how my training partner drilled my stamina into me and how I plan on doing the same for you." another step forward, and another step back, "Senbon needles are the best for this as they cause the lease damage but still hurt enough so you won't want to get hit by them." another step forward.

Sayaka gulped taking another step back "Isn't there any way we could talk about this?" she asked starting to worry a little, but her hope sank when he shook his head his smile still on his face, but only this time when he took a step forward she turned on her heels and started running as he took off after her Senbon needles flying shortly after.

Flashback end

Naruto landed on another branch but jumped the next second as he avoided another slew of Senbon needles, "Sayaka-nee, Help me!" he cried out worried for his hide as he narrowly avoided an over-the-head water whip from a fourth Bunshin in the canopy above.

Sayaka giggled, "Sorry Naruto-Nii, you're on your own, better keep your head down."

Naruto landed on another branch as his only chance at a possible reprieve was lost just as another water whip wrapped around his waist before he was pulled into the air as he cried out, "Traitor!" only for several more Senbon to come from all different directions as Naruto let out another yelp of pain startling the birds in the canopy above causing them to fly off into the sky.

All three on the ground cringed in slight pity for the blond who they knew would be sore after that little combo, only for a voice to speak out getting their attention, "And I thought my Kaa-san's training was harsh."

Kenta, Midnight and Sayaka looked to the source to see Hana Inuzuka walking into the training area followed by her three companions as they looked around, "This is some place you got here, I almost had trouble finding it." Hana said with an impressed tone seeing the makeshift training area they had put together.

Sayaka blinked seeing the older girl coming into the area, blinking seeing her state of attire, which looked to only consist of her skin tight, knee length shorts, her shinobi sandals and her flak jacket which was open showing some of her cleavage.

Kenta waved greeting her arrival which Sayaka caught and she couldn't help but look down at her own chest and feel the pang of jealousy before giving Hana a small glare for the fact before looking to Kenta, "Kenta, do you know her?"

Kenta nodded, "Yeah, she's Hana Inuzuka, Kiba-san's older sister." he said before looking back to Hana, "I take it this means Tsume-sama gave you permission to teach me and Midnight some of your clan's techniques?"

Hana nodded in response, "Yep, she was more than happy to give me permission to teach you actually." Hana said while inside thinking, 'Yeah only cause she wants me to jump you so she can get some grandkids.'

Kenta smiled, "That's great." as Midnight yipped from his position before jumping from it onto the ground excited, "So when can we start Hana-san?" Kenta asked just as eager to get started.

Hana nodded in approval, "Right now if you want, my Kaa-san has Kiba in a solo early morning training session right now. So we've got a few hours before I have to go and open the clinic for the day, so I can show you the basics of some of the attacks I'll be teaching you two."

"Sweet." Kenta said, excited at the prospects of learning a new set of Jutsus.

Sayaka frowned slightly hearing that, while she was excited for Kenta and Midnight to begin their training she felt a little left out in the matter. She couldn't offer Kenta anything like that and he'd helped her so much in training, but she couldn't give him anything in return.

Kenta noticed Sayaka's frown and thought that it might have been cause she couldn't join in the training session and tried to cheer her up, "Hey Sayaka-chan, would you mind seeing that Otōto is kept on his toes while Hana-san, Midnight and me are training? Tell him once we���re done we can go for ramen if he wants."

Sayaka smiled at the idea and nodded, "Sure think Kenta-Kun, I'm sure he'll like that." she said before turning giving a final glance at Hana before reaching into her pouches and taking out a handful of Senbon needles as a rather sadistic smile came to her face as she started chuckling as she walked towards the tree line in the direction Naruto had been.

Kenta sweat dropped hearing the chuckling as a thought crossed his mind, 'I think me and Anko are starting to rub off on her a little too much', before he turned to Hana and bowed, "Me and Midnight are in your capable hands, Hana-san. Right Midnight?" he said as Midnight yipped enthusiastically in agreement.

