69.87% I Own a Brothel in Another World / Chapter 167: Quick Swap

章 167: Quick Swap

After a calm night, we gather together for a delicious breakfast to start our day just the right way. Though, before we get to enjoy the various meals often prepared by the ship's cooks, I'm personally requested to visit the galley for some reason so I kindly oblige and follow the messenger. Well, it turns out that the ladies there would also like to start their day just right and I end up giving them a helping hand for a little bit. Though, mine is kneading something else than dough.

Thankfully, they are more than capable of working under the influence of various external forces that could potentially throw them off balance thanks to their experience on the sea. Therefore, my requested interference doesn't slow down the master chefs and their assistants as they do their job while I do something else. Quite a lot.

About fifteen minutes later, I leave the galley alongside a few girls that still bring the food out to the mess hall and rejoin my group of companions. They have already picked a few dishes and set them down for all of us to consume together. From the numerous smirks and grins of my beloved wives, I realise that the galley might not exactly be completely soundproof and smile at them wryly.

Cornelia doesn't let go of the chance to tease me and constantly makes jokes about the food, often mentioning which one might have been filled with my love. I decide to give her a break this time and not bully her back since I did technically earn it for making the kitchen quite hot and steamy. Besides, I love when she puts up her teasing smirk and tries to taunt me with smart remarks.

We chat casually amongst ourselves while filling our bellies with various incredible foods, mostly based around fish and sea animals. It makes me wonder how we are doing on supplies since it's been a while already. Lianne agrees that we should speak with Alyssa about it soon, even though she believes that we are still in the green or else the wise and experienced captain would have told us.

Therefore, we wrap our breakfast quite soon and move to the captain's quarters. We find Alyssa inside, talking about something with one of her officers. Not wanting to disturb them, we wait outside of the room until they are done and then take our turn.

From what we learn during our brief discussion, the supplies are still at a safe level for us to continue and have enough to return after our mission is done. She keeps an eye on our location on the sea and constantly checks how close we are to any ports where we could resupply if the need arises.

Supposedly, there's a quite big island not that far from our location right now. It definitely is closer than our initial starting point. A small noble family rules over it, still serving under Ross, of course. From what Lianne tells me, they grow some special fruit there that can only exist in the island's ecosystem.

So, all in all, we do have an emergency plan.

But, since you never know what might happen, I bring up the suggestion to resupply right now. We are setting off onto the last straight leading to the main goal of our journey and things can get dicey at any moment. We've long sailed into the enemy's territory and the further in we go, the higher chances of being spotted, surrounded, or locked down, unable to escape until the army holding us in place isn't dealt with. If that happens when we are low on rations, things won't be pretty.

Naturally, Alyssa has no idea how we are supposed to refill our supplies in the middle of the sea but I just smile at her knowingly and explain the bright idea I've come up with.

The first step is to contact someone who is back in Evaneheim to make the purchases in our name. This part is childishly easy with my abilities. I can just ask any of the girls that are registered as my Partners to take care of that task. Elea or Ria might be the best choice since their talents fit the area pretty well.

The second step is to gather all the crates in one place and shove them into one of Ailish's storage rings. There is no doubt that everything will fit inside one of those ancient treasures. Ailish herself can assist and help with the item collection since she is the most used to managing spatial magic.

Then, for the third step, there are actually a few options. The simplest one would be for our Succubus friend to personally transport herself to me through the bond we share. No matter the distance, she can move to her master, meaning me, in case of an emergency. She could bring us the ring and help the crew unload the cargo properly.

Though, there's a single issue with that plan. She would most likely have to stay with us since coming back on her own might not be as simple even if she can fly impressive distances. It's not a bad thing per se, but I don't think there's a need to take her away from whatever she is currently busy with. All the women back at home are dutifully taking care of their tasks and the enchanting Succubus lady has her own mission too.

So, rather than do that, I can utilise Heart Swap instead. The skill that allows me to swap positions with one of my close Partners.

Obviously, I would have to cast it twice, the first time to bring someone here, and the second to return them and myself to our initial positions, but the ability has levelled up a bit thanks to the constant use so its cooldown is now slightly reduced. Two or three days without me on the ship shouldn't be a big issue.

