80% My Marvel Reincarnation. / Chapter 16: God Mode

章 16: God Mode

Hey all, sorry for not uploading last week, some real life shit came up and I had to deal with that and afterwards I needed to take a week off, mental health is important guys, and burnout is very real.

I'm not cancelling the story, abandoning it or going on hiatus, I just may take longer to upload from time to time. With that said, here's the newest chapter, enjoy.


[First Person POV]

It was May and I had been having a hard time over the last 2 months trying to find the elusive blue shape-shifter.

Who would've thought, finding a shape shifter is a difficult task, but it was a task that Selene and I were up to and we'd finally got a hit off one of the many, Many, MANY! Law enforcement departments we were tapped into.

In Washington a hit had taken place and no one could figure out how the prominent senator and blatant metahuman hater was killed, later that same day his head of security was found dead in his home.

According to coroners the head of security been dead for 2 days but everyone swore they saw him and some even spoke with him earlier that same day before their client was killed.

After reading the reports and having Selene double check all the facts and evidence I had her comb through all the security camera footage in the area and eventually we hit pay dirt.

A person that looked an awful lot like the deceased head of security was caught on security camera walking down a nearby street and ducking into an alleyway.

We switched camera views and based on the pace of the persons walking Selene predicted when they would exit the alleyway.

The person who walked out was a beautiful blond haired woman that had a striking resemblance to Jennifer Lawrence, only this one was built like an Instagram model.

"Gotcha" I say while staring at the freeze frame of the woman, "Selene, can you track where she is now"? I ask.

"Compiling footage of this woman now" Selene said, "This could take a few minutes, we aren't in England with their security camera fetish" she informed me.

"Alright, I'm gonna go take a long hot shower" I say and make my way into my lairs personal rooms.

An hour later I make my way back out of my rooms from the record shower I had taken. "How's it goin Selene"? I ask as I make my way towards my lab/workspace.

"Still compiling and extrapolating the data, I should have her location in 29 minutes 32 seconds", she answered.

"That's very specific, anyway I'm gonna work on what I want my Superman appearance to look like" I tell her. "You want me to have some sculpting clay delivered"? Selene replies.

"Nah I wanna do this on a pc, partition some of your processing ability to help", I order as I make my way to my workshop/lab computer.

"So how're we going to do this"? The partition of Selene asks me, "Okay this should be nice and easy for both of us" I start.

"Selene go to personal files marked "Supermen"" I order and quickly the file comes up on screen. In the file were photo-realistic drawings I'd made of every actor that played or could have played Superman in my old world as well as comic book renditions of the character as well.

There were 3 drawings of each person/character in 3 different angles, the 1st was front on, the 2nd was from the back, and the 3rd was side on.

"Okay now scan each drawing and extrapolate a 3 dimensional model for each person and comic book rendition" I order.

Shortly after 3d models filled the screen, each one was a model for what many people would call peak renditions of the male form. Each 3d human model was masculine, handsome and looked physically powerful.

Each 3d comic based model was a man with a handsome face and a god-like body, even for this more comic book MCU I'm in, these guys would stand out.

Looking at each model I was happy with how they came out and decided to go to the next stage. "Now take each model and merge them into one person, make it as aesthetically pleasing as you can. Project the process in life sized hard-light projections", I ordered the partition of my A.I.

I turn around from the computer and all the life sized 3d models were being projected in the room behind me.

From here they all seemed to fly towards a center point among them and what looked like a store mannequin was standing in front of me before it slowly stared to change.

The skin became more life-like and vibrant; it was a healthy, lightly tanned Caucasian skin color without one mark on it.

Next the torso, arms and legs slowly started to expand, contract and change. When the body form was finalized it looked like a god had taken human form.

If there was one thing this body screamed, it was power. But it wasn't as if it was built like a Mr Olympia… unless you count old-school Arnie, either way this body was powerful, perfectly proportioned and aesthetically as close to perfect as you could get.

Then came the face and it was no different in the feeling it gave off when looking at it. A strong jawline, high cheek bones, and a square chin were the first things to form.

By the time the head fully formed I was looking at my future form and I was very happy. This form was amazing and the face would captivate anyone who looked at it.

There was one change I wanted to make tho, the blue eyes, I wanted this form to radiate "Power" in people's minds.

With that thought in mind I had the partition change the color a few times based on what I was thinking might look good, nothing was really working till I had an idea.

"Change the iris color to look like liquid gold" I order Selene's partition. With some minor adjustments I was looking at a form that stood as tall as me but was very different.

"Perfect" I say while looking over the form, "Damn, good work Lex" Selene says as she reabsorbs her partition. "Couldn't have done it this quickly without your help" I reply.

"So does this mean you have a location"? I ask her as I save the 3d model then make my way back to the main hub of my lair, "Yep got a lucky hit, location is on the main terminal" she replies.

"Good, have a couple of our pradium nanites reach her location and enter her blood stream just in case we lose her", I order.

'Time to get one of the best stealth abilities in the Marvel Universe' I think to myself with a barely perceptible grin.


[First Person POV]

My pradium nanites form my bat-suit around me except for the helmet as I walk towards the main terminal of my lair and look at all the tracking information Selene has displayed.

Mystique was currently in a penthouse suite "laying low". I'm not 100% sure what version of Mystique I was dealing with so I would decide what to do with her after I thoroughly read her mind.