Hana smiled watching the interaction between the pair, she could tell they would really make a good team and that these techniques would only aid in that. But she couldn't help but think about Sayaka, she knew who she was and had her curiosity peeked about her and Kenta's relationship as she heard how they addressed each other. They had obviously known each other for a while, and her Kaa-san's words from the day before came into her head '"He's the makings of a real Alpha in him if you don't snag him someone else will, a pup like that doesn't come around every day."' Hana frowned slightly at the idea of someone else already with Kenta before she caught herself on, 'Wait why am I suddenly feeling sad that someone else might already be with him, he's only twelve for Kami sake. Sure he's a regular little stud and gets along great with Midnight, but why am I getting so bent out of shape over the fact that someone else is with him or after him too? …Wait I'm not after him…am I? .... Oh no Kaa-san what have you put into my head!?' Hana mentally screamed as she realised what she was thinking before the sound of Kenta's voice brought her out of it.

"Hana-san, Hana-san, hey earth to Hana-san, can you hear me?" Kenta spoke waving his hand in front of her face trying to get her attention.

Hana rapidly blinked, "Hu, what." she said coming out of her thoughts realizing she'd spaced out and blushed slightly at what she'd been thinking, "Oh sorry I was just thinking about something my Kaa-san told me yesterday. So are you ready to begin, Kenta-Kun?" she spoke before clasping her hand over her mouth suddenly realizing the honorific she'd added without thinking.

Kenta blinked hearing the honorific as Hana looked at him slightly worried with how he'd react to it before he smiled, "Sure thing Hana-chan, where do we begin?"

Hana felt her cheeks blush when he called her that and let out a sigh of relief that he'd taken it as well as he had before smiling as she started to show him the starting stances for the Inuzuka Taijutsu style and how to go from it to their clan Jutsus.

Meanwhile hidden deep in the tree line stood Mikoto Uchiha dressed in her shinobi attire consisting of a black tracksuit and her dark green Jōnin flak jacket with her katana across her back and her Hitai-ate tied to her left shoulder. She watched the scene below with a smirk on her face as started to think, 'Hmm, well it looks like Kenta-Kun is a little ladies man just like Minato, if only Kushina could see this she would be laughing at the prospects of grandchildren.' Mikoto thought with fondness of her old friend as she watched Kenta start to copy Hana's movements, before she nodded to herself, 'Well it looks like I'm going to have to have a little chat with Tsume, if both our girls want him, they'll just have to learn to share.' she thought before disappearing into a leaf Shunshin.

Scene break

In the training area of the head house of the Inuzuka clan, Kiba collapsed flat on his front panting in exhaustion as Akamaru landed right next to him in a similar state as they both tried to catch their breath, however both felt their bodies stiffen when a certain shadow loomed over them, and they looked up to see the frightful form of Tsume glaring down at them.

"And just what the hell do you two think you're doing" Tsume barked making both boy and pup cower in fear, "You're nowhere near finished your fiftieth set, get back to it!" she snapped as both Kiba and Akamaru started running again, as Tsume watched them go.

"As hard as ever I see." came a voice from behind her as Tsume turned her head as Mikoto appeared behind her from a Shunshin, "You always were a bit of a hard ass when we were training."

Tsume smirked, "I had to be, you and Kushina were always slacking off when I wasn't looking."

Mikoto giggled slightly in remembrance of their youth, "Yeah, but there were always those times when you were right there beside us doing the same."

Tsume gave an amused chuckle, "Yeah. So what brings you by at this hour of the morning? I would have thought you'd be training with either of your two pups like I am with mine." Tsume asked as she turned to look at her old friend.

Mikoto nodded, "Well Sasuke is busy with his own morning training and didn't request my help this morning and Sayaka is out training with a friend, who is actually the reason I've come to talk with you."

Tsume raised an eyebrow at the statement, "Why, you need my help scaring the little punk away from your daughter or something? Would have thought you'd have no problem with that yourself." Tsume asked as Mikoto shook her head.

