45.45% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 10: Chapter 9

章 10: Chapter 9


Harley didn't understand why Addy kept pushing her away every advance she tried then it clicked in her head, fucking Celeste, fucking Celeste ruined my Addy, and now she really needs to check the computer because something tells her that Celeste has been messing with her more than usual. Harley shook the mouse on the computer then seeing Celeste in multiple messages as it read how much she wanted Addy and to keep fucking her more that pissed her off more. Harley grabbed her purse and keys as she went to Addy in the bedroom looking at her sleep then left a note on the pillow.


I will be right back, I am going to pay a visit to my sister and then we will have breakfast together.



Harley closed out the messages then left the apartment silently. When she reached Celeste's, Harley got so pissed off going into the house to where Celeste lived then yelled into the home.

"Celeste, you better be hiding. I am going to hurt you badly since you can't take no for an answer and if you dare keep wanting to hurt Addy, I will hurt you so much worse."

Harley heard whimpering in the back bedroom on the other end of the house. She made her way to Celeste as she put her fists at her sides being so pissed. Harley knocked over any piece of furniture that got in her way to find Celeste, and she finally did in the master bathroom that is when Harley finally punched, kicked, and just let Celeste have it. Harley felt so sick to her stomach of imagining her sister having control of someone she loves just because of the greediness that Celeste couldn't have Addy to herself. After about thirty minutes of beating her sister, Melissa came in pulling Harley off with a smile.

"That will be all, Harley. Thank you for teaching her a lesson but you need to go take care of Addy and get her some help or you will never be able to make love to her again. I have left Celeste for someone else but she will find that out when she wakes up from the beating she got." Melissa said still smiling.

"I have never made love to Addy thanks to this bitch but thank you for handling her, I am heading out now." Harley replied making her way out of the house still knocking over things.

Leaving Celeste's place Harley felt tons better for beating her sister to a pulp now all she needed was to comfort Addy and make her realize Celeste will no longer be sexually abusing her for pleasure but it is going to take a lot of trust since she looks so identical to her sister that Addy may hate her now for letting her own sister get away with it for so long.

Arriving back at the apartment, Harley heard Addy crying in the bedroom this isn't what Harley expected when she came back. Harley knocked on the wall to let Addy know she had returned then she saw Addy run into her arms.

"What is wrong, Addy?" Harley asked holding her tight in her arms.

"I can't be in love with you, Harley. I love someone else. I don't deserve you." Addy replied through sobs.

"Wait, what? No, that can't be right. Please tell me it isn't Celeste?" Harley struggled to speak.

"What? No, it's my ex-fiance Raven. She actually treats me better and doesn't have an identical twin who isn't out to sexually abuse me, she still loves me as much as I love her." Addy responded wiping away her tears.

"No, that isn't right. Addy you are my everything and we finally got to be together. You can't leave me." Harley begged.

"I am sorry, Harley but I must go, she is expecting me by this evening at her place. She moved here to be with me, and I am going to be with her it was a big mistake on my part to leave my better half." Addy responded grabbing her luggage that she only had with her for one day and everything she moved in with.

"Addy, stop, let's talk about this. We just got together as a couple and I have beaten the daylights out of my sister for sexually abusing you. I will get you any type of help or move you to a completely new location. Please, Addy." Harley replied with tears streaking her face.

Harley watch Addy pack anything she could find that belonged to her and then by the next hour Harley got her last kiss on the cheek from Addy with a goodbye. Harley couldn't stop crying right there at the bedroom that she lost Addy to her ex-fiance that she didn't even have a chance with Addy not even the slightest. Harley didn't even get to enjoy a peaceful bright early morning with Addy instead dreadful heartbreak that she didn't deserve but thanks to her sister for ruining what she could have had with the one and only Addy Keith.

Getting herself off the ground Harley went and got some ice cream from down at the bar then turned on horror movies to keep her entertained watching people get killed has always made her laugh though this time all she could is just wiping her tears while shoving spoon fulls of rainbow sherbert, It didn't keep her mind at peace but it did help some from over thinking of the most beautiful woman in the world.

A few days later, Harley heard footsteps coming up from the bar. She assumed it was just couples getting ready to have another love affair especially the so called "lesbians" that need alcohol to have sex with another woman, it disgust her that there is no true love behind that. Focusing more on her movie that is when her door opened, she looked up to find Ariel Nyx looking around and finally met eyes with her.

"Where the fuck is Addy? And why the hell aren't you downstairs doing your shift?" Ariel said pissed off.

"Addy left to be with her ex-fiance Raven. I haven't felt up to working downstairs since she left, sorry, I will get ready to go to work down there now and cover both shifts." Harley replied as she placed her third thing of ice cream on the table and moved from the couch.

"You two didn't even last a full twelve hours in this place?" Ariel asked.

"No, she went to where she came from I guess because of my sister sexually abusing her constantly." Harley explained through tears.

