
Spirit Forms 2


James and a Merk knight exchange blows. The knight lunged at James but he sidestepped and plunged his odd looking serrated pike into his neck. He immediately jumped and evaded another attack while impaling the knight in his chest. Four knights approached him and formed an encirclement with him at the center.

"Nowhere to run now", A knight said.

"I won't be so sure if I were you", He replied

His awakened power, known as the "charging fort" which causes invincibility and doubles the attack power of the user, surged through his body and combined with his spirit beast power, the Double-Horned Rainbow Unicorn, which allows him to perform numerous attacks in quick session.

At that moment, one of the knights thrusted his sword at his torso from the left, another slashed at his throat from behind, the third aimed for his chest and the fourth struck towards his right rib-cage. But their attacks were all seen through in slow motion by James, because of his spirit beast power.

He made a step backwards to avoid the third knight and pierced his neck, then made a 90 degree strike to the right at the temple of the fourth knight, he rolled to the left to avoid the second knight and hacked at the left thigh of first knight and stabbed him through his throat while standing up and executed the second knight with a upper cut, splitting his throat open to the chin with his pike. He achieve all that at a record time of two seconds.

"Must be nice Malkit, killing of those pawns of  the chessboard right?"

"You have to call my family name Quinstra, moreover it has a bad taste in your mouth" Mike replied smirking without looking back at person.

"You don't pay attention, that's why you haven't gotten better than what you are right now", Quinstra replied while taking out his saber.

"Are you sure about that?", James asked while getting into battle stance.

"I know you're in a haste to transform into your treasured Silvered Cheetah, but why don't we settle this with blades to save you from stress; cause I'm sure your cheetah can't keep up with the speed of my Royal steed, moreover it's bad for it's joint."

"Enough chatterbox...", Quinstra screamed angrily with frustration.

"Let our blades do the talking" he said as he charged towards James with his saber.



"I've told you, your little worm can't harm me", Jasmine spoke to Vera who was just smacked to the base of a mountain, as she shrieked in pain.

"Bravo, you've improved, I'm impressed", Vera said half smiling

She charged at Jasmine and used her body to constrict her neck.

"How do you like that now?", She asked.

Suffocating, Jasmine eyes became bloodshot because of lack of oxygen. She thought of methods to untangle herself from Vera's grip, but to no avail. This involuntarily forced her to enter the state of bloodlust, heightening her senses and power.

She started clawing Vera's body, making her bleed at multiple places.

Finally, Vera's grip lightened and untangled due to the pain she experienced on her body. This gave Jasmine an opportunity, which she utilized by smacking Vera's head with her claws, sending her reeling through the air before crashed into a rock.

The impact was so strong that Vera's spirit form sustained a ghastly head injury which forced her to transform back to her normal form before she blacked out.

"Small fry", Jasmine hissed, as she transformed back to normal.


Both Brad and Adork stand apart, they retreated with the intent of charging at themselves again.

"You can't win Brad", Adork said digging his claw into the the ground to enter a charge stance.

"we're always at stalemate anytime we fight and but your endurance is pitiable and can't rival mine in battle..sooner or later you'll be at a disadvantageous position.."

"Not anymore", a wolf with black bat wings interrupted.

"Ohh, so your helper is here—this no longer a fair fight..."

"Since when as life been fair", Brad interrupted.

"Let's finish this Jasmine".

"Since you said so, I won't waste time any longer", she said while swooped from the sky and dragging Adork with her claws and flinging him towards Brad.

Brad already prepared, head-butted him and blasted the plummetting Adork with a frosted spiked ball.

"Bastards" He cursed, as he blacked out.


"What happened to you Quinstra??"

"You fight like an old man" James said jokingly with little bruises on his body.

"Ughh—I'm—not—done—yet.." the wound coated Quinstra said through gritted bloodstained teeth.

"Yes you are" with that James launched a powerful blow to the left cheek of the latter, with the hilt of his pike.

Adork laid unconscious on battlefield, as Pryterrian soldiers lay waste on Merk and Ardvock soldiers.



Mike used razor wind to decapitate an Ardvock knight. He summoned twirling torrents and impaled three soldiers on their chest. He dodge an arrow from behind, he used levitation wind to drag the archer towards him, he placed his hand on the archer's face and used steam, scalding and melting the archer's face.


Mike immediately turned around and used air vacuum shield to forestall the inbounding spear.


"Nice reflexes Mike.."

"Kiva, you should leave now, you're still wet behind ears to fight."

"Hey, you should at least show me some respect.." Kiva uttered, drawing his sword

"I'm not your recruit", he muttered angrily

"Fine have it your way", Mike sighed helplessly.

His eyes immediately gleamed a jade green colour, and image of his spirit beast the Jade Northern Tempest Eagle appeared.

Torrents of wind swarmed the vicinity.

Mike summoned a powerful gust.

"That's the power of an air mystic..a gentle breeze?", Kiva mocked as he shielded himself using the power of his spirit beast.

"You underestimate your opponent, that's your weakness" Mike lectured

"Rusting wind" he summoned.

Immediately a whiff of rust wafted through the vicinity.

Kiva gritted his teeth as he faced difficulty in repelling the attack.


The wind rusted and cracked the spirit shield.


The spirit shield shattered as he was sent hurling into the air, before crashing back to the ground.


James reunites with Brad and Jasmine.

"It's remaining Kiva" James said.

"Yeah, he doesn't stand a chance against Mike" Jasmine replied.


A body was dropped.

"That's your Kiva", Mike interrupted while descending from the sky.

"Told you he doesn't stand a chance", Jasmine added proudly.

"Looks like everything is going on fine", Brad announced.


Everyone ducked and covered their ears at the loud resonating sound.

The Battlefield whited out.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


