28.57% GoD Among Shinobi / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

章 2: Chapter 2

Naruto felt a bit better about everything as he suggested a way to get to know them a bit better similar to how Kakashi started things off when Team Seven was just formed. One by one they had gone around and told their likes, dislikes, and dreams for the future.

He had learnt a lot about each Pride Trooper like how Jiren liked to balance rocks and meditate, how Cocotte loved chocolate, and how Toppo disliked it when people made of his moustache. Though all of them shared the liking of justice and disliking of evil but that was to be expected. As for dreams for the most part they all wanted to ensure peace in their universe which resonated with him as he wanted to do the same back home.

"So where do we start with you training me?" Naruto asked as Toppo stroked his moustache with two fingers as if to show he was in thought.

"We need to find your current level and assess where to start. For that I'd suggest fighting against Jiren" Toppo said as he patted Jiren on the back with a smile.

"That is very smart given Jiren is the strongest Pride Trooper, even surpassing Belmod. Either him or Toppo would be best to gauge your skill given Belmod had decided on Toppo as his eventual replacement" Marcarita said as Naruto's eyes widened as he quickly turned to Toppo in shock.

"Wait! You were in line to become the next God of Destruction!?" he asked as Toppo nodded while rubbing the back of his head. "Then why aren't you like, upset that I stole it from you or something?" he asked before the large man chuckled and waved it off.

"Truthfully I was not much for it as being a God of Destruction seems like a role that would involve occasionally stepping back on the oaths I made when I joined the Pride Troopers. So in hindsight I am glad you took the job from me and that you seem better than Belmod" Toppo said with a sigh as Naruto rose an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah you mentioned how you would have killed me if I was evil but that doesn't explain why you didn't do that with Belmod as he seemed pretty bad" Naruto said before Toppo sighed again.

"That is because Jiren had beaten him in the past and made Belmod swear to reform. Jiren could have killed him in the past but Jiren has sworn never to take a life. We honored Jiren's deal with Belmod but were ready to take him down if he broke his promise which, from what you told us, he either was on his way to or has possibly done so before now" Toppo said before smiling at Naruto.

"Honestly I am happy for how things turned out as not only was Belmod taken out but our new God is someone who shares in our dream of peace. That is why I am excited for us to start training so please, spar with Jiren so we can see your current level" Toppo encouraged as Naruto rubbed the back of his neck a bit before Jiren walked up to him.

"Do not worry I won't attack for the first part while I determine your level and you don't have to worry about hurting me. Go all out" Jiren said in a serious tone as Naruto frowned but nodded.

"If this man is stronger than that clown then I highly doubt you'll be able to actually hurt him with only two months' worth of training. Use my chakra if you must but I'll mainly be watching to see you get your ass kicked" the Kyuubi said as Naruto sighed in his head as the Pride troopers stepped back to the sidelines beside Marcarita.

"Whenever you are ready" Jiren said as he crossed his arms, waiting for him to attack first.

Honestly he knew he wouldn't be able to actually do much against Jiren as he knew that power level wasn't for show. 'Okay, if I'm going to display my strength I have to do my best' he thought as he stretched a bit before suddenly dashing at Jiren, appearing before him as he leapt up to launch a kick at the man's face.

As the kick connected he wasn't surprised to see Jiren not even budge from his spot while he had the same calm look on his face. That though spurred him to continue, jumping back before he summoned a few clones to help attack as well.

'Let's see if I can even get him airborne' Naruto thought as six clones surrounded him and crouched down before launching a kick up at him, glad to see it was enough to send him flying up.

"Na!" Naruto yelled as Jiren flew up before Naruto and several clones flew up after him. "Ru!" he continued as he and a few clones kicked him higher up. "To!" he yelled, adding another strong kick upwards before he and a clone appeared above Jiren with an Odama Rasengan each in hand. "Uzumaki Full Force Combo!" he yelled as the two Odama Rasengan were slammed into Jiren, causing the man to rocket back down and create a rather large crater from the impact.

As Naruto landed he kept on guard as he could see the outline of Jiren walking out of the crater through the dust. "For two months' worth of training that is on average speed and strength that I was expecting," Jiren said as he dusted himself off "but you are definitely holding back so I'll have to see for myself" he added before Naruto widened his eyes as Jiren suddenly appeared before him with Jiren's fist embedded in his gut.

As Naruto was sent flying backwards flipping end over end from the force of the blow he quickly righted himself and, with the help of two clones, flung himself back towards Jiren.

"Fine! I'll show you but despite the feeling this energy radiates the source saved my life against Belmod. I owe them a lot" Naruto said as he quickly gained the bubbly red one tailed cloak and threw a punch at Jiren.

He continued to attack, launching his barrage of attacks at Jiren before slamming his fists on the ground to create a dust cloud around them.

Jiren though effortlessly blocked a kick to his head from behind as he looked behind to see Naruto smirking at him. "Got you" he said before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"And this is it! Odama Vermillion Rasengan!" Naruto yelled as he appeared in front of Jiren with an Odama Rasengan enshrouded in the Kyuubi's cloak, its chakra mixing with his to create a more powerful Rasengan. The cloak came in handy as it helped contain the Rasengan and keep it from going out of control and allow him to control it as he slammed it into Jiren's gut.

As the Rasengan tried to tear into Jiren it eventually exploded, sending the man flying backwards, spinning in midair before he crashed into one of the floating islands on the Kai planet.

"T-That is all I got" Naruto said with a sigh as he sat down on the ground, dispelling the cloak as he saw Jiren hop down from the island he crashed into and started to walk back towards him.

