13.33% Master of the Death(18+) / Chapter 2: Spectator(+18)

章 2: Spectator(+18)

Little Ginny and Little Ronnie (though Ronnie hated that particular nickname) were at Auntie Muriel's house and they were sick of the smell of old lady that seemed to waft through the area. Granted, Great-Aunt Muriel always told great stories and made lovely fudge brownies, but it was the smell that always got to them.

Luckily, Great Aunt Muriel had stopped the children from ceaselessly complaining to her by telling them a very old story. The Legend of the Curse of Stagg.

At first, Little Ginny was sorely disappointed that it wasn't a story about Harry Potter, but then she remembered that Auntie Muriel never told her stories about the Boy-Who-Lived. Auntie Muriel always narrated stories about stuff that had happened to their family – and while some of that stuff was always gossipy and meandering, this particular story was riveting. And it wasn't a story their Auntie had told them before.

"Long, long ago, before Merlin, before the Three Brothers," said Great Aunt Muriel in her sharp voice, that retained its firmness despite her age, "There lived a king called Artorigus. He was a great warlock – a chieftain of his Druid tribe that ruled over a brief stretch of land somewhere in Northern Ireland. He was also a man of many vices – his vices were harmless, but they were powerful. He loved his gold and he loved his women. Or perhaps he loved all women – for it did not matter to him if the woman was rich or poor, big or small, of noble birth or mud. He loved them all. He seduced and courted them all. And not many men could compete with the king, so Artorigus soon built himself a harem of beauties that served him and only him.

"But one day, a pallor of doom settled over the kingdom as it was attacked from the sea by hundreds of brigands under the leadership of a Family that went by the name of Stagg. Three they were - a man, his wife and his daughter. And they soon conquered entire swathes of land that lay under the stewardship of Artorigus. They slaughtered dozens and lay waste to the land they conquered – their intent was not to rule but to simply loot and pillage.

"Artorigus the King eventually went to confront the Staggs with his mighty army and they clashed atop a small hillock. The battle was long, and it was bloody – the brigands fought like beasts unchained, teeth bared and with fearsome magicks, and the King's Army fought as one, disciplined and intelligent with steel and spellfire. Eventually, the brigands were massacred and the Staggs captured.

"Artorigus was furious. He ordered the beheading of the Patriarch of the Stagg family, but his wife and daughter pleaded for clemency. You see, the Patriarch had a beautiful wife, with long, red hair and a graceful manner and a very pretty daughter, as fiercely loyal as she was beautiful. Artorigus – a connoisseur of beauty – was swayed by their allure and granted them this wish. However, Artorigus had a condition; he would only spare the man if the wife and daughter were willing to join his harem and swore upon their magicks to never see their husband and father again.

"The wife and daughter wept, and they pleaded, but Artorigus stood firm. They eventually agreed and swore their terrible oaths. The Stagg Patriarch was set free, but at the sight of his wife and daughter kneeling before Artorigus in supplication, the Patriarch felt such great sorrow. He could not let them go, and they could never see him again, so rather than be parted from them, he built himself a great pyre and burned himself alive, hoping to be with them forever after death.

"But before he ascended the pyre and immolated himself, Stagg turned to Artorigus and cursed, 'Thricefold shall your line pay for my defeat – one, the gold that you so love shall soon run out. Two, your line shall dwindle and sully itself with the blood of the muggles. And three, your line shall suffer the same fate that mine did - the men of your line shall beg for their wives to be taken by a man of my line. This curse I lay upon you, Artorigus!'

"And there was much thunder and lightning as Stagg burst into flame. Artorigus, worried by the Curse of Stagg, called upon his Council and they performed several charms to delay the onset of the curse. And they were largely successful, for Artorigus' line flourished and grew well past the Age of the Founders.

"In the end, Artorigus died a happy man, surrounded by loving wives and children. His line, of course, is our own - the Weasleys - and they were rich and prosperous for a long time.

