14.28% Marvel/DC: The Fighter / Chapter 2: System, Bloodline and Moving to the Next Battlefield

章 2: System, Bloodline and Moving to the Next Battlefield

...I seemed to legitimately have a system. But it looked to be a pretty bare bones one. No shop, no place that said 'Unallocated Stat Points'. Nothing but three stats and what the were for me.

Power. Physique. Control. I had some idea on what they meant...but an explanation wouldn't hurt.

[Explanation on stats loading...]

Well, who was I to say no to a question-answering system?

[Power - The stat that represents your physical strength, overall speed, and physical durabiity.]

[Physique - The stat that represents your overall vitality, resilience*, healing ability and the recovery time for stamina.]

(*A/N - You might not think there's a difference between durability and resilience but there is. Durability is how hard you are and how much damage you can take, while resilience is how quickly you recover from said damage before you get back into action. But don't confuse resilience with healing - no, it's basically Gabriel's ability to ignore pain and get back to fighting.)

[Control - The stat that represents your agility, reaction speed, dexterity, balance and overall control over your body.]

Huh. Those were pretty good explanations.

Got any averages for me to work out how strong I am compared to normal people? Oh, or any examples of how strong a human can become?

[The average Power for a human is between 1.0 and 1.2. The average Physique for a human is between 1.0 and 1.3. The average Control for a human is between 1.2 and 1.4. The limits for these stats, for a human, is 2.2 for Power, 2.4 for Physique and 3.0 for Control.]

The limits are that low? So, the stats aren't linear, right? Otherwise I'd be more than half as strong as a peak human in Power.

[Correct. Right now, you are equal to a physically active and athletic male in both Power and Control. Your Physique, however, is many times the limit due to a power brought on by your race.]

My race? The system says that it's '???' so isn't it unknown. Hey, system, you got an answer for this?

[It is not that the system does not know what race you are but instead that you are a mixture of multiple bloodlines and that has given birth to a new species. You may pick the name of your new species.]

A new species, huh...?

Well, does that explain the hatred I've been feeling towards everything else that isn't like me? Probably. I'm not a human anymore. Whatever I am is very aggressive. Simply by instinctive reactions to other species alone I can tell that whatever I am isn't the sort of friendly non-human.

[Host is correct. I can show you the four bloodlines that make up your Genome, if you wish?]

Please do.

As I patiently waited, a looked around and found that it had stopped raining. By this point in time, I could somehow see people coming towards the battlefield from a few hundred meters away. And they weren't little blotches either. I could easily make out the details on all of them.

I let out an unconscious growl/hiss that even shocked me as I came out of that loop of instinctive hate.

I closed my eyes and calmed myself, knowing I didn't have to kill them even if my instincts said I needed to.

[Host's Genome has been fully researched. Do you wish to see the results now?]

I replied with a nod which the system or whatever it was thankfully saw as a 'Yes' and the next screen popped up.

[The four bloodlines are: Xenomorph, Hanma, Fanalis, Guts (Berserk Physiology)]

[The first one will explain your instinctive hatred along with your apathy to killing. The second and third bloodlines explains your excitement, joy and elation while fighting and killing. The fourth explains your pain resistance and determination. Currently, your body is undergoing multiple mutations - one of which is that healing factor you now have. Your body is currently finding the right balance, thanks to your Hanma and Xenomorph bloodlines, your body is seeking the perfect combination of traits.]

...Will that hurt or something?

I asked in my head with a somewhat worried expression. The pain I felt from that arrow was apparently suppressed by my Guts bloodline, and it nearly drove me mental to pull it out.

[No. It will be a gradual change and will end by the time you are fully mature.]

Letting out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in, I slumped down a little before looking back up to the people who were continuing to get closer. They looked like scavengers. Or bandits. Scavenging bandits, maybe?

While watching them get ever closer, I asked one last question.

System...do you know where I am...or rather, when I am?

[Yes. Host is in 5th Century England. The world you are currently on is one of multiple realities. The main one I can see is Marvel or rather the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Every other reality has too small an influence to come up on my sensors.]

The MCU? Huh. But seriously, 5th Century England? Jesus Christ. Even if I am much younger right now, I don't think being 7 years younger will allow for me get to the 21st Century when the plot starts. Saying that...do I even want to be around when the plot starts? Plenty of hot chicks, sure but there's also the amount of death and destruction that was knocking about at that point in time...

Thinking this, I felt my heart beat speed up. The thought of fighting Thanos actually sparking excitement inside of me instead of dread.

...Well, system, is there anyway I'll be alive through natural means by the time the MCU plot starts?

[Yes,] came the slightly surprising answer, [Host has a healing factor that will renew his body every day, therefore stopping his aging. Put that with your Hanma bloodline and Xenomorph bloodline and you're effectively immortal and will stay in your prime once you reach it.]

Once again I only had one reply to this:


Standing up, I dragged the claymore up and rested it against my shoulder. With the flat of the blade against my skin, not the blade itself. I might heal from such a thing and feel less pain because of my bloodline but I'm not a masochist who'd willingly put himself through pain.

