

"Sister Qingcheng, do you believe him that way? The strength of the next four cases, but they are not at the same level as those of the previous sect!" Dan Er fluttered his eyes and looked at Chu Qingcheng with a smile.

With a grin, Chu Qingcheng looked pale and quietly said: "He is a man who can do miracles, as long as he wants to do, nothing can be done, I have always believed in this!"

Looking deeply at Chu Qingcheng, everyone around me felt a cold heart, looked at each other, and smiled ambiguously. Only Xuan Shaoyu, with a gloomy face, groaned, but didn't make a sound!

call out!

A voice broke, and the figure of the judge elder appeared on the central platform again, and then the Shuanglong Supreme fell to the highest point of battle. After everyone saw the ceremony, the judge's elder's high drink sounded again: "Mo Cezong and the sword Shenzong, two disciples enter! "

As the words fell, the two men came in slowly. Jian Shenzong's first person was his leader Wen Tao, but at this moment, his face was no longer as casual as usual, but revealed a deep dignity and solemnity.

The person headed by Mo Ce Zong is naturally Zhuo Fan, but today there are only nine Mo Ce Zong, and Green Scorpion is absent. When everyone saw this, they knew in their hearts that the man was seriously injured yesterday and could not fight anymore.

The disciples from both sides came to the stage, judged the elders and looked at each side, then turned their heads to Zhuo Fan, solemnly said: "Today, Mo Cezong has only nine people participating in the war. The number is really unfavorable. Are there any substitutes?

"Thanks to the elders for their kindness, my disciples of Mo Ce Zong are not very good, even if one less person is involved in the war, it is as good as the war!" The audience nodded secretly and were amazed.

The judge elders also nodded their heads cheerfully and turned to Wen Tao to see what they meant.

Unconsciously, Wen Tao clenched his fists in order to judge the elders, the disciples of Mo Cezong, and the audience present, showing a frank smile: "It's not that my sword **** Zong wants to take advantage of this Mo Cezong today, but the opponent is too strong We have to pay attention to it, and we ca n't afford it. Do n't say they only have one less, even if they have nine fewer, and only one brother Zhuo comes on the court, we have to get ten people together, trembling, and waiting seriously, before they can fight the enemy. . So ... Ha ha ha, Brother Zhuo, you will have to show mercy for a while! "

"Where, Brother Wen is welcome!"

Zhuo Fan also arched his hands, the glance in his eyes flashed, and nodded secretly under his heart.

This Wen Tao is indeed a generation of exquisite people. Just after a few words, there is no villain's arrogance and no weakness of weakness. On the contrary, there is a sense of humility and fortitude. And without publicity. Let all those who heard this not have a sense of respect, but they are more kind and respectful.

Sword of tenderness, really deserved reputation, rigid and soft, delicate and clear!

"Okay, since there is no objection between the two sides, let's start!" The judge elder glanced at both sides, then shook his hands and shouted loudly: "Open the enchantment, the last of the three challenges, the magic strategy Zong vs. Sword God Sect, start! "


The two janitors reappeared on the battle platform again, and then pinched the trick to open the passage to the valley.

Wen Tao didn't know how to laugh, made a gesture of invitation, very polite: "Brother Zhuo, please!"

"Brother Wen, please, please!" Zhuo Fan also smiled and repaid the gift, and then moved forward side by side, slowly disappearing into the white halo.

Seeing this scene, everyone around the audience nodded their heads in unison, and secretly murmured. It seems that this Mocezong is not cruel to anyone, at least when dealing with Demon Soul Sect and Sword God Sect. On the ancestral door of the Confucian family, they acted very friendly!

It seems that the lineage was cruelly abused by others that day, after all, it was still their own. He's so crazy, since you don't give someone a face, why should someone give you a face?

For a time, people also had a trace of understanding of the temperament of the major schools. The Demon Soul Zong is willing to avenge his enemies, the Sword God Zong is courteous and courteous, while the Mo Cezong is distinguished from one another. As for the lineage that day ...

Turning his head and looking at the distance, the location of the Tianxingzong where there are only two people left. When Ren Cong's vicious look stared at Zhuo Fan's direction, everyone sneered.

Yayah, pretend to be thundered, deserve it!

Suddenly, everyone already has a choice. If the position of the nine cases has changed this time, some powerful empires can take the initiative to invite a certain sect to settle in.

And the benefits there are naturally relatively higher!

In this battle, although Moce Zong's atrocities against Tian Xing Zong initially aroused everyone's dislike, as the heroes of Mo Ce Zong in the next two games infected everyone present, people's impression of Mo Ce Zong changed a lot of.

