33.71% Diary of a Teenage Alpha / Chapter 404: GODDESS ON THE NEWS



All through dinner, the TV was on the Lycan News Channel, or LNC. Unofficially known as LyNCh. Hahaha. But the mood in the conference room was too serious for acronym jokes.

The news itself wasn't anything earth shattering. The two news presenters were just going down the colored packlands with updates on the crazy weather that had swept across our continent, one colored packland at a time.

In between the weather conditions and travel and safety advice, they also peppered a bit of "light news". Like in the Blue Packlands, the snow fall had ceased. Roads were still icy and it would take anywhere from a two days to a couple of weeks to clear all the roads, depending on which town you lived in. Blue Packland wolves were advised to check with their Local Council for more details on the road clearance plans. Up in the higher altitudes where the Snow Moon Pack was, Alpha Gunter had been accused of turning a cold shoulder to Alpha Solomon's sister, the Lady Candace. The couple, both widowed wolves were pictured leaving the Annual Winter Solstice Ball last year, but when asked about it in her most recent interview, Lady Candace had laughed and admitted she hadn't seen or heard from him since, "I don't get the feeling that he wants to pursue anything more than the evening with me. He is not someone who would let anyone get close to him. I don't think he is capable of it."

Meanwhile, the Red Packlands was also recovering from the snow storm. Wolves were to remain vigilant and refrain from travelling unless necessary due to the increase rogue activity. Most of the roads were still blocked anyway. It was a relief that war was adverted after the fight dogs escaped the vampires during the Vampire Queen's birthday only last week. The news presenters were only too happy to share a bit of heartwarming news. One of the fight dogs had made his way home and was now safely reunited with his family in the Black Packlands. There was a video of the tearful reunion. That was a happy ending for one of the hundred lost wolves, one had to wonder what happened to the other 99.

On to the Gold Packlands, the storm had been rather mild, skirting most of the Gold Packlands, and even now, the roads were already being cleared. The news presenters took care to paint a picture of efficiency on the Gold Packland's Alphas, because even the relatively good weather they've experienced had to do with Alpha George's great foresight. Unfortunately for us, Alpha George's great foresight would have everything including school re-opening as soon as tomorrow. This would include Winderhill High School, AKA my school. Nooooo..... Meanwhile, did you know that the Silver Moon Pack would be inaugurating their future alpha, Alpha Henry next week? They showed a video footage of the young alpha on official business with his dad recently. The young alpha was said to have impressed his elders with his brilliant mind, business acumen, and diplomatic skills.

All this was very important information given that Silver Mountain was a key shareholder of the LNC

Basically the adults were bearing with all the chitchat because they were trying to figure out how bad the storm was going to be. Maybe the LyNCh would be able to provide us with a clue. So far, it looked like we got the short end of the stick when it came to snow distribution or the very long one... From what it looked like, the freak warlock snow storm blew across the continent and decided to settle right on top of the Green Packlands.

Should we go home for the night? And then shovel our way back to the Packhouse in the morning? Or should we stay in the Packhouse overnight? Maybe the men stay and the rest of us go home where it was more comfortable? But we wouldn't be able to help.

"But I want to help, Dad." Lizzy said, "I know Sam's the alpha, but that's not to say Savy and I can't contribute too."

"Yeah." Savy seldom spoke up, so this meant they were serious about it.

If the weather station was to be believed, and only if, then there was a good chance we might be trapped in whatever building we chose to stay in tonight. Would it be worse for Laura, for example, to be stranded alone at home when her husband and son were working from the packhouse?

Laura insisted she would be fine. In the end it looked like it was Gamma Harry who would be worried to death.

There were three more rooms set aside by the ladies for unforseen circumstances. They were the smallest rooms available, but it meant each family could have a room, and Harvey and Ki said they could camp in the FAO.

Mum felt really bad about my betas not getting a room. Ben said he'd rather stay in the FAO with Harvey and Ki than sleep on the floor in his parents room.

And then Lizzy asked if us kids were allowed to use one of the lounge rooms. We could sleep on the sofas and the floors. Beta Lucas immediately said yes.

So now the plan was to grab overnight bags to last us a few days and have a lot of fun. I mean, work together to serve our community.

Gamma Harry reminded us to pack warm winter gear, and bring shovels. He and Laura were going to quickly go home to pack their bags. They'd be back in half an hour. Jonah jumped up saying he wanted to pack his own stuff too.

"You can just borrow mine." Ben said.

"Yeah. But I like my own stuff." Jonah said.

So the Gamma Family were off.

"Let's hope the weather holds up." Mrs Beta looked worriedly at the snow that was still falling at a steady pace. Steady was good... for now. It was dark outside. I wondered if Jonah and his family would be able to get back to the packhouse okay.

Meanwhile, the rest of us had to go pick up our stuff too. The ladies worried about it, but I noticed the men were completely unhurried.

