11.09% Beasts: Reborn / Chapter 60: CHPT 60: Mob

章 60: CHPT 60: Mob

Prof. Brennan ordered the students to do their warm up laps before they started the event. He watched them run while he stood with Prof. Raizen by his side, his eyes eventually fell on Claude. His anger was more visible on his face than usual, probably from missing the chance to bring his companion and the oncoming fight.

"That one worries me." He said to Prof. Raizen.

Without having to specify, he responded, "You and me both. He's always been....well, angry. But, whatever happened in that Tangent deeply affected him, more so than anyone else....I wonder why."

"Me too. But, you don't believe it's a Deviant either?" Prof. Brenna asked.

"I don't know, truly. If it was a Deviant, then how did almost all the students escape unscathed?"

"That is the question." Prof. Brenna said.


Claude ran his laps in relative peace until a smell started to become stronger and stronger, eventually it overpowered everything else around him. Suddenly a student was at his side with a giant smile on his pale skinned face.

"Isn't it beautiful? Our first opportunity to compete as rivals."

"Chase? How long have you been in this class?" Claude asked with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Chase looked at him angrily before saying, "Literally for more than a week! Stop trying to be all nonchalant and acting like you didn't ever notice me."

"Alright, whatever you say man."

"Wanna race? Chase asked with a grin beginning to grow on his face.

"How about hell no." Claude responded.

Chase looked at him angrily but stayed running at his pace, never slower, never faster.


Claude and the rest of the students finished their laps quickly and stood out across the grass. They all were breathing fairly hard from the warm up jog, all except for Claude and the twins who looked like they just got done walking instead of running for ten minutes.

"Alright everyone, get over here!" Prof. Brennan said. "I hope you're all warmed up, because this event will be nothing short of tiring— on the mind and body." He continued.

Prof. Brennan then stepped back and simultaneously, Prof. Raizen stepped forward.

"The event you're all about to take part in is called, Mob. In Mob, Me or Prof. Brennan will randomly select a team of anywhere from one to three students to be under attack by a randomly selected number of students who will be referred to as, the Mob. The matches will be uneven and sometimes downright unfair, but they will make you stronger— teach you to overcome adversity in battle. If a team of one to three students survives the a Mob, they face the next until the surviving students are defeated, or until they surpass the odds and defeat all Mobs. The reward for pulling that off is two silvers, as the event increases in difficulty over time so will the rewards."

The students' eyes lit up at the possibility of earning money as a reward. The noble born students were also excited, but not as much so as the commoner students who were ready to risk it all for those two silvers.

"Any questions?" Prof. Brennan asked.

Conroy raised his hand quickly from the front of the group of students.

"Yes, Conroy what is your question?"

"Will we be allowed to us all the power we have at our disposal?" He asked.

"Yes, you can use your element, class skills and for any Knights or Tanks that can use Aura, feel free."

The stronger students began to quietly cheer at being able to fully let loose in the event. The weaker and less confident students suddenly lost their brief rush of excitement at the idea of serious injury or worse.

Claude, Samuel and Tai's nostrils flared and their eyes took on a wild shine as they began to be surrounded in the smells of the students anxious fear.

Prof. Raizen picked up on the shift in attitudes among the students and cut in,

"By the way, we'll have a very talented Healer on standby during the event, so any injuries you take will immediately be taken care of. Also, if a student looks to be doing something too dangerous, we'll step in."

Right after he spoke, the door to the University swung open and out stepped an attractive middle aged Hispanic woman.

"Perfect timing, Prof. Callista."


"Hey, look who it is?" Ursula said to Claude.

Claude looked behind the Professors and saw someone he hadn't seen in quiet a while. Her long curly black hair flowed freely in the wind and out of the way of her tan skinned face, she looked the same as always. Elegant.

"This is the Healer I was just talking about, everyone. Meet Prof. Callista."

The two male Professors split and let her fill the gap between them. She smiled brightly and waved saying, "Hello everyone, as Prof. Raizen said. I'll be acting as your Healer during this event so none of you have to worry yourselves over injuries or accidents. Just focus on winning and if you don't, there's always a next time."

The new students were completely enamored but the warm and welcoming atmosphere she placed on the field, almost like she was indirectly relieving them of any negative emotion or feelings. The students who knew her from the C.S Academy sat in the warm familiarity comfortably.

"Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, let's get busy!" Prof. Raizen yelled reintroducing the anxiety and excitement in everyone like a fresh shock of electricity while he led them to the sidelines of the field.


Claude stood on the side of the field anxiously. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach fluttering like crazy and his palms felt completely soaked. Only one thing centered him and held him in the moment, the promise that he'd get to fight Samuel and Tai if he lasted long enough.

"Ok, this is where inactive students will wait. The students facing the Mob will be in the center of the makeshift track and the actual track will function as your barrier, the teams being attacked by the Mob cannot leave the barrier and once the Mob enters they cannot leave either." Prof. Raizen said.

"Now, to pick our first team of Heroes and our first Mob." Prof. Brennan said while looking over the students that stood on the sidelines of the field.

"Let's get a Beast Tamer in here..hmmm..."

Claude clenched his fists and swallowed hard, "You wanna pick me right off the bat? That's fine, I'll run through everyone in here to get to those fuckers." He thought to himself.

"Ah! You, Drake!" Prof. Brennan said while pointing at the confident looking Beast Tamer. "Aaaannnd for the Mob we'll have Julian.....and...Alessia!" He continued.

