14% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 7: C6. First Job

章 7: C6. First Job

Continuing Jossie's POV:

I was running. My heart raced in my chest. I could hear it closing in on me. I was frightened like prey. My airway was thinning. I couldn't breath. Every breath I took it wasn't enough. I wasn't getting enough oxygen. It was killing me. My body ached. I was running for what seemed like forever. My paws hit the same path of a deer. It was leading me deep into the forest. Behind me I could hear growling. I was afraid to quit. I can't stop. I can't slow down. I have to keep running.

I tripped as the ground fell out from under me. I went tumbling into a thick bush before I hit running water. It was deep. I came up out of the water begging for air. At the top of the trench I could hear my stalker pacing after me. The water was taking me away. I was escaping. The wolf stared me down. It's eyes glowed a yellow hew. The forest had been pitch black before. I dreamed in black and white... but it's fur seeemed darker then black, like it could be color to my empty world.

'You can't run forever.'

Five in the morning was too damn early. But, I sat my alarm clock an hour early because I wanted enough time to be ready for my first day of work. The annoying siren my clock wailed made me sit straight up from my deep slumber. It was loud. I didn't wait a second after I heard it to turn it off. It was immeditant pleasure from the dead silence that followed after. The room still smelled like wolfsbane because it was the last thing I did before bed. It was a quick smoke last night to calm my anxiety.

After meeting Casimir yesterday... I was worried he'd take back what he said. I know he said I didn't have to apologize and that he understood I might be in a tough situation. He even asked to help. But, Nathalie made him leave. I couldn't ask of anything for him. I don't know what he's thinking and I don't know if he knows who I am, yet. If he finds out I'm a runaway that was just accused of murder... what will he think of me then? I have too many loose strings right now.

What did Nathalie mean by his kind? Was she refering to him as a wolf? Does she think he's a wolf? Is she a wolf or something else? Maybe she meant his kind as in just the way he looked? Did she think he was some street rat looking for a freebe? He was dressed like a slacker.

The thought of how he was dressed yesterday made me laugh.

He was in gym shorts and a hoodie. A typical jock-style look. It was easy clothes for a werewolf to wear... But, werewolves tend to be jerks to an outsider's point of view I suppose.

Casimir can't help me. But, he can offer me a place to stay in the local area. He can offer me a pack. That's good enough for me. Until he realizes I'm a rogue for a reason. I'm a murderer... then he'll want to kill me. I'll be back on the run again. Why did I give him my name?! I can shout I'm not a murderer on the top of my lungs for the rest of my life... but as long as my pack is accusing me... I'm guilty. I have to make sure Casimir doesn't find out I'm Josephine Cromwell. I can't let anyone know I'm a Cromwell ever again. I'm going to have to fake my name. I'm already faking my age.

I took a shower and blow dried my hair. It took me a second before I decided on a red v-neck t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. I had to take my shirt back off to put on a matching tanktop under it when I didn't like the low cut. Of course I put on undies and a bra. They were a matching black silk set. I never bought my own clothes before. I always got give-aways from Juliette. Clothes that were from her sponsers that didn't understand her type of style. They were mine though... Sometimes father would take me shopping. But, I didn't want to spend his money. Juliette made me give anything I got to her afterwards. If she liked it enough.

I didn't know what to do with myself when I went shopping. It made me nervous the whole time. I just picked out things I thought were nice at the time. As a result... I now have a v-neck I can only wear if I put a tank top on under it. I still thought I looked cute. I stared at myself in the mirror the whole time I put on the outfit. I matched it with black slip-resistant work shoes I got on sale. They looked cheap but they'd save my neck in a kitchen. I debated about putting on make-up but ended up failing to do so. I couldn't bring myself to hide behind thick eye-liner. I only knew one style anyway. I never worried about shifting into a wolf before. I was confident it wouldn't happen today at work.