"That is so fucked up if you ask me. She set you up to fail on a relationship you two couldn't have because of someone else she still loved out of this town." Ariel replied.

"Like you would know what love is Ariel, you are no better. You are seeing other women behind Marie's back." Harley responded with gritted teeth.

"What do I have to do to keep this between us?" Ariel pleaded with puppy eyes.

Harley didn't know how to answer as she noticed the way Ariel looked at her very closely in her personal space though she smelled amazing and those lips looked desirable to taste. Harley knew they weren't this close a few seconds ago but now their touch is nail biting close that feeling heat off their bodies is just breathtaking. Harley wanted to lay with Ariel so fucking bad at this point just to get rid of the heartache from Addy but she couldn't, wouldn't, and shouldn't that is a really, really, really horrible idea to even think of wanting to sleep with a gorgeous red head that is inches from kissing her. Harley took a step back away from Ariel before things got heated between them and not being between the sheets is her plan to keep Ariel's secret of her love affairs.

"What is the matter, Harley? Is temptation driving you insane of seeing a woman at close contact." Ariel asked with a mischievous smile.

"I can't do this. It is wrong. I am in love with Addy, you know this, and you love Marie." Harley replied with a gulp.

"Addy is gone darling. Marie is never going to come up here and find out anything." Ariel responded still smiling.

Harley stood there unsure of her next move to whether go for it or go get ready to work downstairs like she is supposed too. This wasn't what she had planned for an evening with her boss and knowing her boss doesn't even care about the woman she is committed too. It disturbs her in more than enough ways. Harley has self control to fight any sort of temptation that any woman gives off, she has done that to Deborah and Melissa both, and she can do it again with Ariel if only she knew of a way to get Ariel back downstairs so she can go to the bedroom in peace.

Harley finally made her decision ran into her room and locked the door until she heard Ariel left but that wasn't the case as she looked over the night stand listening to Ariel knock on her bedroom door, she found a note from Addy. She wondered how long it had been there and why didn't Addy mention it before she left to this mysterious Raven woman. Walking over to Addy side of the bed then picking up the note it read.


I do not doubt our true love one bit even as obstacles that we have faced for so long now but I made a promise to Raven that I would be back in time to marry her. I wasn't supposed to be there to fall in love all over again or meet other women for one night stands. Truth is, I came out there to find myself and if I could be committed to loving Raven as an equal. I am still unsure if that is the case. My wedding is to be held next week and I am not sure if you will find this in time but know that I am not afraid to love you and thank you for handling Celeste she did deserve a beat down for hurting me constantly.



P.S. Address is on the back for where my wedding will be held, who knows, I might come back to be with you and never marry Raven. Take care, Harley!

Harley flipped the paper over and sure enough the address is on the back but in her gut does she even deserve Addy or is she meant to be alone. Harley sat their peacefully reading the note over and over again. They belong together it will always be her and Addy. Harley could still smell Addy's presence in the bedroom, placing the letter down, she lifted the pillow and took in the scent of strawberry from Addy's hair wash it made Harley's mouth water thinking about having Addy's long gorgeous blonde hair in her face. Harley felt tears dripping down her face realizing that Addy isn't here beside her with comfort and making her smile. They weren't together very long at all but her heart pleaded to be with Addy but she didn't know where to head to out of this town she has never attempted and going to get Addy didn't sound like an agreement when for all she could know Addy will pop through that door and forget about Raven to be with her but she also could be fooling herself into believing that is what Addy is doing coming right back to her.

Harley finally gets up from the bed and trudged over to the door, unlocking it to find Ariel still sitting on the ground.

"What are you still doing here, Ariel?" Harley asked.

Harley saw Ariel startled then smiled at her with that mischievous look again.

"I thought as long as I would stay here you will change your mind about sleeping with me?" Ariel replied.

"What in God's name are you thinking Ariel? Addy just left and I am not ready to lay with my boss who has a committed partner back at the bar that's downstairs." Harley responded in frustration.

"You definitely need some by the tone of your voice but I will see to it that you aren't in this apartment or at work by tomorrow since you won't do anything with me to keep you're position." Ariel replied with a wink.

"Seriously, Ariel? You are going to kick me out of this apartment and from working because I won't sleep with you." Harley responded with gritted teeth.

"Yes, I am serious." Ariel replied smirking.

Harley stepped back closing her bedroom door. Harley couldn't take Ariel's bullshit anymore. So, she sat at the door listening to Ariel beg for her to give some attention when she isn't haven't. Harley didn't want to do anything with Ariel, she wanted Addy that is the only person she wanted to come back, and now she is stuck in this apartment listening to Ariel complain about not getting her way for once. Harley heard Ariel slam the apartment door though that didn't mean Ariel exactly left either because she doesn't hear any footsteps going down the stairs back to the bar either. Harley decided it is best to stay in the bedroom and keeping the room locked until she heard Ariel officially leave. Harley felt the urge to sleep, making her way towards the bed, and found herself holding the pillow Addy would sleep on while she was up brewing coffee that morning and the plan to spoil Addy with breakfast. All she could do was cry for Addy with hopes that she would unlock that bedroom door to be next to her since they didn't get to sleep in the same bed after a night of drinking and enjoying one another's company. Drifting off to sleep Harley saw that her mind made a peaceful dream for her that would end those tears.

