50% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 25: C24. Fatherly Surprise

章 25: C24. Fatherly Surprise

Matthew's POV:

     "Sir there was an unknown car parked outside of town. We had it impounded. Here are the coordinates it was found and licence plate number," Gabriel the same guy from before came up with a report to drop off by my desk. There were attached photos of the vehicle. The plates were familiar since they were from the king's territory. That's not good. We have an unwanted guest in the territory.

     "Gabriel send out a pack alarm."

     "What should it say?"

     "Say we have an unannounced guest in the territory."

     "Yes sir."

     "Say... If anyone is harboring the tresspasser... they will be punished accordingly."

     "Yes Beta Matthew," he said as he bowed respectfully. "Do you think someone is harboring a tresspasser?"

     "I hope not," I told him. I watched as he left to get the job done. But, right after he left Veronica walked up to the desk with a huge smile on her face. She had a cute set of black overalls on and a purple turtle neck on underneath. She matched her outfit with a pair of combat boots. Looks like she had no scheduel for class today. I guess she's taking the day off thanks to coming back from the long hunt.

     "Good morning Beta Matthew!" Vee held out a box of donut holes from the bakery down the street. As well as their name brand coffee that smelled like vanilla. "I brought you something for breakfast. I figured you haven't had the time to think about it yet." My eyes landed on the mysterious scarff wrapped around her neck. It was cold outside... But, I rarely saw her in a scarff.

     It was weird seeing her dressed up in anything. Did it finally happen for her? Did she find her soul mate and she's hiding it from the pack for now? I should congratuate her... But, I won't giver her away so soon. I'll let the rest of the pack ask first. It's a good thing she's here. I can have her track down whoever is here unannounced.

     "Thank you Vee!" I gave her a huge smile and sat the donut holes down on the desk but I started to drink the coffee immediantly. Vanilla wasn't my go-to coffee but it was very thoughtful of her to bring it. I'll drink it without complaint. "I'm glad you stopped by. Gabriel just dropped this off. I'd like you to pick up on this case." My first thoughts were originally to put Zeke on it... But, she'll do just fine instead. I held up the paperwork that was dropped off. "Someone is here unannounced and I'd like you to find out the w's. Who, What, Why, and Where."

     "Sure thing," she said as she opened the file and raised an eyebrow as she picked up the photos of the vehicle.

     "Recognizable?" I asked.

     "No..." She trailed off before closing the case file. "I'll get right to it. But, I was wondering if I could see Jossie. I've been wondering how she's been doing since coming home."

     "I'm sorry you can't do it today." Like I'd let her have any visitors outside of the family... Not after what happened when Juliette visited her. I still can't believe Josephine almost trasformed. "We're not letting Josephine have visitors at the moment."

     "Why not?"

       "She attacked the last visitor."

        Let's not bring up her trasformation...

     "Attacked?" She asked in disbelief. "What do you mean?"

       "Well..." I trailed off.

     "Well? She is home, right?"


     "No! What do you mean no?"

     "You didn't hear? Surely... I thought... Well... We ran a polygraph test on her when she got here. She failed," I explained.

     "Failed? You don't believe that test do you? They're known to be inaccurate."

       "I have decided to interogate and follow up on the test results."

     "You're not interogating her are you?"

       "We're interogating the rogue... So far he hasn't slipped up in his answers."

     "Well did he confess to doing it?"



     "When I first met him he told me he didn't do it and that I had the wrong person... You don't think he was telling the truth... do you?" She asked.

     "Even if he did... Let's say you did it... Would you confess to doing it?"

     "If it gets me out of unnecessary punishment like harsh interogations... Yes! He knows we'd stop if he'd confess right? Everyone knows that."

     "Doesn't mean he will," I told her as I took a donut hole and dunked it into my coffee before eating it whole. "I'll tell you if he does. But, we're sure they done it together."

     "You have no hard evidence. Whose fingerprints are on the murder weapon?"

       "Actually Josephine's. April caught her pulling the knife out that morning."

     "So you didn't find a single one from the real killer's on there?"