Once I'd gotten enough information I stepped into the mirror dimension, had my helmet form and then opened a portal into the blue shape-shifters penthouse suite.

As I step into the suite I release more nanites into the normal world from the mirror dimension. It was a handy way to scout an area for enemies and traps before exiting the safety of the mirror dimension.

A short time later I had reviewed all of the nanites findings and deemed it was safe, I had the nanites lock down the suite and block all communications before stepping out of the mirror dimension.

In front of me, sitting on a plush couch was the blue woman herself, Mystique, I hit her in the neck with a tranq dart that quickly put her to sleep.

I had noticed lately that unless I was feeling inclined to do so, talking to people wasn't something I went out of my way to do, especially with criminals, no matter how hot they are.

I wasted no time and attempted to delve into her mind to see what kind of person I was dealing with but received a bit of a surprise instead.

Mystique had natural psychic defenses due to her metamorphic abilities; it would take considerable effort and strain for Charles to get into her mind, not me tho.

I charged the speedforce through my brain, supercharging my mental faculties and by extension my mental abilities.

I basically phased through her mental defenses like I would a wall and made my way into the mind of Raven Darkholme.

She was a complicated woman who had loved and suffered betrayal and was, by my estimates, at least as old as Logan (Wolverine is over 120yrs old).

There was a lot of damage in here, not brain damage, but a kind of mental scarring. This woman had seen and been through a lot and now it was starting to affect her mind detrimentally.

If I were just to leave this woman would eventually join the Brotherhood or would create it herself. While she preferred the new term metahuman to describe people like her there was still a lot of mistrust and hate.

This woman was 1 or 2 steps away from becoming what in her mind she would call, "a freedom fighter", but in reality she'd be a domestic terrorist who would do more damage to the metahuman cause than help.

Witnessing what she had over her lifetime had left scars on her psyche, scars that I quickly decided to fix. It may have been invasive but this woman wasn't beyond redemption and fixing these scars would be the first step to her healing.

It was a few hours later when I exited the unconscious meta-morphs mind, the scars were gone and all her trauma was compartmentalized in a way that would let her come to grips with her past and if my calculations are right, and they always are, drive her to be a better person and hopefully become a leading example for other metas.

Was it manipulative? Absolutely, would it help her immensely and cause more good than bad? Absolutely, people can say what they want about my methods but this woman would now heal, come to terms with her life and move on down a better path in life.

I left a note on the coffee table in front of her with Xavier's business card attached to it, the note simply said; If you want to live a better life, find him. I knew she saw my Batman visage just before she lost consciousness so I left an imprint of my bat-symbol at the bottom, like a signature.

I made my way back to my lair; I was running this time as I felt like stretching my legs. The views I took in on my way back to New York were amazing, I was always a sucker for good scenery so I took the scenic route.

Just outside of the city I went into the mirror dimension and made my way back to the lair. I'd been doing this ever since I realized it was another level of security that would making finding my lair that much harder.

I blasted into my lair and stepped out of the mirror dimension, my suite quickly changed to lounge clothes.

"What did you do in her mind? The suit readings indicated you were standing still and staring at her for a long time", Selene said as a "welcome back".

"I fixed her mental trauma, changed some things around and gave her some tools to help her going forward", I answered as I grabbed a can of grape soda, I may not need to eat or drink but I still can if I choose to.

"Changed some things around"? Selene asked sceptically, "I just put some things into perspective for her, it wasn't really a change, just a way to view certain things from a different angle" I explained.

"Oh, okay fair enough, and you think it'll work"? She further questioned, "Absolutely, I'm fairly certain the next time we see her she'll be with the X-Men… Thank god Charles isn't a massive dick in this universe" I reply with a devil may care attitude.


[First Person POV]

The days passed by and things took their intended course, Ivan Vanko attacked Stark at the Circuit de Monaco and then was beaten and arrested.

He was broken out of prison and then Iron Man 2 happened, I didn't get involved because I wasn't needed, I watched the final fight in camouflage mode and saved people without their knowledge using the speedforce, there was no young kid in an Iron Man mask that needed to be saved this time.

Other than that I just enjoyed watching the movie in person and it sure didn't disappoint, I may be a ridiculously powerful being but watching an action scene with guns, lazers and explosions will always be awesome.

In the end Vanko was beaten, Hammer was arrested, I had an enjoyable evening of entertainment, and best of all no one was badly injured… Except Vanko, he exploded.

With things wrapped up here I head for New Mexico, there were reports of a satellite falling from the sky there, it looked like Thor was about to arrive.

I change into my Superman form and with golden electricity charging through my eyes I take flight and head towards the crash site and the next step in my plans to attain more power.


[Third Person POV]

Thor was surprisingly enjoying his time as a mortal, or to be more accurate, he was enjoying being with Jane Foster.

The beautiful brunette with an I.Q. equally as impressive had captivated the former Asgardian prince but just as he was starting to accept his new life when Sif and the Warriors 3 turned up during breakfast.

Thor was overjoyed to see them but the news they brought confused and saddened him, because if what they said was true, his father was alive and Loki was intending to take the throne and eliminate the both of them.

Thor could not believe what he was hearing yet it made sense, and then his worst fears were realized when the Bifrost delivered the Destroyer.

Large beams of pure destructive Odin force blasted out of the Destroyers opened face plate, nothing stood in the way of its targets and it had been told to "Destroy everything" by the acting king of Asgard, Loki.