"As for poor Stagg, his wife gave birth to a son soon after her betrothal to Artorigus – it was rumoured that the son was a child of Stagg, conceived before his wife had sworn fealty to her new King and Husband. Artorigus raised the child as his own, but the child was restless, and soon set sail for England, hoping to rid his name of the stench of Stagg's legacy and the loathsome rumours.

"And that child, Little Weasleys, was the first of the Peverell's – the great line that led to the founders themselves. But the Legend of the Curse of Stagg endures – it is rumoured that soon, the charms shall grow weak, and the curse shall come to pass – it waits in the shadows for its chance to infect the line."

Little Ginny shuddered. "Auntie," she said, "Does that mean… does that mean our family is cursed?"

Great Aunt Muriel smiled benignly at her. "Perhaps," he Aunt said with an evil grin, "But your family isn't exactly rich now, is it, child? Nor is our blood pure – not that it matters. Two of its conditions certainly seem to have come true, haven't they? Curses work in subtle ways, after all."


Molly Weasley sighed as her daughter gaped at her.

"You want… what?" Ginny asked, staring at her mother in astonishment.

Oh, the things I do for love, Molly thought tiredly. Truth be told, she did know that her sex life did need a bit of spicing up, but she never really thought Arthur would be into this sort of thing – it seemed inexplicable, to her at least, and she could never imagine getting aroused by watching her beloved husband do that with someone else.

But she had tried once before, for him, and she still remembered how fascinated he looked during that particular encounter in Knockturn Alley. She had resisted his demands afterwards, but lately, he was so persistent that she had eventually succumbed and even begun to like the idea. Not that she would ever admit that to Arthur – although, for all she knew, Arthur would be turned on by even that notion.

"Ginny," Molly said gently, "You know about your father… and I."

Ginny nodded. Unfortunately for Molly and Arthur, their eldest son had seen them sneak out of the Burrow on that night under Polyjuice and after overhearing a few conversations between the couple, had quickly deduced the peculiar fetish his father had. Of course, Molly hadn't known about it until Bill and Charlie finally confronted them about it.

It had been a long and painful conversation, but eventually, their sons had shrugged and accepted the idea. By now, all of their children knew about their parents' experimentation and grudgingly accepted it.

But Molly knew grudging acceptance was not the same as whole-hearted approval. But she continued, "And you've also always worried about… your problem with… Harry. The one we talked about last month."

Ginny blushed furiously and said, "I…"

Molly interrupted, "And you did once tell me about how you wanted to expand the circle…"

Ginny countered hotly, "YES! But not this! Mom, that was a joke. I was joking! I didn't really mean… how could you even think I could mean that?"

"Oh you might not have meant it – at least, not with your whole heart," Molly said wisely, "But at least a part of you was willing to consider the idea."

That gave Ginny a bit of pause.

Molly sighed. It would have been so much easier if Ginny had laughed in her face and then flat out refused. Molly would then have shrugged and told Arthur to forget about the idea altogether. But Ginny had hesitated – Molly did not know if she truly did not mind the idea of occasionally loaning out her boyfriend, or if it was love for her mother that stopped her from refusing the offer outright.

But Arthur had been so persistent about it – and when Molly really thought about it, and if she was honest about it, she would rather it be a man they all knew and loved and trusted that she took into bed than a complete stranger. So now, it was up to Molly to persuade what little part of her daughter was sympathetic to the cause to embrace the idea that her boyfriend could sleep with her mother, and that it was not the end of the world if he did.


"You want me to do… what?" Harry asked, gaping at his girlfriend.

Oh the things I do for love, Ginny thought tiredly. And truth be told, she was surprised at the fact that she had eventually been persuaded to ask her boyfriend about her mother's request. She knew she should have been opposed to the idea, but she felt as if she was propelled by emotions and forces that she could not fathom – whispered words floating upon an ancient wind that blew from distant shores long lost to time.

