58.06% The Necromancer King (A Game Of Thrones) / Chapter 72: Duel Of Kings

章 72: Duel Of Kings

Aerion walked through the streets of King's Landing with Robert Baratheon and the Kingsguard to guard him. The smallfolk were very confused upon seeing both Kings taking a stroll... it was a rare sight, indeed. The even more confusing part was that, despite being armed, they were not at each other's throats.

It is said that the hatred between the Dragon Emperor and Usurper could not be quelled unless one or the other died... or perhaps if both died, for that matter. To Aerion, Robert was an unreasonably hateful man. The Usurper had shown clear intentions of killing him multiple times, failing to a greater degree with each attempt. Not only was Aerion a Targaryen, but he was also the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and, as a result, the greatest threat to Baratheon rule. Because of Robert's actions, Aerion's hate for Robert grew as well... which led to even greater hate.

"Hatred and vengeance... it is like a wheel, no?" Aerion pondered as they reached the gates of the Red Keep. "A wise man is needed to stop the wheel from spinning. However, wise men are not common in this land."

"Dead men cannot hate." Robert countered.

"Yes, you are right. But... dead men, especially those who were loved, will have those who desire vengeance. If you kill me in the duel, then it wouldn't be long before you joined me, Robert. Then what?"

"The wheel will continue to spin, revolving around Artos and Viserys instead of us." Aerion chuckled as he looked Robert right in the eye. "This is quite vain and proud of me to say, but I believe that I'm the single hope that this Realm has to continue existing as one. These barbaric lords need someone with the power to reign them in... or else, there will only be chaos."

"Do you want me to fall over and beg for mercy in a duel to the death?" Robert laughed. "What is it that you're trying to say?"

"If you do happen to win by some miracle, I'm only suggesting that you lay down your Warhammer. For your and House Baratheon's sake."

"And if you win, will you just lay down your sword? Will you be the 'wiser' man?" Robert looked at him with doubt. "Well, son of Rhaegar?"

"Hmm..." Aerion smiled. "Do you enjoy being old?"

"How elusive of you... answering a question with another. What of it?"

"Take a good look at Ser Barristan." Aerion turned to the Kingsguard behind them. "Do you recognise him?"

"You're Ser Barristan the Bold?" Robert's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't even taken notice... after all, the man had been so bloody old Robert had thought that Aerion found another Kingsguard from somewhere. How could he suddenly look so young?

"Indeed, I am." Ser Barristan nodded.

"Your magic did this?"

"Do you want to be young and strong again... no, do you want to be stronger than ever before?" Aerion questioned.

Deep down, he did. But for such a gift to come from Aerion, the man he had hated so much... could he accept it?

"I can give you that and more if you dedicate your Warhammer to me, no matter who is the victor in the duel. So long as I live."

"Think on it, Usurper. You still have some time to make amends."

Aerion turned forward and opened the gates to the Red Keep. Robert stepped past Aerion with a conflicted expression and entered the main hall. Inside, where there were once many banners of House Baratheon, Robert could only see the three-headed crimson dragon.

Aerion, however, did not follow and remained outside of the Red Keep.

"Jaime, make sure he doesn't do anything foolish."

He nodded and followed Robert Baratheon into the Red Keep.

'Now... where's that Ser Arthur?


The news of the duel spread like wildfire, thanks to the Soul Knights and loyalist lords running their mouth about it. A duel between two Kings to decide who should be the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms... such a surreal duel had yet to happen. The very fate of millions balanced on who would swing their weapon better. Of course, it was a little more complicated than that. Most of the smallfolk and highborn alike saw this as a battle of honour and vengeance, one that would settle their conflicts once and for all without the deaths of their soldiers.

Aerion had slain countless men in battle and did not lack the fire to ruthlessly murder everything in his way (which was very much unlike his father before him.). Some say that he was more reminiscent of Robert during the Rebellion than his own father when it came to battle. Strong, full of fire and young... against the now-ageing Robert Baratheon.

Many had gathered in the arena after paying a handsome fee and even began to gamble amongst themselves regarding who would emerge as the victor. In the meantime, the lords that had come with Robert were given some temporary accommodations while they waited.

"Why did he ask about Jon Snow, of all people?" Jon Arryn inquired.

Eddard Stark was caught off-guard by that question. Keeping the truth a secret was easy enough for those in the North, where he was the Lord Paramount... but, in this case, he couldn't really think of anything. After all, why would the Dragon Emperor care about his 'bastard' in the North?

"I do not know."

"Yet you answered the question so swiftly, without even asking why. As if you were expecting him to ask... I raised you, Ned, surely you can tell me the truth?"