"You did well, more than I was expecting honestly" Jiren said as he dusted himself off again, showing no damage from any of Naruto's attacks.

"Yes I have to agree" Toppo said as he and the other Pride Troopers walked up to them. "Your reflexes in reacting to Jiren's hit were quick and you didn't let up. Your cloning power and the orbs you used were quite destructive as was that red cloak" he continued as he stroked his moustache.

"Though you have a long way to go to train to become stronger" Jiren pointed out while Naruto nodded.

"I know I do, I just became a God of Destruction. I defeated Belmod by sheer luck and determination" Naruto said as he looked down at his clenched fists before looking up at the Pride Troopers.

"That is why I want your help. Help train me to where I can be strong enough to protect those I care about and protect this universe. I'll admit I'm still weak but I know I can grow stronger if I have teachers like you" he said before Toppo put his hand on his shoulder with a smile and a thumbs up.

"You can count on us Naruto! We will do our best to train you with all our might while helping keep order until you are strong enough to do on your own. We can even take you on missions to help get real world experience! I assure you that we will make you grow stronger!" Toppo beamed as Naruto couldn't help but smile as he could feel the Pride Troopers would be able to help him immensely in his desire to grow stronger.

By the time the six years were up who knew how strong he'd be but he was sure he'd be strong enough to protect those who he holds dear.

-1 Year since Naruto became a GoD – 10 Months since Pride Trooper's training started-

Naruto stayed focused as he leapt back to dodge a barrage of blasts from Toppo, the leader of the Pride Troopers who was one of the people helping in his training today, before Naruto quickly reached out to grab Dyspo's fist just before he was about to hit him. He didn't waste any time before he quickly threw Dyspo towards Toppo, making the leader stop his blasts long enough for Naruto to use that as an opening to rush forward and launch a strong kick at Toppo's head only for a barrier from Cocotte to block him.

The barrier only lasted a second as he quickly followed up with a Destruction energy infused fist with just enough energy to break through it and not endanger Toppo as the punch continued towards his face, only for him to block it with a smile.

"Good, your reactions are much faster and you followed through perfectly. You weren't even slowed down when Cocotte blocked you" Toppo said as he relaxed to show the training was done for now.

"Thanks, I can finally say I'm getting the hang of things. That barrier took a bit more to destroy, you're getting stronger for sure as well Cocotte" Naruto said with a smile towards the pink haired woman who smiled back and giggled slightly.

"Thank you Naruto-sama" Cocotte said with a smile as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and blushed as Dyspo and Toppo chuckled at her.

Naruto was a bit proud of himself as he felt he was finally getting into the swing of things. Being a God of Destruction for a year and being trained by the Pride Troopers and Marcarita together for the last ten months was intense and helped a lot.

None of the Pride Troopers held back in their training with Jiren and Toppo being the toughest of the Pride Trooper with Marcarita still having the title as toughest trainer overall. She might look sweet and innocent but she was ruthless when it came to training and not holding back in order to help train him.

With their help not only was he faster and stronger than he ever thought he would be but he was able to dodge better and could control his Ki even better as well. He had even been able to create some special techniques of his own but they were still being tweaked and smoothed over.

While he trained in his God of Destruction powers he still made sure to keep up on his chakra. His control wasn't perfect but it had gotten to the point where he could form a Rasengan one handed and with help from the clones he was able to learn a lot more actual jutsu.

The Kyuubi was also a very big help and they were even able to become closer to the point where he was told its name. It had all started when he brought up its chakra.

-Flashback – A Few Months Ago-

"I should have expected this, of course you'd come around and ask for my chakra!" the Kyuubi roared as Naruto shook his head.

"That's not it! I came to ask about the seal!" Naruto yelled, interrupting it from what it was about to yell next. "The seal is supposed to gradually drain your chakra and add it to my reserves, right? I was wondering if you knew how to maybe make it so I can stop that from happening" he added, trying not to smirk or laugh as he saw the shocked look on the Bijuu's face.

"Why are you worrying about that? Shouldn't you be trying to speed up the process or something?" it asked as Naruto shook his head again.

"Well, I don't know if it was becoming a God of Destruction or you deciding to help me but it made me realize you aren't just chakra to drain from. I can feel your soul and your spirit, even sealed away in me like this. You aren't some mindless beast and you don't deserve this" Naruto said, staring up at the Kyuubi who stared back as if trying to judge the sincerity.

"I know you don't trust me Kyuubi but I want you to begin to" Naruto said as he held his hand up to the cage, focusing on the paper seal before he channeled his Destruction energy into it. "Destruction" he said as the Kyuubi watched the paper seal on the cage get vaporized and the doors open up.

"I know while you can't really take control of me so doing that didn't do too much but I hope it goes to show I don't intend to keep you caged up" Naruto said as he let the doors open up while he looked at the somewhat shocked Kyuubi who stared down at him.

"I don't intend to keep you sealed away Kyuubi, I'll look into freeing you but for now you aren't trapped only merely waiting to leave fully" he added as he turned to leave only to stop as the Kyuubi cleared his throat.

"If you're serious about this then least you can do is call me by my real name, it's Kurama…partner" Kurama said with a smirk, holding out his fist towards Naruto who couldn't help but smile and bump his fist against the out stretched fist.

"Sounds good Kurama" Naruto said as he couldn't help but smile before Kurama huffed and turned away.

"Better not leave the others waiting too long, we'll continue our training soon since with the opening of the seal we'll be able to work together even more. You'll also be able to use more of my power and since it'll be willingly given you won't be enraged anymore. I expect you to use it well" Kurama said with a smirk as Naruto nodded with a smirk of his own.

