52.17% God king Zeus / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

章 12: Chapter 12

Cottus launched giant boulders. Hyperion threw his spear and smashed through a few rocks but had to dodge the others. Oceanus backed into the ocean and the water erupted into a sixty foot wave.

"We can deal with Oceanus, Cottus, you help our nephews with Hyperion." Briareus said as he and Gyges charged. Hyperion tried to stop them but with well timed rocks, he was knocked off balance and they sped past.

Before Hyperion could turn he fell to a knee. Invisible Hades sliced the back of his knee and cut the other's achilles heel. Poseidon charged forward and plunged his trident into the floor. A rock spike shot out of the ground and stabbed into Hyperion's sword arm.

I turned into an eagle and flew into the clouds and absorbed as much lightning as I could. I flew back down and turned into my normal form. Briareus and Gyges were wrestling the Titan of the Seas in the Ocean. And winning. Hyperion was already healed but with the barrage of attacks, he couldn't move.

Taking a page out of Hades' book, I turned into a blue whale and dropped on his head. Hyperion caught me and threw me away before I could discharge my lightning. Turning to normal, I activated Absolute Attack and shot an arc of lightning at Hyperion.

He tanked it before kicking Hades away, catching another spike from Poseidon, and headbutting a boulder into oblivion. We lost our advantage.

Hyperion roared and raised his arm up to the sun. "HELIOS! GRANT ME YOUR POWER!" He shouted. He was engulfed in yellow light directly from the sun. When the light faded, his armour seemed even heavier and his spear turned into a xiphos and shield. He spread his arms and bathed in the light.

Hades got back up and took off his helmet to wipe the sweat out of his eyes. Metis helped Poseidon stand back up. Her and Cottus were the only ones who weren't struggling to breath.

In the water, Gyges suplexed Oceanus and Briareus smashed a rock into his head, before they were swept off their feet with a wave. Before Oceanus could recover they were already on him again. They were winning for now, but they'd tire too quickly fighting in the water. It was an uphill battle

Hyperion had shrunk to an 8 foot form and Cottus to his 28 foot self. Speed was key. "Cottus, help your brothers, we'll deal with this bastard," I said. Cottus nodded and made a wide arc around Hyperion and turned back into a giant to help fight Oceanus.

Hades put back on his helm. "Poseidon, your powers are too taxing right now, just attack normally." Poseidon nodded and readied his trident. We charged and Hyperion readied himself.

I called down lightning and blasted him while Hades vanished and Poseidon finished the charge. He stabbed at the titan's chest and then it was blocked by the shield. Just as he swung, Hades chopped off his sword arm and stabbed him in the back. Before he could move, my spear stabbed into his chest and released it's lightning, stunning him.

Hades tried to cut off his head but a blast of energy sent them back.

"Foolish olympians. You think a little shock can stop me!" The ground exploded under his feet and he dashed at me. I recalled my spear and activated Absolute Evasion and backed from his shield bash. The shockwave that created a crater behind me just phased through my body. I shrouded myself in electricity and began dodging his swings and shocking him which luckily, stopped his onslaught for a moment. I even tried to mess with his vision a little but my eyes were already struggling to stay open. It wasn't enough as he still lopped off my left arm from the shoulder.

Poseidon and Hades weren't idle. Forgetting about Hades' warning, Poseidon stabbed his spear into the ground and caused an earthquake. Everyone was thrown off their feet as the ground exploded and began to fracture.

I was thrown into the air and banged my head on a rock. Hyperion wasn't so lucky. By the time the shaking stopped, he was just a mangled mess.

Poseidon quickly took advantage of the moment and stabbed his trident into the side of Hyperion's head and twisted it off. Hades cut him in half from the waist and proceeded to cut him into pieces and put him in a bag.

He tied the top and held it up to me. "See, easy."

I nodded. "Let's go help the Hundred Handed Ones. Sorry Poseidon, but I need you to build a wall."

"No problem," he smirked and stabbed his trident into the ground. A wall, much smaller this time, blocked Oceanus from the rest of the ocean as Gyges threw him out of the water.

With my last arm I raised my spear into the sky and called upon the lightning. After defeating Hyperion, I gained a nice little bit of energy and I was going to use it all up.

Poseidon had collapsed next to me and Hades had to open the bag again and cut the already regenerating Hyperion up again.

Cottus saw my plan and grabbed one of Oceanus' arms. Gyges nodded and took the other and Briareus the legs. They stepped back and held him down.

"No, no! Metis please, save me!" Oceanus cried. "Stop him! Daughters, help!"

Metis just turned around and covered her ears with her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

I could see the other oceanids, Metis' sisters, gather on the beach. But they didn't move to help their struggling father.

Now that I was on the verge of passing out and seeing the sky was lit up with flashing purple. The thunder sounded as if multiple bombs were being set off. I swiped my spear down and all the lightning gathered above Oceanus and blasted towards him. The shockwave came first but I made sure to keep as much of it as I could on the titan. After a moment, the explosion could be heard. It rattled my bones and my ears felt like they'd bleed.

Once the light faded, all that was left of Oceanus was a crater, his trident, and a charred finger.

