85.48% The Necromancer King (A Game Of Thrones) / Chapter 106: Lord Reaper Of Pyke

章 106: Lord Reaper Of Pyke

After the plan was laid out, Jocelyn and Aerion made their way to a rather large tent that had serviceable furniture inside. She sat down and poured some wine, taking a sip while Aerion leaned against a chair.f

"Do you know how we'll return home?" Jocelyn wondered.

"I've been trying to find out... but I have no true leads at the moment. It would be best not to worry about it too much until the opportunity presents itself."

"I see."

She decided to change the subject after, speaking of the present.

"Playful and serious, kindhearted and unforgiving, friendly and stern... Rhaenys and Visenya truly are opposites. Both are very beautiful, though."

"One's slender and the other's more... buxom." Aerion jested.

"Of course, you'd say that." Jocelyn chuckled. "So which do you think is more beautiful?"

"Eh... do I have to answer? They're both Aegon's wives."

"Pfft, that shouldn't matter. It's not like you're going to tangle with them by answering that question."

"... Well. Why don't you take a guess, then?" Aerion shrugged.

"I bet it's Visenya." Jocelyn smiled. "She has your preferred... shape. Isn't that right?"

"You know I like a handful." Aerion chuckled, admitting the fact.

After a moment of silence, Jocelyn Baratheon spoke again.

"... Sometimes I wish I was valyrian."


"Well, their silver-gold hair and purple eyes are just so pretty and they always stand out. Even the most average of valyrians are striking while the beautiful ones look divine."

"That is known." Aerion nodded, gracefully closing their distance. "It sounds to be like you're a little envious to me..."

"I mean... who wouldn't be?"

Aerion offered his hand, which Jocelyn took. After making her rise, the blue ocean met the violet abyss as they looked into each other. He smiled as his hand softly graced the side of her cheek.

"Do you know what I think?"

He whispered in a soothing, soft and rather seductive tone that was clear.

"... What?" Jocelyn shied away from his eyes for a moment, growing flushed with every moment.

"Your bewitching blue eyes, flawless skin..." Aerion's right hand traced up to her hair, smoothly moving the strands to the side. "Soft, long black hair, luscious but equally strong figure... and those lovely lips that are always begging to be kissed..."

He lowered his hand to the back of her head and pulled her forward into a kiss while his left hand caressed her cheek. She reciprocated his attack and they shared a thrilling snog before Aerion backed away.

"Jocelyn... you are beautiful to me in a way that no 'divine' valyrian beauty could hope to ever be," Aerion stated, tilting his head. "You are my storm princess, wild and strong-willed... and just as calamitous to my heart. When you cry, I'll always wipe the tears away. When you're hurt, I'll always mend all your wounds. And when you lack confidence, I will always uplift you."

"I am your guardian and champion as much as I will be your husband..."

Aerion opened his mouth slightly, presenting his fangs and moving to bite her neck.


Jocelyn embraced his head and grabbed his hair, making him linger at her neck for longer. Although it was her blood that he sucked... it gave her a strange feeling of passionate affection. The way he did it, too, was so enchanting. He was already her greatest fantasy... and to see him so lovingly reliant was quite appealing.

After he withdrew his fangs, Aerion healed the wound.

'It's like drinking only piss for several moons and then trying Arbor gold... not that I'd know how piss tastes.' Aerion thought, licking the remaining blood that lingered at Jocelyn's neck and his lips.

"Did you say all those sweet words just to get some blood from me?" Jocelyn stated in a playful tone.

"No, that was how I truly felt," Aerion replied, shaking his head.

"... I was only jesting about being envious, you know. I quite love the way I am." Jocelyn mischievously giggled and smiled. "But... to hear the most handsome man ever alive and my lovely betrothed have such high praise for me... it was truly heart-warming."

"You mischievous girl..." Aerion chuckled, flicking her forehead.


"Now go rest, you must be tired after the ride and loss of blood."

"I'm only going if you're going..."

"... Sure."

Jocelyn and Aerion went on to lay together in warm furs, although neither took off their clothes.