"I promise I won't disappoint" he said as he faded from their mindscape while Kurama chuckled and nodded.

"Doubt you will boy, you've already surprised me greatly so far" Kurama muttered to himself as he laid back down, smirking a bit at the now open doors to what was his cell only seconds ago.

-Flashback End-

Since then he and Kurama had worked to synchronize their connection and work together and in turn it changed the cloak from a red bubbly shroud into a full golden form that they were still working to get the feel for.

"As much as this training is going good, we have been called by the Grand Priest as Zen-Oh-sama has called in all Gods of Destruction" Marcarita said as she and Khai walked outside from the building on the Kai's planet that they all had been staying in.

"We cannot keep Zen-Oh-sama waiting" Khai said nervously as Naruto nodded and stretched a bit.

"Okay, then lets go. You all hold down the fort while we are gone" Naruto said while Toppo nodded with a salute.

"Do not worry, we will wait for you to return" Toppo said before Khai put his hands on both his and Marcarita's shoulder and transported them away.

-Zen-Oh's Palace-

Naruto kept a relaxed face as he, Marcarita, and Khai appeared in Zen-Oh's palace between the Gods of Destruction for the 10th and 12th universes. He quickly kneeled down with his angel and supreme kai as the last few Gods of Destruction showed up.

"Oh good, now that everyone is here our meeting can begin" the Grand Priest said as he looked around at the various Gods of Destruction to ensure no one was missing.

"I am curious as to why we have been called but I guess that can be answered by seeing the one in Belmod's place" a fox with three tails which surprised Kurama a bit from within him.

"Yes Liquiir, as you can see Belmod has been replaced. He was killed in battle by Naruto one earth year ago around this time. Since then Naruto has been the new God of Destruction for Universe 11" the Grand Priest said as he hovered over until he was in front of Naruto.

"How has being a God of Destruction been for you so far? Your expulsion of energy is very decent for a first time God" the Priest asked as Naruto nodded.

"Things have been good so far, they are going smoothly and with the help of Marcarita and some trusted people from my universe I've been able to destroy things while still training" Naruto said as the Grand Priest smiled and nodded.

"Good, Zen-Oh-sama wishes to speak with you later after the other gods give their reports privately" the Grand Priest said as he walked towards what Naruto figured to be Zen-Oh's chamber with a shorter God with a large bushy beard following behind him, leaving them to their own accords for the time being.

"So you are the new God for my mirrored universe" a woman said as she walked towards him with a tall yellow dressed male angel walking beside her.

The woman was slender with light brown skin, green eyes with turquoise eye shadow, red lipstick, and black hair with gold beads at the end. She wore the traditional outfit of most Gods of Destruction with a white skirt that covered a rather plump rear that was even more so than Marcarita's with a turquoise sash, and a golden small top that contained her seemingly H cup chest underneath her collar.

All in all she gave off an aura of immense power and beauty.

"Oh! Marcarita told me of mirrored universes so you must be the God of Destruction for Universe 2, it is very nice to meet you. I'm Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto said with a smile as the woman looked him over before smiling at him.

"I have to say you are better aesthetically than Belmod. My name is Heles and this is Sour" she said motioning to her angel "and you are correct, I am the God of Destruction for Universe 2. I hope to work well with you" Heles said as she looked him over as if to inspect him but he didn't feel any dark motives, more just curiosity and interest.

He though couldn't help but blush a bit as she smiled at him, her eyes meeting his before she softly stroked his cheek although it was short lived as she was called next.

"I don't know why he's even here. He killed Belmod with a lucky shot. It should go to the next strongest in the universe" a pink elephant God of Destruction said with scoff and a glare a bit after Heles left to give her report.

"Sorry you think that but I'm doing well to fit my role and I think I'm doing pretty well so far" Naruto said, not at all liking how this god was talking to him.

"I agree with Rumsshi, the brat is also getting quite cocky talking to your elder Gods of Destruction. You should be careful or we might get ticked off" a rather fat purple cat said with a cocky smirk before laughing haughtily as if he was above him.

"Rumsshi, Champa, both of you need to stop this right now. Zen-Oh-sama doesn't like us fighting amongst ourselves" a blue fish looking God of Destruction said as Rumsshi glared it down.

"Be quiet Geene, this only concerns me, Champa, and the brat" Rumsshi said as he walked up to Naruto until they were inches apart. "How about we settle this in a fight, you and me to teach you some manners brat" Rumsshi said before Champa, the fat cat patted Rumsshi on the shoulder and cockily smirked down at Naruto.

"I want in too Rumsshi, that kid needs to respect us" Champa said as Naruto narrowed his eyes, them turning red for a second before he calmed down.

"Really? Two against one doesn't seem too fair considering you have more experience than me" Naruto said as he expected some of the other Gods of Destruction to be like this. With immense power came large egos like always.

"Who said it was supposed to be fair?" Rumsshi said with a smirk before rubbing his chin in thought with his trunk. "Though I suppose if we have to bribe you to accept I guess I'll wager my angel as a bet, as will Champa" Rumsshi said, visibly shocking some of the other gods.

"W-Wait why do I have to wager my angel?" Champa asked, shocked as well before Rumsshi sent him a glare.

"It's not like they will be in any actual danger. The kid is way too weak to win and this way, since he'll have to bet his angel as well, we might get some fun out of it" Rumsshi said, leering over to Marcarita as he licked his lips.