"No Tsume it's not that, perhaps it would be better if we talked inside, away from prying ears." Mikoto suggested gesturing to the house.

Taking the hint Tsume nodded and gestured to go on as both of them walked inside, Tsume closed the door behind her before looking to her old friend, "Ok Miko, what's with all the cryptic talk? You know I was never one for that type of shit, so just spit it out already."

Mikoto smirked hearing Tsume call her that and talk like that, it reminded her of the good days before that bastard Fugaku had started to control her life after they were married and made things difficult between the clans.

"Sure think Tsume." Mikoto said leaning on one of the kitchen counter tops with a smirk, "I just wanted to check something, am I right in assuming that you've told your eldest to try to pursue a relationship with Kenta Uzumaki?" she asked raising an eyebrow at the Inuzuka matriarch.

Tsume smirked, "I did. After he trounced Kiba twice I asked him to come around so I could see what he was like, he is a regular little Alpha in the making that one, so of course I told Hana to go for him it should be no secret from you that I want grand pups. Sure the kids a little young but I can wait until after he's out of the academy, in fact she should be with him right now teaching him some of my clan's Jutsus so he and his partner can work well in a team."

Mikoto nodded, "Yes I just came from watching them getting started on that actually. Kenta seems to be picking it up quite well along with his partner"

Tsume raised an eyebrow, "and why were you watching my daughter and Kenta, you reminiscing about old times with Kushina?"

Mikoto nodded, "That was part of it. I take it you were able to put together that he and Naruto are hers and Minato's then?"

Tsume nodded, "Just because I hate the cryptic shit doesn't make me stupid Miko. Naruto is practically Minato's double if it wasn't for those whisker marks. I'd think I was looking at an actual double of him at that age and who else in this village had that shade of red hair, I knew who he was at first glance."

Mikoto smiled, "I never said you were stupid Tsume," she said with a little giggle, "I just wanted to be sure. But the main reason I was watching them was that before Hana arrived he was with Sayaka, the pair of them have been training together since before the academy, in secret so that Fugaku-Teme never found out."

Tsume blinked and frowned, "I see, so Kenta's already spoken for. Is that what you've come to say, you want me to tell Hana to back off?"

Mikoto shook her head, "And here I thought you said you weren't dumb Tsume." she said with a little giggle, "No that's not what I want at all, I was watching Kenta and Hana and I can see that both of them like each other, Hana maybe a little more so as she's more mature."

Tsume grumbled, "I don't get it then, if you don't want me to tell Hana to back off then what's your angle? They can't both have him."

Mikoto giggled, "Oh but they can Tsume-chan, both Naruto and Kenta are both the last of the Uzumaki clan, if it's restored in Konoha, as the last members of the clan they can have multiple wives."

Tsume crossed her arms, "So you're wanting me to convince Hana to share with Sayaka when the time comes, and keep her pushing for Kenta regardless?"

Mikoto nodded, "Yes, a little bit of competition and rivalry will be good for Sayaka and Hana. And who else would be better for Kushina-chan's eldest when he does settle down to start a family? This way we'll both have grandkids to spoil."

Tsume smirked nodding, "True. But you do realise this is all relying on that the council will vote to reinstate the Uzumaki clan in Konoha when the time comes that both Kenta and Naruto are of age, and with Kenta being the eldest he will be named Clan head?"

Mikoto nodded, "Of course and when the time comes I plan on fully supporting him in doing so, and I hope he will have yours as well?"

Tsume nodded, "Definitely. Why would I vote against it? If I did chances are I'd have to wait another seven years for grand pups." she said with a laugh.

Mikoto smiled as she stood up, "Good I just wanted to see that you were in on my little plan, now I've got to get back to the compound, Sasuke will likely be finished his training, I swear that boy get more and more like his father every day."

Tsume scoffed, "How's that, thick headed pretentious prick?"

Mikoto nodded, "Exactly, I was hoping he'd start to change for the better with him not influencing him all the time, but he just seems to be getting worse by the day as it stands. I'm ready to announce Sayaka as heiress, the clan can't go down the road Fugaku wanted and if Sasuke remains the heir that's the only way it could go."