Thor and his friends quickly made a plan, Sif and the Warriors 3 would fight the Destroyer while the now mortal Thor, Jane, her friend and mentor Eric Selvig, and her assistant Darcy would help get the people out of the town and away from the Destroyers wrath.

Dread filled the stomachs of all the mortals in the group and a sense of excited foreboding filled Sif and the Warriors 3 as the watched the Destroyer make its way towards them and it's true target, Thor..

Cars, buildings, even a petrol station were targets for the unfeeling death machine as it brought carnage the likes of which humans had not seen since the Asgard-Jotunheim war in Tonsberg, Norway in 965 A.D.

Sif and the Warriors 3 had a plan of attack and it seemed to have worked as Sif was able to stab the Destroyer through the back of its neck and out the front, nailing it to the ground with her spear.

Their elation quickly changed to worry and fear as the Destroyer reactivated and easily freed itself from the spear holding it in place and proceeded to fire Odin force beams at the 4 Asgardians.

They were trying to beat a hasty retreat but the Destroyer separated Sif from the Warriors 3 and as they were running to help her, the Destroyer fired its beam in-between Sif and her friends, blasting them in opposite directions.

Sif smashed into a car, which caused her to cart-wheel over its hood and into a brick wall. The Warriors 3 were launched through a Coffee shops front window and through the counter inside.

Things were looking grim for Thors friends, he wanted to help but there was nothing he could do as he was running to check on his friends who were limping out of their various crash sites the all heard a boom.

The sound of the speed barrier being broken, they all looked up in the sky and a black blur with golden electricity trailing it flew into the Destroyers chest like a cannonball.

*GONG* *BOOM* resounded loudly throughout the town, it sounded like something made of a heavy metal struck the Destroyers with A LOT of force.

The Destroyer went through 3 buildings and hit the ground hard, the impact causing dust and debris to go flying. The town by now had been completely evacuated so thankfully no one was hurt.

Thor and his friends came together in the street and looked at the black and gold being floating in the air, looking at where the Destroyer had fallen.

In the distance Jane, Eric and Darcy watched what had happened, "What the hell was that"?! Yelled Darcy, "I don't know, maybe it was a bird" Jane replied with fearful sarcasm, "It was a plane more than likely" Eric gave his opinion.

Thor, Sif and the Warriors 3 were discussing their theories when suddenly the figure turned and looked at them before making its way down to talk to them.

As the figure, now confirmed to be that of a man, landed in front of them many thoughts were running through the 4 Asgardian natives' heads.

'Big', thought the large bellied Volstagg.

'Imposing', thought the goddess of War, Lady Sif.

'Power beyond reason', thought the ever serious Hogun.

'I really hope we don't have to fight this guy', thought Fandral, worried about his friends.

Thor took the man in; he was tall, easily taller than Thor who stood at an impressive 6'3", he had black short hair that seemed to stay in perfect position, much like Fandrals. He had eyes as gold as the throne room of Asgard and a kind yet masculine face.

Women would call him handsome, with his square jawline and high, yet somehow masculine cheekbones and clean shaven face.

He had wide shoulders that tapered down to his waist giving him the form of an upside down arrowhead (V).

He was heavily muscled yet they all seemed to be in perfect proportion to each other and screamed "Power & Strength"!

The suit he was wearing was black and gold, and looked like something royalty from an advanced humanoid-alien species would wear.

It was all black with gold accents including a gold bird head on each shoulder (Think Homelanders eagle-head shaped shoulder pauldrons from the tv show) with no gloves or headwear.

A black cape with a brushed matt gold inner lining completed the impressively armoured, yet somehow skin tight suit.

"What do you want with us? Who are you"? Thor asked the man without showing a hint of fear, although he did keep glancing to where the Destroyer was launched.

The man seemed to take a second, almost as if he was experiencing something for the first time and said, "I need you to get these people to safety, I'll hold that thing off as long as I can" the man answered in a deep, smooth voice that almost echoed when he spoke.

'He sounds like father when he talks with his Odin force infused into his voice' thought Thor before feeling down that he couldn't be of more help.

Before he could say anything else the sounds of rubble moving could be heard, the 6 of them all looked over and watched as the Destroyer picked itself up and walked out of the rubble that used to be a building.

It looked over at the group of people, but seemed to be intent on the new black and gold garbed man. It began to run towards them surprisingly fast so the mystery man looked at Thor and said, "I'm Superman, and I'm here to help, Now RUN"!

They watched as the man now named Superman flew towards the destroyer and proceeded to trade blows with it while avoiding its Odin force beams.

Thor, Sif and the Warriors 3 made their way out of the battle zone and towards Jane, Eric and Darcy. When they reached them Jane ran into Thors arms and they turned to watch the fight that was happening.

Massive blows were traded between the enchanted Uru monstrosity and the flying man, they appeared to be pretty even with the advantage of speed going to Superman.

Superman wailed into the Destroyers face with 3 strong blows, right, left, right, sending the destroyer back down the street.

However when Superman went to fly after it to deliver another punch it suddenly dug its feet into the ground and kept its balance while stopping its backward momentum.

Then to the horror of everyone watching, the Destroyers chest opened and an Odin force beam 4 times bigger than its face beam blasted into Superman full force, sending him rocketing over the large group's heads, through several buildings and into a plateau on the outskirts of the town.