I walked across the street. I didn't want to drive to be as safe as possible. My truck was a wanted criminal now. The sooner I get rid of it the better. And, the less I drive it the safer I will be. I found the back door of Tolen's Diner open and went inside. I searched until I found Nathalie in an office. "Good Morning," I chimed happily. She swirled around at her desk chair to see me.

"Good morning Jossie! Are you ready for your first day?" She asked as she held up a name tag that was still blank on it. "I was going to put your name on it but I wanted to be sure what to put," she said nervously. I gave a huge smile at how thoughtful she had been.

"Thank you!" I half shouted in excitment. "Can you actually put... Bea on it?" Beatriz is my first name. Beatriz Josephine Cromwell was my fully name. My mother named my sister Beatriz as well and as a result... father started to call us by our middle names anyway and everyone picked up on it. Bea would be a great name for me to go on. No one would know. "I'm not comfortable-" she held up a hand to stop me as she got out a sharpie to write Bea on it. I figured I didn't have to explain. She already knew I was being firm about my identity.

Is Nathalie a wolf? I found myself breathing in hard to try to pick up on any scents. On hers... I hoped to make out. As much as I wanted to... I couldn't distinguish any scents apart from the smell of apple pie baking somewhere in the building. I forgot to eat breakfast. My mouth watered at the thought of another slice like the one from yesterday.

I can't just flat out ask her... Can I?

"I guess I better call you Bea from now on when we're here," she suggested. She held it out to me and then pulled out a drawer with aprons and tossed me one. It smelled fresh. She also fished me out a hat with Tolen's Diner printed on it. "These are optional but the name tag is required to be somewhere on you." She stood up and together we walked out to the lockers I saw just outside of the office. She opened one with a lock sitting inside and tossed me the lock. On the back was a combination sticky noted on. I took the note and put it in my pocket before putting my things up in the locker and locked it up. "Okay, lets get to work opening up the restaurant." She led me through partial storage and showed me the walk in cooler that lead into a freezer. She took me through a small dish-pit area before we reached the kitchen. There were three people already in the kitchen.

"Clio, Linus, and Marlowe." Nathalie introduced them as we passed by. "This is the new girl I metioned yesterday.

"Hi, I'm Bea," I would say softly.

"Marlowe is the head chef. If you have any problems with the food make sure to go to him." I nodded as she explained who the kitchen lead was. She took me up front to show me the opening routine.

Through the morning shift I was showed the normal stratigics on how to make a good tip. Nathalie complimented along the way. Apparently I was a natrual. We split tables by ten o'clock and I was doing my own tables by the lunch hour. It didn't slow down until after two. I was able to clean off my tables and get some silverware cleaned and rolled. Nathalie gave me one more task which was to take the trash out before she let me go. I clocked out by three. It was exhausting. I took my things from my locker.

"Hey Bea," Nathalie's voice stopped me from leaving. "Can you come in here for a sec?" She'd ask from her office. I went in as asked and shut the door to be polite. She held out an envelope to me. "You did real good today. I'm going to pay you at the end of your shift and any tips you collect you can keep. I'm going to put you on mornings for now on if you'd like."

"Yeah, that would be great. Thank you." I took the envelope from her and felt my heart flutter. My first real pay day~

"See you tomorrow Jossie," she'd whisper my name low out of respect.

"Yeah... thanks again," I told her as I gave her a smile. "Are you going to be here all day?" I asked curiously. I took the name tag off as I remembered.

"My assistant manager is going to come relieve me," she explained. "I'll have to call a meeting to introduce you to the full staff some time this month." I giggled and shook my head.

"You really don't have to do that," I told her.

"You'll mostly be on my shifts anyway," she said thoughtfully. "I was covering for my AM yesterday. We're going to be on mornings together."

"Well... do you maybe want to go grab something to eat? When you get off?" I suggested.

"Do you want to come to my house?" She offered. "I've got a little one waiting for me to come home. I'll make us some lunch."

