9.61% But a Side Character...or not? (Moved to new link) / Chapter 5: Chapter 5- I Don’t Want Your Attention!!

章 5: Chapter 5- I Don’t Want Your Attention!!

"You who have hair like a wrinkled old man and blood red eyes aren't fit to be in Roseward Academy!"

"You think you are so great just because Lady Rium has your back!?"

"You are a lowlife commoner! Don't get so cocky!"

I am currently being bullied. I just broke off from Alex and was heading downstairs when I was called out by a group of young noble ladies. I have been pushed against the walls as the three ladies yelled crap at me. Not like anything I haven't heard of course.

"What's going on here?"

"Your Highness!"

Looking up, I was met with clear blue eyes. Ah, the main attraction is here. I haven't seen him since that one time he came to the shop with his brother.

"Nothing is happening, your highness."

Oh? I could feel a smirk forming on my lips. "Prince Leonhardt. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Prince Leonhardt looked at me and smiled. "Lady Reiré. It's been a while."

"It certainly has…" I turned to the other girls and grinned as they glared at me.

"You look a little tired. Is everything alright?" Prince Leonhardt asked.

"I am quite tired. But these girls don't seem to notice that."

The ladies flinched as their faces turned pale.

"They pulled me over just to say some mean things. And now I'm late for Dance class. Lady Rium will surely be disappointed in me. Her family even pays for my tuition. Now I'll be suspended just because of these girls here."

"A-Ain't that a bit extreme?"

"Oh! But I am a lowly commoner. I don't get the luxury to skip classes like you three are doing."

"What! We were not-"

"I see what is going on," Prince Leonhardt voiced. "I shall report this to the rest of the student council. You three ladies should be ashamed of yourself. To skip class like this."

"Y-Your Highness!"

"Hurry to class! Because of you, I'm also late now!"

The three ladies bowed and quickly scurried away. My, how they run so fast.

"Please, let me escort you to your class so I can explain to your teacher," he offered.

Like I'm gonna say no to that. "That would be much appreciated. Thank you, Prince Leonhardt."

And so, I was escorted to class by the future King. I can hear it already. I can hear all the false rumors going around. This will surely get Lady Claudia to pay attention to me instead of Alex.

"How is Lady Rium?"

"Hmm?" Didn't think that he would ask about Lady Rium. "She is doing well. She's also teaching me a lot on how to be a proper noble even though I'm a commoner."

"Lady Rium and Raphael talks a lot about you. They say you are strange. You aren't even afraid to talk back to Lady Rium. They hold you very high in their hearts."

I could feel my cheeks heat up. Well, this is embarrassing. Never thought Lady Rium and Lord Raphael would think so highly of me. "Is that so. I really admire Lady Rium and Lord Raphael. They are like siblings I never had. For them to think so highly of a commoner like me is making me bashful."

"That is precisely why I wonder what's so interesting about you."

"Eh?" I looked at Prince Leonhardt to see him staring straight into my eyes.

Did I trigger something? Did I accidentally catch Prince Leonhardt's attention? When? Why? How? What? Well, that's bad… I wanted to catch Lady Claudia's not the first Prince's attention. I should say something.

"Prince Leonhardt, I am really not that interesting."

"Really? I'd say your silky white hair and ruby red eyes are really interesting. You're the first with such a unique appearance. I will say that your hair and eye color are quite elegant and beautiful despite what others say, so don't disregard yourself like that."

Ugh. I think I just cringed. For him to say such a line. He's truly the prince character. Albinos are quite rare, even in my past life. Usually albinos have terrible eyesight, but I don't, which is strange. But the fact that albinos have delicate skin that can get easily burned by the sun like a vampire, now that I have.

For now, I need to steer the topic away from me. I would like to have him as an ally, but I don't want his attention on me forever. "So what do you think about Alexandra Bailey?" She's the main heroine, she must have caught your attention already, right? You definitely can't pass on such a cute girl like Alex.

"Alexandra? Ah, the other commoner. She's quite adorable, I must say. She looks to be really timid. When I first spoke to her, she stuttered over her words."

Yes! Nice, Alex! Cuteness overload!

"She's cute and all, but she's not as interesting as you, Lady Reiré." Prince Leonhardt smiled causing sparkles to appear around his figure.

Oh no! He's using the prince charm on me! Alex, what are you doing?! I thought you were gonna capture him! Are you really gonna let me capture him instead!?

Before I can completely fall for the prince charm, we have reached the ballroom.