The two armies met in the plains south of the Blackwater with the Targaryen army forming a defensive crescent. Aerion and Jocelyn Baratheon stood at the very front of the crescent, beside the spear lines. Meanwhile, the allied army sent forth countless knights to break their centre.

With their approach, a calm Jocelyn asked. "Should we route them ourselves?"

"No... let's make them reconsider being so bold and watch the rest unfold."

Aerion offered his hand and Jocelyn took it, feeling a massive surge of magic.

Through their union, a massive spiked wall was erected that towered over the allied army and speared hundreds of Knights to death. After the allied army's charge was interrupted... the wall started to collapse downwards.


The wall toppled down, crushing many hundreds more under its spikes. Meanwhile, Visenya, Aegon and Rhaenys ascended to the skies atop their dragons Vhagar, Balerion and Meraxes. The dragons soared and began to set the dry field aflame from all directions, especially upwind of the Gardener and Lannister armies.

Those who managed to escape the flames alive were swiftly cut down by Aerion's forces. When thousands died from the flames and over ten thousand encountered burns, the allied army eventually began to rout. King Loreon Lannister especially rode through the flames to safety, knowing that the battle was lost.

On House Targaryen's side, not a single man died while Visenya Targaryen took an arrow to the shoulder. It was an exceptionally decisive victory as the allied soldiers had either ran away or surrendered.

As in history, House Gardener's entire line perished in the Field of Fire. It seemed almost fated to be...

Well, it wasn't exactly the brightest idea to lead the vanguard against 3 dragons. Nor was it to bring all of your kin to the same battle.


"That arrow wound... let me treat it," Aerion observed Visenya's shoulder, where she had taken an arrow.

She didn't reject.

Aerion extended his magic vitality, turning it into light magic and passing down its blessing onto Visenya. "There, you should be as fit as ever."

"... You have my gratitude, Aerion," Visenya observed her shoulder with a surprised expression. For a moment, she stared at him in silence before looking to the side. "You should have asked for more than just a castle. A kingdom would only be fitting, as I see it."

"Eh... I don't want to have too many lordly duties at the moment." Aerion shrugged. "So Harrenhal's perfect for me."

"What men would do for such power... and you simply shrug it off to the side." Visenya laughed a little. "I'd like to know how you intend to maintain a seat meant for Kings with just that plot of land?"

"I have my ways, you see. Everything I touch turns to gold." Aerion replied with a smile.

"... There will come a day when you reveal all of your secrets to me," Visenya stated in a strangely determined way.

"And how do you intend to make me spill them?" Aerion questioned in a playful tone.

Visenya smiled a little. "You're not the only one who has their ways."

He felt a feeling of warmth emerging from Visenya. Although, it didn't take a magical vampiric sense for him to realise that the usually strict Visenya was already softening up to him.

Aerion chuckled, turning around to leave. "I hope it doesn't include being threatened with a dragon again."

"You did well enough the first time." Visenya replied, stroking her chin in thought. "Do you think you'd be capable of mounting one yourself?"

"... Mayhaps. But there is no fourth dragon so it wouldn't truly matter."

"It will when dragon eggs begin to hatch and riders are required for the dragons that grow from them."

"True, true..." Aerion agreed. "If you'd allow me to ride Vhagar then mayhaps I'd be able to become a skilled dragonrider."

"You will have the opportunity," Visenya promised.


After the battle, King Loren was captured and swore fealty to House Targaryen. As a result, he was named Warden of the West and the Lord of Casterly Rock. Due to House Gardener's complete annihilation, the Reach was wide open.

"Allow me to conquer the unruly and wild Iron Islands in your name while you march south to the Reach." Aerion proposed in the following war council. "My talents are best-used in battle... and I don't believe accompanying you will allow me to make much use of them. No doubt, the Tyrells will fill their breeches and kneel within seconds when you fly down."

Aegon chuckled at his jest before smiling. "Very well, my faithful sword. The fleet of Lannisport and the armies of Lord Loren will be at your behest. For you... that should be enough, am I correct?"

"More than enough." Aerion nodded.