       "What's got you so choked up about this?"

     "I don't want an innocent person's life to be on my hands," she growled out and looked pissed for some reason. She grabbed the box of donut holes from me and took off away from my desk. "I have to go!" She shouted over her shoulder.

     "Well look into that for me!" I yelled back at her and rubbed my head as I couldn't figure out what got her so worked up about Josephine. If the situation is pointing fingers at the rogue and Jossie I have no choice but to keep the two locked up. I can't believe this has her worked up about it. There is no other evidence leading away from these two. Surely she can understand that.

     I hope Vee doesn't have something to do with that unknown vehicle being parked outside of town... Her new marking is too suspicious for my liking. She did just come back from another pack. I better have someone follow her just in case. I can never be too cautious. I'll get Zeke to tail her. It's not his type of work but he'll do fine for the job. I was going to have him on the vehicle case anyway. It's just perfect timing. I hope my intuition is wrong.

     I got up from the desk and picked up my phone to take with me. I sipped on the coffee as I dialed up Zeke's number. I wasn't sure where he was at the moment. I'll have him partner up with her on the case so he has an excuse to come around here and spy. I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me then checked the stalls. No one's home. Zeke picked up the phone.

     "Beta Matthew! I'm sorry I'm running late," he explained.

       "That's fine. I have a job for you. Can you tail Veronica."

     "She's the girl I met to pick up that rogue from... right?" He asked to be sure.

     "That's correct. There's an unfamiliar vehicle that was found just outside of town. We have it inpounded. Can you follow her and make sure she's got nothing to do with that. As an excuse to be around her I want you to partner up with her on the case. She should be still in town. Don't worry about stopping at the station just get to work on her."

     "Yes sir, will do."

     Zeke hung up and I took a sip of my coffee as I tucked the phone away. I really hope I'm wrong. I walked out of the bathroom and was stopped by Edith waiting with her hands on her hips. It startled me enough to spill some of my coffee on my shirt. I frowned as I slipped past her and patted the coffee with my tie. "For wolves sakes Edith... What is it?" I asked as I felt my heart beat spiking. Edith followed after me quickly.

     "Dad, I don't want to go to the masquerade."

     "What? I thought you wanted to go to impress the king," I told her as I looked over at her in confusion. It would be fun. I wish I could go but I've got to stay here. Doesn't she want a chance to become the queen? I thought that was the whole thing the girls were fighting about. If she doesn't go she'll be settled on being Alpha of this pack. "You know that's really your mother's problem. She's the one going with you. If you don't go she'll be alone."

     "Dad..." She trailed off nervously and that made out feet stop as I turned to look at her.


     "Dad, I'm pregnant." The whole station seemed to grow silent as her words echoed down the hall. It was dramatic as I felt a spotlight put on me.

     "Does your mother know?" I asked quickly. "Whose is it?" I growled as I looked her over for any mating marks. My hand tossed the coffee down the hall as I pulled her close. Like a mad father I began to check her arms, neck, and just in case I lifted her shirt but she smacked me to stop me. I was just going to look around her stomach. Nothing harmless.

     "She was the first I told! Dad stop freaking out!"

     "Whose is it?" I growled at her as I let her go. Tears dripped down her cheeks.

     "Don't be mad," she begged.

     "I'm not mad!" I yelled and felt the hall shake slightly. She growled at me as she started off down the hall.

     "Oh! Nevermind! I never should have came here to tell you!" She yelled over her shoulder.

     "Don't walk away from me!" I started after her as she left the station and she went towards Carole's car. She must have take her mom's car to come see me. "Do you know how early it is to be laying this type of news out in front of your own father?" I asked her as I caught up to her and stopped her from getting into the car. I pulled her into a hug and held her head against my chest. She's my little girl. I wasn't prepared to be a grandfather this early.

     "I'm sorry," she cried out into my chest. I started to cry too as I couldn't help it and hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry I just found out!" Oh this is all my fault. I should have been paying better attention towards her. I thought she was a smart girl. I thought she didn't need my help with these things. I should have given her the talk by now. I figured she was too innocent for that. I rubbed her back to comfort her as I pulled back slightly.