Tsume nodded, "I never liked Fugaku, he was always a jackass. I could never understand why you chose him, you were only fourteen and he was eighteen for Kami sake."

Mikoto sighed, "You know what my Tou-san was like, as soon as I became a Genin I was legally an adult, he pressured me into choosing a strong Uchiha to marry so that the line was secure. Fugaku was the strongest out of all my suitors, I didn't have much of a say in the matter you know that. The only upside was he agreed to wait until you, Kushina and I all passed our Chūnin exams before we tried for children. I wasn't exactly thrilled to be pregnant at fifteen and then again at seventeen, but I thank kami all that is behind me. But honestly I don't know if I would do it any differently, if I did I might not have had the many wonderful years with Itachi that I did and I wouldn't have Sasuke or Sayaka. Even if Sasuke is a little darker than I would like."

Tsume crossed her arms, "I take it the whispers about the real reason behind your clan's massacre were true then? Fugaku really was planning a coup, and Itachi got tasked with stopping it?" Tsume spoke in a low voice.

Mikoto nodded slightly, "It is, I knew that Fugaku-Teme was twisted but I couldn't do anything to stop him, and the thought that Itachi had been tasked with stopping it makes it all the worse. Even after all this time Sayaka still misses Itachi and wants to ask him why he did what he did, she's too smart to actually believe the reasoning he gave. And Sasuke wants to kill him to avenge the clan, like he thinks Fugaku would want, which will never happen if I have anything to say about it."

Tsume sighed, "Fugaku-Teme really screwed things up didn't he? And now the children are paying for it, I hope he's rotting in whatever hell he's in."

Mikoto nodded in agreement, "So do I, but the part that gets to me is that when Sayaka was found afterwards she was with Kenta where they trained. She'd ran to the one other place she felt safe and cried until she to sleep in his arms as he held her and then when he returned her to me he said that he would push for the reason as to why Itachi really slaughtered our clan right alongside Sayaka. I guess he has too much Minato in him to believe the lie Itachi told Sayaka about his reasons."

Tsume shook her head; "I wouldn't put it past him to do just that. But realistically what are the chances that he does find out?"

Mikoto looked at Tsume with a sigh, "Do you remember when Uzu fell, the look in Minato's eyes when he swore they would pay for what they did?"

Tsume nodded as she felt the rare occurrence of a shiver running down her spine remembering the look the blond had that day it was enough to make even her fear for those who angered him, "I do, hard to forget it."

Mikoto didn't even blink, "Kenta had that same look when he said that's what he plans on doing. There isn't a doubt in my mind that he will find out." she said frowning, "I just hope that when he does Sayaka and he will forgive those of us involved for not finding another solution for my clan's stupidity." she finished before disappearing into a leaf Shunshin heading for home.

Scene break

It was two hours later on one of the main streets of Konoha where Naruto, Sayaka and Kenta were walking home, each looking exhausted after their lengthy training session together, Midnight was on top of Kenta's head panting as well the small pup had really given it's all in training like all of them.

Naruto was struggling to lift his feet as he walked, every bone in his body was sore and even though his wounds from the Senbon needles had healed up he was still sore from them, "I don't know who's more sadistic, Nii-chan or Sayaka-nee." he whined in pain, after Sayaka had joined his training session personally the Kenta clones kept trying to one up her and see who could get Naruto first out of them, which only made it harder on the young blond to stay ahead of them.

Kenta chuckled at the statement, "Just be thankful we didn't ask Anko to help. You'd have been in real trouble then, cause she wouldn't have stopped and you'd have twice as many cuts as you did." Kenta said with a smirk seeing Naruto shiver at the thought.

"Y-Yeah good thing I heal fast." Naruto said a little nervously, he'd seen Anko pissed off and serious, that was one woman no man should ever piss off, anyone who did either A: wanted to die a slow painful death, B: was just plain stupid, or C: Both of the above.

