7.14% The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

章 2: Chapter 2


If nothing else, he was chivalrous. Standing up for a pretty girl, even if that meant standing up TO another pretty girl… it was the bedrock of everything his father had taught him. As the Schnee is building up steam for a full-on meltdown, Jaune steps in, holding up his hands and trying to adopt the friendliest smile he can manage.

"Whoa! Ladies, please… it's our first day at Beacon, surely we're all on edge, right?"

Both Red and the Schnee girl turn to him in that moment, Red just looking relieved that someone stepped in, and the Schnee looking apocalyptic… until she actually sees his face and the smile on it. Jaune isn't using any sort of Family Technique here. No Eyes of Love, no Smile of Seduction. Really, he's not trying to get into anyone's panties on the very first day of school.

And yet, the moment that both Red and the Schnee look at him, there's no denying that the attraction begins immediately. The Schnee girl's head of steam all but evaporates and her face remains red for a reason besides anger, even as the other one joins her in blushing. Jaune is taken aback briefly, but forges on ahead nonetheless, smile still on his face.

"Really, I'm sure Red here didn't mean it. It was an accident, you know? Can you let it slide? For me?"

He's putting the full force of his charm behind his words, and that… actually seems to be having an effect? Jaune briefly wonders if his dad didn't tell him everything. He's never had such a strong reaction from any woman in his life, but then… all the women in Jaune's life were blood relatives. His sisters and mother. This is, as a matter of fact, his first time ever interacting with a girl outside of his immediate family.

… That probably says something bad about how sheltered he was in life, and Jaune finds himself already questioning his earlier thought of whether or not his dad would actually let him go or try to hunt him down and bring him home. Regardless, he's getting distracted from the problem at hand, namely the two girls both staring at him.

His words have the intended effect on the Schnee though, and she ducks her head as she blushes deeper still at his attention, self-consciously curling a lock of hair back behind her ear.

"I-I suppose… fine, yes. I'll let it slide. But just this one! You better watch where you're going in the future!"

That last sentence is fully directed at Red, who half-shrinks back at the other girl's vitriol. Only half, because most of her attention is still on Jaune, and it's clear she's only listening to the Schnee girl with half an ear. Huffing, the white-haired young woman turns and walks away, though Jaune doesn't fail to notice her glance back over her shoulder at him more than once as she departs.

Meanwhile, some men in suits and sunglasses come behind them and pick up the rest of the knocked over luggage, collecting the suitcases and following after the Schnee, who leads the way to Beacon. Jaune scratches the back of his head as he watches her go, wondering if he made the right choice in intervening. And should he have come down on Red's side like he did?

God, why did interacting with people outside of his family have to be so hard?

"So… um, my name's Ruby, not red. Ruby Rose!"

Jaune blinks and looks over at the self-proclaimed Ruby Rose as she smiles at him, blushing up a storm and looking like she's one glare away from breaking down or breaking into a run. Jaune's not about to add to her woes though, so he smiles and holds out his hand.

"Nice ta meet ya, Ms. Rose. The name's Jaune, Jaune Arc. Short and sweet and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it."

He finishes his greeting off with a wink, and when Ruby reaches out, he takes her hand in his and applies a gentlemanly kiss to the knuckles. He doesn't miss the girl's gasp or the way her breath hitches, but he doesn't QUITE hear her murmur 'I bet they do' under her breath, before forcing a smile of her own onto her face. Jaune straightens up and lets go of her hand which she takes her time in drawing back, almost like she doesn't really want to.

"T-Thank you for stepping in. I don't… I didn't mean to run into her things, you know? And now I've made an enemy on my first day at Beacon! Ugh! What am I going to do?"

Jaune frowns slightly at that, rubbing the back of his head through his messy blond hair. He's not sure what to say. Does he give her a pat on the back and tell her it'll all be okay? He doesn't know if that's true, this is all new territory for him! In the midst of Jaune's introspection, he realizes that the girl from earlier, the one with the black bow in her hair… she's still there. In fact, she's the only one still left in the area, everyone else has gone inside by this point.

And she's staring at him. Jaune barely has time to meet her gaze with his own before her spine goes stiff and she looks away. Then, after a brief pause, she seems to decide that just looking away isn't enough, and she leaves too, heading in the opposite direction at what can only be described as a powerwalk sort of pace. Jaune watches her go, still fairly confused, even as Ruby fidgets beside him.

"Hey! Do you, uh… want to explore Beacon together?"

Jaune blinks at that, and only spends a moment considering the question. With a smile on his face, the young man offers out his arm to Ruby and gives her a nod.

"It would be my honor, Ms. Rose."