Sure, the crew might miss their dose of dick, but otherwise, my extremely strong and capable wives can protect everyone during my absence. They don't need a man to hide behind. And additionally, I would get to visit the mansion in the meanwhile, checking on the state of things back at home.

After we talk a little more about this plan, Alyssa jumps on board and leaves her quarters to speak with her officers and the crew members responsible for overseeing the supplies. We use that time to reach out to the women back on land and try to pick who will be the courier.

The initial suggestion of Ria is crossed out since she has lots of stuff to supervise in Cornelia's absence. It should also be someone who is decently strong, just in case, and also someone who won't immediately get sick after being teleported onto the deck of a moving ship. We find plenty of candidates and try our best to talk to all of them to find the best person for the job.

In the end, we settle on either Vivi or Leilei. They both are willing to fulfil the role of our transporter. To reduce the pool of available candidates, they agree to compete in rock-paper-scissors and the former comes out on top. It's certainly an amusing situation.

When the ship's quartermaster brings us the list of goods that we have already consumed or used up in any other way, I relay that information to both Leilei and Aisha. The duo departs into the town to go on a shopping spree and we wait for its results. Lianne insists that they mention who those supplies are going to be for but we decide to purchase them privately instead. Someone could possibly make problems for us later after learning that the ship wasn't even near the port at the time of the transaction.

In a few hours, Ailish and Leilei find everything from the list and we wait only a little longer for the crates and barrels to be delivered to one of the warehouses they rented for a day. They make the final check together, verifying with me and with Alyssa's experts that everything they wanted is there, and Ailish swoops it into one of her spatial rings.

Then, the volunteer gets ready, I bid a temporary farewell to my companions on the ship, and invoke the ability, warning the Nereid lady about the unusual sensation accompanying it.

The world swirls in front of my eyes as a ferocious pulling force twists and untwists my body in the blink of an eye. Shaking my head after regathering my wits, I find myself inside an empty warehouse with the seductive demon standing proudly in front of me with a wide grin. I quickly check with Leilei and the other women, confirming that she's arrived at her destination without any issues. So, I wish her luck and ask her to have a fun break on the ship before returning my attention to the sexy beast watching me intently.

As expected, we don't move out of the warehouse until I reward my loyal subordinate properly. This time, I put a sound barrier around us before putting something else in her. And I'm very glad I have because the screams of ecstasy that the lewd Succubus releases could fill the entire docks and some more. It's a surprise this old wooden storage survives the force of her voice. Thankfully, there is no glass here or else it would shatter from this incredible tonal assault.

Afterwards, we casually stroll through the town together, with Ailish glued to my arm and with a beautiful, satisfied smile on her dazzling face. She doesn't need much to be a happy Succubus.

About ten minutes later, I notice that I'm still in my diving suit and finally realise why everyone has been staring at me so intently. My charms are quite apparent over the thin, tight material. This sly demon said nothing, knowing well what was going on since the moment we left the warehouses.

I hastily put on my actual, fancy suit and swear to punish the frivolous girl, threatening her with a ban on dicks for a week straight. Including the fake ones so that she can't scratch that itch with my replicas or other toys.

Before we arrive in front of the mansion, I check the description of Heart Swap and confirm that we have about six days or slightly more before I can jump back onto the ship. If nothing goes wrong, they should be arriving near the main settlement of Sahuagins by the time I return.

That's just perfect timing. A little break before kicking the main bad guy's ass.

Since most of the women that live and work in our little, fancy home weren't informed about the swap, my sudden appearance causes quite a shock. Some of the girls aren't sure if it's really me since they believe that I should still be far, far away, but of course, they don't doubt my identity for too long. With respectable figures such as Ria, Elea, Teffith, and so on coming to greet me, the main hall becomes very lively.

I try my best to let everyone know that they can just ignore my presence and continue on with their lives but nobody listens. Before I manage to calm down the small crowd that has gathered around me, the sound of light but fast footsteps reaches my ears and a big smile sneaks onto my lips as I immediately recognize their unique pattern.