"I don't want to intrude!" I said quickly and blushed. Nathalie has a kid?

"Is it really intruding if I'm offering?" She asked and giggled. "Come back over in an hour. I'll be off by then and we can see about getting you something nice to eat."

"You're too nice," I mumbled. I nodded in agreement as I couldn't refuse her offer. I left the office and went out the back door. My heart was still throbbing from the emotions I felt from Nathalie's generosity. She was so sweet. I pulled out the money in the envelope to count out. I made fifty for my shift there not including my tips I still had to count out. I headed around the building as I whistled quietly. I stuck the money into my pocket fast as I felt I was being watched. I rounded the building to walk out front and was startled when I almost hit a body.

"I'm sorry!" I gasped out and was trembling as I dodged colliding into them. I turned back to look at who I almost hit. Casimir?! He was unfazed by what just happened. In fact he smoothed out his hair even more to seemingly fix no mess on top. He was dressed better today. He had a jean jacket on, a white cotton shirt, and some blue jeans that wasn't clashing with his look.

"Jossie? I didn't know you were here. Where's your truck?" He glanced around for it and then realized what I was holding in my hands. "Oh wow~" He smiled huge as he snatched the hat from me. "You're really working at Tolen's?" He looked in disbelief at the logo. I felt slightly embarassed. I refused to look him in the eye this time. What will he do if he finds out I'm staying in a hotel right now? He's so cute... how can I admit that to him?

"Yeah. It's what I was doing yesterday... securing a job here..." I trailed off. Wait a minute... what is he doing back here? "W-what are you doing here again?" I wondered. After all he was ran out yesterday. His face turned red as he blushed almost a tomato red.

"G-getting your number," he admitted. "At least attempting. I figured you and the waitress from earlier are close friends. She was so protective of you."

"You have some new found courage?" I asked. "After she ran you out."

"Funny what you'll do for a girl you like." Oh... wow... did he just? My face heated up as I couldn't take it much longer. He was being so cute! I couldn't reply back after that. When he realized I wouldn't he decided to break the heat building up between us. "So, do you have a number?" As much as I NOW wanted a number... I wasn't in a position to lie about it.

"No," I whispered.

"That's too bad! How can I get in touch with you then to ask you out on a date?" He asked and looked to be thinking. "Listen... we have to talk more then what we did yesterday. How about I take you out tonight?" He asked and reached out towards my face. He pushed some stray hair behind my ear and I felt his warm fingers caress my cheek. I didn't know if it was from the ten hour shift I just worked... the lack of food I've ate today.... or the fact I was being flirted with for my first time in my life... But my knees were weak. I felt light headed. Dizziness was sworming my mind. I didn't want him to stop touching me. If only I could have more... His fingers withdrawled from my face.

"I'm sorry..." I trailed off. I can't fucking believe I have to decline. For once I just want something to time up nice. "I already promised my night away to somebody else." His jaw clenched as a small sign he was angry. Maybe he was jealous?

"When can I see you again?" He asked as his eyes begged for an answer.

"Tomorrow. I should get off around the same time."

"Wear something nice," he told me as he bit his bottom lip. "We're going somewhere special."

Oh my god...

What if he's my mate?!

He's so freaking flirty! I can't take much more of this!

"Yeah... Okay," I whispered softly. Where is he taking me? How formal should I dress? WHAT'S NICE?! I'm going to need Nathalie's help deciding... But, I can't let her catch on I'm seeing Casimir tomorrow. She'll... freak out? At least I have twenty four hours to plan ahead. I won't look like a dork tomorrow! My heart was throbbing as he walked away from me. He stopped at a Mercedes and got into the car before driving off. My eyes pratically fell out of my face when he was gone. I didn't know what to do next. But, my feet walked me straight across to the motel. I couldn't stop thinking about him as I got ready to walk back over to Tolen's Diner and meet Nathalia as planned.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