Ruby's face is incandescent, but after a brief moment of hesitation, she nonetheless hooks her arm in his and lets him pull her along for a bit. They move away from the landing platform at least, but honestly, Jaune has no idea where he's going, so he gets them lost pretty quickly. Ruby doesn't say anything though, and instead, they end up talking about this and that for what feels like forever.

And then there's an awkward pause, which the girl in the red hood decides to end by drawing a truly massive collapsible scythe from her back.

"And this is Crescent Rose!"

As the point digs into the ground maybe a foot away from him, Jaune nearly jumps out of his skin.

"H-Holy shit! That thing is gigantic!"

Ruby giggles and pulls it back, scraping the blade across the stone beneath their feet for a moment before pulling it up and twirling it behind her back.

"She's my pride and joy, if I'm being honest. Not only is she a scythe, she's also a High-Caliber Sniper Rifle!"

Jaune's eyes bulge at that. He may not understand all of those words, but he knows what a RIFLE is.

"That thing is a gun too?! That's amazing!"

Ruby preens under his honest praise, smiling beatifically for a moment before she's suddenly in his face.

"What have you got? What's your weapon like?"

This is clearly very important to the young woman, but Jaune can't help but feel completely inadequate as he draws Crocea Mors from its sheathe, wincing.

"Just this sword, and this shield-sheathe. It's… a family heirloom."

Ruby spends all of five seconds trying not to make a comment, trying to hold it in. He can literally see her twitching right before she finally breaks.

"You shouldn't be using an heirloom as a weapon, that kind of thing should be hung up on a mantle over a fireplace!"

Jaune lets out a sigh and shakes his head, even as he re-sheathes Crocea Mors.

"It's… a long story."

When he glances back at Ruby, she looks surprisingly conflicted, like she wants to say something else, but something is warring within her. Whatever wins, she bites her tongue and suddenly reaches out to grab him by the hand.


Jaune blinks in confusion and allows the petite girl to lead him along, his brow furrowed in confusion as she takes them around a corner, to a small out of the way alcove. Then, before he can react, he finds himself pushed up against the wall and a pair of lips on his own. Ruby is kissing him, and while the kiss is chaste, without even a hint of tongue, there's no denying the passion behind the act.

When she pulls away, she's blazing red in embarrassment, while Jaune is… Jaune is more than a little surprised. He knew the effect he could have on girls if he actively tried, but he wasn't even TRYING. What the hell was going on here?

"Um, I really appreciate what you did for me, Jaune. I want to pay you back…"

When she goes in for another kiss, it takes all of Jaune's willpower to stop her.

"Ruby, you don't have to pay me back. I did it because I hate seeing a girl in distress. And now we're friends, right? So, you can say I did it because I knew you were going to be a friend!"

Ruby scowls at that, before seeming to get an idea, her silver eyes lighting up.

"T-Then… if we're friends… friends do stuff together, right?"

Jaune blinks, not quite liking where this is going, but forced to nod anyways.


"Then I want to kiss you some more, a-as a friend!"

The young woman's face goes atomic red as soon as she's made the declaration. Jaune gulps but can't really find the fault in Ruby's logic. And there's also the fact that he's currently trapped between the wall and her.

"… Well, I guess when you put it like tha-mmph!"

Ruby grabs him by his chest plate and pulls him down again, even as she's coming up. Once more, they kiss, but this time, it's clear that the girl in the red hood is feeling it, because even though she's inexperienced, her tongue slips into Jaune's mouth all the same, and he finds himself intertwining his own tongue with hers.

Truth be told, this isn't Jaune's first rodeo. While it was strictly for training purposes, Jaune HAS French-kissed a girl before. Namely, his mom. Yeah, talk about weird, right? Weirdly enjoyable too though… anyways, his dad had needed to teach him some of the more physical Arc Family Techniques, and you kind of needed a woman for that. Apparently, his mom was completely immune to such things, though now that Jaune thought about it, was she immune? Or was she just immune to HIM?

Anyways, Jaune's own kissing technique is loads better than Ruby's, and it's not long before he's taking charge. Having a sweet, beautiful, willing girl kissing him… well, of course Jaune takes her in his arms and holds her close. And Ruby seems to like it, given the way she squirms and presses herself into his chest. Their makeout session continues abreast for what feels like hours, but really can only be minutes given a need for air.

When they finally pull back, Ruby looks completely dazed, but also very, VERY aroused.

"Ruby, I…"

"I want more."

Jaune's eyes widen at the hungry tone in the petite girl's voice. He would not have expected her to be like this, but then, his father always said that women liked to put on a front, and sometimes that front was something that not even they realized they were doing. Sometimes, it took a good old-fashioned orgasm to bring out the real woman buried underneath. At least, that was what his dad said, while Jaune blushed at the idea of bringing a girl to climax.