Everyone felt their hearts sink, thinking the Superman fellow must surely be dead. Thor clenched his jaw and put Jane at an arm's length, "It's going to be okay Jane, I promise" he said to the woman that had captured his heart before kissing her passionately.

"This is really not the best time"! Yelled darcy as she watched tho two. Everyone looked at them as Thor and Jane separated, "Sif, am I still your prince"? Thor suddenly asked Lady Sif.

"Always your highness" she answered without pause, "Good" said Thor as he gently pushed Jane into Sif, "Hold her back and get everyone out of here, I'm going to finish this" he said before adding, "And that's an order" before anyone could object.

Sif and the Warriors 3 knew what Thor was doing and decided not to fight him on this; he earned their trust, and a warrior's death. Sif, Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg all nodded their compliance to their prince and took Eric, Darcy and the struggling and screaming Jane away from Thor.

Thor walked down the street towards the behemoth, completely defenseless. "Brother... for whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am sorry. But these people have done nothing to you. They are innocents". Thor pleaded to Loki, knowing he was watching through the Destroyer.

He came to a stop in front of the Destroyer and spread his arms out to his sides and continued speaking, "Take my life, and know I will never return to Asgard".

The Destroyer seemed to hesitate for a second before it backhanded Thor down the street and into the side of a car.

A sickening crunch was heard and Jane, Sif and the others all looked in horror as their friend, brother, and in one case potential lover took his final breath.

"NOOO"! Screamed Jane as she tried to run to her loves side, only to be held back by Eric, "There's nothing you can do Jane, he's gone" Eric said sadly while holding Jane back from getting herself killed.

A Raven watched from a nearby rooftop, while in a gilded royal bedroom a single tear ran down a sleeping Odins cheek.

Everyone watching was sad and horrified by what they saw but it appeared it wasn't over yet. The destroyer made its way over to Thor.

It bent over, looking at Thors body, its face plate opened and fiery orange light was making its way up the destroyers throat towards the opening, with the intent to utterly vaporise what was left of the fallen prince.

As it was about to unleash the fiery blast it was smashed backwards by a gold lightning covered fist, Superman was back and evidently pissed.

As Superman flew after the Destroyer a massive bolt of blue lightning struck down from the sky into Thors body blinding everyone with the intense light it threw out.

As things cleared and everyone got their sight back they were awed by what they saw, "Oh. My. God" Jane said as she looked on at her resurrected love, and the god of thunder Thor, standing in his battle armor with Mjolnir in his hand.

Thor looked at his friend and smiled before turning towards Superman and the Destroyer fighting and launched himself into the fray.

As he was in the air another massive bolt of lightning struck his hammer charging it greatly, Superman saw this and distracted the destroyer until it was too late for it to dodge Thor.

"AHHH" Thor yelled out as he brought the hammer down on the back of the Destroyers head. A massive metallic bang resounded throughout the wrecked town and the Destroyer slammed into the ground with force.

Superman was next to Thor before he realised it and said, "Welcome back Thor, listen, I need you to fly into the sky and charge up your most powerful attack, I'll do the same and together we should be able to beat this thing".

Thor didn't have time to argue, "Aye, just get the destroyer up there" he replied before spinning Mjolnir by the strap at the base of the handle and launching himself into the air.

Superman turned to the Destroyer and while Thor was concentrating charging up he proceeded to wail on the Destroyer in an attempt to keep it down and as soon as he felt it was time he quickly grabbed the Destroyer between the gaps in its armor and flew into the sky with great speed.

As Superman was flying it appeared he was charging up as well and thick golden ropes of electricity started to surround his body.

"NOW"! Shouted Thor as he watched Superman flying up with the Destroyer beneath him, Superman telegraphed his arm backwards and then launched the Destroyer high into the air above both he and Thor like he was throwing a baseball.

"DO IT"! Yelled Superman just as he threw massive golden lightning bolts out of his hands towards the Destroyer above him and Thor summoned massive lightning strikes from the sky towards the Destroyer below him.

Light seemed to engulf the sky as the two attacks hit the Destroyer simultaneously, then the massive boom came and a shockwave that was felt miles below them back in the destroyed town and its surroundings.

"Woah" said Darcy as she watched the gold and blue lightning strikes hit the destroyer from below and above.

They all took cover when Sif and the Warriors 3 warned them of the shockwave incoming; the building that they were in was barely touched by the battle so they felt safe enough in the concrete and brick structure.

The building rattled and shook when the shockwave hit it but other than some dust falling from the ceiling nothing bad happened.

After the explosion there was an eerie silence, "Is it over"? Jane asked no one in particular, "I think so" answered Sif.


[First Person POV – Lex]

That was an awesome battle! Holding back sucked but Thor needed to get his powers back, and if I thought getting the boost from Sif and the Warriors 3 was good, his was ridiculous.

There were definitely levels to Asgardian "divinity", at best Sif and the warriors 3 were minor gods, maybe even just demigods, either way Thor was definitely a higher tier god.

I remember reading Thor was half-Asgardian, half-Elder God and it appears he was in this universe as well. I got the expected benefits of Thors peak Asgardian physiology, but the spark of divinity that lit in my soul was unexpected.

The Elder God half of Thor was absorbed and copied perfectly, sparking my own divinity as an elder god along with an Asgardian domain I couldn't discern yet.