Naruto was surprised as Marcarita quickly appeared at his side to stop his fist from going up to punch Rumsshi with an uppercut. "Do not be goaded into launching the first blow Naruto-kun" Marcarita said calmly as he relaxed his fist.

"Fine I'll bet my angel if it means I can teach the brat a lesson" Champa said as Rumsshi gave him a cocky grin.

"Well? Do you accept our terms?" Rumsshi asked as Naruto narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why should I? I don't care about putting living beings up as ante and I'm not interested in fighting either of you" Naruto said before Rumsshi grabbed him by his collar.

"Either you accept or this becomes a lot more dangerous for your universe" Rumsshi whispered in his ear, making Naruto hold in a growl as the damn elephant was basically threatening some of his worlds.

He doubted Rumsshi was going to go on a rampage but that didn't mean he couldn't sneak in without him noticing and erase planets here and there and he definitely didn't want to endanger innocent lives out there like this.

"Accept Naruto-kun" Marcarita said, causing Rumsshi to let him go.

"W-What? Why?" Naruto asked in a whisper as Marcarita merely smiled at him.

"Because you can win" she said in a way that made him feel she truly meant it. "You have something they don't" she added as she pointed to his gut, making his eyes widen.

"I agree, accept and teach those assholes a lesson. I'll be helping and won't allow you to lose. She trusts you enough to put herself in danger so to speak" Kurama said as while he knew Marcarita was immensely strong it was more the danger of being taken away then physical harm.

Naruto groaned a bit as he turned back to the two Gods of Destruction. "Fine! But I get three minutes to prepare" Naruto said as Rumsshi waved him off.

"Fine, stall all you like brat" Rumsshi said before a throat was cleared, making them turn to see the grand Priest and Zen-Oh standing nearby.

"What is this about a match?" the Grand Priest asked his calm tone sending some shivers down all their spines.

"Our Gods of Destruction decided it was worth it to wager us to fight Naruto here" a woman said as Naruto watched a tall angel walk forward.

She was taller than Marcarita, her long white hair done in a high ponytail as she wore a green angel outfit. Her chest was a bit bigger than Marcarita's at least being G cup with a rather plump rear although not as plump as his angel's.

"V-Vados! I-It was Rumsshi's idea!" Champa quickly said as Vados, the tall angel kept her attention on the Grand Priest.

"Yes, Rumsshi brought it up and pulled Champa along into it. He decided wagering us was the only way to get Naruto to agree to a two on one fight" a smaller angel said as she walked forward besides Vados.

She was much shorter than Vados with her hair down in a single braid that was pulled around to drape over her shoulder, her purple angel outfit lacking the puffy shoulders like Marcarita and Vados. She also had a much more petite figure, her chest being a medium A cup at best with a small bubbly rear.

"Oh really Cus, is this true Rumsshi?" the Grand Priest asked as Rumsshi was frozen for a second before nodding.

"I-I thought it would be a good experience for him and teach him some humility" Rumsshi tried to justify it to the eerily calm Grand Priest who did not seem happy.

"Naruto didn't want to but I urged him to accept as I believe he can win" Marcarita said as the Grand Priest looked his way, although Naruto didn't feel nearly as in danger as he did seconds ago.

"Let it happen" Zen-Oh said, surprising everyone around him as the King of All looked towards the Gods of Destruction. "So long as it is done in the arena. It will be a nice show" Zen-Oh said as the Grand Priest nodded.

"Fine, everyone! Come to the arena, it has been decided to have a match between Naruto and both Champa and Rumsshi. Angels on the line will come with me" the Grand Priest said as Naruto frowned.

"Wait, I have three minutes to prepare before that. Can Marcarita stay by me for a bit so I can consult her?" Naruto asked as the Grand Priest looked to Zen-Oh who in turn nodded.

"Fine, she will stay with you on your platform but once the three minutes are up she will be transported over to me and you will have to drop down to the arena" the Grand Priest explained as he nodded and they were teleported away.

Naruto frowned as he stared down at the large flat rectangular arena below the floating platform he now stood on with Khai and Marcarita. He noticed various other gods, kai, and angels on matching platforms while Rumsshi and Champa were down on the arena below.

"Do not worry, they won't be able to hear us here. We may talk freely" Marcarita said, getting his attention as he nodded.

"Good. So any advice on how to deal with them?" Naruto asked as he turned his back on the arena and looked towards his kai and angel. "I am kind of at a disadvantage with two on one and them having a lot more experience than me" he added while Marcarita nodded.

"Rumsshi I believe would be the one to look out for as he has a powerful roar that can render you frozen if you hear it, allowing him to charge at you and attack you. Among he and Champa he is the stronger of the two while Champa is rather average, being among middle to low tier among the other gods" Marcarita explained as he frowned as both of them were much more experienced than he was by far.

"Pierce your ear drums fully if he is about to roar, I can heal them fast enough as you can't be affected if you are deaf" Kurama advised as Naruto nodded since Kurama did offer a crazy strong healing factor which had also grown when Naruto became a God of Destruction.

"Plus neither Champa nor Rumsshi should know of chakra, right?" Khai asked before Marcarita nodded since chakra was apparently limited to only his world.

"Yes which is why I suggest using it to your advantage. Your shinobi skills will be extremely important on determining the outcome. Use stealth, surprise, and whatever else you can to get the upper hand. If this is dragged on it will be dangerous for you so try and finish fast and without taking too many hits" she said before the Grand Priest, who was on his own floating platform, in front of and to the side of Zen-Oh, rose up.

"The three minutes are nearly up, please finish up so I can explain the rules" the Grand Priest announced as Marcarita surprised him by grabbing his hands and giving them a soft squeeze as if to reassure him.

