39.28% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 9: Protector of Earth

章 9: Protector of Earth

Four years have passed since my return as the prince of Gothic Metropolis.

Chronologically I now have twenty years, but besides my evolving physique, my appearance didn't seem to have aged a single day.

My progress in my family's company had skyrocketed in that time, and my fame, which was already massive, only continued to grow with it.

Since my parents had devote themselves to travel the world and finally enjoy their lives without having to worry about working, they recognized me as the current CEO of Wayne Enterprises.

Under my control, Wayne Tower had been completely overhauled.

I turned one of the floors into a fully dedicated gym, mostly to cover for my near perfect body.

I had multiple workshops which would double as labs

Another floor had been dedicated into a large library, filled with books on a variety of subjects.

Text books, journals, magazines and whatever reading material I could get my hands on, and I could get my hands on a lot.

And then all the company records, contracts, meetings and everything concerning Wayne enterprises.

By the way...

I missed my smart phone, so I made one myself.

The year was 2010, there were smart phones but not as smart as the phones I was used to that would come a decade later.

Not mentioning the newly discovered quirk that I had enjoyed at the beginning, tapping on the small hard buttons the phones had, but it got old really soon.

Touch screen capabilities were too slow for what I needed, but they will suffice for now.

I was already drawing up mental plans for other technology my company would be involved in, creating branches from the main applied science focus of my company.

Reminding Sandra to find me a new stylist via text, I just realized that 90% of app and Internet content provider companies I knew back in my world didn't exist here.

I saw business opportunities.

The whole revamping of the company's assets, management and contracts took two months - one of those which I spent reading and experimenting holed up in the workshop.

I now had the branches I sought, some being other companies which I bought and brought under the Wayne Enterprises banner, I needed a large amount of hardware and material imports and some other tools to finally begin the type of production I had in mind which wouldn't be until the end of this year, if all the acquisitions went well.

For now, I've been shipping out a large assortment of digital services for the budding smartphone and rapidly growing Internet market.

Of course one step at a time, the current hardware specs on the current devices made it so that I couldn't put out the real powerful stuff, that would soon change.

Oh, I also created a streaming service and made my own MMO and minecraft itself.

I know, I know.

Boo me, evil corporation bad guy stealing others ideas.

Well, none of those people even exist in this world, is it bad that I want to bring joy to people?

And I've also designed working out routines too, it has become very successful, as it should considering that I not only hired gym/combat instructors but I've also been giving cocktails to help build my clients' bodies, cocktails I've made myself based on my now very extensive knowledge and grandmaster level skill on biochemistry, biology, physiology and anatomy.

And the workout regimen I've tweaked over time to adequately compliment the rigorous exercises I've come up with.

In the past years, I got my doctorates in the various fields I had applied to.

After all...

Knowledge is power.

And Patrick Wayne had knowledge to spare.


"Thanks" I said, receiving my cup of coffee from the waitress, who nodded and smiled before turning to leave.

I could talk about how fast her heart was beating from anxiousness, I could talk about the number of attempts she had made trying to write her name and number on the paper tacked to the end of my mug – trying to find the just the right combination of pretty and casual.

I could talk about how many times she had to wipe the sweat from her brows, even with my back to her, I could even mention how she stole glances at me, hoping that I'd pick up the paper.

Super senses can get overbearing.

I've had time to hone mine.

Not completely, but adequately.

Using a variation of the famous spell, Notice-Me-Not from Harry Potter, no one recognized me as being Patrick Wayne.

Not that I need the title to draw attention.

I am not being narcissistic when I say that I look handsome.

Picture your modern supermodel, now imagine him spending a tremendous amount of time in the gym.

So much so that his musculature became condensed and lean, like a cross between a bodybuilder and a male model.

I smiled, took a sip of my drink and continued tying away absurd amounts of code into the laptop while stealthily engaging in a healthy amount of self praise in the guise of arrogance.

I jived to the beautiful background music, noticing that I wasn't the only one.

To be honest this was the first time I heard vocal jazz as natural as this, and this was the first time I could actually appreciate it.

I smiled wider, plugging in the various processor components I had kept safely away inside my pocket dimension.

Of course it would be a strange sight, to see me conjuring things out of thin air, but the people around me were caught up in their business to care about some guy in a suit and dark glasses typing away at a laptop.

Besides, my super speed made it hard to see even if somebody was staring at me.