Why was I standing up? The bandit/scavengers were here and they were looking at me with some really weird eyes. By weird eyes I really meant lustful or eyes filled with greed.

So, my options, from these guy's point of view, I was either getting raped or sold off as a slave.

...Well, at least that means I'm good-looking enough to be sold off as a slave, right?

And I'm not talking about what the former means. I wouldn't touch that topic with a ten-foot pole let alone speak about it. For once, I was glad I had this instinctive hatred. It made me even more eager to kill these guys.

"Ohoh little boy," the man spoke in a very thick English accent reminiscent of a cockney* and stepped toward me with a dagger in his hand, "Just put down the weapon and all will be fine. We'll take you in and give ya somethin' to eat!" he laughed alongside his buddies and I just cracked a smirk before bending down into a sort of stance I'd developed over the past few fights on the battlefield I'd been in.

The Hanma bloodlines talents are really shining through, huh?

I made it a thought to bring up why I was brought to this time and to this world to the system after this fight before I charged forward.

My speed was above the average man's, let alone the average 13-year-old, so when I suddenly burst into action, the man who'd been speaking to me didn't have a chance to react before I swung my claymore across his head, going straight through the skin, bone and brain matter, killing him.

Not one to lose momentum, I continued my charge and jumped into the air, bringing myself level with one of the taller bandits.

With two hands, I thrust the hefty sword into the man's sternum, my momentum and the blade's working together to tackle the man to the ground where the sudden stop allowed for the blade to continue through the man and into the muddy ground below him.

His eyes went wide before I twisted the sword, fully breaking open his sternum and sending him into shock where he began to hyperventilate.

Or at least he tried to.

I seemed to have nicked or pierced a lung when I stabbed his chest, so he was currently choking on his own blood. This discovery made me pause just long enough for a sword to go through my chest with a spurt of blood before sliding back out.

The pain made me shout in, well, pain, before I turned around and dove at the man who'd stabbed me.

He seemed utterly shocked that I'd survived the stab but not surprised enough to be in a stupor. He began to stab me in the stomach repeatedly. Each stab becoming more and more desperate as I started to beat him with my bare hands. My charging at him had made me drop my sword and left me in an awkward position, so I began to rain down blows on him.

The pain only drove me into a more animalistic frenzy as I felt more blades get stabbed into me, hacking and slashing away at my flesh.

I felt something poking at my palm and before I realized what I was doing, I stabbed my fingers through the man's face, killing him and stopping the stabbing he was doing toward my stomach.

Controlled by nothing more than instinctive rage and survival instincts, I turned around and slashed out with my hand. Hands which now had fingers that ended in two inch long, matte black claw-like nails that under the sunlight seemed to have a green tint to them.

The sudden attack caught one of the bandits off guard, his throat promptly slit open, but the other two were unharmed by the attack.

One having jumped back as soon as he saw the effectiveness of the claws, while the other lifted his sword to block it. The sword and what really did look like metallic claws, clashed, producing a spray of sparks before the sword cracked and broke in half under my strength but mainly under how sharp and sturdy those claws were.

If it weren't for the pain and rage clouding my mind, I'd have probably thought something witty about these claws but right now, nothing came to mind other than killing these people.

So I pounced at the man who's sword was broke and began tearing at his face and throat in a primal fury. The claws at the tips of my fingers seemed to be...very sharp and sturdy. They broke through the skin instantly, claws and rend the bone away and easily reached the brain, killing the man.

Just as I finished, the air was kicked out of me by a heavy boot impacting against the side of my body, crushing into my ribs with such force that I felt some of them break.

But right now, all the pain did was make me angrier as I ignored it and latched my claws onto the leg hitting me, easily slicing through the leather armor on his leg and gripping into the relatively soft flesh below.

The momentum of the kick still effecting me, my body flew away before suddenly stopping and pulling taut as my grip held true. The man's leg, the one I was holding, wasn't stable enough to resist the force my body was pulling him with, so his leg slipped on the mud and he fell to the floor.

Once he was on the floor, I, incensed by the pain, jumped on him and began to wail on him.

After a few seconds, he was dead but that didn't stop me. I continued hitting and carving at his body. It wasn't until he was little more than a gory mess that I realized what I was doing and slowly began to bring some control over myself. Taking deep breaths, I felt my heart drumming in my ears.

Looking at the gore I'd just committed...I really didn't feel like a human anymore. Which was true. Half of my bloodline is made up of two non-human bloodlines. Xenomorph and Fanalis.

The former was especially what was worrying to me. This hatred and instinctive killer instinct. I needed to get it under control so I don't go berserk at the drop of a hat.

[Host, that brings me to my next and only other function: The training function.]


And just like that, I got up and began walking to the next place where I could fight. I knew I had to keep control and what better way to temper my mind and control than to throw myself into a horrible, deprived battlefield? ...I know, my bloodline is really affecting me here. But the system did say that this would be the best way to see both my limits and to refine my mental control over my urges.

If I can't control my urges during a life and death battle, than I should be able to control them in my normal life, right? Whatever kind of 'normal' life I could have in this world, anyway.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