"Fight with your ally inside as I know you can win. Good luck Naruto" she said, smiling at him before kissing him on the cheek which made him blush darkly before he nodded shakily.

"I-I'll do everything I can to win. I won't lose you Marcarita, I'd never let them get their hands on you" he said before she was teleported away making him clench his fists.

"Wish me luck Khai" Naruto said as his Supreme Kai nodded.

"Good luck Naruto" Khai said with a smile before Naruto leapt off the platform, landing in front of Champa and Rumsshi.

"Good! Now let me explain the rules" the Grand Priest said as his platform lowered back down a bit. "The rules are quite simple: no flying and no killing. There is no time limit and the winner is either decided when ring out occurs or they are unable to get back up" the Grand Priest explained as he looked down at them. "Do all parties understand?" he asked as they all nodded.

"Yes Grand Priest!" they said in unison, making the Grand Priest smile before his platform moved to the side and he motioned to Zen-Oh who sat in between his two attendants. "On your mark Zen-Oh-sama" he said as Zen-Oh looked down at them before raising his hand.

"Go!" he said as Naruto quickly slammed his hands together.

'Fire Style: Hiding in Ash and Dust!' Naruto quickly thought before he blew out a large blanket of ash that spread out towards the two gods, causing them to jump back as their were quickly burnt by the mix of fire and ash before a large cloud was staying inside the center of the ring with Champa and Rumsshi on either side of it.

"Quick to hide! Seems you are a coward as well as a brat!" Rumsshi yelled before Naruto dashed out of the smoke cloud at him.

"Who said I was being a coward!" Naruto yelled as he slammed his hands together again, having done the hand seals inside the cloud before he took a deep breath and held his thumb and index finger in a circle up to his mouth. 'Water Style: Water Trumpet!' he thought before he fired a high pressured blast of water at Rumsshi.

Champa frowned as he heard combat on the other side of the cloud and was about to check it out until he smirked as Naruto dashed out of the smoke cloud. "Oh so was Rumsshi too much for you so your running to me! Big mistake!" Champa yelled as he dashed towards Naruto.

"We'll see" Naruto said with a smirk as he ducked under Champa's strike. 'Compared to Marcarita and the others Champa is slow. I should be able to do this' Naruto thought as he dashed closer to Champa, summoning a Rasengan in his hand to strike.

"I won't let you hit me with that!" Champa yelled as he leapt back only to widen his eyes as Naruto swung his arm at him and the ball in his hand flew towards him while attached to a clawed arm made out of red bubbling energy.

"And I won't let you get away!" Naruto yelled as the Rasengan crashed into Champa's stomach. "Rasengan!" Naruto yelled as he watched Champa get sent spinning away from the blast of the Rasengan.

The watchers of the fight were a bit confused as they watched the fight. "Am I seeing this right Sidra?" a yellow mouse asked as he looked over to a red bearded human looking god who nodded from another platform.

"Yes you are Quitela…there are two of those kids, one fighting Rumsshi as another is fighting Champa" Sidra said as he was a bit surprised at someone possessing a clone technique that was not only this solid but didn't divide one's power among the clones created.

"This must be one of Naruto's abilities, right Marcarita?" the Grand Priest asked as he and the other angels put up for grabs were watching.

"Yes, one of many. The people on Naruto's planet can mold the elements and do things such as creating solid clones. The elements were tricky but with some trips back to his home to 'borrow' some scrolls he's been able to become able to use multiple elements" she explained as Vados hummed in thought before they all turned back to the fight.

Champa winced as he landed, his stomach was burning from the spinning orb that had been crashed into him. It felt like he had been shredded and had a powerful blow blast through him. "W-What the hell was that!? That really hurt!" Champa complained before he felt Rumsshi's energy spike up.

"Enough!" Rumsshi yelled as he took in a deep breath, which caused Champa to widen his eyes at before quickly covering his ears, before he let out a loud piercing roar.

Naruto though was prepared as he braced himself and jammed his fingers into his ears, wincing a bit as his ear drums were ruptured before being healed once the roar was over. Though it was worth it as he was able to leap over Rumsshi as he charged at him, aiming his hand at the back of Rumsshi's head and blasting a strong Ki blast at it, causing him to fall down and create a bit of a trench due to the power of the blast.

The other Naruto took advantage of Champa being momentarily stunned by kicking him up into the air. "Na!" Naruto yelled as he launched Champa into the air with a strong kick upwards before leaping after him. "Ru!" he continued as he kicked him higher up and following after using wind manipulation to shoot him up "To!" he yelled, adding another kick to send the fat purple cat higher into the air until he slowed down. "Uzumaki Combo!" Naruto finished off as he somersaulted above Champa before slamming a heel drop kick into the god's face, sending him rocketing back down, causing the ground of the arena to shatter some due to the force, as Naruto landed safely back down.

He knew he could have used the 'Full Force Combo' but he wanted to save the Odama Rasengan for a finisher and keep it hidden against Champa.

Naruto was thankful that pillar of smoke only blocked Rumsshi and Champa's vision of one another so not only could he fight them without them figuring out his clone technique but it also didn't block Zen-Oh's view of the fight.

"I'm sick and tired of this! You are going down you brat!" Champa yelled as he pulled himself out of the crater he had formed before running at Naruto, sending a barrage of blasts that were difficult to predict due to how some were curving and some fired straight forward.

He was able to bring his arms up to block just as Champa started to launch a barrage of punches at him. Naruto focused on blocking and dodging as Champa pushed on, roaring with each strike before he surprised him by grabbing his arms.