Which I knew there wasn't.

I wasn't the center of the universe after all.


Well, that didn't stop the ladies from mirin at me.

"Dots, run again our previous analysis." I commanded in a frequency .

"[~Understood sir.~]"

"[~Members of the dominant species of the planet Krypton are indistinguishable from humans in terms of their appearance; their physiology and genetics; however, are vastly different. Being so complex that human science is not advanced enough to decipher it.~]"

"[~The cellular structure of Kryptonians allows for solar energy to be absorbed at extremely high levels. On the planet Krypton, whose parent star an ancient red supergiant with a relatively low energy output, their natural abilities were the same as humans.~]"

"[~When exposed to a young yellow star like Earth's Sun, which is much smaller than their own sun and with a vastly higher energy output, their bodies are able to absorb and process so much energy that it eventually manifests as vast superhuman powers. But further study had showed that your abilities are also attributed to the differences between Earth's gravity and that of Krypton, and the different radiation of the stars they orbit.~]"

"[~Kryptonians use solar energy from yellow, blue, orange or white stars on the cellular and molecular levels to gain superhuman abilities.

The light of dwarf stars, pulsars, and quasars also grants Kryptonians different abilities.~]"

"[~Some tests have also shown that Kryptonians may have bioelectric fields that surround their bodies and protect them from harm and which are the means by which you fly. Certain individuals, like you sir, have been gifted with what is called "tactile telekinesis".~]"

"[~The abilities of Kryptonians evolve and grow more powerful as Kryptonians age and develop. Regular superpowered Kryptonians are vulnerable to radioactive remnants of Krypton, magic and Red Suns.~]"

"[~Kryptonians are a highly culturally and technologically advanced people. The different Houses are broken up into a caste system. The Religious, Artist, Military and Science castes had representation on the ruling council, while the Worker caste did not. The different castes lived in buildings with different architectural styles that represented various styles throughout Krypton's history.~]"

"[~In ancient times, they were a race in the midst of an era of expansion, travelling to other worlds via scout ships in order to colonize them. But now, it's believed that those colonies, with the exception of two, had died away without support from Krypton.~]"

"[~Modern kryptonians are a genetically-engineered race of beings. They are artificially grown in "genesis chambers" using information from the Codex, your genetic code containing the entire genetic code of the Kryptonian race. Through this tool, Kryptonians have been designated predetermined roles in society at their conception – for example, Jor-El was a Scientist, whereas General Zod is a Warrior.~]"

"[~The Kryptonian society is ruled by aristocracy. Arranged marriages between the members of nobility are common, sometimes as early as birth, and numerous concubines were commonly accepted.~]"

"[~Settling of noble disputes by private duels is fully legal and apparently gives advantages in terms of reputation.~]"

"[~Self-grown crystals, both natural and synthetic, which covered the vast majority of their planet's surface gave their homeworld a bluish hue when viewed from space and underlay Kryptonian technology. Relatively small crystals can hold vast amounts of information.~]"

"[~Kryptonian law did not believe in capital punishment. Instead, the worst criminals were sent to the Phantom Zone. A barren and insubstantial null area absent of any physical material. The ultimate purgatory of punishment and exile. A timeless sensory deprivation tank that, in time drive any prisoner mad.~]"

"[~Krypton's red sun was named Rao. It was once worshiped by the Kryptonians as a deity; albeit in a more scientific and rational way as the giver and sustainer of all life on the planet.~]"

"[~Almost all Kryptonians were killed when the planet exploded shortly after you had been sent to Earth.~]"

"[~Also, registers show that the inhabitants of the planet Daxam are descendants of Kryptonians who long ago ventured into space and settled on another planet. As such they will possess similar powers and abilities to traditional Kryptonians when exposed to a yellow sun.~]"

"[~The monster Doomsday has been identified as the last of the prehistoric Kryptonians.~]"

"[~It was shown that another sizable Kryptonian colony, called New Krypton, had survived the destruction of the planet. You sir, is the next legitimate heir in line to rule the colony.~]"

"[~The scouting ship that landed on earth twenty thousand earthen years ago is a storehouse for all the knowledge that the Kryptonian race had obtained. Containing a codex of all alien species recorded, blueprints for specialized exercise equipment, an advanced laboratory and spatial communications equipment. It also contained a Phantom Zone projector and various blueprints of alien technology.~]"

"Not bad." I concluded before sipping at my coffee.