Dim words that whispered about a curse and a story about a burning man, but the words themselves were lost in the haze of childhood memory.

"Look, Ginny," Harry said, "No. And I mean it. No."

Ginny opened her mouth to say something, but Harry shushed her and continued, "Look, the Dursleys weren't really great guardians – you know that – but they did manage to drill one particular lesson over and over into my head. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

"What does that have to do with anything I just said?" Ginny asked, puzzled.

"It means that if I starting sleeping around, that means you can claim what I did as grounds for sleeping around too… and… I don't think I would be able to bear that. In fact, I'd hate that. I'm a selfish man. Relationships should be symmetrical – they shouldn't be skewed towards one partner," Harry said.

"Our relationship isn't skewed?" Ginny countered, "You do know you are an immensely powerful wizard, don't you? You do know you're famous, don't you? You do know you have an abnormally large sexual appetite, don't you?"

"Ginny…" Harry began, but Ginny cut him off.

"Look, Harry," Ginny said, "I'm not too proud to say that I can't keep up with you. I cannot. Harry, you've changed, and you know it! I can never keep up with you in bed, and we both lost our virginity together. And then I saw the Chang bitch make cow-eyes at you at every social function we've been to and now I'm scared that you will cheat on me because I can't keep up when we all go back next year to school…"

Ginny was rambling and she knew it, which is why she was glad when Harry cut her off. "Dammit, Ginny," Harry said, "This isn't just about sex! I don't care! I'm not that shallow!"

Ginny crossed her arms at him. "Exactly!" she said, "This isn't! You're just having sex with my mom. It's a way to control your appetite without being tempted by the side menu."

Harry didn't know whether he wanted to laugh or cry at that last analogy.

Ginny sighed. This was going to be a long conversation.


2 days later

Ron and Ginny had retired to their respective rooms after dinner that night. Harry told Ron that he wasn't really sleepy and would be up as soon as he finished sorting through the internship offers he had received after the Battle of Hogwarts. Ron reminded him that they would only be in school next year and this was supposed to be a break year – a year of rest after a brutal battle. Harry had nodded and had bid Ron good night.

Only, he was not looking at the newly arrived internship offers from Gringotts and Wimbourne. He was standing in the Master bedroom on the fourth floor, which had been completely sealed by silencing charms and repelling wards. Arthur Weasley sat on a cushioned chair directly facing the bed, and a distractingly gorgeous Molly Weasley was on the bed, in a robe that gave Harry a glimpse of her tantalizing curves.

Harry had always noticed this before, but had never truly reflected upon it - Molly Weasley was a very gorgeous woman. Contrary to popular speculation, she had never really been a maternal substitute to him; she had always been Ron's mother – an entity that was more "friend" than "family." She had rich auburn hair that fell around her face in waves and what he thought was a strikingly beautiful face. A thin nose, that separated wide, affectionate brown eyes (Ginny's eyes, Harry thought), and that sat above a pair of luscious, kissable lips. A slender neck that gave way to a surprisingly voluptuous body that never really ended. A massive pair of breasts stood proud upon above a very curvy stomach that arched to meet a massive, wide arse that he could imagine working over for ages.

He had noticed all of that, but she had always been the forbidden fruit one simply does not take a bite out of. And yet, here he was.

This was utterly ridiculous. And he was unbuttoning his own shirt.


Arthur Weasley gulped as the Savior of the Wizarding World took off his shirt and cast it aside. He looked at his wife, who was also staring at Harry, but her face gave nothing away. He looked back at the young man in his bedroom and had to admit that Harry had a body that women would simply swoon over. A sculpted torso, with a muscled chest that gave way to powerful biceps and massive forearms. He had always thought of Harry as someone who would develop a wiry build as he grew up, but he had obviously thought wrong. Harry had put on mass – Arthur was almost tempted to ask how. Harry definitely had not looked like this the last time Arthur had seen him, but perhaps there was some unknown way to belt up mass over a period of five months? He did know Harry had been apparating to the middle of London every day since the Battle at Hogwarts – but surely, this was an extraordinary transformation.