Was it because of the knowledge of those secret underground tunnels that connected the Alpha and Beta's home to the packhouse? You remember, right? The one Ki showed me that joined at the abandoned garden shed. The tunnel we used to sneak out to look for Mate. They turn out pretty handy right now.

"We better go back and pack." Mrs Beta worried.

"I don't need anything. I can wear this till the storm blows over." Beta Lucas said.

Or nevermind the tunnels. Maybe the men weren't even planning to shower till this was over.

Luckily they had women around, or I was sure their wolves would have fleas. We cleaned up the dinner trays. Harvey and Ben would take them down to the kitchen while Ki would go pick up all their overnighters.

Oh, now it was our turn. I'm not sure how they came up with the order of Colored Packlands to report on. Maybe they spun a colored wheel to see which one they should talk about next and it had finally stopped at green.

They didn't say anything we didn't already know from looking out of the window tonight. It's a full on blizzard all the way out here in the green packlands. Maybe the warlock weather was finally returning to the warlock? (Come on, the Blue Packland had warlock land too, and there was another one somewhere off No Man's Land... Okay, whatever.)

Beta Lucas apparently felt the same. He picked up the remote to switch off the TV, and then he froze. Actually, we all froze, and it was nothing to do with the weather. Hahaha.

There was a freeze frame of a familiar face with blue hair.

Lady Presenter: On a lighter note, look who the storm blew in! I wonder, do you believe in the moon goddess? Because earlier today, she was spotted stepping out of Gate City's spiffy The Langston.

A video now played on the news. Someone in the lobby of the hotel had filmed my exit. But from quite far off and because of the two rows of hotel staff, you couldn't really see us, until they started bowing. Then the someone decided to zoom in and you could see us, not all that clearly, but it was us, walking out like the boss!

Man Presenter: (Laughs) No, not personally. The footage does portray a convincing likeness, although even LuvMuumMuun had their hair all colored blue for their most recent album.

Lady Presenter: They had? But do you see how her hair floats? That's not just coloring.

Man Presenter: No, but what's more convincing for me personally are the Night Leaf escorts with her. Those are true blue Night Leaf warriors in their newest uniform issue.

Lady Presenter: Eye witness accounts say they drove off in two midnight blue Alpha Cars upon leaving. How's that for style?

Man Presenter: Maybe she was trapped in the storm last night. It was probably the worst storm the Green Packlands had seen in the past five years, maybe even longer.

Lady Presenter: (Laughing) So now we know, the goddess prefers the Langston.

Man Presenter: I know I would.

Lady Presenter: Other news in the Green Packlands, the causeway, which was open earlier today is now closed. All residents are advised to find shelter and wait out the storm before attempting to cross over.

The snow storm has resumed and is expected to continue all through the rest of the week.

Man Presenter: Yes, it looks like a cold Valentine's Day for the packs there. But you'd still received your valentine's in the mail. Authorities have promised that all essential services within the Green Packlands will remain open.

Lady Presenter: Meanwhile, Gate City residents can take heart as the authorities ramp up daily snow clearing efforts so that it would be business as usual from 11am to 5pm. I cannot imagine how they would manage.

Man Presenter: Well, they've got heated roads where their trams run, and probably an army of snow ploughs, and let's not forget a goddess on their side.

Lady Presenter: (Laughs) It's the goddess against the warlock. I wonder who would win?

Man Presenter: Moving on to the White Packlands...

Beta Lucas turned off the TV. There was a silence where everyone was just stunned.

I've just been LyNChed. Hahaha.

"I miss the times when they just read off the teleprompter." Dad sighed.

In the not so distant offices on the same floor we were on, the sound of the phones started going off.

If that wasn't enough, Beta Lucas' phone started to vibrate, once it started, it wouldn't stop. He looked at it and frowned, "We might have a PR emergency right now."

"Like the snow storm outside isn't enough." Ben smirked.

Yeah, now we had a PR storm too.

And then my good beta decided it was all his fault, "Apologies, princess. I was too careless."

I shook my head, "This isn't your fault, Harvey."

I hated it whenever Harvey blamed himself for whatever happened on its own. It's not like he planned for this to happen.

"It's pretty good press for the Langston though." Ki smiled.

"Your new promotional catchphrase could be, 'The goddess prefers the Langston, I know I would'." Ben mimicked the man presenter.

I was about to tell them to stop picking on Harvey, but he spoke before I did, "Not now, guys. I need to seal off any leaks on the Langton's side. Ki... You're the PR expert, I'm sure you can deal with it on Night Leaf's side."

I should have known my good beta was perfectly able to hold his own against the other two betas.

To my parents, he bowed, "My apologies. I had failed to pre-empt this incident. Please allow me to deal with it for now. I will accept full responsibility and whatever disciplinary action for my neglect later."

I punched him, "Will you stop blaming yourself? Ki was there too."

Ki smiled, "A thousand apologies, goddess."

"And see, he isn't sorry at all." Then I stopped and turned to my smiliest beta, "Why? What are you thinking?"

I was rewarded by another smile, the one that was like a flower, opening to the sun, "I'm thinking that this might be the perfect kickstart to your new PR campaign."