"Then I will entrust the conquest of the Iron Islands to you." Aegon looked him in the eye in a more friendly manner. "And after you do secure those Iron Islands... I will grant you lordship over them. That's the least you would deserve, I believe."

"Aha..." Aerion laughed a little. "I don't really want to be a lord paramount, my King."

"I insist," Aegon added. "What would the Realm think of me if one of my most capable supporters only has a single castle? The mightiest castle in the Realm, I suppose... but you would not have enough income to sustain it properly. This would ensure that you do."

"Well... how should I put this..." Aerion scratched his hair.

"You will take this honour whether you want it or not," Visenya spoke with a rather harsh tone. "From what I have observed, you would be more than a capable ruler. You're just lazy and that is far from a valid excuse in my eyes. Whatever you have to say... does not matter. You 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 be lord of the Iron Islands."

"I don't think the Iron Islanders will take kindly to me is all I'm saying." Aerion shrugged.

"Don't act like you are incapable of inspiring their loyalty." Visenya stared at him. "If they do not bend, you will make them bend. If you are incapable... then we have overestimated you."

'Now this is a dragon queen, going straight for my pride...'

"Just take it," Jocelyn added.

Aerion looked at Jocelyn and nodded. "Very well! I'll be their lord."

"Good," Visenya replied.

"It is settled then." Aegon nodded. "Rhaenys and I will go south while you two go further west to the Iron Islands."


"You know, being Lord of Pyke would suit you pretty well," Jocelyn remarked, stroking her chin. "You once fancied yourself a Pirate King, didn't you?"

"Yes... that is true."

"Then... they'd love you. Especially if you took them on a reaving trip all across Essos. The great reaving of the East led by the mighty Lord Reaper of Pyke, Aerion Greyjoy!" Jocelyn jested. "It is quite a few steps down from the 'Holy Valyrian Emperor' but it should do."

"Mayhaps I should conquer Essos again, in that case." Aerion smiled.

"Mr Egg-on would get a little jealous."

"Hahaha... he doesn't strike me as the type to get jealous."

"Why would he be envious if there was no man greater than him while he lived? But now... there is." Jocelyn remarked. "It's like a small wooden statue being compared to a towering one that is made of gold. If you start showing your true colours, the court will begin to gossip that you are the true conqueror... the true king... and all that gossip will reach him in time."

"I doubt mere gossips could turn Aegon against me." Aerion shrugged. "If he was a man that was envious of power and popularity, he wouldn't allow his wives to deal with the day-to-day governing of the Realm. Nor would he keep to himself as much."

"You're not his wife, however... or are you?" Jocelyn chuckled.

"I am his descendant." Aerion countered. "When I write a nice long book of Targaryen history leading up to my reign, he will know who I am."

"You think he'll believe you?"

"The clues are already in the air." Aerion took out his necklace and presented the crimson three-headed dragon which had stag horns. "Looks like me, wears a necklace of my House's sigil, can tame and ride dragons, has experience of ruling and conquest despite not having any lands... now, Aegon might not be a genius but I'm certain he can put all the pieces together and believe what I write."

He put it beneath his clothes once again and smiled. "Don't you agree?"

"I suppose." Jocelyn nodded.


After speaking with Lord Loren, Aerion took Lannisport's navy and set out for the Iron Islands with several thousand men. Jocelyn Baratheon and Visenya Targaryen accompanied him, one on ship and the other in the skies. Combining Hydromancy and Aeromancy, the fleet was favoured both by water and wind. The voyage was rather swift and so... it served as a great surprise when the fleet struck Pyke, where one of the Ironborn had declared themselves King.

Many Kings had broken out in the Iron Islands. Qhorin Volmark, Lord of Volmark on Harlaw, the Priest King Lodos of Old Wyk, A King on Great Wyk, A King on Pyke and another on Orkmont. It was a King bargain sale with Harren the Black dead.

Aerion gathered his army of Lannister men, Soul Knights and Ironborn who were spared at Harrenhal and marched up to the first set of Pyke's gates.

"I have arrived in the name of King Aegon, the First of His Name, of the House Targaryen!" Aerion proclaimed loudly, so that every man on the walls could hear him. "Whichever fool declared themselves King... put down your silly crown, open these dusty old gates and swear fealty to the House Targaryen and myself; the new Lord Reaper of Pyke!"

