82.14% The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY) / Chapter 23: Chapter 23

章 23: Chapter 23


It really cannot be overstated just how drop dead gorgeous the woman currently atop him in. This Cinder Fall just might be the singularly most attractive woman that Jaune has ever met, let alone had riding his cock. And given his track record, that might shock some people. Might even anger some of his previous lovers if he ever said it out loud (which he certainly had no intentions of doing).

But it was the truth. And in all fairness, the vast majority of women that Jaune had had sex with at this point since arriving in Beacon… they were girls. His age, sure, but they were still all quite young. Even the Malachite Twins had been young, whereas Neo and Roma were both sexy in their own unique ways, but not what one might call classically gorgeous.

The closest anyone in Jaune's nonexistent little black book was getting to Cinder's looks was Glynda Goodwitch. And while Glynda was quite sexy, and quite fuckable, Jaune had to admit… this dangerous, gorgeous femme fatale currently working to get the rest of his cock up inside of her without giving anything away… had the blonde beat.

It wasn't Glynda's fault. After all, she pulled off Sexy Disciplinarian quite well, and Jaune had quite enjoyed their little roleplay, pretending to be Professor Arc while punishing the beautiful blonde for being so very naughty. But Cinder… Cinder had all but weaponized her sexuality. This was a woman who knew just how gorgeous she was, and better yet, had clearly been taught how to use her looks to the best of her ability.

Her amber eyes are undeniably exotic, and her flowing black curls glisten in the room's low light. Likewise, her body is perfectly proportioned from what Jaune can tell. The way her breasts bounce and shift beneath her shoulder-less mini-dress makes it quite obvious that she's all natural in that way. Her thighs grip strongly at him as she straddles his lap, impaling herself on his cock, and her hips curve out nicely from her slim waist.

Likewise, her inner walls are growing wetter, though not sopping. She's turned on, aroused even, but she's so very much in control of herself. Whatever training she's had is more than enough to overpower his one hastily thrown out Eyes of Love, but then to be fair, as he was constantly reminding himself, the Arc Family Techniques weren't Mind Control or anything like that. He couldn't force anything on anyone. His techniques gave him an edge, but if the interest wasn't already there, then there was nothing he could do.

All of this was to say, there was a reason that Jaune was still rock hard inside of her tightening cunt, even after she'd all but said that she was going to kill him if he didn't fuck her. Death threats were usually quite the boner killer, but Jaune had to admit, coming from Cinder, it almost felt like something akin to a love letter.

Cinder, it seemed, was just interested enough in him to take him for a test drive. And maybe Jaune could use that. Maybe he could work with that, because he could already tell he wasn't going to just be able to refuse to participate. But he also wasn't sure he wanted to risk using his family's techniques and drawing more of Cinder's attention.

Before, he'd been using the techniques on Roma and Neo and the twins in order to eventually escape. So far, that hadn't worked out as well as he might have liked… though in all fairness, there had been opportunities there for him to try and get away that he'd decided not to take. Now though, with Cinder atop him, Jaune suspected that gaining too much of her interest could only be a Bad Thing. Best to just… let her have her fun.

No reason he couldn't make small talk while they fucked though, right? He starts out by slowly thrusting up into her as she's still working her way down his length. This Cinder woman seems to be all about control, so he won't disrupt that… TOO much. Of course, his movements are still having an effect on her, even if she doesn't address it or comment on it. Her face is getting redder, and her breathing is getting more and more uneven.

And yet, she maintains her composure in a way Jaune has never really seen any of the women he's been with manage before. So maybe he's just better at seeing it then most men, and she's still got things completely under wraps. Either way, Jaune brings his hands up to Cinder's hips, sliding his fingers under the hem of her short, skimpy red dress.

The gorgeous femme fatale stiffens for a moment, but when he rubs soothing circles into her pale flesh with his thumbs rather than trying to pull her off of his cock and make an escape, she relaxes again and goes back to riding him, bouncing up and down his mast and easing more and more of his thick, meaty member up into her slowly spreading, tight insides.

"… So, 'Cinder' was it? That your full name, Cinder?"

This time, she doesn't go still, doesn't stop moving for a second, but she does look down at him with one glittering amber eye visible, her eyebrow raised as she pants and gasps, clearly holding back the moans and mewls, though with ease or with great difficulty, Jaune can't tell.

"Do you make small talk with all your clients? Neither Torchwick nor her little friend could name YOU, as a matter of fact…"

Turning the question back on him. The classic 'I asked first' didn't really feel like a good idea here. But was giving away his name a good idea either? Eh, what could it hurt? It seemed impossible that she'd know who he was by name, if she didn't know who he was by face. One of many students at Beacon, a First Year at that? Why would someone like her know someone like him?

"Jaune… Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it."

He even gives her the cocky grin to go along with it. If he's going to play up being a male escort, might as well go full blast, right? For a moment, Cinder just stares down at him blankly, before letting out a startled laugh and going right back to gyrating across his cock, riding him towards her imminent orgasm.

"You're very full of yourself, Mr. Arc… but you have the pleasure of servicing the one and only Cinder Fall. Not that I expect you to know who I am."

Her smirk makes it clear she really doesn't… and to be fair, Jaune has no clue who she is, besides the fact that she's obviously Roma's boss, and likely behind all of the dust robberies, as well as controlling the White Fang in Vale, somehow. Amplifying his cocky grin, Jaune shifts beneath Cinder, and then thrusts upward a bit faster and deeper than he had been so far. His cock goes an additional inch up into her cunt with that, leaving the single visible amber eye to widen briefly as Cinder nearly falls over him, having to catch herself with a hand on his chest.