Eddard did not answer for a while until another voice broke the silence.

"What does it matter?" Edmure laughed. "His Grace is going to crack the Targaryen's skull soon enough. He probably asked the question to spite Lord Eddard and remind him of the one stain on his honour. Wouldn't that make good sense?"

"I suppose that I am delving too far into this simple matter." Jon sighed.


"There's my boy," Robert spoke with pride.

"Father... is that really you?"

Artos, who had been practising his swordsmanship, dropped his practice sword in shock and ran into his father's embrace. To Robert, his heir was perhaps the brightest spot in his marriage. Mostly because the boy was strong and similar to him personality-wise.

"What happened with Aerion... I mean, the dragonspawn? How did he let you in?"

"We arranged a duel to the death."

"So... if you kill him and win, it'll be over, right?"

"No. That bastard told me that it wasn't so simple... and he was right."

"The loyalists would simply rally behind Viserys." Lyanna stepped in and stated the truth. "And you would be surrounded by them."

"I could not fight his magic. Many men, including myself, have tried and failed before... I would be mad to try again." Robert laughed for a bit as he remembered how easily he had been defeated. "I knew that this day would come the moment he began to toss me around on that ship of his."

"No amount of physical strength can match the power of magic... those were his words. I still remember the look in his eyes when he spoke those very words. Artos, you must be wary of him no matter what happens after today. Live the long life you deserve... believe me, being the King isn't as glamorous as you think it is. Why else do you think that I leave everything to Jon?"

"I will..." Artos nodded as he paused to think over his next words. "I don't think that he's that bad, in truth... he told me that House Baratheon and Targaryen can be close again, like all those years ago, if both sides put effort into putting an end to the fighting."

"Hmph... yes, that sounds like something he'd say."


After spending time with his eldest son, Robert had a more private conversation with his wife. Deep down, he had wondered whether or not Lyanna had truly loved Rhaegar. While they walked, Aerion did state that his father didn't need to kidnap Lyanna. After all, he was far too beautiful and charming to go to such lengths. If his death was to come... he wanted to know the truth.

"Tell me the truth, Lyanna. Did you love Rhaegar?"

"Yes... I did." She admitted.

"So... you came to him of your own free will?"

Again, she nodded.

Robert sighed as he thought of Rhaegar. Not only did the bastard steal his betrothed, but he had also done so with his charms. He had felt that something was wrong in their marriage for quite some time and now he knew what it was.

Rhaegar's shadow... it had never left Lyanna. Not even after all of these years.

Robert knew that he wasn't far from the perfect King and husband... he drank, whored and shit most of his days away while Jon had to clean everything up. Not even Lyanna could change his wild behaviour, she could only control it to a degree.

"Rhaegar... that bastard... he would have done better, wouldn't he?"

Robert drank all of the wine that he had poured in one go and stood up from his chair. "Don't answer that."


Jocelyn sat with an intrigued expression as she read through the White Book of the Kingsguard. Now, with Ser Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander, there had been quite a few additions to the book. Especially Ser Arthur and Jaime who had completed several noteworthy feats under their Emperor, adding to what was written before. How had she attained this book? Well, she kind of 'borrowed' it. Aerion, after discovering the fact, had kindly allowed her to read it as long as she returned it to its rightful place.

"How is my little princess?"


Robert tried to embrace Jocelyn but she backed away.

"That's a little embarrassing..."

"Hahaha..." Robert laughed. "Are you well?"

"Well enough."

"Did Aerion ever harm you? I swear, even with his magic, that I would..."

"No, he didn't do anything like that. At first, I was alone and scared... but he was kind to me. So, despite being away from my family and home, I was able to adapt to my surroundings and finally find comfort again."

"He didn't care that you were my daughter?"

"Hehe, one of the main things he taught me was that..." Jocelyn took a long breath and attempted to imitate Aerion's voice and proud stature."'the sins of the parent shouldn't be passed down to their children.'"

"Those are wise words." Robert nodded, realising that this was somewhat directed towards him. Indeed, one of the reasons why he hated Aerion was because he was Rhaegar's spitting image.

"Since you're here, does that mean that you two made peace with each other?"

"No. We agreed on a duel, however."


"You will not be watching it."

"But I want to. I've seen Aerion duel so many times... why can't I-"

"You'll listen to me and stay here."

"Fine... I will."

Robert managed to smile. "I'll be returning shortly, one way or another."


Aerion stood before the entrance to the duelling grounds, surrounded by many familiar faces.

Ser Arthur grabbed his shoulder. "Keep a clear mind, follow your strategy and you'll win this with ease."

