0.88% My Lucky

章 4: Chapter 3

The werewolves across the room eyed them eerily. The tension in the room grew tense and both groups present knew it though the tension around The Phoenician was even more tense and heavy because they we're all aware why the Werewolves across the room were looking at them like that.

Their leader wasn't here and again, the emissary -Ninah- was to represent them. They all knew the importance of the leader or alpha being present in the meetings. But where was theirs?.

They were on guard, in case the werewolves decided to attack them. Though they knew that the wolves won't go far since they'd incinerate them to ashed immediately or perhaps before they could do that, the wolves might have ripped them apart... just maybe.

"Where is your Chief?". The alpha finally spoke. His eyes never leaving Ninah's. " Chief?". Ninah thought... oh yeah, that's how the werewolves referred to the Phoenician leader... Their leader who was so caught up in 'work' that he couldn't make it to the meeting. Did he even remember about the meeting?. Did he remember about them?.

Ninah knew that she couldn't lie. One lie, the werewolf and his pack would know. But she was an emissary, right? She could easily lie to anyone and escape it because she could fake her heartbeat and no one would know.

Yet again, there was no need to lie. Plutonic was trending in his business. His own company known as the "Phoenix" that was in charge of exports and imports all over the world. Yes, The company had several... No it had worldwide branches and it was doing pretty well no wonder Plutonic devoted a lot of his time in the company.

"He is caught up with some work". Ninah said and she could feel the eyes of her clan mates bore holes into her, she didn't look back at them.

The alpha rose a brow. "So?". He questioned. The sarcasm, Ninah didn't miss the sarcasm in his voice.

"So he won't come. I'm the one representing him". Ninah replied trying hard not to answer in a sarcastic tone as well.

The alpha took in a deep breathe as he ran his hand on his face. "You know we can't continue like this."

"Like how?". Ninah asked though she knew what he meant.

"Your Chief missing the meetings. It's not appropriate". The Alpha said and his pack mates nodded their heads in agreement.

"But I'm here representing him". Ninah argued.

"Is his business more important than his people?". The alpha asked.

"Alpha Carlos!". Ninah snapped in warning. They were not here to discuss about her husband. Alpha Carlos flashed his crimson eyes at her while his pack flashed their golden browns at them. Ninah rolled her eyes at that gesture while unknowingly, her clan mates flashed back their own sets of red eyes at them. They were from FireWing Clan so of course, their eyes were red.

"Start the meeting." She said. She wasn't a bit afraid of the alpha and his pack. No she wasn't and the alpha knew that.


"I am so excited to go to the fire cross this year". Amina squealed happily while trying to hold up her excited son as well. "Calm down Rufus". She sternly told him though her tone was laced with happiness so he didn't take her seriously.

"Everyone else is excited". Ninah said as she watched her son -Gregory play with his toys. He was a rather quiet boy for his own age. He liked being by himself and Ninah had to force him at times to play with the other kids in their clan which he reluctantly did. He was like a smaller version of Plutonic.. Intelligent... very very intelligent, observant and anti-social. At times, she wished that her son had taken after her instead and she wouldn't have to worry about his future. Well, she was smart too but not anti social which had earned her a lot of friends with whom she could rely on.

"I know but you know, this year, The Great Fire Phoenix who is also our ancestor, will appear and choose the next fire phoenix". Amina said while looking at Gregory who was silently playing by himself.

The Next Fire Phoenix .. Of course, everyone was looking up at Gregory because he was the Chief's son. Phoenixes lived for six hundred years at most and as they lived down the years, hunters had haunted most of them down and so to protect them, the phoenixes born afterwards were born differently. They still had the fires power, buy now they couldn't morphe into a full Phoenix as per before. Now they shifted simply, they could have wings and claws. There was only one phoenix who was capable of morphing into a full Phoenix... you know, the wings, claws and all the factors that build up a bird but this one would be a giant one.

Plutonic was not a full phoenix, he was chosen as chief because his father had been a full phoenix and was the chief too during his time. Plutonic was simply stronger, fierce and faster than them all so he was chosen as the chief since those factors simply meant that he could protect the clan as well as a full Phoenix could. Hence, now the clan looked up at Gregory hoping that he was the next full Phoenix. He and his age mates like Rufus could protrude their wings and claws. They'd learnt to fly as well and they were doing it so well.