"Fuck off, silver bastard. I'm not opening nothing to you!" A person with a rather poor crown on the battlements replied. "I am a King and these are my lands. You will have none of them!"

"We're not opening anything to you... you mean?" Aerion chuckled, shaking his head. "I assure you, your rock wife and salt wives would all be glad to open her legs to me when I break past these gates. Sadly, a handsome man like me doesn't sleep with pigs."

"You... I'll fucking kill you!"

"Go on then! I dare you to meet me in single combat, false King." Aerion taunted, his confident smile hard to conceal. "You and me, swords, spears, axes, nails, teeth... whatever fucking weapon you want to use... here and now, let's settle our differences!"

"You are not worthy of facing a king... but you will face my champion and he will hack your pretty little head off." The king of Pyke replied.

'What a craven.'

"And if he dies?"

"Then I will surrender the castle to you. But if you die... your men will sail back to whatever hole they came from."

"Fine." Aerion shrugged, deciding to play along. "You lot go back, allow space for their 'menacing' champion to leave the castle."

The king's champion was a tall man, indeed. He towered over many, being over six and a half feet tall. To Aerion, however, this giant of a man was only a hair taller. He wielded a large two-handed axe with sharp edges on both sides. Broad shoulders and all pure muscle... strong like an ox, no doubt. But his walk was stiff and slow.

'Robert would break his warhammer twice into this fool before he could take three steps.'

"So intimidating. I can feel my handsome head falling off my shoulders already…"

"An Ironborn warrior is worth a dozen men from the mainland and twice that number against pretty silverheads like you."

"There is only one of me." Aerion shrugged nonchalantly. "If Robert was steel, you'd be copper. A terrible imitation."

"Who the fuck is Robert?"

"A true warrior."

A moment of silence passed as the Ironborn warrior stared at him, bewildered.

"What? Let's fight." Aerion frowned.

"You have no weapon."

"I am a weapon… and since when did the Ironborn have honour?"

"Fucking bastard."

Aerion chuckled, dodging his first swing. And the second… and the third. His blows only touched the wind and the earth.

"Gods, you are fast," Aerion remarked sarcastically before grabbing his axe by the edge and freezing it in its tracks.


His axe turned to ice before Aerion cracked it into nothing. The warrior stood bewildered, his hands frozen together. Before long, the ice spread and covered his entire body.

"I suppose you'd be good for intimidation."

Aerion waved his hand and the warrior scattered into nothing but pretty ice crystals. He also took his soul before it faded from the world.

"..." The king atop the walls watched in disbelief. "What... what did you do?"

"Ironborn who serve this false king, you are young and vigorous!" Aerion declared, although he did see quite a few old men. "So much reaving to do... so many women to take, so much gold to earn, so many battles to be fought and won! It would be a great shame if your lives were taken from you serving such a worthless craven. He shivers behind his walls like a maiden who was thrown into a room full of lustful men! What great ironborn king is that? What strength does he have?"

"Tell me... is it worthwhile to lose your lives for this craven? That dragon in the sky isn't very patient, you see. Best to make the wise decision swiftly and throw that false king off his walls before she burns you all."

"Wait..." The king looked around as his guards slowly marched forwards.

"Sorry, my king, but you have to go."

"Aye, I never liked you anyway." Another added.

"You dare... I have led you all to battle and you...-"


Aerion watched as the king was thrown off his walls and splattered down.

"Huh... you're alive."

He walked forward, stepping across the king's body. Meanwhile, the gates opened and Aerion's army followed. Many more would trample on the king and deafen his screams until he inevitably died.

"So this is how it feels to step on a king's head, hahaha." One of Aerion's ironborn laughed.

Inside, he found a chained Vickon Greyjoy who pledged his service to him upon being freed.


After taking Pyke's men, Aerion and Jocelyn split into two separate fleets. Aerion went northwest, crushing the Kings of Wyk and Old Wyk while Jocelyn took Harlaw and Orkmont. After all of the pretender kings were slaughtered, Aerion gathered his new lords to Pyke.

