45.07% Star Wars VRMMO / Chapter 32: The Raxus Address

章 32: The Raxus Address

(I found an amazing take on the Raxus Address that some guy named Steven Baleshiski wrote. He did an amazing job on this and his work is amazing. Everyone I have written here on what Dooku says is from him and I have not written any of that part so do not give me credit. Please give him credit.)

Count Dooku stood tall in the hologram. He let off his typical "above everyone" aura as he spoke. Each word came out with disgust and disdain.

Unknown to the senators, this speech was actually being broadcasted to every single communications channel in the Republic. "Hello oppressed citizens of a once free galaxy. I am Count Dooku of Serreno. For my entire life, I served as a Jedi knight, and for many years, on the Jedi High Council."

"I dedicated my life to peace and justice, undertaking countless missions and risking my life countless times. I have protected people and communities, and brought countless criminals, pirates, terrorists, tyrants, and corrupt individuals to justice. And yet, as a Jedi, I was serving the most corrupt, most destructive institution in the entire galaxy."

"The Galactic Republic, and its Senate, have become abominations. The Senate is mired in corruption and decadency. Senators routinely betray the people they're supposed to represent, whoring themselves to the highest bidder. They allow you, their own people, to suffer lawlessness, abuse, exploitation, stagnation, prejudice, and injustice. They lounge in luxury on Coruscant, while you toil and languish."

"The Republic is deep in debt, which they expect you, the working people, to pay off for them. They have created layer upon layer upon layer of bureaucracy, which is enormously expensive, stifles your voice, and makes even the simplest aspects of governing frustrating and ineffective. They abolished their military, causing the rim worlds to fall into chaos and the hyperlanes to be overrun with pirates. And to add insult to injury, they punish and ridicule systems that try to militarize in self-defense."

"The Republic also stifles our economy. It imposes a myriad of taxes, as do its sector governments and planetary governments. These taxes do not pay for our safety, as the military has been abolished. No, these taxes pay for the Senate's lavish lifestyle, the Republic's burdensome bureaucracy, and the whims of the highest bidders. The Republic has such contempt for you, they couldn't even be bothered to vote on the recent Financial Reform bill. Worse still, the maverick Senator who drafted the bill, Senator Jheramahd Greyshade, was assassinated by the powers that be. Killed in cold blood, for daring to actually represent the interests of the citizenry. Well, I dare the powers that be to come after me. I do not fear you. I will fight you, I will overthrow you, and I will destroy you."

"The Jedi enforce the will of the Republic upon you. Their rhetoric about compassion and peace is self-righteous lies. They stand by and do nothing as the Republic tramples on you, but are quick to cut you down if you defend yourselves. Those in the Outer Rim know this all too well. Suffer an attack by pirates, enslavement by criminals, and the Jedi do nothing. But, declare your intention to leave the Republic and govern yourselves, and the Jedi are at your doorstep in the blink of an eye, ready to take you down. Instead of using their power to liberate people from the Republic, they use their power to keep people subjugated. Instead of devoting themselves to justice and good, they devote themselves to the Republic. It is for these reasons that I have resigned from the Order."

"From this day forward, I devote my life to building a new government and a new Force order. The new government I will create will correct the Republic's failures. It will be led by a head of state, a council of advisors, and a parliament. Instead of thousands of sectors with thousands of senators, we will have only a few dozen sectors, with only a few dozen senators. These Senators will serve four-year terms, and be elected by the planetary and system governments within their sector."

"Our new government will not have sector governments, thus eliminating an entire layer of bureaucracy, taxes, laws, and regulations. Our new government will not impose its will on education, which will be left to the free systems of the galaxy. Our new government will not involve itself in welfare or healthcare, allowing the free systems to manage these tasks as they see fit. Under our new government, all tariffs and trade barriers will be eliminated. Citizens will be able to trade and do business with other citizens without restriction."

"The new government will possess a large military. The military will be centralized, with planetary and system militaries being absorbed into it. The enforcement of law shall also be centralized. The role of government is to maintain order and the rule of law. Our new government will devote itself to that responsibility, without treading into roles that are not its by right."

"We will patrol the hyperlanes, keeping them free of pirates. We will bring order to the Outer Rim, and root out lawlessness. We will rebuild the economy, by restoring control of economic matters to the people, instead of a corrupt and inept government."