"Alright!" Ben obviously felt we were onto something, "Harv will ensure no news leak from the Langston. The FAO has already been given the control of the communication lines during this storm. Ki get to work drafting whatever it is we need to communicate. Let's get to work."

Beta Lucas growled at his son, "The communication channels were for you to keep the public in the Green Packlands updated during the storm... This...this is a PR heist!"

"I think the storm's kind of important now. Nobody's going to care about a goddess sighting." I tried to redirect my betas too.

"No, actually, you're big news, Sam." Lizzy showed me her phone, but I couldn't see what was on it.

Savy nodded while still busy tapping on her phone, "I guess after being stuck at home all day listening to weather reports, a goddess sighting is pretty exciting."

"Wow." Lizzy said, "Sam..."

"Yeah..." Savy said.

But because they were speaking in reference to whatever was being said on their phones, I had no idea what they meant.

"We probably need to stop news leaks from our packs too." Ki suggested with a smile.

Dad sighed miserably at his own phone, "I supposed it was bound to happen sooner or later. Lucas, order a cease communication on Sam and anything pertaining my daughter. Ki, please send me your communication drafts before their release, and your recommendation on how I might answer the other alphas. Alpha Lorent just texted me."

"Yes, Alpha. In the meantime, we should keep all alphas and betas copied if there should be any information regarding Sam being communicated outside the pack." Ki advised.

"Perhaps we might be overreacting?" Mum suggested.

Beta Lucas chuffed, "Us and all the other Alpha Offices in our continent, Luna."

Ben reported then, "Alpha Henry just texted. His pack has been offered jobs from two different packs to investigate the goddess in the green packlands."

He received another text, "Make that three packs."

"Why?" I wondered aloud, "What's the big deal?"

"They think you're the goddess, Sam. And that the goddess was being escorted away by Night Leaf warriors into the secluded part of the Green Packlands." Ben answered, he sighed at the blank look I returned, "What if the goddess was really walking around on this earth - and the barbaric Night Leaf Pack of the fastest growing economic power called the Green Packlands has taken her hostage deep into their territory?"

"Ooohhh..." Lizzy got excited at that, "That sounds like an exciting premise for a good story."

"This is real life, not a romance novel!" Ben shot back.

"It's a premise to attract the wrong attention." Dad growled, "Vampire Lords, power hungry alphas, werewolf hunters... We could shut down communications on the whole thing..."

"Yes Alpha, but that would make it even more suspicious." Ki pointed out.

"You have an idea then?" Dad asked Ki.

Ki smiled, "Yes, Alpha. I'm thinking of releasing a press statement from the FAO introducing Alpha Sam."

"But she just a child, Ki." Mum argued, "Putting media attention on her right now is too soon."

"Understood, Luna, so this press statement would be very short and formal. We will confirm that our Night Leaf warriors were at the Langston and escorted home the blue-haired and blue-eyed daughter of their Alpha Kingsley.

She is the Alpha-Heiress-to-be, otherwise known as the Alpha Princess. The video footage was of her heading home after being caught in the snow storm the day prior. Her official inaugeration will take place this spring." Ki elaborated.

The adults nodded, but Beta Lucas raised his hand, "As I understand it, a PR release always has an objective. Can you tell me, Ki... What is your objective in releasing these statements?"

Ki's smile didn't waver, "The objective is threefold: to debunk the rumor about having the Moon Goddess in our lands, and take the free media coverage to introduce our Alpha heir-to-be, but keeping the focus from her person by introducing a more macro view to what the public might anticipate from our pack in the near future - part of which is the Future Alpha Inauguration Ceremony."

"It's clever." Harvey said finally.

"Thank you. Meanwhile, it wouldn't hurt for the Langston to issue a statement on your social media straight after our press release about being very pleased to host the Alpha Princess and hoping she had a good stay at the Langston. Link it to this news report." Ki offered generously.

Harvey started tapping into his phone, "Noted, thanks Ki."

"A good PR Campaign is half the battle won." Ki smiled.

"What's the other half?" I asked.

Ki shrugged, "Not c***ing up."

Harvey's hit Ki with the back of his hand, "Language, Ki."

Ki smiled, "A thousand apologies."

"Alright, let's get to work!" Ben decided.

Mrs Beta looked out of the window at the snow beginning to heap along the window stile, "Perhaps we should really collect our overnighters first, before we 'get to work', Ben"

As if remembering the storm raging outside, everyone got up in a hurry.

"We will adjourn here, and resume in an hour." Dad concluded.

"Yes, Alpha." Everyone said, most of them bowing.

I had to wonder though, how did we handle things like these before Ki? I don't think I've ever heard the term "PR campaign" in any of our meetings before. The Lorent pack had a Delta in charge of PR, but we didn't. We've always been winning our battles without PR... I can't imagine what we could do now!

As in literally, I had no idea what to expect at all. I guess sometimes the only way to find out is to step into it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C404
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