Or perhaps this had been Harry's natural constitution all along and it was only the malnourishment and ill-treatment at the Dursleys that held the boy back. Either way, the boy was a man now.

"Okay," Harry said suddenly, gazing upon Molly's form on the bed, his eyes obviously focused on her deep, seemingly never-ending cleavage than her eyes, "If we're doing this, you should know something."

And then he turned his eyes to Arthur. "Lately," Harry continued, "I've been doing a lot of… uh… stuff… like this…"

"Harry," Molly said gently, "We know about you and Ginny. And it's okay, as long as you kids are being safe. Potions and spells."

Harry nodded tightly. "That's not the point I was trying to make," Harry said, "What I'm trying to say is that… lately, while having sex, I've been a bit… feral. In the sense that, I lose control. Like, a lot. So once I get started, it might be a bit difficult to get me to… uh… stop."

Arthur nodded. "And that's exactly why you're here," Arthur said tentatively.

Harry held his gaze for a while, as if searching for something, then nodded back.

Then, much to Arthur's surprise, something seemed to click and the temperature of the room seemed to rise. Harry's eyes seemed to change – where they were ice cold before, they were blazing green now and seemed to light up with a fire that could not be quenched. Arthur gulped, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his wife did so too.

"Well, then," Harry said, his voice husky and rough, "Molly… darling, get up!"

With a start, Molly got up. Arthur gaped – his bossy wife, who never really listened to him and ordered him around in bed, had just agreed to Harry's order without a pause. Arthur dimly recognized that he was getting turned on.

A blanket of pure magic seemed to settle down on the room – crackling and spitting – as Harry covered the distance between him and Molly in two quick strides. Before Arthur could even blink, Harry was upon his wife, kissing her quite loudly. With a loud smooch, their mouths met and Harry seemed to be practically dominating the shorter buxom woman now.

Their mouths were wide open and Harry's fat tongue seemed to have burrowed deep into Molly's mouth, intertwining with her tongue occasionally and teasing the sides of her mouth. Molly moaned. Arthur couldn't resist any more – he quickly stood up, removed his pants and flung them aside. His three-and-a-half inch pecker was rock hard. And they had barely even gotten to the starter menu, let alone the main course.

Suddenly, Harry withdrew, leaving Molly gasping for air with a wild look on her face. "Enough," he said, "Remove your robe."

Hesitantly, Molly untied the sash that held her robe in place and shrugged the cloth off her shoulders. Harry's eyes rove up and down her curvaceous body, from the titanic swell of her heaving breasts to her panty-clad crotch, down to her very toes. Despite the warmth in the room, Molly shivered in delight – Harry's gaze seemed to hold a power of its own.

For the first time since they had started, Molly understood what her daughter had meant by "intimidating when we were together." Harry was indeed very, very intimidating. And for the life of her, Molly did not know why that turned her on so much.

"Turn around," he said harshly. Molly complied. Her ass jiggled delightedly as she rotated on the spot. All of a sudden, Harry was on his knees with one hand hugging her knees and the other on her lower back. He exerted a firm pressure on her back, bending her upper body at a slight angle as he shoved his face right in her panty-covered asscrack.

Molly gasped in shock as Harry seemed to inhale her wide ass. Then he took both hands off and slid her panties down on the floor to reveal her naked backside in all its glory. Molly tentatively stepped out of her panties and Harry threw them off to the side. He took a moment to admire the pale, moon-shaped cheeks that lay sprawled in his field of vision, then dove right back in. This time, he burrowed his nose deep in the valley of her soft, plump arse and shook his face from side to side. Her cheeks jiggled like jello and slapped against his face on either side. She gasped and then blushed, pleased at how Harry seemed to be playing with her. She put a hand on the bed for support as he exerted even more pressure on her back, forcing her to bend at an even steeper angle. Arthur was sitting directly perpendicular to them and was watching the show with an open mouth, his erection very visible.