I'd never tried crack or heroine but that feeling has got to be way more potent than any high they could give.

Thank God I mastered both my body and mind and was able to keep a level head despite feeling like I just wanted to lie down and melt into a big comfy puddle.

But after that initial "hit" of power I calmed down quickly and lead the battle to its slightly altered conclusion. I thought maybe I'd get Thors thunder domain but I guess it wasn't entirely physical and reading his mind as he used it gave me no clues.

So it looks like I have my own domain to discover now but before any of that can happen I gotta get to Asgard and get an Odin force power boost.

I watch as Thor flies over to his love and his friends and quickly gather some pieces of the Destroyer that had fallen to the ground.

During the fight I'd constantly been scanning and studying the Destroyer using the speedforce. Later in the fight I was pumping the divine energy from the Elder God spark into my eyes, allowing me to view all the enchantments that were covering the destroyer.

Odins verbal enchantments were wonders to look at as the language they appeared as through my "God Vision" was unlike anything I had seen before, they were fascinating and I immediately memorised and categorised every single one of them.

In any case I'm hoping I can use the speedforce as well as a massive power boost to phase through Odins mental fortress and absorb all his vast knowledge, it was unlikely but I'd still give it a go.

What I was confident about was getting my own "Odin force", it was a power unique to him and from everything I could discern was not a domain, but a physical manifestation of his power which would explain his need for the "Odinsleep", his body needed the rest and his power needed to recharge.

I once again get out of my own head which in reality was only 1 or 2 seconds and sent the Destroyer pieces I had taken through a quickly made portal into my lab where Selene would get to work on making stocks of ore.

She would also runs scans on the Destroyer ore and compare them to scans of Mjolnir I will take covertly right now to see if it's Uru like I expected.

I fly over to Thor and company who were all trading happy words of relief that he was alive and back to his godly self.

They all look over at me as I come down for a solid yet gentle landing and make my way over to them with a kind smile on my face.

"That was something else" I say as I reach the group, "Nice to meet you all, I'm Superman" I continue as a look down at them, physically I mean, I think this form is almost 7 feet tall, probably closer to 6'8".

"Yeah you are" Darcy says without thinking, prompting me to look at her with an amused smile on my face which quickly made her look away, embarrassed she actually said that out loud.

"Don't mind her, I'm Dr. Jane Foster" Jane introduces herself then points to her endler friend, "That's Dr. Eric Selvig" and finally she nods at Darcy and says, "And the horn dog is my assistant Darcy" with clear amusement in her voice at Darcy's embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you Dr. Foster, Dr. Selvig, Horn dog" I say as I nod to each of them with a restrained chuckle to Darcy who quickly looked away again in embarrassment.

I decide to leave her alone and introduce myself to the Asgardians standing next to the humans and with them in Thors case.

"Friend Superman, as much as I would like to stay and parlay with you we must return to Asgard, it is in danger, Loki must be stopped" Thor tells me after our quick exchange of introductions.

"I'm coming with you, I've read of Loki and if he's after the throne then who knows what he's prepared to do" I say trying to brute force my way into a trip to Asgard.

Thor gives me a contemplative look for a second and says, "Very well Superman, you were of great aid to me and my allies, your presence would greatly ease the task we have ahead of ourselves".

The a great feeling of relief when he says that and a give him a serious nod and offer a handshake, Thor extends his hand and grabs me by the forearm in a warriors handshake giving me a serious nod in return.

We let go simultaneously and Sif, the Warriors 3 and I make our way to a clear area off to the side and wait for Thor.

"What are you"? Lady Sif asks me in genuine curiosity, there's no heat or demand in her voice so I decide to answer.

"There's no words for what I am" I answer in a calm yet serious voice before looking down at her face and smiling warmly, "But you can call me a friend" I continue.

Sif unconsciously and automatically smiles back and says, "It's good to have your aid in our time of need Superman".

"You're welcome Lady Sif, here comes Thunderpants now" I say with a grin on my face, she chuckles at my nickname for Thor but quickly schools herself back into the perfect warrior as Thor reaches us.

He gives us all a nod after making eye contact with each of us to determine we were ready for the task ahead. He turns around and looked up at the sky and yells, "Heimdall! Open the Bifrost"!

Nothing happens and for a moment I'm confused until I remember that the Ice Giants have probably frozen him.

"Thor yell louder! He may be unconscious, but he can still hear you right"? I say to Thor who gives a nod and yells even louder, "HEIMDALL!!! ASGARD NEEDS YOU!!! OPEN THE BIFROST"!!!

There's a moment of quiet calm after he yells when suddenly in front of the group a beam of multi-coloured light strikes into the ground with force, blowing dust and wind in all directions.

As we look at the light Coulson makes his way over to us and says to Thor, "Donald... I don't think you've been completely honest with me", there was no accusation or anger in his voice, just dry wit that even the Sahara would be jealous of.

"Know this, son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, count me as your ally", says Thor before looking at Jane and continuing. "If you return the items you have stolen from Jane Foster".

"Not stolen. Borrowed" replies Coulson. Jane shoots him a look so Coulson quickly says to her, "You'll get your equipment back. You're going to need it to continue your research... which, after today's events, SHIELD would like to fully sponsor, if that's all right with you"?

Jane looks happy and gives the Shield agent a nod before looking back to her love. Thor takes Jane's hand and kisses it tenderly. She looks at him, her eyes filled with the fear that she may never see him again.

