I looked at the title of the books as I cursed "Fuck!! Not again!"
The title of the books said "Introduction to Ancient Languages - Sanskrit (part-1)"
I forgot that you had to learn multiple ancient languages before being able to perform sorcery.
Master Lee gave me a shit eating grin as I just sighed and left with the books.
There were 8 books just for Sanskrit, and many more for Latin, Ancient Greek and many more.
I would have to learn at lest 5 ancient languages before evern learning anything.
So, like this started my time in Kamar Taj.
### Timeskip - 2 Months ###
I had finally been deemed eligible to to study the Mystic Arts by the masters after learning all the languages, I had to say, learning them was not easy.
I sat I'm front of Ancient One as she smiled while looking at me.
She took a sip of her favorite tea as she started speaking "Every living being in this universe possesses energy, more specifically, Aura"
"Aura is possessed by every living being, no matter how small or how big, it's always there"
"Humans too have aura, but this aura can not be perceived directly"
"Aura of a being breaks into 4 types"
"First is the aura sorcerers use, Dimensional aura, it allows us to access powers of this universe and it's infinite dimensions, but to find a suitable one for yourself is like finding a grain of wheat in the vast desert." She said as she looked toward me with a glint in her eyes.
"Second is Magical aura, as the name says, it grants magical powers to it's bearer, giving them ability to use conventional magic. Creating fireballs, conjuring walls, writing magical runes and doing all the magical stuff that is taught I'm stories"
"Third is Psionic aura, it grants Psychic and Esper abilities to people, you may or may not have heard about them, on earth they are known as mutants."
'Shit, so there is X-Men and brotherhood here?'
"No, I don't think I have heard of them before" I replied, it was true, banner never heard of them before.
"As expected, they have hid themselves pretty well, as I was saying, they have psychic abilities like telepathy, clairvoyance and etc while an esper have abilities like telekinesis, pyro-kinesis, force field generation and etc..."
"And the last, but definitely not the least is Physical aura, used by majority of beings in this universe, it amplifies physical state, body functions and strength of a being"
"These four are types of Aura that a being can possess, each having their own advantages and disadvantages."
"Aura, in its raw form can only be felt by the person possessing it, others can only perceive the transformed aura, which is it's four divisions"
"Most beings, humans included only possess one transformation of aura. But there are higher beings, which possess multiple types of aura"
"Asgardians...." I said
"Yes, Asgardians for example, they possess both physical and magical transformations of aura from birth, along with being born with an absurd amount of raw aura"
"And you, Dr. Banner, too have two transformations, Dimensional and Physical aura!!" she said while looking excited.
"You may not be able to understand this, but it is almost impossible for a human to possess two aura transformations!" She said.
Inside, I was getting more and more excited too, this meant I was special too, and this time, not in a bad way.
"The incident you had, had created dimensional anomalies, connecting your 6 infinities to another dimension, this means that you no longer are bound by limitations of this universe, instead, you are now related by your soul, your mind, your power, your reality, your time-space, all are now connected to that dimension!!"
"This has happened first time in the existence of this universe, you Dr Banner, are one of a kind" She looked at me with a glint in her eyes as a smile formed on her face.
I don't know why, but I feel a sudden chill in my back as I back away a bit.
I think she knew what I was thinking as she said "Don't worry, in Kamar Taj, we only pursue knowledge, strength just comes along with it."
"I just wanted to say that I am very thankful that you let me study and train here" I joined my hands and bowed a little bit as I escaped from the room.
I got a feeling that she wanted to dissect me open and wanted to see what I was made up off, to be honest, that would be my reaction too if I ever saw a one of a kind existence, I was a scientist after all.
I went into my room as I felt the energy again, or should I say, aura.
Many days had passed since the day she gave me the lecture, during those days, I discovered many things and now here I was, sitting in my room, meditating.
My aura was truly very large, I haven't compared it to anyone yet as I can't do that yet, but I have a feeling that I posses a very large amount of aura than usual.
I also focused on the fact that hulk was nothing but a different personality of me, we were, and are the same being.
I meditated deeply as I felt my connection with that dimension deepen, I was lost in meditation as the scenery around me changed.
I was back into the green world of rage, I was floating mid air as I saw a floating hulk appear before me.
He looked neither angry nor irritated, he looked at me as he said "Banner is Hulk, Hulk is banner, we one. We together, hulk becoming strong. So hulk becoming banner and banner becoming hulk!!!!" He said as is avatar puffed into millions of little twinkles as the headed towards me and integrated into me.
I felt an inexplicable feeling as I returned back to my room.
I willed myself to draw the power of the dimension as I felt an erratic energy flow through me.
My whole body pained intensely as my size increased, from an height of 180cm, I directly went to a height of 3 metres, my skin became green as the muscles on my body adjusted themselves.
I had became hulk!! But this time, I was in full control of my body!
*Crack* the fluorescent light bulb on the ceiling broke as my head touched it.
I looked at my fists while appreciating the increased size and strength, I could feel the flow of power through my body.
It felt like I was invincible.
I picked up the metal rod from beneath the bed as I gripped it tightly, it felt like it was made of clay instead of solid metal.
I stood in front of the tiny mirror as I appreciated my transformation, I didn't look like the canon hulk, rather, I looked like a more shredded version of him, and due to body structure of my new hulk form, my flexibility and reach was many times higher. (look at the cover of the ff, I didn't make that, the credit goes to the original owner)
I could easily tell that even after having so much muscle mass, it wouldn't obstruct my flexibility at all.
Feeling happy with this, I willed the flow of energy to slowly stop as by body returned back to being a normal sized human.
I actually did it!!!!
I transformed into hulk without losing my rationale!!
This created so many new opportunities for me, from what I just saw, I can go hulk whenever I want, I won't lose my ability to take decisions, more importantly, I would be able to refine Hulk's brutish fighting methods to level of a skilled fighter.
Just imagining a hulk that had mastered multiple styles of martial arts was terrifying, add on the extra strength, it was like giving gills to a bird.
I could almost see hulk smashing his knee into brinjal's face with a force of thousands of tons.
This was the first time after coming to this world that I bad turned hulk.
I took a look at my human body once again as I felt the difference.
My strength had surpassed what could be considered human, just by banging my foot to the floor I could feel the strength I had, my strength had almost quintupled (5 times)
It looked like the flow of aura through my body increased my bodily strength without transformation to hulk.
I just ran outside, laughing and shouting in celebration like an idiot, with a shit eating grin at my face, I just ran and ran to my hearts content, thought the wilderness, the mountains, over the lakes.
I had never been so elated in my life ever before, everything I could have asked was served to me on a diamond platter.
### a glimpse into the future ###
Random mother "sleep honey, it's time for your bed!"
Random kid "No mommy!! I want to see TV more!!"
Random mother "you know what happens to the kids who stay awake till late night, don't you??"
The random kid just nodded his head with fear as his mother said "Sleep, or the running ogre will come and steal you away, take you into the woods and make you run to death along with him, without ever stopping!!"
"Noooo, I don't want to run forever!!!!!" the kid said as he his inside the blanket while closing his eyes shut