"I, Aerion, Lord of Harrenhal and the Iron Islands, will accept any challenge to my rule!" Aerion drew his sword, standing above the rest on a rock. "Any man can take up his arms against me... hell, all of you could face me at once! Just know that I'd gut every last one of you from balls to your hollow brains if you did."

No one stepped forward.

"Good!" Aerion raised his sword. "Under King Aegon's rule, the Old Way will be dead in the Seven Kingdoms. No man will reave the shores of the Seven Kingdoms, not a single one. Those that do not allow this law... well, I will just say this; not even the Drowned God and all his krakens would save you from me."

"I know, it must be quite disheartening." Aerion sheathed his sword and stepped down. "You can't take gold, glory or women... not from the shores you grew up reaving."

His violet gaze stared down at every man as he walked through the crowd. There were looks of fear, respect and even admiration.

"But... the known world is not just the Seven Kingdoms!" He spread his arms. "From Braavos to Lys to Asshai, there is endless wealth, endless women and endless glory to be taken. If you would follow me, I will take you to distant shores and you will hold more gold than all your ancestors have ever seen!"

After walking through the crowd, he returned to his rock and sat down.

"So... which of you are my men?"

"I, Vickon Greyjoy of Pyke, declare for Lord Aerion!" Vickon Greyjoy bowed. "When all those shitty and useless kings squabbled amongst each other, he arrived and cut them all down like grass against a scythe, ending this pointless war. He killed Harren the Black and took Harrenhal by his lonesome! By the Drowned God, what man other than him can boast of such deeds!?"

'Not a bad speech.' Aerion thought. 'You earned yourself back Pyke in my absence, my good subject.'

"Aye, I'm your man."

"My sword is yours."

More and more began to bend until every man was on his knees. Satisfied, Aerion stood up and dismissed them all. Once he did so, his name was cheered several times over.


"Sometimes I think you should have been born on these Iron Islands instead," Jocelyn stated, watching the waves crash against the shore. "You're great with bringing these type of men to your side, truly."

"Why, they're so simple." Aerion chuckled. "Appeal to what they desire most and they will follow you to the ends of the world. By the time they overstep their boundaries... well, it is known that dead men have no desires."

"I wouldn't envy them." Jocelyn smiled. She looked up, seeing the dragon in the skies descend. From it, Vhagar landed and a mounted Visenya observed the couple.

"The King in the North marches south of the Neck with thirty thousand men." She stated, looking down at the relaxed Aerion who sat on a rock. "With the submission of the Iron Islands, you will be needed there to confront him."

"It gladdens my heart to know that I'm so important." Aerion smiled, standing up and giving his arms a good stretch. "Even though I doubt there will be a proper fight... I would not mind watching him kneel."

"I wonder if you'll freeze your balls off like your first time in the North," Jocelyn remarked.

"... Shush." Aerion sealed her lips and whispered. "Don't speak ill of my name in front of Queen Visenya like that."

"Right, because you like her?" Jocelyn whispered back.


"Your uncle taught you a Dornish song and you have visited the North before?" Visenya frowned a little, interrupting their exchange of whispers. "You've seen much of the world for someone so young, haven't you?"

"Aye, I am an adventurous spirit who seeks thrill after thrill. That is how I live." Aerion replied, turning away from Jocelyn. "And I'm not so terribly young. My face may give the illusion that I am barely a man... but I am in my twenties."

"Still quite young." Visenya countered, looking up at the sky. "Time is of the essence... so join me."

"Can I ride the dragon too?" Jocelyn asked.

For a moment, Visenya carefully observed Jocelyn before shaking her head.

"No, you will stay and ensure that Aegon's new rule isn't so swiftly overwritten in Aerion's absence."

"Ah... I see how it is." Jocelyn reluctantly nodded. "Fine, I'll do that."

"I'll be back shortly." Aerion pecked her on the cheek. "Don't mess up anything, alright?"

"As if I would."

Aerion turned to Vhagar and rose to mount its back, sitting not too far from Visenya. Without waiting much longer, Vhagar rose into the sky in the direction of the Trident.

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