"Whatever fate lies before me, you are part of it", Thor says before he takes her in his arms and kisses her passionately.

After their heartfelt kiss Thor, the Asgardians and I leap into the Bifrost.

We exited the Bifrost and immediately say Heimdall slumped over his post half dead. Thor immediately goes to his friend to check on him.

"How's he doing"? I ask with concern, "He is in need of a healer" Thor replies as he looks to his friends, "Get him to the healing room! Leave my brother to me" he says before running out the door.

I walk over to Heimdall and immediately get a copy of his acute senses that will allow me to view and listen as far as creation.

I quickly delve into his mind with my speedforce enhanced mind and grab his ability to use his super powered acute senses, locations of planets and people etc. as well as his knowledge of Allspeak.

This all happens before Sif and the Warriors 3 get to his side, I stand up from my crouched position and say, "I'll help Thor" before I blur out of the Bifrost Observatory and into the air towards the royal palace.

Using Heimdalls ability I view all of Asgard that wasn't hidden to this particular power and make my way towards Odins chambers.

As I'm on my way to the palace I spot Thor being blasted through the outer wall and fall into a reflective pool down below.

Knowing he would be ok I make my way up to the correct floor and look through the hole Thor made. I quickly make my way inside but Loki is nowhere to be found.

I quickly use my speedforce to get back to the Rainbow Bridge and wait for the false kind to arrive.

I don't have to wait long as coming down the bridge is Loki on horseback who quickly comes to a halt 10 yards (10 meters) in front of me.

"Who are you and why did you get involved in business not your own"? Loki questions me in a demanding tone.

"Superman, nice to meet you" I reply flippantly before continuing, "And I got involved because I don't like piss-ant wannabe gods trying to destroy shit on my planet".

"How dare you talk to me like that you pathetic little mortal"! Loki spews at me with vitriol. "You're mortal as well little prince, don't mistake your longevity for immortality" I reply.

Loki looks like he swallowed something sour being reminded that he wasn't an actual immortal god by what he assumed was a mortal with super powers.

Loki points Gungnir at me and says, "I AM a God you insignificant bug"! and fires a beam of what I assume is Odin force at me.

I see the beam coming but I know I won't hurt me, so it was time to scare Loki into submission.


[Third Person POV]

A bright beam of pure Odin force contained within Gungnir slams into the tall muscular mans chest and a blinding light is given off at the point of impact.

Loki feels a sense of elation thinking he killed the loud mouthed mortal. That elation quickly turned to shock when the light faded and the Superman was still standing there, completely unharmed.

"That's not possible. Even if you survived that should have blasted you into the cosmos" Loki stated in disbelief that his opponent was fine.

"There's a lot you don't know Loki, one of those things is knowing who you should and shouldn't fuck with", Superman replied with a very serious look on his face.

Then in front of Loki's eyes the man disappeared, like he blinked out of existence. "Today. You're gonna learn", Loki hear in his ear from behind.

Turning as fast as he could with Gungnir in his hand I an attempt to stab the man behind him he was met with a punch to the face.

*Pain* It was all Loki could feel in his left cheek and his head as it swam from the force of the blow he had received.

Loki sat up and looked to where his opponent was and saw he was a good 220 yards (201 meters) away from him.

Quickly wiping away the blood dripping from his lip Loki stood up in shaky legs he was about to return the attack when he spotted Thor land next to the man he had developed a deep hatred of and decided to finish his plan first.


[First person POV - Lex]

I look over at Thor as he lands next to me, "How're you doing"? I ask him, he looks pissed. "I am fine Superman, leave Loki to me. This is family business" Thor replies as he flies towards Loki who had run inside the Bifrost, still intent on destroying Jotunheim.

The Bifrost activated before Thor got there and his fight with Loki went much like the movie. I made my way over to him as he decided he needed to destroy the Bifrost.

"I'm sorry Superman, but it's the only way" he says to me after explaining what was happening in a very quick and Thor-like manner.

"I'll help, what do we need to do"? I ask, "Just break the bridge and the Bifrost will fall into oblivion" Thor replies.

I immediately walk forward and throw a half-assed punch that looked powerful into the bridge; a large spider web of cracks covers the bridge from side to side as my fist is buried in the bridge itself.

I turn to Thor after standing back up, "Thor! Give it all you got, charge up your hit with Mjolnir"! I yell at him like time was of the essence.

Thor jumps into the air with a mighty battle cry, holding Mjolnir aloft as storm clouds appear out of nowhere and lightning strikes his hammer.

He comes down with a mighty swing and slams the hammer into the bridge with all his strength. *BOOM!* the spider web cracks in the bridge widen and chunks break off at the end of the Rainbow Bridge crumbles and sends the Bifrost tumbling into space.

I sat a distance away and acted like I was catching my breath while Loki and Thor had their moment before he fell into the void and slowly started making his way to the Mad Titan Thanos.

I had rushed to Thors side acting as if I was trying to help but held back. Thor asked why I didn't help sooner or fly down and grab him, I told him that I didn't know if I could survive in the void of space and that I wasn't going to risk my life for a man that tried to murder his own family.

Thor was upset but understanding of my reasoning, Thor was too soft on Loki but then again he was Thors little brother, no matter how much the whiney ponce wanted to deny it.

