64.28% The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY) / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

章 18: Chapter 18


"… I surrender"

The moment he gives his answer, multiple things happen at once. Roma Torchwick's eyes light up in excitement, while behind him both Yang and Weiss react with aggression and dismay… or at least try to.

"What? Fuck tha-ooph!"

"No! You can't-ack!"

Whipping around, Jaune can only watch the last two standing members of Team RWBY fall flat on their faces unconscious, taken down from blows from behind by… a short stack with multicolored hair? As he blinks dumbly at the grinning little munchkin, a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, Roma nipping at his earlobe as she blatantly feels him up.

"Good choice, lover boy. Let me introduce you to my only darling accomplice and the only competent help I have on this operation… Neopolitan. Neo, meet Jaune Arc."

As he takes in the young woman, with her stylish fashion sense, her mismatched hair and eye colors, and her parasol, which she'd clearly used to bludgeon both Yang and Weiss into unconsciousness, Roma is working her way through stripping him of his weapons and his scroll, handing off Crocea Mors to one of her White Fang goons and dropping his scroll to the ground after slipping it out of his pocket.

Neopolitan, meanwhile, is looking him up and down with narrowed eyes and a slight frown, silently seeming to be assessing him, judging him. Taking the opportunity given to him, Jaune uses the same Arc Family Technique he used on Roma on her as well, causing the short stack to blink and then give him a bright smile as she seemingly decided she liked what she saw.

That bright smile is the last thing Jaune sees before a black hood is thrown over his head and his arms are restrained behind his back. As he's frog marched out of the warehouse and loaded into the back of a truck, he can only hope that Team RWBY recovers fast and gets themselves to safety. After all, he supposes he's relying on them to come pull his bacon out of the fire, eventually…

As they ride along, the silence is broken by Roma's voice, the female criminal mastermind sounding somewhat surprised.

"What? You want in on this too? Hm, I dunno, I'm pretty sure I saw him first, Neo."

If Neo responds, Jaune doesn't hear it, and thanks to the black hood, he certainly can't hear anything from the half-pint.

"Of course, we're partners! That doesn't mean-!"

"Jeez, am I not paying you enough as it is?"

"Oh, come on, they were just some trainees from Beacon, barely worth the title of hunter. You took them down easily enough, right?"

"So that's how it is… you want to share."

"… Fine. But I'm only loaning him out to you, got it? And I get first go!"

"Good. As long as we're on the same page."

The one-sided conversation ends there, as far as Jaune can tell. He's not exactly sure how Neo was communicating the whole time, if not through words. He definitely didn't hear the criminal say anything, but then to be fair, he had yet to hear her say anything at all in the short time he knew her, even before he found himself blinded by this damn hood.

It seemed like Roma was enough of a talker for both of them though, because the next thing he knows, he's got not one, but two pairs of hands on his defenseless body, roaming across his form as Torchwick's sultry, seductive voice whispers in his ear.

"Mm, Jaune Arc… you really are a hunk of a young man, aren't you?"

Rather than say anything, Neo seems to be taking the initiative in the molestation department, yanking up his shirt and running her hands across his muscular chest and abs appreciatively. Jaune just swallows thickly and tries to make the best out of a bad situation. To be fair, he'd brought this on himself, in the end…

"Take off this hood and let me out of these cuffs and I'll show you what I can really do."

He makes his tone as suggestive as possible, and for a moment both Roma and Neo freeze up in their exploration of his frame. Then, Roma lets out a startled laugh.

"Oh my, you ARE confident, aren't you? But is it deserved, or simple arrogance, hm?"

Once again, where Roma is mostly verbal, Neo proves to be the physical one. In her silence, the short stack's hand slides down his front, to his crotch. Jaune winces beneath the hood as her smaller hand brushes against his bulge, because despite the circumstances under which it's happening, he is being felt up by two very beautiful women and he's got a bit of an erection as a result.

Neo's fingers wrap around his cock, through his pants and she freezes for a moment… before hurrying to undo his belt and his button, yanking down his zipper quite roughly as she tugs his cock out of its confines. She doesn't say anything, but he gets the sense that she's amazed by the size of him, if nothing else. Roma, meanwhile…

"Hey, I said I had first… dibs. Oh, oh my. That is one good-looking cock."

