71.42% From Dusk Til Dawn By Rosie_Batman_04 / Chapter 5: ~Chapter Four~ The Kiss

章 5: ~Chapter Four~ The Kiss

As I was driving with Kyle and Seth in the back. Jacob was in the front passenger seat. " I honestly don't know if mom will let me go to the field trip." I said as I stopped at a red-light. "Why not?" Jacob asked as Seth leaned in to join the conversation. "Mom is very controllable wherever I or Kyle goes. She has to be there no matter what." I said looking over to Jacob as he smiled. "She's one of those parents." He said smiling looking towards the front. "What do you mean?" I asked. He glanced at me with a smirk. "She is one of the protective strict parents. She needs to know where your at. At all times." He paused. "Uncle Bill is like her. Always worrying about us." Seth says. I Look at the light that hasn't changed. I sigh. "Don't worry. I'll ask her to let you come." I stared at Jacob. "No way! There is no possible way you can ask mom and she will say yes!" Kyle said as he held onto Jacob's head back of the seat. Jacob smirked. "Watch me. Drive towards your house." Jacob ordered grinning at me. I sighed. "It's worth a shot." I shrugged as I drove straight home. Within the few minutes we were home. "Damn! that's a big house!" Jacob said as his eyes widened surprised at the house. "I was sure there was no one living on this hill." Seth said confused. "Mom wanted a place of isolation away from civilization. She didn't want neighbors around her so she decided to work hard and get good money to buy this place." I said as we got out of the car. We headed straight towards the door. I grabbed the keys."Your mom worked hard." Jacob said. I nodded. I inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it as the door proped open. I walked inside and closed the door behind. Mom was in the kitchen looking towards us. "Hey! You didn't say we were having guests over!" Mom said as I went over and kissed her cheek as Kyle followed and did the same.Mom took a step back and looked at Kyle. "Mijo! que te paso en la cara!" Mom asked grabbing his face examining it. "What happend to your face!?" Mom demanded answers."Kyle se fajo mama. Kyle got in a fight." I said looking at mom as she turned to me. "Who was it?" mom asked looking at Kyle. "Already took care of it ma." I said as mom looked at me and then back at Kyle."Did you at least get a few punches in?" Mom asked. Kyle nodded, as she smiled. She then turned to see Jacob and Seth. "Hi Ms. Quintana. I'm Jacob and this is Seth." Jacob said with a bright smile shaking hands with mom. She looked surprised she had a soft smile and greeted the two boys with a hand shake. "It's nice to meet you Seth and Jacob. If I have known you two were coming  I would have put on more suitable clothes." Mom says embarrassed in her pjs. "Non-sense! you look beautiful." Jacob said as mom blushed. "Aw! stop! You boys are too much." Mom says as she walks into the kitchen. "I finished making dinner." Mom said as she grabbed more plates from the cabinet. "You boys hungry?" Mom said as they nodded. "I guess your staying for dinner." I said as I went to help mom grab some forks and knives and some spoons.As I helped her set the table I noticed Jacob would help mom with many things and so did Seth. They would help place the plates of food on the table. When they were finished we all sat down. Mom sat  at the head of the table I sat on her right and Kyle sat on her left. Jacob sat beside me and Seth sat beside Kyle. Everyone grabbed their plate and started to serve themselves. "Help your selves to everything boys and if you want to take some food home I'll pack some for you." Mom said chuckling as the boys smile shyly. "Your too kind Miss M." Seth says chewing some food bits in his mouth smiling. "OH! please call me Maria." Mom says as me and Kyle look at each other worriedly. "So, how did you guys meet?" "We met in front of the school Kyle and Ave seemed lost so we decided to help them out." "That's awfully kind of you." Mom said smiling and Jacob smiled with Seth. "It's really not a problem maria." Jake said with a reassuring voice. "We always look out for the newbies. The sophmores always like to start trouble with the freshmen." Jacob said as he glanced up from eating his food and finishing the plate getting more rounds. He was physically fit and still able to eat with a wolf's appetite. "oh, are there a lot of fights?" Mom asked. "Not a lot since me and the boys have been involved in stopping them." Jacob said as Seth nodded. "Well, that's good." Mom said as she continuously asked about Jacob and Seth's home life. After awhile Jacob began. "We have a field trip tomorrow at school and was wondering if Ave can