"Looks like we're here."

I let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank goodness."

Prince Leonhardt opened the doors and walked in with me following behind. Everyone was staring at us. Everyone looked to be paired up and dancing. Lady Claudia was joined hand in hand with the teacher. Since I was late, I guess she had to partner up with the teacher. I'm so sorry that I had to let you go through that, Lady Claudia.

Prince Leonhardt bowed and apologized, "My humble apologies for interrupting your class, Madam Picket."

I also bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry for being late, Madam Picket."

The teacher walked over to us and asked, "Was something going on?"

"Actually, yes." Prince Leonhardt explained our situation and Madam Picket understood. I'm so glad to have Prince Leonhardt come with me, cause otherwise, she will give me a big scolding from being extremely late.

"Well then, I hope our paths cross once again." Prince Leonhardt took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

I could hear all the gasping in the room and when I turned to look at Lady Claudia, I could see her eyes burning with fury. 'It's not what you think, Lady Claudia, I promise' was what I wanted to scream out.

"Until then, goodbye."

Once the prince released my hand, I quickly wiped it against my skirt. "I do hope our paths never cross again," I clearly and happily spoke.

Prince Leonhardt looked shocked at first, but then he smiled and chuckled. "You really are interesting."

Bad. I shouldn't have said that. What have I done? Now, he's even more interested in me.

The prince left and class continued. Everyone looked like they wanted to talk to me, but they all decided to wait so they don't get scolded. The teacher guided me to the fuming Lady Claudia. I gave her a hesitant smile as she gave me the look of wanting to slap me.

"We are currently learning the steps to the waltz. Since you are a pair of girls, one of you will have to learn the male role instead."

I smirked, "I have no idea how to dance, but Lady Claudia does."

Lady Claudia scoffed, "Of course I do. As a daughter of a Marquess I learned the waltz at the age of five."


"Is that so, then you already know the female role?" asked the teacher.

"Do you think of me as some low status noble? Of course I know the female dance steps."

"Perfect. Then you can help teach Lady Reiré the female role while you learn the male role."

Lady Claudia blinked. "Huh?"

I, on the other hand, happily replied, "I have no problems with that!"


"Wait! I have a problem with it!" Lady Claudia protested.

"Don't worry, Lady Claudia. I'm a fast learner, so I won't put you to shame!"

"That's not what I have a problem with!"

"No more arguing. Lady Claudia will learn the male role while Lady Reiré learns the female role. Now get to it. Don't waste anymore class time!" scolded our teacher.

Lady Claudia grumbled, "Yes, ma'am…"

As the teacher turned to pay attention to the other students, I reached my hand out to Lady Claudia. While Lady Claudia was upset, I am actually very excited. When do you ever get the chance to dance with your favorite character? Exactly, never. So I'm taking full advantage of this class.

"Shall we start, Lady Claudia?"

She grumbled with displeasure and took hold of my hand while her other hand went to my waist. "Stand up straight," she ordered.

I quickly fixed my posture and placed my other hand on her shoulder. This was my first time being this close to Lady Claudia. Ah, she smells so nice. I can't help but admire her smooth white skin and sparkling blue eyes. This is definitely eye candy for me.

"I will accuse you of sexual harassment if you stare at me with such lecherous eyes," she threatened.

I only giggled and acted innocent. "I have no idea what you are talking about, my dear Lady Claudia."

"I have no idea why Prince Leonhardt would take an interest in you, but don't get cocky."

"It's not like I wanted his attention," I voiced. "I'm actually trying to get a different person's attention. Specifically, one that I am looking at right now."

"I don't like you," she stated.

"But I like you very much, Lady Claudia."

She suddenly tensed up as her face turned pink. Oh? I didn't actually think she would react. "How cute."

"Are you mocking me again?!"

"I really have no idea what you are saying, Lady Claudia," I said. "But shouldn't we start moving? Madam Picket has been looking at us for quite a while." I titled my head at the teacher's direction to show my point.

"Right, just follow my lead," Lady Claudia ordered.

I did as told and we started to move. It wasn't the romantic dance that I had envisioned. Only one minute into the dance and I have already stepped on Lady Claudia's foot.

"My apologies."

I could see Lady Claudia trying to hold in her voice. If glares could kill, I'd be dead on the spot.

"I-It is fine. You don't know how to dance. It is expected that you would make such mistakes."