Neo seems to agree, if the way she's stroking his length up and down with more and more fervor is to be believed. Jaune groans, even as his erection grows in Neo's grasp, the short stack playing with his dick to her heart's content. Tilting his head back, he almost misses Roma's next outburst.

"You want to what? But I called first dibs!"

"… Fine, you can warm him up for me, I suppose. Though you're going to have to make it quick, we're almost there."

The words don't quite penetrate… until a warm, wet mouth swallows the head of his cock. Jaune's eyes shoot wide open, and if he wasn't currently handcuffed, he'd be placing his hands atop the head of the woman currently sucking him off… though whether to egg her on or push her away, he couldn't say. Neopolitan, because it had to be her given the context, is rather good at sucking dick. She's an expert at fellatio, in fact. At least, in Jaune's humble opinion. Which, to be fair, he had had a few blowjobs since arriving at Beacon.

Neo was good, very good. She knew what she was doing, and she also seemed to know her own limits. Her mouth is as small as the rest of her body, and the short stack keeps that in mind, even as she uses her hands to stroke and jack off the rest of his cock, while bobbing her head up and down on his knob and the first couple of inches of his member.

Her efforts are not unappreciated, that's for sure. She's a bit fast, a bit rough, but her tongue lashing across his dick tip as she hurries things along has Jaune groaning loudly from beneath his black hood. As a result, it's just as they're reaching their destination only a few minutes later that Jaune can feel his release encroaching. Given what he expects the rest of his night to be like, he lets it come… having a bit more staying power over the next few hours seems like it's going to be a must.

Neo, to her credit, swallows every last drop of his load without complaint, and has him tucked away and all zipped up again by the time he hears the doors to the back of the truck open up. Or perhaps Roma just waits until Neo has him fixed up before she opens the back of the truck. It's not like Jaune can actually see anything. Dragged out of the truck, he's walked somewhere else, somewhere inside if the change in air pressure and temperature is anything to go off of. And then there's a new voice, an irritated voice, from the sound of things.

"Torchwick! What are you doing here? And who the hell is this?"

"I need a place to lie low, Junior. You wouldn't throw an old friend out on her ass, would you? It's just for a night or two, until I can get something new set up. As for who this is… it's not important. Just give me a room in the back and you won't even notice the three of us are here."

There's a pregnant pause, before finally the same masculine voice from before growls out.

"Fine. But don't make me regret this, Roma."

Now, Jaune can't see anyone's faces, so he can't say for sure… but he's pretty sure there's some history there, between this 'Junior' and Torchwick. Like something had happened between them before, and maybe ended not so nicely? And yet, Roma was still able to call upon him… man, the criminal underworld was a strange place, wasn't it?

Either way, Jaune is soon dragged into a room and a moment later his hood is finally taken off, followed by his handcuffs being removed. Before he can even adjust to the light of the room or take in his surroundings, a heeled boot is striking him in the chest, sending him flying back… onto the bed behind him. Not quite an attack, he belatedly realizes, even as Roma pounces.

The admittedly gorgeous criminal mastermind grins at him as she grinds against his crotch for a moment, humming to herself appreciatively.

"Oh-ho, already hard again, are we? Mm, I guess it wasn't a mistake, giving Neo a chance to warm you up. Still, watching her suck you off has gotten me all… randy."

Jaune can see that, especially as Roma pulls open her jacket and yanks up her top, letting her breasts, each capped with a rock hard nipple, bounce free. Her skirt hikes up as well, and he can feel her cunt lips rubbing against the front of his pants, showcasing the fact that either she'd always been commando, or at some point during the time he'd been blinded, she'd removed her panties.

Either way, she makes quick work of his pants and grasps his cock in her gloved hands, licking her lips as she raises herself up and guides him to her entrance. She doesn't even bother taking off her hat, let alone any of the rest of her ensemble, though he has to admit she looks absolutely stunning all the same.

A moment later and the red head is sinking down on his cock, groaning as she plants her hands on his chest and penetrates herself with his member. Jaune groans right back, his hands instinctively going to her hips, and then sliding up under her skirt before moving around to grope and caress her ass. As he squeezes down on her firm, toned behind, Torchwick moans a little before giving him a wicked grin.

"Oh now… does lover boy want to show me what he can do?"