Harley, can you believe we are finally going to be married soon. I am so excited that I can't contain my excitement and this beautiful pink wedding dress is so beyond what I expected you to get me. Harley laughed while watching her bride show off the most fancy dress she ever saw on her beautiful princess, she has a pink crown, pink veil, pink gown, and pink heels, she looked like the most gorgeous princess that ever slipped into her arms. Harley twirled Addy around in circles seeing how the beautiful glitter and flowery pattern shown around that thin beautiful body. Celeste watched them two with excitement herself while holding on to a mysterious woman's hand. Addy walked over to the mysterious woman. It made Harley question if that is Addy's ex-fiance Raven that Celeste finally found a happy ending with.

Harley woke up startled by the pounding on her bedroom door. Luckily she didn't sleep naked. Rushing to the door and unlocking it she found Celeste standing there with tears, smearing her sisters make-up. It made her question why the fuck would Celeste be in tears?

"Why in the hell are you here?" Harley asked pissed off from being woke up.

"Where is Addy?" Celeste asked in return.

"Not here, she left two days ago, and why do you need to know." Harley replied.

"Do you know anything about a Raven Simpson?" Celeste asked with worry.

"Why the fuck would I know a Raven?" Harley asked questioning everything in her mind.

"Addy is in danger, she can't be off to marry this woman, and I am begging you to tell me that she is still here and is sleeping with you." Celeste pleaded in concern.

"I am sorry, Celeste, she isn't here. Addy left two days ago to be with some Raven woman." Harley replied raising an eyebrow with her own concern.

"Get showered, get dressed, and I will be right out here. I hope Addy is smart enough to left you an address to where the fuck she is going." Celeste responded pissed off and worried.

Harley couldn't explain Celeste worry but Addy did leave her an address to a church that she did look up on the computer but didn't think nothing of this Raven woman, it seems Celeste either knows her or has a very bad suspicious feeling that isn't look well. Harley rushed to get showered, dressed and met Celeste in the living room.

"So, what is the deal with Raven?" Harley asked.

"Raven Simpson is our old classmate and is very bad news. Addy is definitely new to this area because she met Raven through a high class society group that involves Goths and Vamps alike." Celeste explained.

"Goths and Vamps. What are Vamps?" Harley asked.

"Vamps are people who want to be Vampire's and they feed off the Goths blood for the fun of it. I wanted to join years ago but decided against it." Celeste replied.

"So, how is this bad for Addy? If that is what she chooses to join through marriage than let her." Harley responded.

"It's bad because Addy isn't going to want to be a Vamps Queen since Raven is the High Princess right now in that dark place. What address did Addy give you?" Celeste replied wanting to know.

"Address to a church, I don't think there is anything wrong with the location." Harley replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Of course you don't. You're future is falling into death with these wannabe's and you didn't look closely at the address. That is a path to the most popular dark club known to mankind for Goths and Vampires that have weddings. They do not believe in walking into a church to host a wedding. We need to go rescue Addy before it is too late." Celeste responded clutching on to the couch.

Harley didn't want to bother Addy with odd scenarios from her crazy sister that could make this up just so she could hurt Addy again. She didn't know what to think if trusting her sister could be right on this messed up plan of rescuing Addy from marrying into a big mistake. Harley didn't know much about Goths and Vamps except they sounded crazy and delusional people that believed they could take their lives from others and weird stuff that is dark enough to spook a person that is innocent.

"Harley, I know you were never a fan of the dark side growing up especially when mom was alive but if you love Addy as much as you claim then you will come with me to stop this wedding from happening." Celeste said calmly as she could.

"I do love her a whole hell of a lot like she does me it says so in her letter here. I am concerned that if we stop her wedding would she run away to someone else." Harley replied nervously.

"That is you're worrying instead of saving her from a bad, evil marriage you rather worry if she goes to someone else over us stopping a wedding, Harley, I have no words." Celeste responded with frustration and annoyance.

"You have done raped her twice or more for all I know. She blamed you when she went to leave that she didn't need to be with a twin." Harley replied pointing at her sister.

"Fucking hell, Harley! She said that because of the fact that she knew that you would need to rescue her from marrying this bitch." Celeste responded pulling her hair.

Harley is now lost for words on how to handle this situation if it is to rescue Addy then she needed to decide as soon as possible but she doesn't even know for sure if this is what Addy could have wanted since she claimed to be still in love with Raven.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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