I probably shouldn't tease her right now unless I want an early death. Let's just try not to step on her foot again. Of course, thinking like that, I surely jinxed myself, cause, for the next hour I have been tripping over myself and stepping on Lady Claudia's feet. Once class ended, I got an earful from Lady Claudia about how bad I was at dancing and that I am not worthy to be her partner. Even though Lady Claudia messed up a few times on her part, but compared to me, I surely had no skill when it comes to dancing.

- - - - 0-0-0 - - - -

"Were you really that bad?" Alex asked.

"I was terrible," I sighed.

Out in the courtyard, Alex and I were enjoying the luxurious lunch that the dining hall staff had provided us.

"I stepped on Clovis's foot a few times too, if that makes you feel better?"

"I thought you had Dance class during the fifth period?" There's no way she could have danced with Prince Clovis outside of Dance class. Unless she's hiding something from me.

"Ah! Well, Alexandra in the game stepped on his foot a few times and I'm not really a good dancer myself, so I'll definitely step on his feet when I have Dance class later."

It was true that Alexandra wasn't a good dancer in the beginning, but after a few classes she became a natural, so was told in the novel. "Thanks for the encouragement, I guess."

"Don't worry, you'll get better," Alex said.

"By the way, how's your progress with Prince Leonhardt?" I asked, reminding myself of the terrible heart attack I had earlier.

"Eh? Nothing really happened yet."

I felt like a vein just popped in my head. "What do you mean, 'nothing really happened?' Weren't you trying to get his attention!?"

"Well, it's only the second day since the story started. Also, I don't have any classes with him and most of his encounters with me are during the weekend," Alex explained.

"Doesn't he save you from bullying!?"

"Well, the bullying has been split between you and me now since there are two commoners in this academy. I believe you have it worse because of your appearance."

"Curse my side character disguised as the main character appearance!" I cried.

Alex hesitantly laughed, "Ahaha… ha… ha…"

"You need to start working, Alex. Prince Leonhardt has taken an interest in me!"

"Eh! Already? Really? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Of course not! Because of him, Lady Claudia misunderstood!"

Alex sighed, "Of course."

"Oh, would you look here? Two rodents in the courtyard. How disgusting."

I looked up from my lunch to see the brunette that first tripped me in the academy. I haven't seen her in a while. I was hoping that it would be Lady Claudia, but I got my hopes up.

"Lady Laura. I haven't seen you since the acceptance assembly."

"You know her, Reiré?" Alex asked.

"She's the first person to bully me at this academy."

"My, bully?" Lady Laura scoffed and denied, "Like I would do such a thing!"

"Then what are you doing here with your friends?" I asked as I looked to the two other girls she had with her.

"I'm just here to enjoy the sunlight. Of course that was ruined when I saw your figure. My, someone as ugly as you should just stay indoors."

Lady Laura laughed with the rest of her friends.

"Sooooo… I was right. You're here to bully me."

Lady Laura's laugh died as she glared at me. "Isn't that obvious? I heard rumors that you've gotten close with Prince Leonhardt."

I groaned, "Ugh. This again. Words travel so fast. It hasn't even been two hours yet."

"Why would Prince Leonhardt be seen with the likes of you? What have you done to seduce him!?"

"What have I done? I've done nothing. If anything, Alexandra is the one that wants to seduce him."

Alex, who was drinking water at the time, choked when I mentioned her. "E-Eh!? You're throwing me under the bus, Reiré!?"

"What do you mean? You're the one who said you wanted to go for Prince Leonhardt."

"T-That's true, but-!"



Looks like we both have angered the tiger. I wonder if I have to drag Alex into a run.

"You are both just dirty commoners… And you dare to lust for His Highness…"

"Ah, but Lady Laura, aren't you the same?" I asked.

Alex panicked, "Reiré!?"

Lady Laura exploded. Probably shouldn't have said that. "You dare say I'm the same as you! As an Earl's daughter, I am beyond you lowlives!" She raised her hand and slapped me across my face.

Alex gasped, "Reiré!"

I touched my left cheek and hissed. Ouch. Didn't think she's actually a lay hand on me. I wonder if I should tell Lady Rium.

I grinned, "To think you slapped me. I wonder if you're alright if I told this to Lady Rium or Lord Raphael?"

Lady Laura flinched, but she was clearly still angry. In fact, my threat seemed to have fueled her anger even more. She looked like she was gonna slap me again.

"A filthy commoner like you dare threaten me!? You seem to have not learned your lesson!"

Lady Laura raised her hand to slap me once more, but Alex stood in between us.