I was a little while later that Thor, Sif, the Warriors 3 and I were brought before Odin who had awoken from his sleep, very much aware of everything that had happened while he slumbered.

We were called into the Throne room and I was left in awe, intricately designed patterns crept through the gold floors, walls and ceiling, except for the marble roof with a mural to the Asgardian royal family, minus Hela of course.

I quickly look down and towards the giant gold throne sitting atop a stair case and the man currently seated on said throne.

Odin bore a striking resemblance to Sir Anthony Hopkins, only he was around my height in Lex mode, 6'6".

He was heavily muscled as well, it honestly reminded me of Master Roshi in his bulked up form, mostly because he looked like a man that was in his 70's and could still wreck anyone that stands in front of him.

The presence Odin gave off was impressive as well, no doubt the slight pressure he gave off was due to his Odin force and it only felt slight to me because of my own power and spark of divinity.

We walk to the front of the thrones steps and each take a knee to show our respects. Odin stands up from his throne and looks down on us as his wife Frigga stands to the side, it was evident she had been crying about the loss of Loki.

It wasn't long until Odin decided to address us, he was no doubt thinking of how to deal with the entire situation we were now in.

"Thor, my son, you have done Asgard a great service this day" he says in greeting to his son. "Thank you father, but I was not alone, I had help from my friends and a new ally", replies Thor while indicating to all of us with his right hand.

"I see… Lady Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun, you are to be commended for your unfailing loyalty to Asgard and her people, even in the most dire of times. A feast shall be thrown in your honour", Odin says as he looks upon the War Goddess and the Warriors 3.

"Thankyou All-father", they reply as one. "You are dismissed" Odin says, they quickly stand and walk out of the great hall that was the throne room.

"You may both stand" Odin directs us and we get back to our feet, he had yet to address me, he was most likely trying to figure out who or what I am.

He begins to descend the steps to his throne and towards us when something none of us expected happened.

As he got within my range and I started to copy his powers the spark of divinity I had previously felt turned into a raging inferno.

*Gasp* my eyes go wide as I suck in a breath of air at the feeling of my body starting to produce its own "Odin force".

A blinding golden light erupts from every pore in my body bathing the entire throne room in a divine light, "AAAAAHHHHHH"!!! I yell as the power rushes through me and strengthens the very cells, molecules and atoms of my body.

What felt like an eternity to me was in reality not more than 10–15 seconds. The light fades back into my body and I'm left hunched over with my hands on my knees breathing deeply, like I'd just run a marathon.

But almost immediately, as if a light switch had been flicked I come back to normal and take stock of the changes that have just been made to my body.

The royal guards had their spears pointed at me as Thor and Odin look at me, in wonder and a little bit of fear in Thors case, while Odin looks suspicious and ready to order my death any second; I pay them no mind as I grasp everything that had happened to me.

"Wow, what a rush" I say not knowing how I should handle this situation. I quickly decide to step into "Flash Time" which is basically me moving and thinking so fast while the speedforce is surrounding me and surging through me that time stands still.

I had decided to go through Odins mind and get everything that I was capable of now that I was not only on his level, but a level above him in terms of power.

I enter Odins mind a run through his knowledge so fast he doesn't even feel it, but I know it's only a matter of nanoseconds before his Odin force kicks in and I have some explaining to do.

I quickly gather all his knowledge and experience with enchanting, his more complete version of Allspeak, ancient and arcane Asgardian magic and various locations of planets and people around the universe, Odins knowledge wasn't just restricted to the 9 realms .

I exit his mind as quickly as I entered it and quickly sort and store everything I learned in its proper place in my mindscape which was basically a whole world now; it definitely made hiding what I wanted hidden A LOT easier.

With all the new knowledge assimilated I exit my mind, centre myself and get ready for the interrogation ahead of me.

I calmly exit flash time and return to normal time, usually being in flash time would greatly affect the speedster using it, I didn't have to worry about any adverse effects thanks to all my power ups which I was grateful for.

Time starts running normally for me as Odin glares at me and says, "What are you?! You feel as any other mortal I've encountered, yet I can sense power in you beyond any mortal, rivalling if not greater than my own".

With the power boost, knowledge and muscle memory I just got I know for a fact that I'm stronger than Odin, a battle would still take some effort on my part but I know I would win.

In any case there's no need to be rude, the guy will be dead in the next 10 years anyway, so I decide to just tell the truth, it's not like there's anything he can do to me.

"I'm human, I just have super powers" I answer, this does not seem to be a sufficient answer for the All-father, "I already knew that much, tell me why a mortal has a divine Asgardian domain and what feels like the divinity of an elder god And Myself"! He demanded.

I give him a small amused smile, "I can perfectly copy the skills and abilities of any being I meet, even gods" I reply.

"I did not give you permission to copy my Odin force, it is a power beyond mere mortals and a catastrophe waiting to happen in the wrong hands"! Odin says angrily. "It's not up to me whether I copy someone's powers or not, it just happens", I reveal to him.

""What I can tell you is that I am no enemy of Asgard or her people, I helped Thor defeat the Destroyer and then Loki, there's no need for hostilities King Odin" I continue.

"And what would you do with the Odin force you now have"? He questions me, which is very understandable.

"Well it's not really the Odin force anymore, this force sparked inside me and copied yours but the energy is mine and even now I feel it changing and morphing to match me more perfectly" I answer.