I walked into the crater and grabbed everything before showing it to the oceanids. They stepped away from me, fear written all over their faces, a few with relife, others reverence. But none looked angry.

Metis stepped forward. "Sisters, I have to ask you a request. I ask you to take our father back to the palace and keep him in this condition. If we keep him on land like this, he'll quickly die."

A green haired oceanid came forward and hugged Metis. "For you to sit through that and do nothing to stop it, we know that this is what's needed. And we will honor your wish until you say otherwise."

Hades crouched to the ground and drew the tartarus symbol in the destroyed ground. "Gyges, Cottus and I will take him down and meet you back at the mountain. Briareus, bring Poseidon, Zeus, and Metis back."

Briareus nodded and scooped us up and sprinted back to the mountain. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.


In the underworld, Hecate smiled as she studied an Ophiotaurus.

It sounded as if the Golden Boy and Oceanus were defeated by the Olympians. "Idiots." I muttered. She had warned them that they had weapons crafted by the Cyclopes. But Hyperion had brushed it off and Oceanus only cared for his daughter and nothing else.

Now they were going to be in tartarus. "Three, two, one."

The door flew open as Cronus stormed in.

"Sorry mistress Hecate," Megaera the Erinyes said. "He wouldn't listen!"

I turned around to face the glowering titan of time. "What is it?" I sighed. It was going to be one of those days.

"Where is the Ophiotaurus?"

"It's not ready yet."

"Why not?" He was getting more furious by the second.

"It takes time to do things like kill immortals. Not to mention, I have other things that I need to get done. I was barely able-"


He smacked me across my face before grabbing my collar and smashing me against the wall. The concrete wall cracked behind me and I grunted. He held me off the floor to his eye level.

"I don't give a fuck about what else you have to do. You do what I say, when I say it!" He pulled me closer and smashed me into the wall again before throwing me to the side. I landed on my back.

Before I could even think about retaliation, he stepped on my cheek and pushed my head into the ground while his scythe was touching my chest. He smiled that sadistic smile.

"Try anything and Tartarus won't be the worst that's coming." He got off me and sat in a chair. "Get back to work."

I stood up and started studying the Ophiotaurus again. I hated being under this intolerable peice of shit's rule. It was hard to do anything without him breathing down my neck. Was it too much to ask for some FUCKING PEACE AND QIUET! I'm already fucking over their barrier and he's still not satisfied. Sometimes, I hate being too strong. It only causes others to be wary and take unnecessary caution. Or ask for things constantly.

I couldn't betray Cronus directly, but I could at least let the Olympians defeat me. Hopefully they wouldn't throw me in tartarus the moment I submit. But first, I needed a way to test them. Beating Hyperion and Oceanus was simple. Keep one from water, and another from natural light. I've done it plenty of times.

The only titan I couldn't beat was Cronus. His powers over Chronus made him near impossible to defeat on your first try. And while he was an angry buffoon, he was intelligent and adaptable. He'd wipe the floor with the Olympians if they fought him. I needed to make sure they were worthy of my trust.


I laid in bed, my adrenaline still preventing me from sleeping. My arm and head were wrapped up and I was laying in bed, pretending to sleep. Poseidon was next to me, knocked out. Metis never showed up to check up on me and Hera was the one who tended to me.

Hera even had an argument with Hades and the Hecatoncheires. They had failed their mission to keep Hyperion distracted. The Hecatoncheires were bowing and apologizing with all their mouths at the same time.

Hades, always calm, explained what had happened.

"He just ran away before we could do anything. It's fine. Everything worked out in the end." He took a drink of nectar, or Gida's milk.

"Everything did not work out! Poseidon looked like he lost forty pounds, his ears ruptured, his wrist shattered, his foot mangled. And Zeus' skull is cracked, he's missing an arm, and he has so many cuts he was almost painted gold! Your ribs are crushed and you've been poisoned. And all of you are burnt in multiple places!"

"Hera. You need to relax. This was very successful. We were able to take out two titans at once, and we're still not even full power. In just a few years, we might be able to challenge Cronus himself. Wounds are a must as well. It will show us the dangers so we can take better precaution next time. Just relax and let us rest." Hades laid back on his bed.

"Ugh." Hera stormed out of the tent and Hestia poked her head out of the fire and checked to make sure we were asleep. "Hades, did Cronus appear."

Hades' face grew dark. "No," he whispered.

"Remember, if he shows up, just ignore anything he says. Killing him can wait for later."

"I know."

"Hades. You know we all love you and wish the best for you. Even Zeus. He knows how you feel and wants to give you space. It's the only reason why he doesn't mention it.

"When he wakes up maybe I'll tell him. It'd be better if he understood. I can't have him feeling like he's different from the rest of us. He'd either become egotistical like Cronus, or he'd feel as if he won't be fit to lead. And I don't know who else is." He closed his eyes.

"Will you tell him about the first time you met Metis?"

Hades smiled before returning to his usual frown. "They're going through something right now. It's not the time for jokes."

Hestia nodded and retreated back into her flames and Hades fell asleep. I followed them soon after.

Bigbaby Bigbaby

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