"I've duelled to the death before, Ser Arthur."

"The horse lord did not wear any armour." Ser Arthur reminded Aerion. "Robert will and I assure you that cutting through his armour won't be easy."

Barristan nodded. "You must be swift. Use your greater speed and endurance to your advantage."

"His Warhammer might break bones on impact but that won't matter if he can't even touch you with it," Jaime added.

"Advice is nice and all but it will not directly help you." Oberyn handed Aerion a small glass container. "Give your blades a drop of this and one deep cut will end it all."

"Poison? I don't have to resort to that."

"Don't let your pride get you killed, nephew."

"If I want to avoid dying, I'll simply use magic." Aerion countered.

"Keep it anyway. Using poison is far less dishonourable than resorting to magic."

"Alright..." Aerion shrugged and placed the glass container in his pocket. Then, he put on his newly-forged black helmet. It resembled a dragon somewhat, with 'wings' to each side.

One step at a time, he marched to the entrance, eventually passing it and entering the centre of the duelling ground.


"Would you like a true challenge, Stormcaller?" A calm, divine, voice spoke in his mind. "The Demon of the Trident at his very peak, even stronger than he was against Rhaegar with more experience to boot. If you manage to win without using magic, you'll be awarded handsomely. After all, as an Emperor, it will be hard to be on two different continents at once. My reward will make this very easy to accomplish."

"It will be like long-distance skinchanging but related to the undead under you... if you're brave enough to take up the challenge and strong enough to win, of course."

'Skinchanging...' Aerion pondered. 'I accept.'

"As you wish... hahahaha... prepare for a tough battle, my dear Stormcaller."


As the hours of the day had passed, the sky was slowly growing dark. Yet, at this very moment, the sun's orange light still shined upon both warriors as they stared down on each other. Aerion held Ambition in his left hand while Robert prepared to swing his warhammer with both hands. Robert had started to feel something different about his body.

He grasped his warhammer tightly, feeling a growth of strength. His footsteps were more swift and effortless... he felt renewed and young again!

"We have yet to discuss the rewards that the victor will reap." Aerion stated. "Although, it is a duel to the death... the loser may still be spared. In the case that I somehow lose and you decide to spare me, what is it that you would wish for?"

"I would want you to renounce your claim to the Iron Throne and retreat from Westeros. Then make your loyalists bend the knee and give me the ships to crush House Greyjoy. Is that too much for your life, dragonspawn?"

"Oh my, quite demanding, aren't you? I'll share that sentiment." Aerion smiled. "When I am the victor, you must deeply apologise for all your wrongs and admit that you were no more than a Usurper. Once you're done, you will swear into my Kingsguard and directly serve the true ruling House of the Seven Kingdoms. Your rebel lords shall follow, all bending the knee after you."

"Your Kingsguard..."

"You like warring, don't you... why not do it for me?" Aerion casually shrugged. "I could use another conqueror."

"Hmph." Robert did not speak anymore, slowly advancing towards Aerion. His horned helmet was similar to the one that he had worn in the Battle of the Trident... menacing, dark and ruthless. Aerion could not even see his blue eyes which were hidden by the dark shadow in his helmet.

For the first time in a long time, Aerion genuinely felt intimidated.

'So this is what my father had to face... during a raging battle.'

"What's wrong, are you not going to strike? I am Aerion of House Targaryen! Son of Rhaegar Targaryen, the man who fucked your wife before even you could!"

Enraged by Aerion's taunt, Robert dashed forwards and wildly swung his warhammer. He had aimed for Aerion's right side but the Stormcaller had already vanished left by the time Robert's warhammer should've reached him. After sidestepping out of the way, Aerion grabbed Ambition with both hands and slashed at Robert's right arm.

As a result, there was a clear cut through most of his armour where Aerion had struck, though his sword hadn't cut deep enough to reach the skin.

Robert recovered, swinging his warhammer towards Aerion's right side again. Having just swung his sword, Aerion was forced to block the strike rather than dodge. Robert's strike was not weak... even blocking the warhammer's strike sent a thunderous vibration through Aerion's arms.

'Damn it...'

Robert continued his momentum, swinging constantly and not allowing Aerion any room to breathe. With every occasional blocked strike, his arms felt weaker slightly. Though, he was certain that Robert was more swiftly running out of stamina than he was. In the middle of it all, he felt his connection to his magic vanish.


"Fight. Or Die." These three thunderous words rumbled across his mind.

"How long are you going to run!?" Robert roared as Aerion dodged another blow. He had sustained a few cuts here and there but it was nothing major. If Aerion tried for anything more, it was likely that Robert would smite him with his warhammer... and that wouldn't lead to a good ending.

