
章 121: An Upcoming Battle


Wrock launched a shockwave towards a crowd of NPCs. Several fell to the ground while others were sent flying. Wrock was surrounded almost immediately after. Just before he was about to be struck with tens of swords, a chain of lightning traveled between the soldiers. They all cried out before collapsing, paralyzed.

Wrock gave a thumbs up, "Nice save Jarvis!"

"I'm sure you would have been fine, but you're welcome." Jarvis replied.

Wrock retreated next to him, "You know I feel like I have already said this, but you seem like a king. Sending others to battle for you whilst you watch and lead."

Jarvis raised an eyebrow, "You forgot? You have already said this, multiple times. You paint me in bad light."

"What's this guy's name anyway?" Wrock asked to change the subject.

Jarvis pointed to the horn on the deer's head, "Staff, because the shape of its horn."

Wrock nodded, "A suitable name, very fitting."

"I thought so too!"



Tilia blocked a sword with her shield, using her short-sword she stabbed at the one who attacked her. She wasn't very proficient in using a sword, she only used her shield back in her previous world. So she used basic stabs, which proved to be somewhat effective.

Runes covered her body, as she was currently buffed from her abilities. She slammed the helmet of another soldier with her shield, causing them to groan and stumble back.

Hundreds of arrows descended towards Tilia. They weren't aimed at her, rather they aimed for the entirety of her allies. Other players and NPCs quickly attempted to find cover.

Tilia used [Shielding Dome] and protected a few of the allied NPCs from getting hit. They thanked her before charging back into battle. A few players who were hit by a couple of arrows threw looks of scorn in her direction. However she paid these no mind. The NPCs were higher leveled and only had one life, the players could come back anytime if they wanted to.

She had been fighting on and off for over two hours, and she obtained only ten pieces of equipment. While this was significantly more than what players would normally obtain after a day of grinding, she knew it wouldn't be enough to level her Occupation.

"Alright focus, we got the others helping." Tilia comforted herself.


Flowing Sea stopped, "We're being followed."

The others stopped, the only ones being confused was Terra and Crumb. Steel cracked his neck, "A follower looking to obtain something?"

Flowing Sea rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, which was sheathed on his waist. He looked towards the direction he felt the looks coming from. His eyes narrowed, "Whoever they are, they chose the wrong people."

It was Akiol who was following them. The moment they stopped and began talking about a follower Akiol used [Dimension Dive]. He wasn't sure if his stares could be masked like this, but at least they wouldn't be able to find him.

Flowing Sea frowned, "It's gone, they must have retreated."

Steel shrugged, "Probably some guild spy who listened in on our conversation."

Terra was concerned at the idea, "I would prefer if it wasn't..."

Crumb waved away their concerns, "Relax, it's not like they know how to get the quest."

Terra halfheartedly nodded in agreement, not fully convinced.

Akiol no longer had to worry about getting caught, so he walked besides the group. Reading what info he could off their lips.


"We have been walking for quite some time. How far do we have to go?" Kirin questioned.

"It's just up ahead." Terra responded.

Steel slowed his walking to pace with Flowing Sea, "Why are we helping this guy again?"

"He's a friend of Crumb. Crumb helped me a lot when I started playing, so this little bit shouldn't be to much to ask for."

"I mean alright, as long as I get something of value out of this."

"If it succeeds then you should."


Terra announced, "We're here! Everyone follow and do not speak."

Akiol had about two minutes left on his [Dimension Dive], he figured he could at least follow them a little longer.

Everyone walked into a hidden underground bunker. There an extravagantly armored individual sat in a somewhat well lit room.

A booming voice sounded, "Good, you arrived. I cannot stay here much longer, so I will leave the orders here. If a single bit of this gets out... death would be a blessing."

Terra bowed respectively, "We wouldn't dare."

"Good, now take it and go."

Terra quickly gathered the strange object and ushered everyone outside. The whole process took less than a minute.

Once everyone was out Terra activated the object, a magic screen appeared with unintelligible words.

Steel pointed at it, "I can't read that, do you study other languages?"

Terra shook his head, "No, just part of the device. Only I can read it's contents."

"So what do we have to do?"

"A lot, there is a caravan of supplies coming from the east we need to capture. We need to gather a data package from a spy inside. We need to hunt down messenger birds. Set up traps along other supply routes. And defeat a reinforcement camp to the west."

Fossil noted, "It doesn't seem as secret as the guy made it out to be."

"Ah, but if this were to get out then the city would know there are spies. They would then tighten security for information, leading to the spy to eventually be caught. That finally leaves us without leverage."

Steel pushed the topic aside, "So what's the plan, we should get this done and over with."

Terra thought for a moment before answering, "Steel, you take care of the caravan. I'll send coordinates. Fossil, I hope you can take care of the messenger birds?"

Fossil raised their hand, "Not a problem."

"Crumb and I will receive that data packet. Kirin you're in charge of traps. I will leave the reinforcement camp to you Sea."

Everyone nodded in confirmation. Terra then clapped his hands, "I'll send coordinates to everyone. Now let's finish this quickly!"

Everyone began to scatter, Akiol included for his [Dimension Dive] had a mere ten seconds left. Once he was kicked from the separate dimension he immediately informed everyone though the group chat.

Akiol: Bad news, a group of individuals are planning on sabotaging the city's chances of winning.

Tilia: Uh oh, give us the details.

Akiol: I followed a group of interesting individuals, as I did I came across the fact that they are trying to destroy and kill several key things for the city's survival. Such as supply caravans, reinforcements, and outside messages. On top of that these guys are highly skilled.

Wrock: For you to call them highly skilled they must be something.

Akiol: I haven't seen them in battle yet, but they held 'that' aura.

Kan'na: Where is this happening.

Akiol: I only know some vague details. A defender with a crescent shield and priest are heading in the city to obtain intelligence. A pugilist is aiming for a caravan in the east. A sorcerer/whatever class is placing traps in the other supply routes. Some mysterious individual is hunting messenger birds in the sky. Finally a swordsman who I plan to deal with is heading west to kill off some reinforcements.

Kan'na: I'll organize a defense then, go ahead.

Akiol: I'm off then, good luck everyone!

He closed the group chat and immediately began to head the direction the galaxy blue hair individual ran. Due to them being in a rush there was some tracks left for him to track. Although they wouldn't be obvious to the untrained eye.

Akiol followed them, unsure when he will catch up to the swordsman. However they would stop eventually, he would catch them there.


Jarvis rode the back of Staff as it bolted through the forest. Bo and To flew above, searching for any sign of aerial attacks.

Kan'na was quick to organize a counterassault. Sending the best individuals for the job immediately. Tilia and Yielya were sent back into the city. Searching for their targets. Wrock was sent east searching for any signs for attacks. Jarvis was sent searching and protecting the messenger birds. Kan'na began searching for the individual setting traps.

So far no one had found their target! No one knew how long they had, however they wouldn't let the city fall.

Kan'na boosted herself into the air with her platform magic circles. She searched from a bird's eye view for any obvious roads leading to the city. She made a mental map of what she saw and began descending towards one.

No luck, there was no signs of people or tampering on the road. Kan'na placed a few magic circles around. When they were touched by anything another magic circle would make a sound. This particular magic circle was on the back of her hand.

She quickly moved on, the city must stand if they were to continue farming gear.

UnableToOpenDoor UnableToOpenDoor

This title did not save, A battle...?????

I sound lame!

I fixed it though

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C121
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