"I will also build a new Force-using order, to replace the complacent Jedi Order. This new order will serve the people, not corrupt politicians. It will utilize its power in service to good, uninhibited by a self-righteous, tyrannical code."

"This will be the beginning of great strife and turmoil. After all, the Republic and Jedi will not surrender power willingly. We the people will have to take them down by force. A new day has begun. Today marks the end of silence and consent, and the beginning of revolution. We will seize power back from the ruling class."

"No longer will we be spat upon by people who are supposed to represent our interests. No longer will our voices be silenced, our grievances ignored. They didn't hear our pleas, now they will hear our judgment. People of the galaxy, join me in this quest. We will fight, and we will be free. May the Force be with us all."

The broadcast abruptly shut off and the senate chambers erupted into outroar. This dissent of their glorious republic and the plain insults that Dooku laid down were unacceptable.

Valorum had long slumped into his chair. He would have a long several years ahead of him. No war throughout the history of the galaxy ended quickly when it was on this scale. No matter how convincing a victory, there would always be enemies remaining.

Vice Chair Amedda stood up. "ORDER! THERE WILL BE ORDER IN THE SENATE!" Gradually, everyone quieted down and stopped screaming. He then turned to his friend that was in despair. "Finis, you must do something."

Valorum sighed and stood up. "My fellow senators, now is not the time to fight among ourselves. Rather, we must come together and resolve this problem. For the past eight years, I have been working with Lord Draco of Kessel to create the Grand Army of the Republic. I was planning on having him speak later, but I think now would be for the best. I give the floor to Lord Draco."

Tyler rolled his eyes. Of course Valorum would fork the responsibility of saving face over to him. He nodded to Yularen and he piloted their pod out to the center of the room. All eyes were on them. He turned to his Admirals. "Watch carefully. Politicians require a delicate touch. Stick with me and you'll be able to do things like this."

Tyler activated the microphone. "Ahem, good morning fellow representatives of the Republic. These revelations are most unfortunate. This marks the end of the longest recorded period of peace this galaxy has ever seen."

"However, this peace is just a facade. I have slowly lifted the blindfold from my eyes that this Republic has pulled over it and revealed the struggles, the oppression, the downright neglect that the people of this galaxy experience every single day. It has been excruciating, but eye opening."

"My first experience of this was on Kessel. I liberated the people from their oppressive ruler and gave them a better life. The people of that system and the surrounding systems have enjoyed freedom and prosperity like none of their ancestors had ever seen. Their lives are free of pirates and evil doers, but at the same time filled with happiness and the freedom to choose and live how they want."

"We must extend this freedom to all corners of the galaxy and ensure that anyone who desires freedom shall have it. However, we can not allow corruption and deception run rampant in our Republic. As General of the Grand Army of the Republic, I vow to defend the ideals and people of the galaxy to no end. I will not rest until the people of this galaxy are free to live as they want and the interests of the many are prioritized over those of the few."

"The first thing we must do is root out the corruption and oppression that is running rampant in our Republic. Then, and only then, can we snuff out this rebellion and eliminate the tyranny that they are imposing on their systems. This tyranny is driven by the Sith. Their ideals have no place in this galaxy and must be eliminated to guarantee the safety of our people, of our children."

"We have no time to waste. If anyone has anything they think is unclear, please make yourself heard, quickly."

Almost immediately, Senator Amidala's pod shot out and she spoke up. "Lord Draco, these developments are preposterous. Raising an army is the complete opposite of peace and will only lead to more oppression. How can you, someone who has personally liberated the people of a planet, be okay with this?"

Tyler smiled. "I'm actually glad you asked Senator Amidala. As someone who has personally liberated a people, I have been enlightened of the problems with the current system. If we wish to survive the coming conflict, we must change our ways. Not all systems are perfect like Naboo. Many systems have corrupt and selfish people in power that do not serve the people, but rather themselves."

Padme scoffed. "That doesn't change anything. Having an army will only scare people and that fear will lead to oppression."

Tyler shook his head. "You are misunderstood. Soldiers are meant to sacrifice themselves for the people of this galaxy. They protect and serve by defending the people and their interests. Without a means of enforcing the laws and protecting the freedom of the people, our decrees are nothing but words."

Padme opened her mouth to respond but she had nothing to say. She saw first hand how her people were at the mercy of the Trade Federation until Limitless stepped in and rooted out the problem with considerable force. There is a reason that all of the systems and trade routes protected by Limitless are so safe.