Yet, he's pretty sure Ruby hasn't cum yet. She looks like she's ready to blow, but he doesn't think she's reached orgasm at this point.

"Please Jaune… m-more?"

Does she even know what she's asking for? Jaune has no idea, and yet… and yet, there's something that he's coming to think about, in this moment. The juxtaposition between his weapon and Ruby's. He can't stick with Crocea Mors forever. It just won't work, eventually he'll need to upgrade. And apparently, he's caught the eye of an insatiable minx of a weapon's designer within an hour of arriving at Beacon.

If he makes Ruby happy, she'll likely be all the more willing to help him later when he needs to design a new weapon for himself. It's pretty mercenary thinking, sure, but it's not like he's demanding it of her or anything. He's just… thinking ahead. Grabbing Ruby by the shoulders, Jaune spins the girl about, reversing their positions. Those gorgeous silver eyes widen and she gasps in surprise, but then his hands are sliding down her sides, and Ruby is squirming as he sticks one right beneath her flared-out combat skirt.

"You want more, Ruby?"

He's got his hand on her thigh now, inches away from the 'more' he's promising, and she's asked for. Even still, he waits for her to focus on what he's doing and then finally nod her assent before he advances any further. Jaune's fingers slide up Ruby's inner thigh and hit her panties, before slipping underneath them. When he finally makes contact with her mound, he finds her to be unbelievably hot… and undeniably wet.

"You're so wet down there, Ruby… gods."

Ruby whimpers, clutching at him but not trying to pull away or resist. If anything, she's humping his palm now, needily and urgently, whining for more. So Jaune gives it to her, he slips two digits past Ruby's lower lips right then and there, and then he curls them in a technique his father taught him that's not an ACTUAL Technique with a capital T.

The girl with the red hood cums on the spot, his curled digits provoking an orgasm that he has to cover her mouth to stifle as she shrieks her way through the climax. Her silver eyes go crossed, and Jaune wonders at just how BIG her reaction is. Are girls really supposed to be that sensitive? Are they supposed to cum that hard? Damn, she really looked like she enjoyed that.

Once Ruby's eyes have straightened out and she's no longer screaming, Jaune pulls his hand away, watching her as she pants and looks right back at him.

"That… that was…"

Jaune grins cockily.

"An orgasm, yeah. Like I said… ladies love it."

Ruby blushes brilliantly all over again, and bites her lower lip, her gaze filled with awe.

"An orgasm…"

The way she breathily says that… Jaune suddenly finds himself wondering if she's ever had an orgasm before. But surely, she has. She's his age, right? Girls had orgasms all the time by this point… right?

"A-Anyways, maybe we should start figuring out where everyone else went, Ruby. Don't want to miss anything, right?"

Ruby blinks at that, taking in his words and slowly nodding. Jaune pulls his hands back at that point, but as Ruby straightens up, her eyes zoom in on his messy palm and digits, where she squirted pussy juices all over his hand.

"I made a mess…"

It's Jaune's turn to blink, and as he looks down at his hand. Bringing it up, he prepares to laugh it off, but before he can say anything, Ruby is… sucking on his fingers. Jaune stares as the blushing girl locks gazes with him, seemingly acting on instinct, her cute little lips suctioned down onto his middle finger. Then, she moves to his index, and his thumb, and she even laps up his palm for good measure. Jaune doesn't stop her, that's for sure, but he's still a little dumbstruck as she finally pulls back, absolutely bright red with embarrassment at this point. But also… something else. She looks satisfied in a way she wasn't before, like she's proud.

"O-Okay. Now we can go."

And as Ruby leads the way and Jaune follows after, he finds himself seeing her as a lot more than just an easy way to get a kickass weapon. This girl… this girl is lewd.


"Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Jaune stands off to the side as he stares up at the podium. For the briefest of moments, he thinks Miss Goodwitch's eyes meet his, but perhaps it's just wishful thinking, because her gaze sweeps away just as swiftly. The Headmaster himself, Ozpin, had just given a speech about wasted energy that honestly, Jaune found himself really getting into. That was why he was here after all, because his energy, his drive… it was wasted back with his family. He could do more as a hunter, and that was what he was going to be.

Regardless, they weren't assigned dorms yet, apparently that happened after initiation. Which meant they were all sleeping in the auditorium for their first night in Beacon. That was fine, Jaune had come prepared, he had his bedroll and the like. And he was all too happy to just curl up in it and go to sleep. But while Jaune is looking for sleep, he's surrounded by some very gorgeous young women… who are looking for something more.

Does Jaune wake up in the night to anyone in particular? Or does he sleep soundly, all the way through?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