The curtain of women parts right in time to uncover my beloved little Dwarf running towards me as fast as Sirgia's small legs allow her to. She jumps into the air and I catch the tiny lady into a tight hug, starting to spin as Sirgia embraces me affectionately. Everyone coos at the adorable spectacle and I chuckle softly, patting my hardworking wife lovingly while excusing myself from the reception hall.

"I'm glad to see you again too," I whisper to Sirgia's ear after stepping into an empty corridor and sliding down the wall with my back.

She nods faintly and keeps rubbing her face into my neck so we stay like that for a little longer. It's obvious that she's missed me the most out of everyone here. Even though she is a grown-up, mature little lady, Sirgia is still as fragile as ever. It's no real wonder considering her past. That's why I have to do anything I can to reassure this precious cinnamon roll that I'm never going to leave her alone ever.

"Have you been well?" I ask while brushing through her soft hair.

"Yes. I worked hard," she replies quietly.

"You wouldn't have it any other way." I snicker a little. "I hope that you did take proper breaks or I'm going to be very, very angry."

She giggles cutely as I start tickling her sides. We playfight a bit until I let her stop my sudden assault.

"I did, Master. Everyone reminded me to rest. But, whenever I try to relax, you always come to my mind…" she whispers.

"I see. I'm happy to hear that. Judging by your clothes, you must have been in the forge before I came. Would you like to relax with me now?"

She draws her face back and shows a delicate smile while staring deep into my eyes from up close. "I would love to, Master."

Leaning forward, I present my lovely little wife with a gentle peck right on her pretty lips and stand up. We could just drop on my bed to rest a bit but I first take Sirgia to the baths and we join the few ladies currently washing themselves or each other, after asking if they do not mind, of course. Since I've managed to return during a rest day, we don't have to worry about any visitors.

I happily take care of Sirgia's body as she leaves herself completely in my hands, blissfully enjoying the affectionate caresses. It takes a bit of effort to wash off all the dark smudges and various unusual marks coming from different metals and materials. For some of them, I need to apply quite a force, unintentionally causing the naked Dwarf lady to giggle uncontrollably. Her melodic voice brings a smile to my and everyone else's lips.

As expected, after finishing with her body, she insists on doing the same for me. To not be rude, I accept her goodwill and watch her wash me with extreme detail. Now and then, she sneaks in fluffy kisses here and there whenever I lose her from my sight, giggling cutely as I try to catch her doing so. It quickly turns into a fun challenge and I'm very much up for it.

When we are both done, we share a brief moment just basking in the warm, liquid bliss, with Sirgia sitting in my lap as I embrace her from behind. It's a nice change of things to spend some time with someone who isn't constantly after something a little bit more indecent. She is just a pure, sweet bun and I always love to pamper my first little lover.

Before we turn into dried plums, I get us out of the water, dress us both up into some casual clothes, and take us to my bedroom. Princess-carrying Sirgia to the bed, I drop us both onto the comfy mattress and we lie down while facing each other. She snuggles to my chest with an enchanting smile and I graze her back while raining tiny pecks all over her forehead.

In no time, she falls asleep, without stopping smiling. I chuckle quietly to myself and accompany the tired girl for a little bit. She will certainly have a good rest with her beloved master by her side. That's what she would like, for sure.

About three hours later, I hear the noise of the door to the room being opened and peek over my shoulder. Elea stands in the door frame with a motherly smile. I check if Sirgia is still sleeping and carefully escape her grasp to sit up on the bed. She still manages to retain her hold on my right hand so I don't take it away from her.

The Dark Elf beauty closes the door and comes closer, sitting down next to me. I cast Hall of Serenity over the adorable Dwarf so that we don't wake Sirgia up from her well-deserved rest.

"How is my favourite Dark Elf Princess doing?" I ask with a faint smirk.

"After being able to see my Saviour again much earlier than expected? Very good." She chuckles quietly.

"I missed you too." I lean in to join our lips in a short kiss.