come. It's a high school tradition." Jacob explained. "What time will you be home?" Mom asked. "It's sorta a 3 month trip vacation." Jacob said as mom looked at him a little confused. "3 months? To go where? How much is this?" Mom asked. "It's gonna be at a ski resort up north. It's called "La Santa Montanilla." Mom looked at Seth like he was crazy. "That ski-resort costs a lot of money and I don't have that much in the bank right now for you to be there 3 months." Mom said as Jacob smiled. "It's free Maria. I promise we'll take good care of Ave. We have a group of my cousins and brothers that will be there." Mom gave it a thought for a few moments. She looked at me and then back at Jacob and Seth. "Fine, I'll let you go but under one condition." I looked at mom. "Call you 24/7." I responded as she nodded. "I've never been there and I wanna know if you got there alright and if you found your room alright and the people your with AT.ALL.TIMES." Mom said as I smiled. "Promise." I said with a smile. After a few more hours Jacob, Seth, Kyle, and I helped wash dishes.Once Seth and Kyle finished their half.They went upstairs to see if they could help with any other chores. I was in the middle of washing dishes when I felt someone behind me. I glanced behind me. "Hey." It was Jake wearing a huge smile. I glanced back at what I was doing as he leaned against the counter facing me. "So, tell me. How did I do?" He asked chuckling. His elbow against the counter. I cracked a smile. I looked at him. "I don't know if you placed a spell over mom or what but you actually managed to gain her trust." He smiled a me with a big mischievous grin. "So, this means you owe me." Jake said with a side smile. I laughed. "Oh yeah? and what would that be?" I jokingly said as I stared at him as he leaned closer. "I don't know yet. But I'll think of something..." Our faces inches away while he smiled. I could tell he was looking at my lips. His facial expression turned frustrated, with his narrowed eyes staring at me.  I don't know what it was about  his eyes but I knew what he was thinking. should I kiss her now? or should I wait? He tried to process his thoughts as he slowly leaned closer he finally came into a conclusion.Our faces barely touched as I felt his hand creep up and cup my cheek. "Jake..." I softly said as he leaned in closer. I looked into his eyes as he did with mine. He leaned in and softly placed his lips upon mine. I closed my eyes and slowly relaxed into the kiss. I slowly placed my wet hands from washing the dishes and touched his hand. I felt the breathe being sucked out of me. I felt the pit of my stomach swim with butterflies in a matter of seconds. I've never felt this way before.. His warm embrace...I felt the warmth of his muscles as he pulled me closer to his body. In a strange way I felt safe in his arms. His free arm wrapped around my waist making sure I was close to him. As we made out I could feel his lips slowly leave mine. I could see it in his face that he was  trying to figure out if he wanted to kiss me again or not. We stared into each others eyes. His eyes narrowed as he moved his hand from my jawline to my chin. "Jake..." I said breathlessly as he looked at me and caressed my cheek. I saw him crack a smile. "I bet no one's kissed you like before. huh?" He said as he stroked my cheek slowly looking at me. "No one's kissed me period up til now..." I said as his smile grew as he chuckled. "Good, then that means your mine." Jake said with a wide grin. I rolled my eyes with a side smile in disbelief. "Just cause you kissed me doesn't mean I'm yours...Yet." I said with a pause and continued on while I turned back to sink and finished rinsing the dishes."Then what do I have to do to make you mine?" Jacob asked with a serious voice tone and a wide smile.I stared at him. He had now moved beside me to my right. " Get to know me. And let me get to know you." I said placing the last few plates on the drying rack and dried my hands off. I then went into the living room. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I looked back and saw Seth and Kyle coming down the steps. "It's time to get going Jake. We gotta pack." Seth said as Jacob nodded. "I'll give you two a ride back." I said as I grabbed the keys. Jacob and Seth said goodbye to Mom and Kyle as we left to get in the car. Once I started the engine and everyone had their seat belts on I drove off. Jacob told me the directions and I followed. We turned and swerved through many brown dirt roads followed by trees. Once we were there I saw a brown native architecture house. It was 2 stories with their own little garage that held two cars. They had about 3 more outside the house.