My eyes shot open as I slowly rose from the bed, so I wouldn't disturb my companion, who I met last night, laying beside me with her arm across my chest.

"Dots, what's the notification about?" I went ahead to grab a drink from the stand.

I wasn't worried about the woman on my bed over hearing.

Dots was broadcasting over a very secure self made sound frequency that could only be deciphered by me.

Even to superman of different dimensions it would just seem like white noise.

I spent less than a day making that one function.

"[~Sir, the distress beacon from the scout ship has been sent. Just as you ordered.~]"

"So it begins." I said, gulping down the drink. "Excellent."

A smile slowly formed on my face.

I was more than prepared to take him and the sword of rao on.

"Dots, activate protocol Man of Steel." I ordered.

"[~Yes, sir.~]"

They are finally coming.

You might be questioning.

Why save Gothic Metropolis?

Why save Earth?

Why not just turn it into Krypton, like General Zod wanted?

First, a lot of things here were built by my very own company, so I guess you can say that I built all of this through my very own hands.

I'll be damned if I watch it all go up in flames because Dru-Zod desires to build his own utopia.

And you must be joking if you think I'll leave all those treasures that are still hidden on Earth going to waste.

One thing that always bothers me is the magnitude of collateral damage in movies.

I mean, all that hard work, all the sweat, blood and tears people gave for building a great city, everything just gone in a poof, and they take the lives of innocent people with them, people caught in the crossfire.

The grass suffers when elephants fight, that description is the reality.

I couldn't save everyone without making new headaches blossom in the future, but I can save a lot of them, and since I benefit from it as well, then I've made up my mind.

Anyway, let me tell you about the suit I've been designing for the new leader of the league of assassins.

The Dark Knight mark 1 is a suit of armour powered by my very own generated energy and godly powers, utilising the Electrokinesis of Zeus and backup nano fusion reactor clusters for a fallback system, for the eventuality that something happens that might cause me to not to be able to use both of them.

It also included an Nth metal slimware for its anti magic properties, worn beneath armour.

Yeah even if I am impervious to magic in my Shazam form, I would still be prepared to countermeasure it's usage against me in case I somehow met a powerful magic user outside of that form.

Nth metal is transuranic iron with an atomic number of 676, possesses innate anti-magical properties, is very hyperconductive and has self healing capabilities.

I was able to acquire nth metal from Egypt, a thanagarian ship crash landed on earth back when the pharaohs were still in power, it was the whole reason behind hawkman and hawkgirl.

The Egyptians used it to create multiple staffs for their ruling classes.

I might have also committed some minor crimes by "borrowing" those acquisitions.

But I would still get more nth metal from multiple sources like meteors in space.

The suit itself is a blend of Kryptonian alloys and nth metal mix, giving it unique strength and durability while still maintaining a slightly large but slim profile.

Making it harder to be associated with Patrick Wayne.

But it was small compared to my Shazam form.

For future modifications on my suit, I had a plan for retractable excited kryptonite knuckle blades that would constantly release k-radiation, unless when de-excited by cutting off it's localised power source.

I knew that I wasn't completely immune to kryptonite in my regular form, although its effects would be mostly muted if compared to other super kryptonians.

But I had plans to spend years training with it in close proximity so I could withstand its effects in my base form as well.

The suit also had inbuilt yellow sun radiation collectors, which would aid my generation of it, continually feeding me with more useful solar radiation when in a red sun zone or the likes.

The thing is, my cell capacity for yellow sun radiation was still increasing in a rapid velocity, allowing me to move even closer to the sun's core.

I wasn't walking around the surface of the sun yet but by my calculations, I might get there soon.

This is mostly due to the powers of Shazam.

Its magic has been enhancing and raising my cell processing speed and power, causing them to evolve to a more advanced and efficient form.

Meaning larger capacity and better processing equals more powerful and pronounced abilities.

The suit had a very advanced computer interface, with an onboard AI system for Dots controlled via a mind to Machine interface, that could interact with any computer on earth.

Coupled with holographic projectors, and many more useful gadgets.

The face mask was a collapsible half face mask.

A full face mask could work but the lag behind the digital image projectors would slow me down.

My eyes could work way better until I designed something that could keep up, so a hood will suit my needs perfectly.