In contrast, the previous dislikes naturally transferred to the body of Tian Xingzong. People have now begun to think that the destruction of the Tianxing Sect must have come from him. Who made him so arrogant at first?

The small belly chicken intestines are pretending to be a bottomless sect, which is the most difficult to serve!

As a result, the major gold presenters have included the Tianxing Sect in the list of the most unseen sect. Unless there is no way, they must accept it. Otherwise, the death will not take such a sect to enter the empire!

Seemingly feeling the scornful and sneering eyes from around, Ren Cong stared fiercely at the crowd, and they all stared back at them, then he gritted his teeth and continued to stare in the direction where Zhuofan disappeared.

It stands to reason that he is the victim. Why did he end up being despised by everyone? Is there any justice in this world?

Elder Qi was sitting there with a muffled face, his face gloomy and terrible!

However, at this moment, a slightly weak voice was heard in their ears: "Elder Qi, Ren Gongzi, the teacher has something to ask the two to bring to Ren Zongzhu, I wonder if I can take a step to discuss? "

"Who are you?"

Unconsciously, the two turned to look, but they saw a figure wrapped in a black robe, trembling in front of them, seemingly weak, and the wind would fall.

His head was pressed down so that people could not see his appearance, but when he raised his head and revealed the pale cheeks, the two couldn't help but startled together and murmured. Voice: "Green Scorpion, why are you?"

On the other hand, after Zhuo Fan and others came to the small valley again, as usual, Zhuo Fan took the lead to jump back and looked at Wen Tao and others and said with a smile: "It is still the same sentence ..."

"Who will share my joy with me!"

However, after Zhuo Fan's words were not finished, Wen Tao already chuckled and chuckled: "I knew you would be like this, so I'm ready to be blocked by your eight guards!"


Unconsciously, Zhuofan chuckled, "You are the strong one who can defeat you, and I can deal with you. I only have six of them here, and the remaining one is not there. Only five of them are there. Where are the eight?" Can it be said? Furthermore, all of your ten disciples are masters of deficiencies. You do n't have to shoot, you can easily pass them! "

"Hehehe ... That's not okay. Since it was a test set by Brother Zhuo, I naturally have to go through the barrier myself. I can't get into the eyes of Brother Zhuo by relying on the help of the younger brothers." Unreliable.

The remaining nine disciples of the Sword God Sect, including Xie Tianshu, also nodded slightly, stepped back, and looked solemnly forward, seemingly showing their determination not to interfere!

Eye pupils couldn't help shrinking, Qi Changlong even felt angry when he saw this, and said, "Wen Tao, do you mean to deal with the eight of us together with one person? Huh, arrogant, even if you are virtual Four masters, but we also have two virtuoso triple masters, and one virtuoso double master and two virtuoso first masters, and five people join forces, even if you are not necessarily able to beat us! "

"Oh, that may not be necessary!"

Without a chuckle, Wen Tao was unwilling to say: "The gap between cultivation bases sometimes does not represent the gap between strengths. Brother Zhuo should be the best example, and there is a reverse gap! Although we only It 's a bad repair, but I 'm afraid it 's more than that, hehehe ... "

Accompanied by a wanton laughter, Wen Tao stepped on his feet and rushed forward, and rushed forward while laughing: "Brother Zhuo, you are about to get shot soon, now warm up, do n't After a moment of panic, it was too late to get shot and fall into passive! "

"Courage, do you think we are paper, so that you can rush to Zhuo Butler so quickly?"

He couldn't help angering, Qi Changlong immediately sealed, and suddenly, a huge khaki-yellow seal of dozens of feet appeared on the top of his head. With a dozen tricks, he immediately hit Wen Tao!

With a sharp corner of his mouth, Wen Tao didn't care, his eyes condensed, his fingers together, and he immediately pointed forward.

call out!

A swordman flew straight out of the body, hitting the big seal with a touch, and immediately flew the big seal out of the blow, turned half a circle in the air, disappeared, and returned to Qi Changlong.

The body couldn't help but quake, Qi Changlong puffed out a crimson blood, already kneeling down on the ground, and could no longer stand.

What, how is this possible, just one trick ...

The pupils could not help shrinking, and everyone was shocked and disturbed when they saw this, full of unbelievable eyes. Among them, in addition to Zhuo Fan, Qi Changlong is the strongest.

But I never imagined that he was only one level away from Wen Tao, and he even had his soul out. He was defeated by others, but he didn't even release his soul.

This gap can't be counted!

Suddenly, everyone looked at Wen Tao's face, all dignified. Even Zhuo Fan looked at him deeply, but he didn't worry, but instead showed a strange smile with joy ...

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