We then proceed to discuss some matters related to the brothel and all our other enterprises and projects. Elea fills me in on everything important that happened since we departed, leaving out the minor details for later. I will be spending a few days with them so we have time to cover everything. And, I would like to still remain on the side, leaving everything to them until I'm officially back.

It looks like things are progressing nicely. There are already a few costumes and roleplay roles ready to be introduced into our special menu. They are waiting for some more before fully opening the service to everyone. Right now, only a selected group of VIPs can enjoy such a privilege so that we can gather useful feedback from the most loyal guests.

The mercenary project is also proceeding decently well. The girls managed to recruit a few demi-human slaves to work for us as I instructed them. Those new friends of ours and some older residents are actively participating in training sessions and lectures so that they can be ready to represent us with honour and respect. The more they know, the safer they will be.

Since Cornelia left with us on our important journey, the language classes have slowed down a bit, but people are very eager to raise their communication skills so they are still held whenever possible. We do have a few ladies that can teach others a thing or two and they are working twice as hard to fulfil the wishes of those yearning for knowledge.

Just as we are covering that topic, I notice an additional presence in the chamber. Or rather, that presence lets me notice itself. I would be able to notice the owner if I scanned the room with my connection to the girls living here, but since I haven't done that, the unexpected appearance of one more person causes me to glance up with a big smile to welcome the surprise.

Hecate rappels herself down from the ceiling and gracefully steps onto the floor. She observes me with a calm, neutral gaze, still as serene as always.

"Mas… ter…"

My brows rise at the even more unexpected event. If my mind isn't playing tricks on me, I might have just heard a beautiful, soft voice leave the previously silent spidergirl's supple lips. It was slightly awkward and hesitant, for sure, but as for someone who has never spoken a word before, it was incredibly impressive.

"Oh? You are already able to form words? That's amazing." Sneaking my palm out of Sirgia's grasp, I stand up and take a step forward towards the pale goddess. "You must have put a lot of effort into your practice. I'm so happy to finally hear your mesmerising voice. You sound as lovely as I imagined."

I softly pat her head while we stare at each other from up close. Hecate's expression doesn't really change but it doesn't have to. I'm so proud of her. I really didn't expect her to bring out her voice in like a week or two since our departure. Honestly, it makes my heart beat faster from excitement.

She lets me pull her into a delicate hug and place a loving kiss on top of her head before I step back. Elea joins us with a warm smile.

"I was afraid that she would have a hard time without you around, but Hecate worked really hard to learn how to speak. She must care for you a lot, Alastair. Perhaps you should reward your devoted follower to keep her motivation up," she suggests.

"I'm not really sure how I would do that, though." I scratch my head. "What about this? You can ask me for anything after I return from our journey. If you learn how to speak your request, I'll grant your wish no matter what it is. Would that be okay?"

We stare at the spidergirl together to figure out her response but Hecate makes it clear to us by faintly nodding her head a few times. I feel a little bad for coming up with such a lacking, uncreative suggestion, but I'm also glad she at least somewhat likes it, and that she is properly expressing herself. It's a sign that she is starting to think for herself or else she wouldn't really have anything to ask of me with how loyal and dedicated she is to my person and my orders.

I pamper my lovely spidergirl for a little longer while listening to Elea's further reports. When Sirgia wakes up from her short nap, we move to the kitchen together and she prepares some tasty sandwiches for us to feast on. Afterwards, she requests my presence in the forge so I follow her to the lower level and curiously look around her magnificent workshop while she trots straight to the storage room to grab something from there.

She brings back something long and wrapped up in a big cloth. Considering its shape, I first think that it's another trident, but it actually seems to be closer to a javelin or a spear. But, Sirgia doesn't leave me in the dark for too long and she takes the material off right away, uncovering a dark blue metal spear with beautiful patterns over the entire pole. The whole thing is one body, without any parts attached. The only foreign matter is the set of colourful gems embedded into it at regular intervals.

"While you were gone, I managed to finish Meru's new trident, Master. You should take it with you when you will be going back. It's definitely going to be useful in your upcoming battles," Sirgia says and offers the weapon to me.

"Trident?" I squint lightly, examining the polearm from up close.