The whole suit retracts back into the side waist buckles and wrist bands when deactivated.

The suit is programmed to my unique signature and a touch of my Electrokinesis is all that's required to reactivate the suit.

If anyone else should try to activate it, they would have a very bad end, from all the counter theft measures installed into it.

I was inspired by Batman and his versatility when building the suit, so I had a variety of useful gadgets miniaturized and stored all over the suit.

Like an emp emitter, a micro scout bot and red sun radiation grenades just to mention a few.

I told you I was prepared for Dru-zod, so let him come.

The Dark Knight suit had an ominous dark cloak instead of the classic cape that functioned similar to my face mask, it's purpose was mostly to make him more intimidating, but could easily be retracted for stealth and acrobatic purposes.

The aesthetic I went with was a cross between a Knight's full plate armor and the mythological ninja.

Hence why I called it the Dark Knight.

And that's basically everything I had to say about my special suit.

Apologies, but I won't be picking this suit for battle this time.

I just wanted to flex about my work.

I had even made lesser versions, but they weren't meant for me.


The immaculately dressed driver alighted from my Luxury Class vehicle and walked over to the passenger side.

She pushed the door open and I stepped out of the vehicle, my eyes hidden behind shades as dark as the stylish suit I wore.

Sandra, my personal assistant, picked them out.

Dots wasn't capable of telling me what was 'in style'.

I checked through the display of my watch and walked through the entrance to the interior of my company, nodding at the guards who saluted as I stepped past them.

[~Welcome to the Wayne tower, Sir.~] Dots greeted me, downloading company related files that needed my attention into my device.

I noticed some new faces amongst my employees.

Some of them recognized me on sight, others didn't.

Almost everyone was dressed casually–barring the guards and certain staff members– and moving in groups, having discussions ranging from design choices of company products, the implementation of meta-materials on existing technology, to functional calculations of game character physics aided by holographic simulations; the atmosphere was unmistakably positive and conducive to progress.

It looked like –a page ripped out from a futuristic vision of a workplace—it was beyond its time.

No doubt due to the implementation of well thought out policies adopted, reworked and updated from the business models of the most successful companies from my Earth and the emphasis I placed on innovation and creativity.

I noticed that some of the portraits I had drawn in my free time were all framed and hung on the colorful walls–some departments seem to be looking to get promoted.

I smiled, seeing the environment I had created with my own hands.

Yeah, I'm not a good guy at heart, but at least I'm making the world's future brighter, since I'll be here to see that future.

Call it the considerations of an aspiring immortal.

I approached the elevator and waited for the doors to open.

"Top floor." I spoke into the Voice console as I stepped inside, disregarding the option of clicking the tactile buttons.

I checked on my watch and began sorting through work related files.

Declining some that seemed to be going nowhere.

Dealing with complaints made by employees and it seemed more than one person was going to be promoted.

I valued talent, and to make talent value me too, I nurtured it.

I approved other files.

Adding missing elements to certain engineering problems, while resolving calculation inconsistencies and correcting errors in others that the resident engineers couldn't seem to wrap their head around recently, I needed more prodigious individuals working here.

Why would a prodigy come work for me?

Lets ignore all the resources and freedom I provided and talk about the one thing 95% of people valued—Security.

Some people don't want to climb Mount Everest to get pictures of its peak, they'd rather look online than face the arduous climb.

There's nothing wrong with that.

And in the same way, others didn't want to go out there and start their companies from scratch just to build something or make a difference.

They'd rather have security than face the risks that came with setting out on your own.

All this I learned by actually being in control of my family's company.

A very valuable lesson that I am grateful to have acquired without misfortune.

Confirming that everything was back to running at a 100% capacity and efficiency, I turned off my watch.

All this I accomplished before reaching the top floor.

I had plans that would send my company half a century ahead of the competition that was already left in the dust.

But that would lead to indigestion—people weren't ready to stomach half of what I had to offer, it was too much to swallow at the moment.

All in due time; knowing when to sprint and when to walk was an essential skill in this business.

Another headache I managed to avoid without having to use the wisdom of Solomon.

The doors to my office slid open, and apart from how clean everything looked, the placement of all my hardcopy files and unfinished sketches, the luxuriously furnished room with a number of famous paintings I had painted myself occupied the walls in large golden frames remained exactly where I left them.

Last time, I personally made sure that style balanced functionality and everything was in place symmetrically.