"Have fun in hell!" Champa yelled as Naruto felt him charge destruction energy before the god blasted it directly at Naruto.

The rest of the crowd, not knowing which one was the clone, all watched in shock as Champa had broken one of the rules of the fight while also worried about the fate of him and his universe as they looked at Zen-Oh to see he was not pleased.

"Take that! That'll teach you to look down on me brat!" Champa yelled before he froze as he realized what he did.

"And this will teach you to think lowly of me!" Naruto yelled as he burst out from underground, right below Champa with his hands at his sides and palms facing up towards Champa. "Enjoy your blackout" Naruto said in a low tone as two Rasengan formed in his hand only for them to suddenly grow nearly triple their normal size.

"Odama Rasengan!" Naruto yelled as he slammed the two Rasengan into Champa, pushing them hard against him as they drilled into him before they powerfully exploded and sent Champa rocketing and spinning backwards, out of the ring, and through four of the floating pillars.

"Champa has been defeated by knock out and ring out. Only Naruto and Rumsshi remain." the Grand Priest announced making Rumsshi widen his eyes at a bit before he looked over to see another Naruto walking towards him.

"You can clone yourself?" Rumsshi asked before he buried his face in the palm of his hand with a sigh. "Of course you can. Why else wouldn't Champa be over here helping me" Rumsshi said as he looked between the two Naruto with a frown.

"You two aren't even the real ones are you?" he asked as they shook his head before they pointed to the ash cloud and dispelled in a puff of smoke.

"You know clones that are super durable instead of ones that dispel after one hit are incredibly helpful with keeping your attention so I could get two things ready" Naruto said before the cloud of ash burst away to reveal a new looking Naruto.

Everyone looked in curiosity as, due to the chakra in the cloud, they hadn't been able to sense him but once it was gone they were able to feel him again and just how much his power had spiked.

"Is this another power of his?" Vados asked this time as Marcarita nodded.

"It's a newer power of his so it isn't stable but he can use it enough to defeat Rumsshi I believe" Marcarita said as everyone was interested in Naruto's new look.

Naruto was now fully glowing in a soft orange color with the markings of his collar and banner now replaced with black magatama. His whiskers were now much thicker and his pupils being slits like a fox or a cat. His hair had even spiked up even more a bit, making it look like he had two horns.

The main interest of the Gods, besides the new glowing form of Naruto's, was the black solid yet liquid looking orb floating in Naruto's hand.

"I figured out a while ago that Ki users can't sense chakra given they don't have it. This, paired with my shinobi training, allowed me to hide a bit and surprise you both. Now since I got the time to get into this form I'll be able to finish it" Naruto said as he ran towards Rumsshi, seemingly disappearing and reappearing in front of him instantly in a burst of speed that surprised many of the gods present as they weren't expecting it from a god who had only been one for a singular earth year.

"This is our only Bijuudama! Forming another would take too long so hit him hard with it!" Kurama roared as Naruto nodded and pointed it towards Rumsshi before slamming it into him, the last remaining god not having time to react due to how fast he had appeared in front of him.

"Bijuudama!" Naruto yelled as the orb exploded, turning into a beam that blasted Rumsshi back before growing in size and continuing until Rumsshi was slammed into the barrier around the arena.

Once it was clear he won he cut off the Bijuudama, panting a bit as he faded out of his new cloaked mode due to how tiring it was to be in and how much energy a Bijuudama took to form as he still hadn't gotten it down.

"Rumsshi is eliminated by knock out and ring out as well. The winner of the match is Naruto" the Grand Priest said as his, the other God's, and Zen-Oh's platforms lowered. Marcarita smiled as she walked to his side and he could tell she was happy he had won.

The Grand Priest's smile lessened as he snapped his fingers, summoning a passed out Champa and Rumsshi back to the arena before looking to the other two angels. "Vados, Cus, please heal your now former gods so Zen-Oh-sama may have a word with them" the Grand Priest said, his tone giving Naruto a shiver before the two angels complied and healed their gods, awakening them to see the Grand Priest look down at them only for Zen-Oh to walk towards them.

"I'm not happy you two. Not only do you force Naruto into fighting you two but you bet both your angels and made Naruto bet his as well" Zen-Oh said, his usual smile gone for a straight face that made him not look the least bit happy.

"For that, and losing, I am making it where you must wait 500 earth years, given Naruto is an earthling, before you both gain a new one. Both Vados and Cus will go to Naruto since he won. If you wish to get around and if we contact you it will be through your Supreme Kai" Zen-Oh said, making Champa and Rumsshi flinch a bit before the King of All's attention was turned to solely Champa.

"You also broke a rule. You used Destruction energy with the intent of killing Naruto. For that, you will be erased" Zen-Oh said coldly as his hand glowed white before Naruto quickly stepped forward just as Zen-Oh rose his hand.

"Wait Zen-chan!" Naruto said getting Zen-Oh to stop at his name being called and all the Gods of Destruction to freeze at what Naruto just called him. "How about instead of erasing him we punish him differently" Naruto said quickly, making Zen-Oh tilt his head a bit at.

"What do you have in mind?" Zen-Oh asked, smiling as Naruto grew a big and mischievous grin before crouching down to him and whispering something in his ear that made Zen-Oh laugh, once again surprising everyone around.

"I like that" Zen-Oh said with a nod. "Okay, instead of being erased you will be forced on a diet for 500 years" he said, making Champa drop his jaw at "any food you touch will be turned into salads and fruit, if you go over a certain amount of calories in a certain span without moving around it will become glasses of water" Zen-Oh said before a loud laugh was heard until it was suddenly stopped which made Naruto chuckle a bit at.

