42.72% Reincarnated into Anime World / Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Midwinter is great, isn't it?

章 45: Chapter 45: Midwinter is great, isn't it?

I missed our school trip.

And this year, once again...I probably can't make it to the school festival.

It's inevitable. That's just how it is.

At least is it for me...

I'm a figure skater, and that's that.


Today was the 3rd of November. A few weeks had already passed since the last chapter. In between, I had also decided to give Kaori the senzu beans. Of course, I didn't give it to her straight.

I just made a bento and dumped the senzu bean within the bento, making sure that she finished every single last grain of rice and bean in it.

Although the effects weren't instantaneous, I could already see Kaori recovering slowly. Soon, she will finally be cured of whatever disease that she currently had.

Though I don't remember that senzu beans from dragon ball could cure diseases, though?

[Please don't compare that trash from dragon ball to this. Theirs is nothing but low-quality seeds. The ones provided by the system will be nothing but the best, and if not for the fact that Host had gotten the weakened version instead of the original, Host would have been able to revive the dead just from breathing in the scent of the bean. The Host had obtained the current ones with its effect diluted countless times, but it is still better than the dragon ball's trash.]

Now, that bullshit would be able to calm down some dragon ball fans. After my parents returned from visiting their teacher, they didn't tell me much, only announcing that she had fallen ill and needed to rest.

"Hey, wanna go to the school festival with me?" In the middle of the day, my father's loud voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing his words, I was confused.

"What school festival? Elementary schools don't have any school festivals, though?"

"Don't be silly. Of course, we're not going to your school. We're going to the school I taught for a bit!"

My head snapped towards his direction, and my eyes widened, "Since when did you teach?! Didn't you say your job was a photographer?"

"Yeah. But the school had a career guidance thingy program-y that required many adults in different business industries to present and introduce their jobs and whatnot. So yeah..." My dad shrugged, "I was invited to introduce photography, and while doing that, I somehow got popular with the students that they decide to invite me once in a while to teach about photography. Especially in the clubs."

Wow. I'm amazed.

I wasn't too surprised that my dad became popular since, despite the way he acts, his bright personality naturally attracts people to him. Or maybe it was because of the way he acts that people get comfortable with him?

"So? Wanna join me?"

"Nope. I don't have any friends there. Plus, I would like my first school festival experience to be me hosting it rather than me joining as a guest."

Hearing my reply, my dad's eyes slightly glinted before he left, "Sure then."


"Thank you."

That was unusual. We finished surprisingly early today. Perhaps God was taking pity on me for once?

I could hurry! Today's the school festival...if I run...I might make it in time for the closing ceremony!

My footsteps subconsciously quickened, and within a few seconds, I started running towards my school's direction, not caring how much my feet hurt from the activity before this.

My workplace was pretty far from my school. I needed to take the bus; I couldn't possibly run the whole way there, despite my enthusiasm.

As time ticked by, I started getting more anxious. The day started getting darker, and by the time I reached my school's front gate, the night sky was utterly black, glittered with stars.

My chest heaved up and down as I regulated my breathing. Having changed back to my uniform, the guards didn't stop me as I entered the school.

Wow! So exciting!

There were so many sights that I could see! Though most of the stalls had already closed down, there were still plenty of people present. Most of them were in their own cliques, talking to one another about various stuff.

So this is the closing ceremony...

And now, where is my class?

My head turned in all directions as I walked down the front, searching for the person I was looking for.

Seeing a golden, spiky-haired man with a bulked-up and muscled body surrounded by students, a smile formed on my face.

This 'teacher' was definitely the first that I had ever seen.

Although he rarely came to our school and taught, he was surprisingly popular and welcomed by the students. Despite his intense body structure which made him seem like a fitness coach or something equivalent, he was actually a photographer.

Photography wasn't something familiar within students my age group; only specific students liked them.

But the way he introduced and presented photography as a hobby, career, and lifestyle, he might as well had just showcased a cure for cancer.

His enthusiasm was contagious; even the laziest and least passionate students started liking photography.

Although he never really taught a 'real' subject, we enjoyed his presence and lessons nonetheless.