"This is the artefact's dormant state. Find a small indent for a finger and transfer some mana through that delicate niche. You should be able to connect with the weapon," she explains.

I do as instructed and locate the correct spot. After sharing my mana with the spear, I notice a deeper connection between us and all of its functions instantly appear in my mind.

"Whoa. That's a lot of things you packed into this one." I look at the weapon in a completely new light.

Sirgia giggles adorably with a proud smile. "Yes. I did my best to create an artefact worthy of the Forgegraver bloodline. I think the final result is acceptable."

"Acceptable? Girl, this feels like a national treasure. I don't even want to imagine what your peers consider good, not to mention a masterpiece." I chuckle wryly. "Meru is going to love it."

"I certainly hope so, Master." She shows a sweet smile. "As you might have already noticed, this polearm changes modes depending on the owner's desire. You don't need to use any switches to change modes, you can just think about it. The same goes for the elemental enchantments."

I make a few test swings with the neutral mode of the weapon, which is close to a magnificent spear, more or less. With just a single thought from me, it clicks and two more blades are revealed from the side of the previously single tip, making an actual trident. With another clear intention, two more appear and it mirrors the five-spoke mode from Meru's current, temporary gear. It looks much sharper and more detailed, though.

This one can be thrown and then pulled back just as its predecessor, but it can also split into sections connected with an enchanted chain that can extend by a lot as long as it's fed mana. I'm able to detach the head of the trident, perhaps to launch it at my opponent during a fight, and also five more sections of the entire pole. There are various combinations you can make with this system.

And, that's just the beginning.

The gems embedded into the long handle are linked to various elemental affinities. Sirgia has imbued each of them with a set of spells and enchantments that can be easily triggered by the wielder. From basic things like fire, water, wind, or earth, to more complex elements like lightning, holy, or light. It's just one or three spells per element but that's a lot when they are all added up. The options are just insane.

"Incredible. Artefacts coming from true masters are just something else. I hope you didn't spend your entire savings on this and actually used our budget." I glance at the shy Dwarf intently.

She blushes a bit but shakes her head. "Don't worry, Master. I only paid for a few things myself…"

"You little…" I sigh heavily while rubbing my eyes.

But, it's pointless to argue with her. As long as she is happy, it's fine. I'll just raise her pay and allowance a bit for a certain period of time. First, I'll have to ask Ria how much of her own money she blew on necessary materials and other things. We've long agreed that she is allowed to use our dedicated budget for that kind of work. Part of our earnings has always been intended to be used for her talent but she seems to be stubbornly treating it as her hobby as long as it's not anything related to the brothel. This little overworking fiend.

We spend some more time with us both testing many functions and capabilities of the weapon until we check most of them. Verifying all of them would take way too long so we decide to leave that to Meru. She is going to wreck those bastards with this overpowered thing.

After that, we move out of the forge and I force the little artificer to take a break for the rest of the day as we visit various girls to chat about how things are going for them. Sirgia doesn't disobey the important order and we all have lots of fun.

The next day, I leave the mansion to meet up with Ross. My sudden request for an audience surprised the King but he finds time for me as always. I fill him in directly on everything we've discovered in the depths and share my thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. He pales a little at the scale of the enemy's operation but I assure him that we are going to deal with it soon.

Just in case, he decides to start mobilising his forces to be ready to defend the coast after we stop the leader of the Sahuagins. We have no guarantee that they will just say fuck it and immediately withdraw afterwards. There's an equal chance that they won't do anything, or that they will fall into chaos, becoming even more savage and bloodthirsty. It's a good move and it's definitely good to be ready for the worst-case scenario. That's why I order the strongest of our ladies to also be ready to take action alongside the knights too.

He suggests that I visit Lianne since I'm already in the castle but I manage to worm my way out of it. She did leave a fake in her place but I should reduce the chances of any mistakes and things going awry as much as I can. Plus, I'm sure I would feel a bit weird having someone I completely don't know or even have no idea how they really look acting the same as the always-horny Queen. It would certainly be hard for them too.