"You did not answer my question" Odin states in his usual no nonsense tone. 'Alright I guess he has a point there' I think to myself.

"Okay well I'm going to help people, fight bad guys and live my life free of anyones rules. To be honest Odin, I'm going to do whatever I want to do but that doesn't mean I'm going to go psychotic and start destroying everything", I answer truthfully.

"And how am I supposed to believe you? You, who came here knowing what your powers allowed you to do, and took an audience with me knowing what you would gain. How am I to trust someone who is clearly on a quest for power"? Odin replies.

'Damn he's good, it's no wonder why he renowned for how wise and what a great tactician he is, he saw through my reason for being here instantly', I think to myself.

I give him a kind smile and say, "I want to live freely, and to do so requires power, your power helped me greatly but I am not some power hungry schemer looking to take your throne or rule the universe, I just want to live how I want and help where I can, Asgard included".

"You're saying you would help Asgard and fight for her should you be called upon"? Odin disguises his question in statement.

"Of course, it's the right thing to do" I answer truthfully. Helping those that help you, even if it was unknowingly was something I believed in, so preventing Ragnarok and the destruction of his people should do the trick.

Odin narrows his eyes at me but knows a battle between us would only lead to destruction and chaos throughout Asgard. "We will see what your true intentions are soon enough, for now you have my thanks for aiding my son and my people, but I would ask you to leave", he says, clearly not comfortable with my presence.

"Father this man helped us, and the Bifrost was destroyed, how is he to leave"? Thor suddenly addresses his father.

"It's okay Thor, I have a way to get back home, I couldn't use it to help Loki as it would create a direct portal to space and could have potentially cause much more damage to Asgard", I reply.

A sparking orange portal opens up behind me as Odin, Thor, Frigga and the the handful of guards in the room look on in interest as the portal moves forward and passes around me, transporting me to my lair back home.

I look through the portal to the throne room and say, "Thank you for your hospitality King Odin, call on me if Asgard ever needs my help", before giving him a small respectful bow.

I then look at Thor, "Thor if you ever need my help, no matter what it may be, just contact me" I have my suit form two small communication devices with a single button on the side to activate a walkie-talkie like function.

I then channel my new found verbal enchanting ability and link to two devices with magic and throw one to Thor, "Just press the button and talk into it, it will let us communicate no matter the distance" I tell him before the portal closes.


[With Odin and Thor]

"A seidr as well, I should have known" Odin says in exasperation, it'd been a long day and he'd only been awake for 2 hours.


[Back with Lex]

"I think that went well" I say to myself, "Glad to hear it, our Uru stocks are at acceptable levels now if you wish to start the new Uru-Pradium nanites you designed" Selene tells me.

Soon just give me a few minutes, there's some knowledge I need" I reply before going into the mirror dimension and opening a portal to Nidavellir, home of the Dawrves, the greatest smiths in the known universe.

I had cloaked myself from Heimdall the moment before I opened the portal, which was also cloaked, to my lair. So I didn't have to worry about pissing Odin off with the next boost I was going to get.

I made myself invisible to all forms of detection and exited the mirror dimension before making my way around the giant space station/ Dyson Sphere.

The dwarves had tough mental barriers but with the speedforce and my own Odin force, Lex force? Super force?! I'm not sure but with my new force I breezed through all of their minds taking all the secrets and knowledge of smithing they possessed.

King Eitri looked like a giant Peter Dinklage so that was cool, he by far possessed the most knowledge about smithing, and was the only one of his people to know how to make a Dyson Sphere, it must be a secret handed down from king to king.

I also took 1 brick each of refined silver and gold Uru before making my way back to my lair and removing all my concealments except for Heimdalls.

"Selene these are properly refined bricks of silver and gold Uru, melt down our stockpile and reforge it into bricks following these steps" I say as I start typing on the main terminal in my lair using the speedforce.

If I had input all my knowledge I'd gained of working with different metals, especially Uru, it would have taken me months. As it was I was finished about 5 minutes after starting and Selene immediately started going through everything.

"Lex, this is revolutionary, with this and your molecular forge we can make weapons just as good if not better than the Dwarves"! Selene replied excitedly.

I smiled and said, "I know, use the new forging techniques to reforge all of our stockpiles into bricks and then prepare the new Uru-Pradium nanites" I order.

"Will do lex, what about the tank of nanites we currently have"? Selene then asked me, "Break them down, use the material for reforging with the rest", I say before turning around, "Where are you going to be for the next 2 days while I do this"? She asks me.

"In the training room I want to get used to my new power level, and cancel any appointment or meeting I might've had while I'm getting used to God Mode", I tell her with a cocky smirk.

I continue after a short pause, "Oh and when you have the first batch of Uru-Pradium bricks make me a simple right for my right middle finger, there's some enchantments I'll need to make on it".

"You got it Lex, now shoo, go play god and let me get to work", she says like a mom shooing away her annoying kid.

I look back at her hard-light hologram and say, "It's not playing if it's real", with a cheeky smile before making my way into the training room.


Aaand that's the chapter, I hope you liked it, please leave a comment or a review, maybe even some power stones if you feel charitable, and please let me know in paragraph comments any spelling or grammar mistakes I may have missed.

Thank you for the well wishes and the interest many of you showed for the next chapter the last 2 weeks, I'll make sure to warn you if I'm taking a mental or physical health break again.

Have a good one guys, I'll catch ya next time.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