Padme sighed. "Very well. There must be more discussion on this subject in order to guarantee that this power is not used for the wrong reasons. I suggest that a committee be formed with representatives elected by this senate. They should oversee the army and ensure that the interests of the people are being put first."

Tyler nodded. "That is a wonderful idea. Governor Khan Ardel of Kessel actually put something similar in place. How about we call it the Senate Armed Services Committee or SASC?"

Valorum chimed in. "That is a fantastic idea. Let us put the formation of the SASC to vote. More details and nominations to the committee can be dealt with after further discussion. Voting is now open, please cast your decision."

It only took seconds. The vote was unanimous. How could any of these senators refuse the opportunity to have a say in such a thing. They could not all be in it but they could always organize themselves behind various members.

Valorum smiled. "It is decided then. By unanimous vote, this galactic senate has formed the Senate Armed Services Committee. Due to urgent matters that have presented themselves, let us conclude this session and reconvene later today. A full report of Count Dooku's address must be put together and a detailed proposal of the SASC must also be drafted. You are all dismissed."

By this time, Tyler's pod was already back in its spot and his group was at the elevator that went straight to the Chancellor's hangar. This was one of the greatest things about landing there. He would never have to deal with the political bullshit as he left the senate building.

As the door to the elevator closed, several senators were rushing over calling out his name. Kilian turned to Tyler. "General, was it wise to leave all those senators behind? I'm sure they have many important things to discuss with you."

Tyler laughed wholeheartedly. "When you have been dealing with these political rats for almost a decade, you begin to understand how much of a pain in the ass it is to deal with them. We would be here until the end of the day if we didn't leave quickly. We have things to do!"

Yularen chuckled. "General, it would seem that we are in for a treat serving under you."

Tyler scoffed. "Please don't think of yourselves as under me. I am only your superior on paper and in name. You three are easily my superior when it comes to experience, decision making, and tactics. I expect you each to be fully autonomous as I will be partaking in plenty of operations throughout this coming war."

Tyler grinned. "Unless I say otherwise, you three are to follow one and only one order. In any instance where I am unreachable, any decision where my input is needed shall be decided by a vote between the three of you. That should prevent any holdups. Is that clear?"

All three Admirals stood tall. "Yes, sir."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Gentlemen, please. What did I say about formalities? They make me quite uncomfortable. I am not from a military background. I merely desire the best for my people. I encourage you to call me Draco when there are no subordinates in our midst."

Coburn nodded. "As you wish, Draco."

Tyler sighed in relief as the elevator doors opened. "Ahhhh, now that's better. Anyways, don't get too comfortable as I will be introducing you to the war machines that you three will be commanding. Of course they won't be these vessels in particular because they belong to me. However, those that belong to the Republic will be fully outfitted and at your disposal. Come, come, we have no time to waste."

Tyler led the three Admirals aboard the Scimitar and they quickly took off. A few minutes later, they landed in the hangar of the flagship of the standby fleet over Coruscant, Excelsior.

In his usual showman style, he turned to the Admirals with his arms extended. "Welcome to the Excelsior."

Yularen smiled. "From some meetings, I have seen these cruisers on paper but I have never seen them up close. You don't realize how many people are concerned about them being in Coruscant's orbit."

Tyler waved away his concerns. "Like I could give less of a fuck what they think. As long as I have the big stick, they can eat their words. Anyways, come on. I'll tell you about the complement and weapons systems on the way to the command center."

Kilian then spoke up. "Where exactly is the command center? I do not see a bridge on this ship."

Tyler chuckled as he started walking. "That is a fantastic question. Follow me, I'll explain. When I ordered the first batch of my fleet, I requested that they remove the bridge on the cruisers and landing ships. They are easy targets that stick out like a sore thumb. What they did was build the command center into the heart of the ship. The bridge is outfitted with panoramic screens that show an uninhibited, 360 degree view of the surroundings while guaranteeing the safety of the commanding officers."

Kilian's mouth was ajar. "That is god damn genius. Starships have always been designed after aircraft or boats depending on the class. Large ships have always been built with an exposed bridge but this changes everything. It is perfect for a warship."

Tyler nodded. "My idea exactly. Winning a war is all about having the newest toys being used by the best men. I want to guarantee that we have both."