     "You don't need to be sorry," I whispered to her. "We love babies around here. Things are going to be just fine. But... you now have to tell me who the father is."

     "I'm going to bring him by for diner tonight. Can you make sure to show up this time?" She asked softly. She pulled away and I used my sleeve to dry off the waterworks from under her eyes.

     "Sure thing baby. I'll be there will bells on."

     "Thanks dad. I gotta get going," she told me as she pulled away from me and walked towards the driver's side. "Grandma is expecting me. We're going to the library for community day," she explained. "Juliette is supposed to be there. I have to go show her up." I chuckled as I walked her to her car and shut the door for her.

     "Drive safe sweetie."

       "Are you sure you're not mad?"

     "No. I'm mad. But, I love you," I told her. "Listen... I'm not mad at you," I promised her. I tapped the top of the car and stepped back from it.

       "I love you too," she mouthed before she drove off. I ran my fingers through my hair before grabbing my phone to call Carole and see what she knows. There is no way I'm dropping this.

Vee's POV:

     "Josephine," I said quickly when I spotted her in the cell. I had faked getting permission from Matthew to get past the guards. If I'm caught... I'm as good as dead. I'll be seen as a traitor to the pack. Josephine was curled up against the far wall. I tried the cell door only to find it locked and I didn't have the key to get it. Rats. I wanted to go in to comfort her. I could hear her crying. I glanced around with worry I might get caught talking to her. "Josephine, I'm going to get you out of here. I promise," I whispered to her. I jumped as a knock came from the cell behind me. I turned around and gasped when I saw the rogue staring back at me. He was looking through his window in anger.

     "Why would you care?" He snarled my way. "This is all because of you. I tried to warn you to listen," he growled out. "If you had just taken a second to talk with me we wouldn't be in this mess."

     "I wasn't talking to you," I growled his way. "You're still suspicious!" I turned away from him as I tried to ignore him. I'll focus on Josephine's cell. I know she can't believe me right now. "Nathalie is here," I whispered. I didn't want anyone to overhear me. "So I promise we are working to get you out of here." I just have to figure out how to do it without getting caught.

     "Call my father," I heard the rogue say as he hit the cell. "He's the rogue pack's king. He'll be the only one that can save us now."

     "How do I call him? Do you know a number?" I asked as I turned back to him.

     "Give me your phone," he suggested and the door for the food tray slid open. I pulled out my phone and felt a little disappointed in myself. No I better not. I put my phone away and shook my head.

     "I'll find another way," I decided. "I can't risk that."

     "Are you insane?" He growled out. "What other ways could there possibly be to get us out of here?! This is innocent lives we're talking about." I can't take a chance on him. If he really was the killer... I'll be letting him out that way. Plus who knows what the rogue pack will do if they find out about any of this. They could be the culprits behind everything.

     "You're insane!" I hissed. I tried to keep my voice low so I wouldn't disturb the guards. I didn't want to alert them. They'd come in and take me away. I looked back at Josephine one last time. I better get back to Nathalie first so we can figure out where to go from there. There is no way that skinny kid offed her father. She's being set up for this. How could she be involved? She's barely an adult. She's lived a sheltered life. Her parents kept her on a tight leash.

     "Vee," I heard her quiet voice break the silence. She looked straight at me. Our eyes linked. "Casimir didn't kill my father." She was certain. I bit my bottom lip. The kid might be right. I groaned as I looked back at that stupid rogue. "If I leave he comes with."

     "Alright kid," I whispered. I gotta get out of here.

     "Give me your phone. I'll give you his number," the rogue said stubornly as he tapped his door for my attention. "You don't have much time." I passed my phone over through the slit in the door. If I use the number it will be because of Nathalie's permission. I will not do it before that. I got my phone back with the number listed under R. "Go," the rogue demanded. "Before you get caught." I didn't need him telling me what to do. I left on my own accord as I hightailed it out of the cells. My mouth went dry at the very thought of being caught by Matthew. What would I say? What could I say?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