It's a challenge if he's ever heard one, and one that he's willing to try and rise to, at this point. He's lost his weapon and all the training in the world, even coming from THE Pyrrha Nikos, wasn't going to help him win a fight against Roma and Neo, who isn't even in sight right now, he can tell. So… he might as well play to his strengths. Just because he can't hope to beat them on a conventional battlefield doesn't mean he can't beat them on another.

With a growl, Jaune grips at Roma's hips and then slams her the rest of the way down onto his cock, taking the last few inches that she's been hesitant to finish off, and thrusting them up inside of her. He rams up against her cervix as a result, causing the gorgeous femme fatale to let out a cry of pleasure and some mild pain, even as she hangs her head for a moment. But to her credit, she recovers quickly, giving him a wicked sort of grin.

"T-That all you got?"

What follows is the closest thing to a 'sex battle' that Jaune has ever had, he's pretty sure. Sure, there'd been an adversarial quality to his encounter with Winchester all those weeks ago, but Camilla… Camilla never stood a chance against him. She was a virgin, after all, and he was… well, he was an Arc. But Roma Torchwick is different. She's definitely no virgin, nor is she just going to take him lying down. Especially not when she currently has the high ground.

As it stands, Jaune gives it his all, fucking her from below with all his might… and his all is pretty good, judging by her increasingly reddened face, and her wanton, wild moaning, and the cries of ecstasy as he fucks orgasm after orgasm out of her. Roma just keeps coming back for more though, clutching at his shirt, riding his cock with all her might, gyrating her hips along his length.

Her gorgeous tits are inches from his face, so Jaune decides to attack from another direction and leans up to suck one into his mouth. He suckles and slurps and licks at her gorgeous, soft mammary, before nipping and biting at it. Roma cries out and jerks back, but then leans forward again, her body continuing to bounce back and forth. Jaune takes the opportunity for what it is and captures her other tit in his mouth next, repeating his assault on her.

This added bit of pleasure seems to be enough to tip Torchwick over the edge yet again, an explosive orgasm tearing through the criminal mastermind's gorgeous form. As Roma cums upon his cock for the umpteenth time, Jaune finds he can no longer hold himself back either. With a loud groan, he spills his seed a second time, this time inside of Roma's womb, rather than in Neo's mouth. He fills her to the brim, holding her close, sucking and lapping at her naked, reddened tits.

When they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, Jaune is the one left standing, so to speak. Neither of them are standing, to be fair, but as he pushes Roma off of him, his cock sliding out of her freshly creampied cunt, the criminal mastermind sort of flops onto the bed beside him, seemingly dazed and out of it, moaning and writhing in sheer enjoyment of what they've done together.

… He may or may not have instinctively used a few Family Techniques during that encounter, purely by instinct. He'd had to, if he wanted to 'win' as it were. The funny thing was, because he'd done it by instinct, he couldn't even be sure exactly what techniques he'd used on her. Still, this should be his big moment, shouldn't it? This was his chance to escape… right?

Wrong. Jaune was smarter than that, though he fully believed it was thanks to Pyrrha's combat training and Glynda's remedial lessons that he was where he was at this point. Still, he could tell without even having to think about it that this wasn't over yet. Roma might be 'defeated'… but Roma wasn't alone, was she?

Clearing his throat, ready to look exceptionally foolish if he turns out to be wrong, Jaune raises a single eyebrow.

"Well? Roma's had her turn… which means its your go now, right?"

There's a silent, pregnant pause… and then the air itself almost seems to shatter as Neopolitan reveals herself, the young woman smiling brightly and holding up a sign.


Letting a somewhat cheesy grin spread across his face, Jaune shrugs.

"I didn't."

That gets a mighty pout from Neo, before the short stack's facial expression turns downright predatory and she begins to approach the bed. As she goes, her clothes shatter off of her, making it look like she's just… getting rid of them without a second thought. By the time she climbs up onto the foot of the bed and begins to crawl her way towards him, she's completely naked, licking her lips with even more predatory intent than before.

Jaune's cock twitches and begins to grow once again at the sight of the beautiful, naked young woman. He's going to have to fuck her if he wants to get through her, to be fair… but how is he going to go about this? Let her think she's in control? Take charge from the very beginning? And regardless of which… should he consciously use his family's techniques, this time around? Should this mute girl that he was barely beginning to comprehend be the first that he goes all out for?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