What he taught us wasn't just a future career path. He taught us how to live.

Isanari Uesugi. The teacher I look up to and the model that I aim to become - someone who doesn't live just for material privileges but others.

Seeing the scene of them enjoying their time together, I felt excited. This is my first chance to be with everyone...and have a high school experience!

"Hey, everyone!"

"Oh! Kirisu!"

"Yo, Kirisu!"

"Don't you have figure skating?"

"I did!" I replied to their queries, "But we finished early today!"

However, just as I was about to continue talking, another one of my classmates suddenly arrived and announced, "Hey, did you hear? Our class cafe got the most customers in our grade!"

"For real?! A triumph of friendship and hard work!"

"Oh my god, that's so cheesy!"



"Hey, sensei! Can we all bury a time capsule together?"

"Huh? I'm not a real teacher here, though...but let's be discrete and not let everyone find out!"

"That's our teacher!"

As I watched my class huddling together with Uesugi-sensei in the center, my heart suddenly painfully twisted as I realized that none of them paid any attention to me. None of them even looked in my direction after the initial greetings.


My feet...won't move.

It was just a few steps...to join everyone.

That's all...but for some reason...

'Mafuyu...you're a rare genius!' My father's words rang out.

'Focus! Everyone else is a rival!' It was my mother's turn to lecture.

Yes, father. Yes, mother.

It can't be helped. I'm a figure skater.

That's the reason I always give. But the truth is...

Figure skating was just an excuse.

This longing...I want it so badly. But at the same time, I'm afraid.

I'm scared to let people in.

'Everyone is my rival.'

Is there anywhere I belong? Am I capable...of genuinely loving others?

I'm scared.

In the end, my feet didn't move a step forward at all. I watched from the distance as my class dug a small hole, placed things inside a container, and buried a time capsule without me.

Everyone placed something inside - everyone except me.

Everyone knew what was placed inside - everyone except me. But then again, do I really need to know...?

I know the answer to that question.

But I can't accept it.

Time has never passed by so slowly.

When coming here, I wished time would stop. And now, I wanted nothing more than time to speed up so that I can go home.

As I wobbled myself to a seat just far away to be able to spot my classmates squatting down, tears started forming in my eyes.


As much as I tried to hold back my tears, a single drop escaped, rolling down my cheeks. I hurriedly wiped it off before anyone could notice. I didn't want anyone to wonder why I was crying in such a happy atmosphere and occasion.



"Dad! Where are you? Come on, dad!"

Amid this crowded school festival, I could hear a young boy shouting. Though I didn't have anything to look at my appearance, I knew that I wasn't at my best. My eyes were slightly red from the small crying session, and my nose was...

"You dragged me out here, and you tossed me aside to do your own things...argh!! If you don't come here, I'm going home to tell mum!" The boy sounded frustrated, but when the crowd soon parted, I could see that the young boy's expression wasn't really frustrated at all.

At most, he seemed...annoyed?

Never mind, that's parked under 'frustration' in the emotion list.

I didn't know what about him attracted me. Maybe it was his pure white hair that stood out like a sore thumb in the wave of the light blue uniform. Or perhaps it was the fact that of all the annoyance I could see on his face, he didn't seem worried at all, nonchalantly strolling around.

But before I could help myself, the words have already left my mouth.

"Hey, there...are you lost?"

The boy seemed surprised that someone actually called him out, and when he turned his head over to me, it was my turn to be surprised once more.

An elementary boy was pretty uncommon after the initial virus breakout, but it wasn't as though it was an extinct species.

The moment I saw his pure green eyes contrasted yet complimented his white hair, it made me calm down. My tears stopped forming, and our eyes met.

Why did I call him out? Did I not have enough trouble for myself already?

I was already made clear that I was unneeded in this school festival, so why...?

Why did I call him out?

Desperation for some companion?

Hoping that he would replace the empty place in my heart?

"Haha..." A small laugh escaped my mouth, mocking myself at that thought.

If the boy didn't give me more trouble, I would already be grateful to him. As for filling up the void in my heart? Even sensei neglected me...

Still, having called out to the young boy, I might as well finish my duty as a high school student.