'OCD issues.' I laughed at myself as a side-effect manifested.

I could see the entire spectrum of light and perceive minuscule life forms hanging in the air.

That almost made me a clean freak.

Thanks to magic, that compulsion had been completely satisfied.

I sat on my chair and reclined easily.

Sandra was busy running an errand for me, leaving me temporarily without an aide.

Which was why I tasked her with hiring a secretary/personal assistant for the day to day company related issues only.

She was a trained assassin, her forte wasn't exactly handling company related work and management.

And Dots wasn't "human enough" to deal with other humans.

A good secretary, one who could expertly navigate the corporate jungle, one who had value to add to the company, was necessary.

The doors slid open, allowing the fairly beautiful, 5'5 lady with cascading blond hair, entrance.

"Sir, here are the files you requested." She said, almost tripping on her step, placing the documents with a little embarrassment on my desk.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking over the files.

"Felicity Megan Smoak, sir. But my friends call me just Felicity…"She blushed. "Not that I'm implying that we should be friends… I just...."

"Hmm...Felicity." I let it roll on my tongue, realizing why I felt a sense of familiarity to her.

"Tell me, Felicity. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to work, sir." She smiled awkwardly.

"I can see that. But why? Why here?" I stated, taking off the shades to stare right into her eyes.

"I-I… wait! Is this a test? Well, then..." She began telling some memorized phrases of how to impress one's employer.

I rapped my fingers on the desk, watching with mirth her explanation, I couldn't help but to wonder which version of her I was dealing with.

She definitely had the same charm her counterpart had in the Arrow series.

But her background didn't seem to be so convoluted.

Oliver Queen was still wasting his time giving out parties, so I believe I will be taking sweet Felicity from him.


From my office, I could clearly see the black zero ship orbiting earth's outer atmosphere.

Suddenly the lights went off, as I noticed a pulse of energy emanating from the alien ship, and ghost screams like white noise filled all electronic devices.

After watching Dru-Zod give his ultimatum, this put everyone on edge wondering who the person they sought after was.

Curiously, General Zod didn't seem to know if I was a man or a woman.

Perhaps my parents were more secretive of me.

I looked at the people around me, the tension in the air, the emotions on their faces spoke of their curiosity and fear.

I turned to Felicity. "Felicity get everyone to take the day off, you do the same as well. All of you, stay in the security of your homes. Be with your families."

"Sir, please be safe." She said with worry audible in her tone.

I smiled and waved at her, as I left the building.

The time has finally come for me to debut as the symbol of peace, and champion of humanity.



If things were like the movie Man of Steel, I would go first to the Peterson Air Force Base where I would meet the army general.

Being led to a desert where I would board a drop ship with Lois Lane as we visited the black zero ship.

I would then have a conflict of views with Dru-zod, as he would then look for the spacecraft that had brought me here, in search of the codex.

But you already know how much I care for the canon.

And by how things were going, so did the reality I was living in.

Zod gave multiple warning shots, blowing a considerable portion of Gothic Metropolis and other cities from around the globe.

I had to act quick, indirectly I was responsible for all that destruction.

What they don't show in the movies are the actual dead bodies of civilians.

As I flew over my hometown, after dealing with the rest of the world, I witnessed the same harrowing sight of corpses littering across the street, while some of the people that were still alive were buried beneath piles of rubble.

Dust clouded the surroundings, burning rubble and tipped over cars littered the streets as well.

By moving at super speeds I could help take the critically injured to the hospitals and move the rest away from the immediate surroundings.

"It's OK, give me your hand." I reached out to grab the arm of a little boy trapped in the back seat of a minivan.

He looks at me with trust in his eyes as he reaches out, I pull him out of the wreckage and coat him with my aura.

I'm really grateful for the added speed boost provided by years of evolving beyond super kryptonian peak, the speed of mercury as well, without them I wouldn't have been able to rescue most of the people I did.

Zooming out of the immediate area I handed the child to his mother.

The woman hugged her son as she cried out while thanking me.

I flew through the streets of Gothic Metropolis, grabbing everyone I could and sending them to safety as fast as I could and that was very fast.

I flew into buildings that weren't evacuated fast enough and rescued the trapped individuals.

I heard the dying screams of those far away from me, and by making magical avatars of me, I managed to reach them.