Kilian smiled. "What you lack in experience, you definitely make up for in ingenuity. I look forward to seeing what else you can pull out of your hat."

Tyler then proceeded to describe to them the different classes of ships that they would be commanding. This included the Venator-class Star Destroyers, Acclamator-class Assault Ships, and their protection details. He also briefly went into the forces carried on each ship.

Soon after, they arrived on the bridge. There was a surprise waiting for them. "Drake, what's poppin'?"

Tyler turned to the voice and his face lit up. "NAPS! What's good dude?!" He walked over and dapped up his friend.

John (Napoli) chuckled. "Life is great these days. Finally convinced my parents to retire and enjoy the money I'm bringing in. How's your mom?"

Tyler smiled. "She is great. You know, you could come by for dinner every once in a while. Maybe you could get your parents to come join the game. Your mom would be great for keeping mine grounded."

John laughed. "I guess the line between this world and the other can be blurred at times. Who are your new friends?"

Tyler turned around. "From left to right, these fine men are Admirals Yularen, Kilian, and Coburn. Gentlemen, this is my dear friend and Vice Guild Leader of Limitless, Napoli. You may consider his words as my own."

The three of them nodded. Yularen spoke up. "It is a pleasure to meet you Vice Guild Leader."

John chuckled. "Please, call me Napoli. It's easier to say anyway. I'm not your commanding officer or anything like that so consider me a peer."

Yularen nodded. "Very well Napoli. I look forward to working with you. Will you be accompanying us to Kamino?"

John nodded. "Indeed. I gotta see what my buddy has been cooking up all these years. I've been begging to see the clone army for a while but he hasn't let me. I want nothing more than to lead a platoon of those badasses into battle." He then laughed heartily.

Yularen smiled. "I hope the rest of your guild turns out to be as enthusiastic as you are."

Tyler cut in. "Don't you worry one bit. Every single guild member has been hand picked to ensure that they are in this for the guild, and not just for the benefits. However, I won't lie and say that the benefits don't justify the means."

Coburn chuckled. "It would seem that you have put together quite the formidable organization. It is a perfect mixture of fighting for a cause, but also for benefit. I see no better way to motivate people." He was amazed by the efficiency of the people working around him. Countless players and NPCs were all working together to get the cruiser moving.

Tyler smirked. "I know, I'm pretty great, aren't I?"

Another voice cut in. "Oh shut up, will ya?"

Tyler spun around and two more surprises presented themselves. "Xander, Master Sifo Dyas, it's great to see you two."

Sifo Dyas smiled. "I was disappointed that you did not come by the temple yourself. The younglings love when you come by."

Tyler shrugged. "As I'm sure you heard, some shit went down during the emergency session."

Sifo Dyas nodded. "I did hear. That is why I understood when Xander came to inspect the progress of the officer training in your stead."

Tyler nodded before turning to Xander. "So, how was it?"

Xander smiled. "They seem to be much better prepared than they would have if we did nothing. I can at least say that. Unfortunately, the Jedi Code is not too accommodating when it comes to taking action."

Tyler shrugged. "Well, something is better than nothing. Hopefully this will reduce the potential casualties in battle."

Xander nodded. "That will most definitely be the case."

Tyler smiled. "Great. Allow me to introduce the two of you to our new associates. These are Admirals Yularen, Kilian, and Coburn. This is Vice Guild Leader and Jedi Knight Xander, and he is Jedi Master Sifo Dyas."

"Anyways, let's get going to Kamino. I don't want to keep my associate waiting. He is a busy man raising his kid and all." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw John's face light up. "Naps, shut up."

John's expression sunk. "Okayyyy. Fine, I'll go keep myself busy."

Several hours later, the fleet of cruisers arrived in high orbit over Kamino. Almost instantly a transmission came in. "Welcome Lord Draco. Please land on landing pad one. Jango Fett and Prime Minister Lama Su are eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Tyler pressed the button on the control panel. "That is fantastic. We will be there shortly. I have a few guests with me to inspect the facilities."

The operator then responded. "We will prepare a full tour then. We look forward to your imminent arrival." The transmission cut off.

Tyler turned to his entourage. "Alright guys, let's head down. We can take the Scimitar."

N3wman N3wman

Shit's moving a bit slow for now but there will be a time skip to the Battle of Geonosis coming up after the stage is set.

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