"Are you lost?"

"Not really. I'm just separated from my dad, who forced me here only to throw me aside."

Hearing the boy's remark, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow...this meeting sure was unex..."

"What did you say?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing. So, what are you doing here alone?" The young boy suddenly shifted the topic, causing me to frown slightly.

"I like to be alone."

"You're lying, onee-chan. You wouldn't be crying alone in the middle of the school festival. Tell me, maybe I can beat up the person who rejected your confession." The young boy spoke very confidently and earnestly, though his cheeky smile couldn't be hidden.

'This boy is...annoying.'

This was my first impression of him. Despite what I'm currently doing, I'm actually pretty confident in my looks and popularity, though I couldn't date anyone or live like a girl my age due to my workload.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be a figure skater. To say that someone rejected my confession was ego-damaging.

Still, I wouldn't bother to argue with a little boy.

"So, how's your figure skating career coming along?"

Now, that question made me surprised.

"How do you know that?"

The boy sat next to me and pointed to his brain as he explained, "Eidetic memory. I can clearly remember everything I have ever seen, as if I had just watched it a second ago. I managed to see you figure skating on television once, and my mother complimented you on your looks."

That must have been very useful...having eidetic memory means that you don't have to worry about forgetting anything. How convenient must it be for you to not forget everything in life?

"Eidetic memory isn't as good as it seems."

How can you read my mind?! I wasn't even talking out loud?!

"Please, onee-chan. Your expression is as clear as the sun in the sky. All your thoughts are plastered onto your face. How could I not know?" The boy grinned as he swung his feet casually.

"Why are you crying?"

"I thought you could read my mind?"

"I never said that. It was you who thought of that."

And this is why I regret my choice.

Seeing that I kept silent, the boy shook his head with disappointment and stood up.

"Since you don't want to talk about your problem, why don't you help me with mine?"


"Yea. Help me find my dad. As much as I don't mind being here alone, it pisses me off that he might be having fun with his 'students' alone while leaving me out here to dry."

"Sure. I didn't plan to sit through the entire festival, anyway. Let's go."

Without waiting for him to reply, I stood up and started walking.

His pace soon matched mine as we wandered around the school while searching for his dad.

"Now that I think of it, I never got to know your name, onee-chan. What is your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Do I need a reason to want to know your name?"

I can't refute that question. The boy replied to my question with another question.

"No. But since you're not telling me your reason, then I have no reason to tell you as well."

I expected some sort of reaction from this ever-smiling boy, but he didn't seem to react to my words at all. He just continued strolling beside me after uttering nothing but an 'Okay'.

"Oh, not curious anymore?"

"Not really..."

We fell into silence as we continued walking without a single specific direction in mind.

"So, who are we looking for?"

"My dad."

"How does he look like?"

"Like me, just less handsome."

I wanted to pinch his face so badly. I wanted to pull and stretch his cheeks so that he would actually start answering seriously.

In the end, I gave up on that notion since he wasn't my child, and I wasn't his teacher. I was just an ordinary senpai that didn't have the right to punish him.


Because of this moment, I involuntarily thought of what happened before I met this young boy, and my eyes couldn't stop tearing up when thinking about how they had ignored my presence.

"Hey...onee-chan...what's wrong? You're crying."

"W-What are you talking about? I wasn't." I vehemently denied it. I didn't want an elementary student thinking that I was a weak person (not physically, of course), being a high school student and all.

"Sigh, onee-chan. Like I said before, your emotions are clearly presented on your face. I know something's wrong with you, but..."

But what? What is he trying to say? Are you going to mock me-

"But if you don't want to share it, then you don't have to. Just...be strong, okay?"

This time, he didn't have a smile on his face as he comforted me.

"N-No. That's not it." I quickly rubbed my eyes, hoping to wipe away my tears. I would pray that he didn't see me crying, but I would just be deluding myself.

Ashamed. I let an elementary student comfort me.

"How can I explain...? I was just feeling like...I'll always be alone...for my whole life...that I'll always be struggling...alone."

Why...? Why am I spilling everything out to him?

I have always kept my feelings and struggles to myself, not even letting my friends know of my troubles...