Claude watched the two students who were apart of Samuel and Tai's group walk away from everyone and towards the door to the University. Claude more or less met Alessia during his first day at the University of the Phoenix, she was pretty. Her long blonde hair and lanky build made her beautiful in an uncommon way— in order to fully appreciate her beauty you had to have a refined taste in women, some would say. She was a tank— surprisingly, based on her full coverage of shiny silver armor and the medium sized round shield, she looked at Drake from his spot in the center of the track with focus and determination.

Julian was another one of the twins' followers who used earth manipulation to try and trip Claude on his first day. His Mohawk grew since then but his tanned skin and rough features didn't. He was an assassin based on his light armor and dark daggers that were held tightly in his hands as he paced next to Alessia like a starved wildcat while she barked orders at him.

"I hope your ready Drake! You will be setting an example for all the next students who have to face the Mob." Prof. Raizen yelled from the sidelines.

"I'm ready, Sir." Drake said as his cobra, Venom, hissed maliciously next to him.

Drake was one of the new students in the last period Training class, due to this he assumed he was at least a level above the other two who went into the alleged Deviant, so his confidence was justified.

He had short dark brown hair that was brushed back against his head with copious amounts of hair grease. Well made medium armor in shades of brown, green and black covered most of his body and he held his sword in a relaxed fighting stance with two hands.

"This should be fairly easy, they both went into that "Deviant" and apparently nobody killed anything, meaning they didn't get any xp or level ups. I can do this, I fought off two goblins so two traumatized teenagers shouldn't be too hard for me." He thought to himself.

"Mob, you ready!" Prof. Raizen yelled.

"Yes sir!" Alessia yelled back.



Alessia and Julian sprinted across the field and towards Drake. He stayed still with his sword up while Venom slithered around devilishly behind him.

Alessia entered the barrier while Julian stayed behind it and slipped out of view. She activated her taunt skill, (War Cry) and grabbed Drakes attention.


Her body glowed blue as she activated the skill, in response, Drake's eyes flashed blue and he immediately charged her.

"HA!" He delivered a downward slice with his sword that was blocked by her silver round shield. She then jumped back as Venom charged her with its shiny fangs on display. As she dashed out of the way, a black mass slid past Drake from somewhere behind him.


As Julian dashed into the barrier from behind Drake, he delivered a cut to his back that ran red down his armor.

"Aim for the neck next time Julie! HAHAHA!" Samuel yelled from the sidelines while him and Tai laughed. The students next to them began to scoot away uncomfortably after hearing his dark remark.

The battle continued with Alessia using her taunt skill and then letting Julian sneak in for a strike while Venom attacked her. For the moment, it seemed their determination to prove they were as strong as the students who had a fair Tangent run overpowered Drake's experience in unbalanced fights.

Until suddenly, Venom changed the game.

"This is far too easy, Alessia." Julian said.

"Shut up and focus." She responded before she used her taunt skill again.


Drake was taken control of again and attacked her.


As his sword connected with her shield, she thought, "my mana's too low, we have to change our game plan after this."

She saw Venom slithering towards her again and jumped back calmly, but instead of fully lunging at her, it quickly turned back towards Julian.

"No!" She yelled.

Julian dashed carelessly since all of his previous strikes landed, he headed towards Drake with his dominant arm out ready to slice open Drake again. Out of nowhere, giant reptilian jaws clamped around his arm before he could reach his opponent.




Claude, Ursula and Warren simultaneously cringed as Venom caught Julian mid dash, they could hear the fangs of the snake puncturing into Julians arm from across the field. After Venom bit Julian, he soon became unconscious. But, Venom didn't stop there, he began to use his incredibly strong body to shake the student like a dog would shake a small rodent it just caught.


Students yelled in a sick form of excitement as Julian's body was flung around and slammed into the dirt by Venom. After Venom dropped his body, he turned and hissed at Alessia. She found herself completely frozen by her own fear as she peered into the cobra's predatory and poisonous gaze. She couldn't move.


Before she knew it, the bottom of Drake's sword was crashing against the side of her head, rendering her unconscious.


The students cheered in excitement while Samuel and Tai held disgusted expressions as they looked at their fallen comrades sprawled out on the field.

"YEAHHH!" Drake yelled victoriously while Venom raised to his full height and hissed proudly beside him.

"That was brutal." Warren said.

"That snake won the round for him." Ursula said in slight amazement.

"Of course it did, look at the size of that thing! I swear I better not be next." Warren replied.

"Looks like we have ourselves a victor!" Prof. Raizen said.

"That's an impressive snake you got there, Drake." Prof. Brennan added.

Drake smiled smugly and patted Venom's head.

"Now, the question is, can you claim victory again?" Prof. Raizen asked.

"Me and Venom are undefeated!" Drake yelled in response.

"We'll see about that. Also, all victors are granted one heal from Prof. Callista since it's your first game of Mob. Do you want to be healed now, Drake?" Prof. Raizen asked.

"I think i would." He replied.


After Drake was healed of his injuries, he found his place back at the center of the field.

"I'm ready, sir." He said.

"Alright then, now for our next Mob...." he said while he rubbed his large muscular hands and looked at the students.

"Let's have....Isaac.....and..Claude!"

Ursula turned to look at him and noticed he was already heading to the field, "Hey, Claude!" She yelled.

He turned and faced her with his eyebrows raised in a silent way of saying, "What?"

"Kick his ass." She said with a determined look in her eyes.

Claude nodded his head and turned back towards the field.

"Alright, let's get to work."

_Avatar0FFury_ _Avatar0FFury_

Hey thanks for reading!! Also thanks for the powerstones alex99, Graveyard_Keeper and Adam_Ketchum!!! I’ll try to get the next chapter out earlier tommorow as well.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C60
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