"Violence is bad! Don't hurt Reiré, Laura!"

"Tch! Out of my way! You are far worse than that ugly rodent. You have no respect whatsoever for us nobles!"

Oh no! "Alex!" I was gonna pull her back, so she doesn't get hit, but it looks like I didn't need to as Lady Laura's assault was stopped.

"What is going on here?"

Lady Laura quivered in fear as her arm was caught by Prince Leonhardt. I don't even know where he came from, but I'm not gonna complain. His presence is quite helpful at this time.

"Y-Your Highness…."

"I'll ask again…" He glared at Lady Laura with hard cold eyes. "What is going on here?"

"Laura slapped Reiré!" Alex informed him. "I was trying to protect her and she was gonna slap me!"

"Is this true?"

"N-No…" Lady Laura whimpered.

"You dare lie to a member of the royal family?" Prince Leonhardt asked as he tightened his grip on Lady Laura's arm.

Wow… scary…

"S-Subject doesn't dare! Subject doesn't dare!" Lady Laura voiced. "This subject has made a mistake, please forgive me!"

"Tch!" Prince Leonhardt released Lady Laura and pushed her back. "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Causing such ruckus on this campus. Are you trying to ruin this academy's reputation."

"N-No… subject is wrong." Lady Laura and the rest of the girls quickly bowed before Prince Leonhardt, looking for forgiveness.

Prince Leonhardt sure is scary. I wonder if Alex is having second thoughts of going after him. Woah! Looking at Alex, her face was completely flushed as her eyes showed only a maiden in love. She actually likes this side of Prince Leonhardt.

"Leave my sight and don't ever show yourself in front of me again!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" Lady Laura and her friends quickly left the scene with their tails between their legs.

"Are you alright?" Prince Leonhardt asked.

"Yes, thank you, Prince Leonhardt," I said as I bowed my head. Glancing beside me, I could see Alex still in a daze, admiring His Highness. My god, this girl. I quickly forced Alex into a bow and said once again, "We are both thankful to you."

"S-Sorry! And thank you for your help, Prince Leo, I mean, Prince Leonhardt!" Alex shouted.

Maybe I should have Lady Rium teach her some manners as well? Because this is actually bothersome.

Prince Leonhardt chuckled, "It's the first time anyone has called me Leo. It's usually Leon. Even my family doesn't call me Leo."

Alex blushed, "I am so sorry. I have been told that I have no manners."

He only laughed, "Don't worry about it. You can call me whatever you want. I'm not that strict when it comes to names."

"And this is why the heroine gets bullied," I mumbled.

"Did you say something, Lady Reiré?" asked the prince.

I quickly denied, "Nothing."

"Um… Prince Leo-Leonhardt, what are you doing here?" Alex asked timidly.

"I was on my way to the student council room when I noticed you. You both looked to be in some problem, so I came over to see what was going on."

"That's so sweet of you, Prince Leo-Leonhardt…"

I sighed, "You might as well just call him Prince Leo from the way you're stumbling over his name."

Alex whined, "I can't help it!"

Prince Leonhardt laughed, "You two are quite interesting. Others don't usually act so informal in front of me."

Yes! He's taking interest in Alex! This is perfect!

"I am so deeply sorry!" Alex apologized.

"Don't worry about it. But you should try to learn to be respectful. Others might take it the wrong way if you act too informally," he advised.

"I shall take that advice to heart, P-Prince Leo…"

Prince Leonhardt smiled, "Good. I have to get going, but please do stay out of trouble."

Alex beamed and saluted, "Will do, Prince Leo!"

He chuckled as he walked away. Once the prince was out of sight, Alex looked at me with her big sparkly eyes.

"Did you see that?! Did you see that?!"

"Yes, I saw. I was even part of it." It was like calming down a hyper puppy.

"He let me call him Prince Leo! He's so charming."

I only sighed, "Stop falling for him and make him fall for you instead. At least you got his attention through your unmannerly behavior."

"Let's keep riding this momentum!" Alex cheered.

"Please try to do your part as the main protagonist," I begged.

Shiena_Gin Shiena_Gin

Sorry for the long wait. Do understand that I don’t have a stable updating schedule as I have work so I can’t write everyday. Soon, classes will be starting and I’ll most likely have less time to write. But not to worry, I’ll still put some time into this story. While being a slow writer, I’ll do my best to try and update as fast as I can. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Comments, critics and feedbacks are always appreciated. Thank you ^^

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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