The boys took their seat belts off as I was mesmorized by the house. "You coming?" Jake asked as I glanced at him and then back at the house. "Yea, I'm coming." It took me a few moments before I could reply. Once I got out of the car Jake was waiting on the other side of the car. "Are you sure? I should be heading back."I said hesitantly looking at the house"Hey." He grabbed my chin to make me look at him. He looked at me with soft eyes. He looked like he wanted me to stay. That's what his eyes told me. He spoke softly leaning closer towards me. He softly grabbed my wrist and then grabbing my hand. "Come in for just a few moments and then you can leave." Jake said as I glanced down biting my lip then back up at him looking into his eyes. "Alright." I said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him making me follow him to the front of the house. I could see Seth, Felix, Diego and some other guys there. In a circle having a serious conversation.

As me and Jacob walked up to the boys an older one spoke. "Jacob, who is this?" "Relax Paul she's a friend." Jacob looks at me. "Ave this is Paul, Oliver, Max, And Sam." He said gesturing towards the individuals. "You've already met Felix and Diego. The elders are inside." Jacob said as Paul put himself in the way. "Jacob, we need to talk." Paul said in a serious low tone which scared me in a way. Jacob looked at him with an angry annoyed face. He looked like he was gonna argue with Paul on the spot. I intervened before he could talk further. "Jake, go talk to Paul. It's probably important. I'll talk with Felix, Diego and the others." Jacob looked at me with a soft expression. "I won't take long." He said in a low husky tone as he slowly let go of my hand and followed Paul inside of the house. I hope Paul didn't see me as a threat. But, why would he? would Jacob tell him about the kiss? and then let him bring me over? would he accept me and Jacob being together? would my mom accept me and Jake? As my mind raced with unanswered questions I heard a voice. "So, are you and Jacob- Like a thing now?" I turned to see Diego and Felix walk beside me. I turned to face them. "Why do you say that?" I asked nervously.  "I only ask because I saw you two holding hands." Diego says Felix looks at me. By the looks of his expression, he was hoping it wasn't true. In some part of him, I guess he would be fine with it either way. "Just because we're holding hands it doesn't mean we're together." I said softly justifying. That was partially true. For some reason I felt like I should at least wait until we got to know each other better. I wanted to be with him. For some unknown reason I felt protected within his embrace and the warm touch of his skin against my skin. I had to protect...No, I needed to protect this 'thing' between us until I knew for certain that we could be together. "So, does that mean your available?" Diego asked. "What?" I said in a shocked expression. Why would he ask that? was he gonna try and ask me out? was he going to?- "Felix wants to know if your available-" Felix hit Diego on top of the head. "Hey! I'm tryna help you out here!" As Diego and Felix argued I glanced back to see the other boys I met earlier. Oliver, Sam, and Max. They were staring at me with piercing eyes. I don't know if they were mad at me or if they wanted to eat me alive. I was lost in between which one would come first. I then heard him. "Ave!" I looked back and saw Jacob. He was coming out of the house. "I want you meet my father." He said with a side smile. I saw Paul walking slowly into the frame of the door with a disappointed look. He crossed his arms. "She leaves within 10 minutes. It's getting dark so make it fast." Paul said as he walked past us and joined Oliver, Sam and Max. "Does he hate me?" I ask turning to Jake. He looked at me and grabbed my hand. "No, he just has to warm up to you." He said with a side smile. I looked up at him and softly smiled back. "Let's go." He said as we went inside.  The inside of the house was styled like a Mexican home on the inside but mixed with Native American. Jacob then turned into a corner. There was an older man which I assumed was his father because he was the spitting image of him. He was talking with an older lady and a younger lady next to them.

"Jake who are they?" I asked gently pulling his hand back making him stop in the frame of the the living room. He turned and looked at me still holding my hand. "That's my old man. The older lady is my mom Rose and the girl next to her is Paul's Fiance. Emily Clentin." Jake explained as he looked at me while I looked at his father. "You okay? Your not scared to meet my father are you? " He asked chuckling in his husky voice looking at me. "You look like your father." I said looking up at him with a soft smile. He grinned. "I get that a lot." He said smiling holding my hand still. He looked down tracing my hand with his other hand. He smiled. "What?" I asked. "Your hands are shaking." "W-what?!" I stuttered in a whisper/yell. I Looked at my other hand that was holding Jake's hand and examined it. "Jake!" I punched his shoulder with my one free hand as he chuckled. I wasn't shaking..

He smiled at me."You'll be fine." He said caressing my cheek down to my jawline and lifting my chin up. I softly smiled as he returned the smile at me. He turned back towards the living room and glanced at the three relatives in the room. I followed his glance towards his father and the 2 women. They were looking at us now. Jake walked into the room dragging me along. "Dad, this is Ave. Ave this is my dad. Rose my mom and Emily Paul's Fiance." Jake said re-introducing them to me again. His dad extended a hand and I extended mine. We shook hands briefly. "It's nice to finally meet you Ave." His dad said with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." I said as I smiled softly. "Oh, please call me Gregory you make me sound old." We both laughed. "You can't hide the old age forever honey." Rose said as we all laughed. "I'm Rose, You look lovely dear." Rose said as she embraced me in a hug.I hugged her back. As we leaned away from each other we smiled and then Emily looked at me with a bright welcoming smile. "It's good to know we'll have another girl in the house." Emily said jokingly. She embraced me in a hug and I hugged her back. I was happy that they didn't treat me as coldly as Paul and the others did.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