It had been roughly thirty minutes of the same thing, over and over. Aerion was playing the long game, gradually weakening Robert. Though, he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't growing tired and weaker too. Consistently dodging Robert's speeding warhammer required both great speed and stamina.

"Run and run, all you do is run. Are you a dragon or a rabbit?!"

"You want me to fight you head-on?!"

For the first time, Aerion advanced forwards.




The arena was filled with thunderous clashes between the two warriors who struck with all their strength. However, in a contest of strength... Robert won.

He sent Aerion's bastard sword flying away from his hand and onto the ground several meters away. Then with a swift and resounding headbutt, he dazed Aerion. One punch in the gut sent him on his knees.

Then, he kicked Aerion down onto the ground and prepared to bring down his warhammer onto him.

"This is how you die, just like your father before you!"



Aerion had drawn Instinct and blocked the blow. However, Robert continued to push downwards.

Realising that Robert would win in a contest of strength if it were to happen again, he kicked Robert's groin which made him retreat back in pain. He had even let go of his warhammer, which Aerion grabbed with both hands as he got back on his feet.

"DAMN YOU!" Robert roared.


Aerion was standing once more, though both of his arms felt much weaker after blocking that blow. Robert's warhammer... it was far too difficult to wield in his current state, so he threw it to the side.

Aerion returned Instinct to his left arm and dashed forwards without giving Robert much time to recover.

Slash after slash after slash, the stag's armour began to fall apart piece by piece within seconds.

Robert managed to get a good kick in the stomach and send him backwards a good metre, ending Aerion's barrage of strikes. Robert ran to Ambition, intending to use it against Aerion.

With a well-placed throw, however, Instinct landed in Robert's left calf where his body was not so well protected by armour. He almost fell to the ground, giving Aerion time to reach his sword first.

"Any last words?"

Robert laughed, taking Instinct out of his calf. He stood tall once more, with Aerion's dagger in hand.

"That dagger doesn't suit you."

"Damn right, you are..." He raised the black dagger and prepared to throw it. Suddenly, the runes on the dagger glowed emerald... as if empowered by magic.



Aerion felt a deep cut in his chest. The pain had dazed him momentarily, though when he opened his eyes... he saw his own blood flowing from his chest. Instinct, his very own dagger, had pierced through his armour.

He coughed up some blood onto the duelling grounds before drawing out his dagger. Although greatly wounded, he could still stand... and that was more than enough. Robert's armour had been dismantled pretty well earlier, after all.

One well-placed stab with Ambition would settle it.

"His Grace... His Grace still stands!"

"Is he even a man!?"

"That dagger... how sharp is it?"

"You know... because of your damned rebellion... I have become the way that I am." Aerion spit out some more blood. "It's not your fault... you only fought for what you thought was... right."

"But... why... did you hate me as well... why did you make everything... so difficult for... me..."

"What sin... did I commit... to have my home and family... stripped away from me... to fight for survival as a child... to constantly watch every shadow... in fear... of death..."

"Tell me..."

Aerion gripped Ambition with both hands, as tightly as he could manage.

"What did Daenerys... and Viserys do... to deserve their exile... all alone, in a foreign land...?"

'The sins of the parent shouldn't be passed down to their children...' The words emerged in Robert's mind once more, followed by several flashes of what Aerion had experienced.

'Am I... a monster?'

'Mother... don't cry. We have to keep moving forward.'

'My father... grandfather... twin sister... baby brother, who had barely lived for a year... they are all dead!!'

'All... for what?'

'Damned assassins... when do they end?'

'I wonder... what is it like to grow up like a normal child?'

'Fight... to take what is rightfully mine, I must fight!'

Several of Aerion's memories had flashed to Robert once he had thrown his dagger. He froze for a second, taking in what he had just witnessed. This was the very first time that he had felt sympathetic towards Aerion...

"Answer me, you bastard!"

He charged forwards towards Robert with Ambition pointed towards his chest. Robert, however, did not move a single inch.

"... They did nothing wrong."


Aerion's eyes widened as he heard Robert admit it.

Ambition was deeply embedded into Robert's chest.

Robert fell to the ground as a result.

A couple of tears fell from Aerion's violet eyes. The memories that Robert had seen flashed before him as well.

"What is done... is done..."

Aerion took off the stag's helmet and tossed it away, watching Robert slowly dying before him. The glow in his blue eyes slowly faded... and so did the fire in Aerion's own eyes. Then, Robert managed to speak his very last words as a living man.

"Forgive me..."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C72
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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