I flew below the falling skyscrapers and held them one at a time, their whole weight being held above my head, my aura expanding to cover it's form spreading from the contact surface of my hands, allowing reality to bend to my physics defying acts.

Kinda like how Titan carried a massive building, without it collapsing on itself, before tossing it at Megamind.

I heard the unbelieving gasps, I heard the cries of joy mixed with the exhales of relief, I heard the prayers of thanks. "God, is that you?" One of them asked in between sharp breaths.

I told them my name with a bright smile, making sure to save their spirits with my charisma as much as I saved their bodies with my powers.

I set skyscrapers down on their sides and evacuated the trapped ones.

My super perception allowed me to accomplish impossible feats, given enough time I could evacuate even the whole city, but that would be impractical with the current situation.

And there were so many relevant individuals that could become unwanted casualties, I just couldn't risk it, so I had to stop this now.

Despite their warning shot already being shot, stopping the world engines before they were deployed had been my priority from the beginning.

I'll say it once again.

I was prepared for zod.


The Black Zero ship's systems went on full alert as an exterior force began pulling it towards Earth, Kryptonian technology proving its quality as the heat from entering Earth's atmosphere and forced landing weren't capable of breaking it apart.

But, the immediate metropolitan area that it landed wasn't destroyed as well, probably due to some magical influence.

Alright, I might have something to do with it.

The ship contained a Genesis chamber and other technologies that were too useful to me, so I couldn't just have it destroyed.


Everyone onboard the Black Zero ship stood still, momentarily forgetting their forced landing as they observed the strange weather forming in the atmosphere.

Dark clouds blotted out the golden light of the sun.

Shadows rose as if foretelling an approaching disaster.

Mighty roars of thunder accompanied the flashes of lightning.

The clouds increasingly began to erupt with lightning, the sounds of thunder began to shake the very earth.

The wind sang in resonance to the call of lightning.


A single bolt shot down from the heavens, a flash of brilliance split the very asphalt apart raising dust and rubble as the visage of an eight feet bulky man became visible.

With a form-fitting, white dominant color, metallic gold bracers and knee-high boots with an intimidating bright gold lightning bolt on my chest in the shape of a "Z".

In addition to my main costume, I wore a gold metal belt and wore a long white cloak, with a small quarter extension and gold border, fastened to me, and proudly displaying a golden "S".

I added a white domino mask that matched my pure-diamond blond hair and short boxed beard plus my ice blue eyes, just because I wanted to.

After my dramatic entry was achieved, I stood before the invading Kryptonians.

"Everything is fine, people of Earth. Why? Because I AM HERE!." I announced smiling with my super voice while my magic made sure that everyone listening to me understood my words.

Zod, Faora and all the other Kryptonians were confused as to my identity, but I was about to introduce myself to them, and to everyone else on Earth.

Before my triumphant entrance, I had used the same stunt of broadcasting our encounter worldwide, though my approach was more cinematographic.

I stared at them and spoke. "I am the champion god and protector of earth! Surrender now, otherwise I will be obligated to use lethal force."

From the massive ship, Faora came forth with Nam-Ek beside her, clad in Kryptonian armor.

She looked at me "Who are you? And why do you carry the symbol of our General?"

"I bring hope for my people and doom to my enemies!" I announced while performing a heroic pose. "I am Sentry!"

I know, not the most creative name, but I feel like it is the most fitting for my Shazam form.

"Hope and Doom?" Faora widened her eyes before commanding. "Take him down!"

Nam-Ek immediately obeyed her orders and charged at me like a mad man.

My senses went overdrive and everything slowed down considerably.

I had so many ways to kill him that it wasn't even funny.

He was moving in slow motion to me, although it was much faster than humans, his speed and strength were way below mine.

Not to mention how unused he was with such power.

I sent an uppercut to his chin that took the whole helmet off from the strongest soldier under General Zod command, exposing his face.

I flew above him and body slammed him to the ground, forming a deep crater that sent tremors through the ground.

Grabbing his feet I tossed him upwards again with more force this time, I reappeared in front of him and sent a lightning coated punch to his face, strong enough that it resulted in a shock wave.

Nam-Ek fell back to the earth, knocked out.

Immediately, Faora rushed at me.

"Fine by me." I replied before tackling her with my flight, carrying her upward into the sky before summoning a massive lightning, on her and on the fallen big guy.

And just like that, I took them down.