Midnight gave a small yip of agreement from atop of Kenta's head as the redhead reached up and scratched him behind the ear, "Yeah I know boy, Hana was a little hard on us, but it's just day one, we've got a long road ahead of us."

Sayaka groaned as she rubbed her neck from the pain in it, "Yeah we all do." she said a little sore from their free-for-all sparring session after their training.

Naruto chuckled at the sight, "Yeah sorry about that Sayaka-nee, no hard feelings about the spar."

Kenta chuckled as he looked over his shoulder at Naruto, "What do you have to be sorry for, we're still picking pieces of your ass out of our boots." he said with a chuckle which Sayaka joined in on as Naruto groaned at the statement.

As the four continued down the street a voice called out making them stop each for a different reason.

"So this is where I find you." each of them turned to see Sasuke coming towards them but stopping several feet from them, "When I asked Kaa-san where you were when I got back from training she said you were out training yourself. But when I looked the training grounds you weren't there and now I find you here with this trash." Sasuke said as he glared at the two Uzumaki, before looking back to his sister, "We're Uchiha, you shouldn't be hanging around with the trash, it's bad enough you sit beside him in class, now you're hanging around them outside of the academy."

Hearing the statement Naruto started clenching his fists, he'd started to take a severe disliking to the last male Uchiha after their match on the first day, his whole attitude towards anyone who wasn't an Uchiha and male really got on his nerves.

Kenta, on the other hand, looked at Sasuke with a somewhat more pessimistic view. He knew that he had more than enough skill to beat him and so viewed his words as what they were; just hot air. Although he still held some resentment to him for how brutally he attacked Naruto in their match, but had gotten his payback for that and would make sure the next time Naruto and he faced that it would be Sasuke who ended up getting his ass kicked.

Sayaka on the on the other side of it all mentally sighed at her older brother's attitude. She just couldn't understand him, no matter what their Kaa-san and she did to try to get him to revert from their Tou-san's views on women and non-Uchiha's they just couldn't do it. And at this point she just scowled at her brother, "You're one to talk Sasuke-Nii. I seem to remember Kenta-Kun trouncing you pretty easily in class the other day if you're calling him trash, what does that make you?"

Hearing his sister's comment Sasuke scowled back at her, "Shut up! How dare you speak to me that way, I'm the next heir not you. And you're disgracing the Uchiha name by hanging around with the likes of them." he yelled pointing at the two Uzumaki brother, "I have no idea why Kaa-san even allows you to be around this trash, if Tou-sama was still alive he'd have you thrown out of the clan for this disgrace. Yesterday was just a fluke there's no way filth like this can ever beat a real Uchiha elite."

Although Kenta viewed Sasuke's words as just that, he felt an anger start to rise in his chest when he spoke to Sayaka that way. His fists clenching wanting to punch the last male Uchiha right in his smug mouth for his arrogance, but decided against making a scene in the street and instead smirked as he thought of a better way to hurt the last male Uchiha, point out the flaws in his own statement, "Sorry Sasuke-Baka, but I've got no intention of fighting Mikoto-sama because she is the only Uchiha "elite" left in this village." Kenta said as his smirk grew seeing Sasuke's rage starting to grow as he continued, "And no matter how much you say it you are nowhere near "elite", hell I'm normally not one to place bets but I'm willing to bet anything that Sayaka-chan could trounce your ass around your clan compound and back, regardless of your little "clan heir" status, which means nothing to me." Kenta said as he did a mock yawn as Sasuke looked ready to blow, while both Naruto and Sayaka looked ready to bust a gut, "Now I suggest you leave us alone, your demands of us mean as little as Midnight here passing gas, only they probably smell better" Kenta said with grin as both Naruto and Sayaka burst out laughing unable to contain it anymore.