"Rufus has much potential. He could be the next Phoenix". Ninah said. It's not that she didn't want her son to be the next Phoenix, she just didn't want her antisocial son to have to deal with such great responsibility of leading a clan.

"Nonsense!". Amina spat. "Just because he's antisocial now doesn't mean that is how he will be when he grows up".

"I am just saying". Ninah replied with a 'duh' tone. Amina rolled her eyes at that."Have you seen how hot his fire balls are? How fast his little wings go?".Ninah added.

Amina scoffed, "Girl, you've seen nothing at all. Your son is way faster and his wings aren't small compared to Rufus or the others. He definitely will be chosen as the next Phoenix".

"We both know that there are two types of the next Phoenix... The fiery red Phoenix..which Rufus could be.." Ninah said but was cut short by Amina.

"That was Gregory's grandpa, right? he was a fiery red Phoenix and we know that he was really powerful and strong". She said.

"But Rufus has portrayed it's characters." Ninah tried to argue.

"There is the second type which is The Golden Fiery Red Phoenix.. the most powerful and it's really huge". Amina argued back.

"I have never seen it not even you. We all know it's a rare Phoenix". Ninah replied.

"And that's why it's the most powerful and strong. Gregory is obviously that Phoenix". Amina argued back. "If I'm case the ancestral fire Phoenix shows and chooses those Two Phoenixes, we all know that The Golden one will be the leader. I know you aren't ready to embrace that idea of Gregory being a leader but the sooner you accept it the happier we shall all be".

"I wish it was that easy but it's not. Especially if your husband isn't around". Ninah said as she looked away. She didn't want to look at Amina. Those pitiful looks she gave her were unbearable, they made her cry and feel like a married-spinster and she'd had enough.

"I will go have our private plane prepared. I thought we could go to China soon and venture there as we wait for the day when the great Phoenix shows up to choose the next Phoenix". Amina excused herself, knowing too well what she'd made her friend feel. Of course she could smell the loneliness, the longing and sadness Ninah emitted every day, time, hour, minute and second. She'd tried to get used to it, everyone had tried but it grew stronger every time. Amina was sure that Ninah had tried to use her druid powers to hide her emotions from them but as it always is, you can never lie nor hide your true emotions from your clan. They all knew that a week ago, Ninah had gone to Plutonic's office. Of course, they'd all heard her cry and no one had gone to comfort her. They all knew that the meeting didn't go well... Or they'd never even met and talked.. No one knew what exactly happened when she'd gone there and no one asked because they were afraid of hurting her. But what they were sure of is that it didn't go well no matter how hard Ninah tried to hide it. They kept quiet about it since she never spoke of it anyways.

"Okay". Was all Ninah said and Amina left with Rufus who was still beaming with excitement.

"Mommy.." Gregory suddenly called. He'd been so silent that Ninah had almost forgotten that he was also in the room.

"Yes Gregorz dear". She muttered as she moved to squat beside him.

"I don't like my name, it's hard and long compared to Rufus' name". He whined.

She smiled at him, "Buy it's unique". Ninah tried to emphasize.

Gregory shook his head, "I don't like it".

"You can not change it". Ninah said as she raked Gregory's hair back.

"Then, can't I at least have a nickname like Brilliana the daughter of your alpha friend. Her nickname is Liana". Gregory complained.

Yeah right, He obviously got that idea from her. They were age mates. But Brilliana was the daughter of a she wolf alpha, They seemed to like each other. Brilliana was a sweet girl, Gregory pushed her away constantly. Anyways, they we're just friends plus Phoenixes and werewolves could never mate. It never happened before and she was sure it wouldn't happen in the near future.

"I call you Gregorz". She tried.

"There's no difference between the two". He denied it.

"Okay let's think of a short sweet name for you". Ninah said now sitting on the mat beside him.

"Yeeeee". He shouted in excitement as he threw himself in his mother's hands who laughed... a genuine laugh that shocked her.

"I am so lucky to have you". Ninah told him.

"Lucky?." He questioned. She nodded."I am lucky to have you too mommy". Gregory added.

"We are lucky to have each other". Ninah implied as Gregory wrapped his chubby arms around her neck and sloppily kissed her chest.

"I am your lucky". He said as Ninah kissed his forehead. True, He was her lucky.

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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