"Naruto, Vados, Cus, and Marcarita, please come with me. Everyone else return to the main hall and wait for the Grand Priest to call you back. Rumsshi and Champa may leave though" Zen-Oh said as he teleported the two losing gods away before he teleported away with those he listed along with the Grand Priest and his attendants.

Naruto followed Zen-Oh as they arrived in his room which happened to be the same one he had first been taken to by Marcarita. He continued to follow before Zen-Oh sat down on his throne and they all stopped with Marcarita on one side and Vados and Cus on the other with the Grand Priest continuing until he was in front of them.

"Look first thing I want to say is sorry for the trouble. I didn't mean to start anything" Naruto said with a bit of a frown before Zen-Oh waved him off.

"You didn't start anything. The Grand Priest showed me everything from Rumsshi coming up to you, you being not for betting Marcarita, to even Rumsshi threatening to attack planets in your universe" Zen-Oh explained as the Grand Priest nodded.

"Nothing happens in Zen-Oh's palace without Zen-Oh and myself not knowing of it. I will say you handled the confrontation as well as the fight rather well" the Grand Priest said with a smile.

"I agree, you were really cool Naruto! Especially when you became all orange and started to glow!" Zen-Oh said with a smile making Naruto embarrassingly scratch the back of his head.

"T-Thanks but what will happen to Vados and Cus. Are they really going to be my angels alongside Marcarita?" he asked as he felt a bit bad about treating them like prizes without taking their wants into consideration.

"Oh do not worry, we do not mind being your angels. You seem quite interesting" Vados said with a smile.

"If Rumsshi was so careless to wager us then we must not be needed by either of them. We'll happily tag along with you" Cus said with a bit of a childish pout before it turned to a smile as well while Zen-Oh nodded.

"If their gods were willing to put them up for a wager so easily without contemplating it like you did then they don't need them. I'd rather they go to you who will benefit from their training most" the Grand Priest said as Zen-Oh hopped down from his throne and walked towards them.

"I want you to travel around and learn more things. You are really interesting and I want to see you get stronger. I mentioned it to Heles so Universe 2 is where you will be going first" Zen-Oh said before he snapped his fingers.

"Take this" Zen-Oh said as a purple and blue button appear for Naruto to catch. "That will bring you to me if you press the blue button and bring me to you if you press the purple. Use it if any other God has trouble with you entering their universe since I won't allow behavior like that again" Zen-Oh explained as Naruto shivered a bit at his tone despite it not being directed at him before he looked at both sides of the circular disk.

"Thanks Zen-chan, I'll be sure to keep you informed and hey, maybe if I find something you might like I'll bring it back to you, like a souvenir" Naruto said, making Zen-Oh look at him interested.

"Ooo that sounds cool! I look forward to it" Zen-Oh said with a smile and a nod before the Grand Priest smiled at them.

"Onto actual business, your Destruction energy output is at good levels and your mortal level is stable. I expect it to change more when you get more into your role as God of Destruction. Do keep up the good work and work well to get along with your two new angels" the Grand Priest said as Naruto nodded and bowed, an action his angels followed before he walked out once Zen-Oh nodded to show it was okay.

As he walked out he rubbed the back of his neck with a bit of a frown. "Well," he said as he looked at Vados and Cus "I hope to get along with the both of you" he added making the two of them smile.

"As do we. You seem most different than our former gods in both looks and personality" Cus said before they noticed another god and angel heading their way.

"Have to say that fight was interesting. I do like how you were able to convince Zen-Oh-sama to change my brother's punishment into a diet!" a skinnier looking version of Champa, dressed in blue instead of red, said as a male angel followed beside him.

"I'm Beerus, God of Destruction for Universe 7 and brother of Champa. This is Whis, my angel" Beerus said as the Whis nodded at them before turning to Vados.

"I do say it is most uncommon for multiple angels to look after a single God of Destruction. Are you okay with this outcome?" Whis asked as Vados smiled and nodded.

"Yes I quite am. You saw Naruto out there, he is most interesting having a secondary power to him other than Ki. Plus there are other reasons why he has caught my interest" she said, sending a glance towards Marcarita who was smiling beside Naruto.

"Nice to meet you both. It seems you aren't too angry about me beating your brother" Naruto said before Beerus waved it off.

"Why would I be? He brought it upon himself, same with Rumsshi" Beerus said with a smirk before he looked Naruto over. "Personally if you were able to surprise Belmod enough to kill him you deserve your title and your defeat of Rumsshi and Champa like that proves it. If you ever want to fight or anything have one of your angels get in contact with Whis as your chakra interests me a lot plus I'm curious about what your home is like" Beerus said as Naruto nodded with a smile.

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind as Zen-Oh did tell me to travel around and visit some universes. He's making me do it cause he wants to see me get stronger, which I don't mind" Naruto said making Beerus nod as if Zen-Oh wanted it then he wasn't one to argue and he didn't mind this new god getting stronger.

If he could surprise Champa and Rumsshi at his current level then him growing would make things more interesting for sure.

"Well if you ever want a look through my universe I know a few places with some good food and in turn maybe you could show me some of your universe's food" Beerus suggested as Naruto was curious of other planet's food since while on the Kai's planet they were able to replicate his home's food- although Marcarita banned him from ramen only.

"That actually sounds interesting as I have been interested in food from other planets. I'll contact you when I have some time" Naruto said before Whis' staff chimed, signaling they were next to be called in.

"Well, until then" Beerus said with a nod before they walked off.