Sasuke on the other hand finally lost it, "Bastard, I am a fucking elite how dare yo…" he started to yell as he lunged at Kenta to slug him but was stopped in his tracks and silenced when in a sudden flash of movement a taller figure appeared behind the young male Uchiha, who felt the business end of a Kunai placed to his throat threatening to slice him from ear to ear, as a sweet and sadistic female voice spoke with amusement.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A loud obnoxious Gaki who doesn't know when to shut up it would seem." Anko grinned as she leaned down to beside Sasuke's head with a sadistic smirk plastered to her face, "Now why can you just be like your sister and actually act with some dignity, or has Mikoto-san, yet to beat that arrogant streak out of you yet?" Asked Anko as she pressed the kunai just a little closer to Sasuke's throat as he glared at her from the side of his eyes, "Guess not." Anko grinned seeing the glare before looking to Naruto, Sayaka and Kenta who were watching the scene in front of them, "Good morning you three, is this loud mouth bothering you?"

Sayaka shook her head at her brothers stupidity, "No, he's just spouting hot air as always. Kenta and Naruto were just walking me home after we finished our morning training session before we met up again in class." Sayaka explained casually as if Anko wasn't currently holding a lethal weapon to her brother's throat.

Anko nodded in approval, "Well, I could take you from here." she offered before tilting the kunai pressed to Sasuke's throat a bit forcing him to tilt his head as the blade moved, "I need to drop off your brother here, only way to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while he's in this mood. You know how whiny little bitches can be, never know what they're going to do." Anko smirked.

Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger as he glared at her, "How dare you, you fucking slut when I get my hands on you I'll…" he started to spit in anger, only to find himself slammed to the ground hard in a blur of movements he didn't see coming, only of a large snake to be wrapped around his midsection binding his arms to his sides as it squeezed him hard enough to make him grit his teeth in pain, as Anko sat on top of him with a smirk still on her face.

"See what I mean, you can never tell when they'll do something crazy or say something completely stupid." Anko smirked before replacing the Kunai at Sasuke's throat pressing the tip just hard enough to draw blood, "Now I'd watch your tone you whiny little bastard, otherwise I'll just let my pet here have an early morning snack, although from the looks of you, you'd just give her indigestion." Anko smirked seeing him still glaring at her, before she looked to Sayaka, "You coming or what, I'd like to have a word with Mikoto-san now concerning that last comment. I might just offer my services with that stick up his ass that needs pulling out."

That last comment got both Kenta and Naruto chuckling as Sayaka just sighed walking over while thinking, 'She could use all the help she could get, we both could.' before she turned to look to Naruto and Kenta, "I'll see you guys in class."

Kenta nodded, "See you there." he replied as Anko put her hand on Sayaka's shoulder and the three of them disappeared into a leaf Shunshin, all the while Sasuke was trying to struggle and get out of the snake's grip which only tightened around him.

Kenta shook his head as they disappeared, "I don't know if I pity Sasuke or not." he said feeling slight pity for the last male Uchiha.

Naruto looked to his brother with a raised eyebrow, "Why's that? I think he's a complete ass." Naruto said remembering Sasuke's words moments before.

Kenta chuckled, "Because if you think you've seen Anko when she��s sadistic, she's a hundred times worse when she's pissed off, it's then she started using her poisons and nerve agents combined with her Senbon needles. After that she starts using the snakes, if there's one person you should never piss off, it's her." he said as they walked, Naruto gulped rethinking his three reasons as to why someone would ever piss off Anko, and a new option made the list, D: Just plain nuts.

And no more than twenty seconds after that an excruciatingly painful scream echoed through the village that could easily be recognised as Sasuke's and both brothers shivered before saying a silent prayer for the stupid emo Uchiha. 'May the log have mercy on his soul. Because Anko and Mikoto won't.'

Kenta shook his head as he figured he'd get the details on exactly what went down later from Sayaka and Anko, something was telling him that it was going to be quite the story, and he wanted all the details, "Come on Otōto, I'll take us home, we've still got your Fūinjutsu lessons to review before we go to the academy." he said placing his hand on his brother's shoulder and disappearing into his own Shunshin taking Naruto with him.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