Afraid of letting the young boy be negative together with me on this festive day, I quickly added with a smile, "But...you don't need to worry about that. C'mon, let's find your dad."

"I'll be there for you!"

"W-What?" My eyes were wide open as I heard what the boy said.

"Though my dad might not be the most gentle person, nor the most loving person, nor the most liked person, I have always admired him. From being someone of poor birth growing up to becoming someone still poor, he constantly reminded me to be a grown-up who understands other people's struggles, despite seemingly unable to do so himself. Not be sympathetic, but to be empathic to other people.

So...I'll be there for you...always and forever!"

I was so surprised by his words that I paused in my footsteps and took a closer look at him before turning away.

Even though he was much younger than me and only stood just below my chest, he gave off a feeling that made me very comfortable.

W-Wait! What am I thinking?!

He's still a child!


I sneaked a peek at his still grinning face, and my face turned red involuntarily.

He was adorable...if he grew up, then I wouldn't mind...

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I said, "Well, that's premature. You're a little young to be proposing."

Though that was what I said, I couldn't help myself from smiling, "But let's make it a promise. One day, when you're all grown up."

"Onee-chan wants to marry me in the future? I'm flattered."

Hearing those words, my face instantly turned red.

"But sure. If you can still remember me in the future, I'll make you my wife! By the way, you might have already forgotten that I had eidetic memory, Mafuyu-onee-chan? How could I not remember your name?"

Before I could retort to the first statement and react to the second, his head suddenly turned towards his left, and he let go of my hand before running towards a familiar man.


"Dad!" The boy yelled as he ran towards his father.

"Fuu-chan, where did you go?"

"You're the one who tossed me away to enjoy yourself! Don't leave me alone if you're gonna force me to come here!"

"Haha...I know that I can count on you to be alone for a while. Plus, didn't you enjoy the festival?"

"Not really..."

So, that boy is...Uesugi sensei's son.

No wonder he was so easy to talk to. He speaks the exact same way as his father...

"And then, I met this onee-chan!"

I didn't want to wait for him to call me out like that in front of sensei, so before he even finished his sentence, I bolted off.

Hah...how immoral. Proposing a promise of marriage with a boy six years younger than me who was still in elementary school.

I hope he won't tell sensei that I promised to marry him when he grew up. My reputation would be destroyed if others knew that I made a promise to him...

Sigh...I missed our previous school festivals.

And this year, unlike the previous years...I had surprisingly managed to attend the school festival.

It's not inevitable. That's just not how it is.

And that is it for me, Kirisu Mafuyu.

I'm a figure skater, and but that is not just that, is it?

I managed to meet this interesting boy today. He made me think more about my circumstances with that short meeting when others couldn't do it for a long time.

Still, thinking of marrying me in the future, huh? Elementary students are precocious nowadays...what's wrong with me as well?

Uesugi Fuu-chan, huh?

I wonder what's your full name...

Do you plan to keep your promise...?

Secretly, I wished that you...


A/N: 3k words this week! In case you didn't get the title - the name 'Mafuyu' means 'Midwinter', the main heroine for this chapter.

I read the comments about the permanent token being pretty OP. So, to not have a reason for letting MC use it to gain immortality, I changed the description a little bit. You can check it out on the status chapter.

Although I mentioned two more arcs, it was more of an 'event' rather than an 'arc'. This chapter counts as one event, so there will be one more, and at most two chapters, before Volume 2 comes out. Please introduce some piano/violin anime that you want me to include, and I'll try my best to do it.

Volume two will be mainly using my imagination, and since I only have the plot's rough sketches, the details can still be adjusted, so feel free to give all of your opinions!

A/R: I'm planning for another two fanfics, though planning is one thing, and actually doing it is another. For the quintuplets and non-harem fans, you'll probably enjoy my next one since it would involve both (if I ever decide to actually go for it, that is). And the best part is? No quintuplets will go single even if there is no harem!

The second one is an idea about Re: Creator, but I don't have much planned about it, so I don't think that would actually count as one?

Watching Steins; gate this week, and I'm planning to check out 'The way of the househusband' soon.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C45
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