"Ah good you two haven't left yet" Heles said as Naruto turned to see her walking towards him with a smile. "Zen-Oh-sama told me how he wanted you to travel around to grow stronger and suggested my universe as your first stop. Personally I am thrilled to show you the beauty of my universe" Heles said with a smile as she crossed her arms under her chest as Naruto smiled.

"Well I look forward to being shown around. I hope it isn't much of a trouble" he said making her laugh and wave it off before cupping his cheek again.

"Nonsense, showing beauty to others is always a wondrous thing. I will have Sour contact one of your angels to know where to arrive at when I decide it is the best time as I must arrange a good show for you" Heles said as Naruto nodded with a blush before she let go of his cheek and he watched her and her angel walk off, a subtle sway to her hips before a Kai walked over to them and teleported them away but not before she looked over her shoulder and waved to him.

"We should be off as well, you still have training to do today" Marcarita spoke up, bringing him out of the blush Heles brought upon him, as Khai walked back to them once Marcarita waved him over.

"How has his training been so far?" Vados asked, curious as to how he's been doing to get him to a level to get one over on two gods of destruction. She knew a lot of it had relied on his chakra and shinobi skills, something which she'd ask about later, but those alone wouldn't account for his strength and speed during that fight.

"He has been training essentially non-stop every day since he became a God of Destruction. We have a six year time frame for the most part before he wishes to return to his home planet and I wish for him to be much stronger by then. His clones and other teachers help a lot" Marcarita explained as Cus smiled and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Sounds like he's diligent, that's very good. I look forward to training him with Vados as well" Cus said as Naruto remembered both Vados and Cus were the strongest beings in their universes so he just got himself two more strong teachers.

"Yes, training will be most interesting. Though Cus and I will need to gauge his strength first to see how far he needs to go" Vados said as Marcarita nodded, Naruto paling a bit as he remembered Marcarita's gauging and how sore he was from it.

"Well, let us be off" Khai said as everyone put a hand on his back and he transported them back home.

-Kai Planet-

Naruto felt nice to be back, still exhausted from his fight with Champa and Rumsshi but he knew he couldn't rest.

"Ah, good to see you've returned…and with two more than you left with it seems" Toppo said with a raised eyebrow as Naruto chuckled and started to explain things to him and the Pride Troopers present.

"I did not know meetings among the Gods of Destruction were like that" Toppo said as he crossed his arms.

"Normally they are not but there are occasions like these as Zen-Oh-sama bans all fighting between gods except for fights he sets up or if they are training spars without malicious intent" Vados explained as for the most part, if gods had beef with each other, they just adamantly ignored each other and were rude. Not even after Beerus ruined the All Universe Hide and Seek Tournament did the other gods attack Beerus, just keeping a grudge for his actions during it.

"That was the first fight between Gods of Destruction for a good several hundreds of years though it isn't every day that a god is killed and replaced. It also is the first time multiple angels have been given to one god. I have to say things will be interesting from here on" Cus said with a smile as Toppo smiled at the two angels while Naruto nervously went over to Marcarita.

"Hey Marcarita, can we talk for a moment, alone?" he asked as she rose an eyebrow but nodded before turning to the others.

"Please excuse us for a moment, while we are gone you may ask the Pride Troopers of Naruto's training" Marcarita suggested before she followed Naruto into the house they had been staying on during their prolonged stay on the Kai's planet.

"What is it you wish to talk about?" Marcarita asked as he frowned.

"You know what Marcarita" he said, scratching his cheek nervously before Marcarita smiled softly at him and nodded with a giggle.

"Yes but it is rather interesting to see you get shy. You want to know why I kissed you on the cheek, right?" she asked as he nodded, rubbing his arm a bit as he blushed which only made her giggle more.

"To be honest Naruto…I don't know for sure," Marcarita said as with a sigh "we Angels don't have emotions fully like other beings, or more so we shouldn't be able to grow to feel them. We are born to serve our Gods of Destruction and nothing else" she added with a slight frown.

"When I saw those two waiting for you below and the danger of being taken away from you I was…worried. I wanted to do something to urge you to win. I just…am not sure why my body drove me to kiss you on the cheek like that…please give me some time to figure things out before I answer" she said, looking down at the floor before she perked up as she felt Naruto gently take her hand in his.

"It's okay Marcarita you don't have to rush. This is new for you so I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he said, smiling at her before she squeezed his hand softly.

"Thank you Naruto, you are very kind. I am grateful to be your angel" she said, giving him a sincere smile that made him blush a bit before he nodded and coughed into his fist.

"We should get back to the others since they are patiently waiting outside" Marcarita said before she let go of his hand and walked out of the house with him following behind, calming his blush from everything.

"After hearing things from the others I have to say this chakra of yours interests me. Ki is the energy of the universe and while you now possess access to Ki it seems chakra is still inside you" Vados said as she walked over to him. "I want to learn more about this from you before Cus and I train you" she added as Cus nodded beside her.

"If we are to also be your angels and train you then we wish to know what we will be working with. I hope you look forward to our training as, like Marcarita, it will be intense to fit this six year limit" Cus said while Naruto smiled with a nod.

One year ago nearly to the day he was without any kind of serious teacher and now not only was he a God of Destruction but also was surrounded by strong warriors like the Pride Troopers but now he not only had one powerful Angel to teach him but had gained two more.

"I'm ready for anything you have in store for me. I'm determined to become stronger so I can protect those closest to me" Naruto said getting a smirk from various people around.

"Good, then let us begin with chakra" Vados said, curious to see just how her new god would surprise her.

-Chapter End-

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