To everyone watching me, both Kryptonians were disintegrated leaving nothing behind.

But in truth, I just hurt them badly with my lightning attack thanks to its magical properties and had in less than a second tossed their comatose bodies into my pocket dimension.

I wasn't going to waste premium Kryptonian genetic material.

Yes, I just admitted the fact that I wanted to use their bodies for various experiments.

But thanks to their vulnerability to magic, my slaving inscriptions will definitely be very effective on them.

"Kryptonians! This is your last chance to stand down!" I spoke to them, my translation spell made it seem to them as if I had spoken perfect Kryptonian, while to the people of Earth, they heard me in their own native language.

"Whooooo!" The jubilations of the people lifted the atmosphere, as they rejoiced.

I even heard someone shout: "That's a superhero! I can't believe it!"

Yeah, I just hope someone got that all on video.

Oh, wait, yes I did and I would release it online anonymously after the dust settles.


I'm sure some humans have missed my debut, I just want to let them bask in my glory.

But I noticed the ship building up massive amounts of energy, probably preparing to shoot at me.

I could have easily dodged the blast, while removing the people standing far behind me, but I wanted to show off.

So I rushed to face the energy blast that was speeding towards me.

Before clashing against the pure beam of energy, I moved to neutralise it with my magical shield array.

The resulting force barely halted my momentum before I ram through the advanced cannon.

"You all need to get to safety." I announced before digging a hole through the Black Zero's hull, causing explosions and sparks as I forced my way inside the interior.

The ship's interior didn't affect me at all, making me believe that even under Krypton's atmosphere, I was still super.

Unfortunately for the other Kryptonians on the ship, the same couldn't be said.

I would be disappointed if I still wanted to impress someone.

Since I had already defeated the strongest soldier and the second-in-command while they were being powered by their suits without breaking a sweat, the other loyalists weren't even worth mentioning.

In a few minutes, after capturing my targets and trapping them in my pocket dimension, I was left with Dru-Zod on his knees.

I could read the massive killing intent through his body language, as his anger was clearly expressed through his words.

"I exist only to protect Krypton. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every action I take no matter how violent or cruel, is for the sake of my people." His body began to shake in anger. "And now I have no people! My soul is what you have taken from Me!" He rushed at me with all his experience as a soldier.

But I easily sidestepped his tackle and grabbed him by the throat.

His face went from anger to struggling confusion.

"You bear the symbols of respectful houses of Krypton, but your power… you sided with these...humans...against your own People!" He tried to shout, while grasping at my wrist with both hands.

"You see, that's where you are wrong." I gave him a smirk. "I am the bridge between both species. And soon, with the growth codex, I will be the supreme ruler of them as well."

I took him out and tossed him into my pocket dimension, alongside his soldiers and scientists.

Looking around, I saw all the loot I had earned today.

Vehicles, armor, weapons and massive amounts of other useful resources.

Not to mention the raw data that I could extract from it.

Coming out of the alien spaceship, I noticed a large crowd of civilians and soldiers gathering close to the Black Zero ship.

I raised both arms in victory, and was glad to hear the cheerings and praises being shouted by them.

"Your champion has won!" I gave them my best smile and laughed. "People of earth, the time has come for you to know that we are not alone in the universe. But don't worry! I am here to protect you all!"

"Sentry! What happened to the individual those aliens were after?" Asked a reporter.

"Have you found him or her?" Questioned another.

Flying closer to them, I said while looking at the cameras. "I've found the refugee alien, but contrary to this villainous group, she carries no Ill intentions towards the people of earth. I will allow her presence with the guarantee that she won't pose a threat to you. In the future, other species might desire to make contact, but if any of them comes seeking destruction and mayhem, they will meet their doom by my hands."

I ascended into the skies in the same manner I had arrived, as the massive ship "vanished into dust".



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

** Yes baby! I'm back!

Apologies for the massive delay, hopefully I will be able to make it up for you know that my attention is on this fic.

If you wish to know what I've been doing since this story's last chapter, then I would recommend you check out my fic about BNHA and AVATAR. I have continued to upload several chapters since then.

It's possible that you might notice a change in my writing style, hopefully you will find that it improved even if a little bit.

Unfortunately due to it being months since my last update, some "plot holes" are bound to happen. Like any grammatical mistakes, I would be grateful if you could point it out to me so I can correct it.

Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