"You're very full of me right now as well, Ms. Fall. How does it feel?"

For a moment, she's unresponsive. Then, the fingers splayed out across his naked chest turn into claws that rake across his flesh. His aura takes the brunt of it, but there are still light red scratches left across his skin as she straightens back up, looking down at him imperiously.

"I expect more."

Reaching down, she grabs the hem of her red dress and pulls it over her head without issue, revealing her complete nudity beneath and tossing it aside. She's just as gorgeous and perfectly proportioned as Jaune thought, and he finds his mouth going dry at the sight of her delectable breasts and her toned abdomen. Every last bit of her is perfection made manifest.

Placing her hands down on his chest again, Cinder quirks the corner of her mouth up as she leans forward, arching her back like a cat and shifting his cock inside of her in a way that almost seems to have her purring.

"I'm going to move faster now, Jaune Arc. I expect you to keep up. I appreciate your full cooperation."

And then she begins to really ride him, and Jaune grunts as he does his best to keep up, his hands gripping at her hips but utterly failing to slow her down, and his own hips rising to meet hers in upward thrust after upward thrust as she slams herself down upon his cock again and again. She's definitely wetter now, but if she's any less in control of herself or the situation, she doesn't let it show as she groans atop him, her finger nails digging into his chest.

He's definitely lucky he has aura. It's the only thing allowing him to match her, and even then Jaune is beginning to wonder if he'll be able to. Still, he has a plan, and he's going to follow it. He's gotten one thing out of Cinder so far… her full name. If that even IS her name. He needs more. He needs to find out what she's planning, what Roma and the White Fang are doing stealing dust for her.

Of course, she doesn't know that he knows about any of that. As far as she's concerned, he's just a prostitute who has his aura unlocked. And Jaune really isn't looking to get killed because he gave away more than he should have. Nor does he necessarily want to endanger Roma or Neo after they apparently covered for him for whatever reason. It's not that he feels any personal loyalty to the two female criminals, but this is their mutual survival on the line at this point.

So, he goes for something a little safer, grunting and groaning beneath Cinder as she rides him harder and faster, her perfect heart-shaped derriere clapping with every forceful push down onto his cock.

"Have to, hah, have to admit… never took Roma for a, mm, follower. She, hnngh, always struck me as so… independent."

Cinder looks down at him curiously, single visible eye narrowed, and cocks her head to the side.

"Your, ah, point?"

Jaune gives her his usual cheesy grin, running his hands up her sides from her hips to her chest. When Cinder doesn't immediately cut his arms off for his impudence, he gives her tits a squeeze, drawing the first moan of the night from the gorgeous femme fatale.

"I guess… I'm just surprised to find she has a boss. But then, I suppose if she was, hah, going to have one, it'd be someone like… like you."

Arching her back even further so that her breasts are pushing into his experienced, exploring hands, it's obvious how much Cinder is enjoying having him touch her chest. So he keeps doing it as she once again replies with a short question.

"Like me?"

At this point, her tone is as amused as it is lustful, and he can tell she's messing with him… or fishing for compliments. Probably both. Still, Jaune is a male escort right now. Which means he gives the client what she wants, right?"

"Beautiful. Untamable. Gorgeous."

It's a little hard to tell amidst the extremely rough riding going on, but he's pretty sure that Cinder preens at his praise. It also just might be what tips her over the edge, and subsequently him as well. They both groan, as Jaune empties his balls into her gushing cunt and she in turn sprays her juices all over his pulsing cock.

For a moment, his heart nearly stops out of fear that she might be upset for him not warning her before he came inside like that. But if she cares, she certainly doesn't show it. Instead, Cinder is almost downright languid as she rolls her hips, still straddling his lap, a satisfied smirk stretching across her lips. Looking down at him almost lazily, the beautiful woman pauses for a moment, before speaking.

"Yes… Roma Torchwick is a recent hire, you could say. She was certainly a free spirit… but we all have our masters, Mister Arc. Or should I say, our mistresses?"

Jaune lifts a brow at that, but smiles back at her all the same, not wanting to really give anything away. Not that Cinder is paying him much attention, after that. She looks away for a moment, towards what has to be her scroll. And then, without another word to him, she climbs off of his softening cock and gets up off of the bed entirely.

What follows is Jaune staying right where he is and watching as Cinder Fall gets dressed. She manages to make even that look sexy, and he has to very carefully keep his cock from rising again at the sight of her wiggling hips or her jiggling tits as she puts on the panties she'd clearly taken off before he'd even woken up, and then pulls her dress back over her head as well, letting the skimpy garment flow down her perfect form.

When she's finished, she grabs her scroll and looks to Jaune with a smirk.

"The room is yours for the rest of the night… I'm through with you, for now. I may have to call upon your services in the future, now that I fully understand the… value of a whore with his aura unlocked. Bye."

And then she does this little wave and saunters out of the room like she owns the entire damn world, his cum startling to trickle down the inside of her thigh as she leaves. But if that bothers her, she certainly doesn't show it. In fact, Jaune would even go so far as to say she fucking manages to make that look absolutely drop dead gorgeous as well.

… He's pretty sure that was the closest he ever came to dying, frankly. Just laying there in bed for a moment, Jaune groans. And then he looks around the room, and groans even louder. His clothing is there, thankfully… but his scroll and Crocea Mors are nowhere to be found. This place is so much fancier and higher class than the place that Roma and Neo took him to that it's not even funny.

Hopefully they'll let him place a call down at the front desk. He's going to need Glynda to come pick him up.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