Since he is a busy man, I don't take too much of his time and return home to spend it with my employees and wives. When I find a spare moment, I contact the Mermaids to share the information about our conquest with them too. They are happy to hear that those vile beasts are going to be eradicated soon and that their waters will return to be safe for travel again. I share with the Matriarch everything, including the current position of the ship and how far away my companions are from our main destination. The fish ladies celebrate every single piece of information like it's a revelation from their gods. Though, I might technically be considered one.

Time flies as I mostly chill out with my friends and help a person or two with their duties or whatever they need help with. For the entire duration of my stay, Mari and Nyfile remain locked in their artisanal workshop, working intensely on some of their projects. I listen to the advice of the other ladies and don't disturb masters at work. Velen shares with me an improved version of the skin protection pills and extracts some more samples from me, using the same method as before. One thing I have to note is that she's clearly become much better at it. I suspect she's gotten some advice or training, perhaps.

When the cooldown of my skill reaches zero, I bid farewell to everyone at the mansion and swap back with Leilei. I find myself amongst my wives and companions, smiling at me warmly.

"Enjoyed your short vacation?" Cornelia smirks at me.

"Certainly." I chuckle lightly.

"Good. Because you have plenty of women waiting for their turn." Lianne giggles and I groan quietly, unable to hide my own smirk though.

Before I'm kidnapped by a bunch of horny sailor women, I deliver the new weapon to Meru and leave her alone to figure out most of its functions. She is smart and experienced so it shouldn't be a problem for her. I do have the full list of available options given to me by Sirgia just in case.

We are just a day of sailing from the place where we are supposed to stop. Alyssa doesn't want to bring her ship too close to the settlement and everyone understands that. We will cover the distance ourselves after she delivers us as close as possible. Leaving that to her, I spend that day boosting the crew's morale, and then boosting my precious ladies' morale afterwards with a more private, loving meeting. Everyone could use a small buff before the big battle. Even if we are aiming to resolve things as stealthily as possible.

Then, the foretold moment arrives and we all gather on the deck.

"Good luck, everyone. And be very careful. We will be awaiting your return shortly," Lianne says and stands on her tiptoes to give me a tiny peck.

"You should be careful. Those bastards definitely noticed us swimming through their lands. And even if they haven't, they are going to soon since we are not that far from their main settlement. You need to protect yourselves too," Cornelia replies.

"Don't worry, my dear Cornelia. We are not the same ladies as before. A certain someone has become our strength. The crew members are not the same as in the past. We will annihilate any opponents that dare to challenge us here." Lianne grins impishly.

"Still, don't let your guard down." I ruffle through her dazzling, white hair. "If everyone is ready, let's get over it once and for all."

To the accompaniment of waving and cheering, our small squad jumps off the ship and we head towards the Sahuagin capital while moving close to the bottom of the sea to avoid instant detection. What greets us is a sight that none of us has clearly expected.

The biggest reef of those bastards can hardly be called such. Right from the distance you can tell that almost all the buildings are just awfully deformed blocks of mud or some other substance of similar consistency. Everything looks just irregular and bad like it's going to collapse at any moment. I would be afraid to walk next to the biggest buildings in that ugly town. It's like slums the capital.

But, thanks to that, we can easily distinguish the palace from everything else. It's the grandest and ugliest pile of shit out of everything in that direction. If shit was dark navy and stone cold.

From what we are able to observe, there aren't as many watchmen and guards as we expected. At least looking from the outside of the horrendous village. Things might be a bit different around the palace.

Gods. It's really hard calling it that with how disgusting it looks. I've seen monster-infested caverns with a nicer appearance.

Nevertheless, we stealthily scout around and decide that the best course of action is to sneak into the palace and deal with the emperor as soon as possible. If we manage to achieve it quickly enough, we won't get swarmed with whatever forces that fucktard has left at home. Any other approach is tough to execute since we might just end up fighting the entire population present in the town when we are noticed anywhere.

Gaining as much information as possible, we don our metaphorical cardboard boxes and begin the mission impossible to sneak past anything that breathes and assassinate the VIP.

Saileri Saileri

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