And then, Molly gasped as she felt Harry lick all over her ass cheeks, one after the other, lavishing attention upon each plump portion with his tongue. She squealed as he lightly bit down on her left asscheek.

And then, Harry stood up and turned Molly around. She was startled at the sheer size difference between them. Which was not to say that Harry towered over her, but he was so broad now that he looked positively, bestially large. He was at least a head taller than her, but his muscular shoulders seemed to extend well beyond either of her shoulders. He looked like he could crush her skull to death with his palms alone. That sent a thrill of fear and strangely, pleasure, up her spine, though she did not know why.

"Kneel," Harry commanded, and Molly complied. She unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down. He obligingly stepped over them and kicked them aside. His boxers were the only thing that separated her from his… thing now. Arthur Weasley took a deep breath. Here it comes, he thought and reached a hand out towards his own prick, that was just begging to be touched.

Molly shrieked softly as Harry's boxers tented up. It was massive. It was a wonder the boxers didn't just tear apart due to the sheer size of the organ on display. Molly made as if to pull his boxers down, but Harry stopped her with a word.

He grabbed her head with both hands, burying his fingers in her rich, auburn mane and nuzzled her under his humongous tent. Her face was buried in his crotch now. He laughed. And Molly couldn't help herself – the scent was amazing. Men aren't supposed to smell this good, she thought, especially not down here.

She rubbed her face all around the inside of his thighs, his massive erection on top of her head messing up her hair. She moaned and groaned under the sheer weight of the thing on her head, and nuzzled right into massive orbs that she knew were his testicles.

Arthur rubbed himself furiously at the sight of his wife buried in another man's crotch – it was incredibly erotic seeing his wife moaning like such a whore, her massive tits hanging off her leaning frame as her face disappeared right between Harry's powerful thighs, inhaling the scent of his crotch.

Harry then grabbed her hair and yanked her back. His erection slid off the top of her head and popped in front of her again. She looked up at him, her eyes glazed in bliss. She hooked her hands under Harry's boxers, in through the legs of his boxer shorts and encircled his shaft. Her hands, of course, couldn't completely encircle his massive rod and both of her hands together only seemed to cover half the length of the whole thing.

"My goodness," Molly said in a shrill voice, "I'll need a friend to cover the rest of this!"

Harry laughed. Arthur was now slumped down on the chair, rubbing pathetically at his own shaft with two fingers and a thumb. It was incredible – his wife was actually jacking Harry off with both her hands, yet the truly erotic part was the fact that he couldn't see it. Her hands were completely covered by the boxers Harry wore. All her could see was the tent jerking back and forth as Molly hands presumably whipped around Harry's massive cock.

"Enough teasing," Harry said, and Molly bit her lips. She needed to see this – she was in a haze. She had noticed her husband jerking himself off furiously to the side and that spurred her own lust into a greater frenzy. She yanked Harry's boxers down and then shrieked as his enormous shaft popped up.

Almost took my eye off!" she squealed, and then giggled. Harry laughed as well. "Well?" he asked, "What are we waiting for?"

Staring straight into Harry's eyes, Molly opened her mouth as wide as she could and plunged down upon his shaft, nearly impaling herself on it. She held onto the base with both hands – his cock was so humongous that even with two hands and a mouth, she still could not cover it.

Harry himself felt as if he had ascended to the seventh circle of heaven. Ginny's totally hot mom was jerking him off while simultaneously trying to deep throat him. Her enormous breasts smashed into his thighs as she jerked forward, trying to stuff his penis into her throat, her tongue lashing it mercilessly. And best of all, she was screaming as she was doing it, almost like she was yelling out a war-cry as he tackled his… tackle. Harry sniggered at the pun he had just made up in his own head, then moaned as he felt Molly's hot, wet mouth coil around him. Her cheeks were drawn in as she sucked hard at his cock.

He yanked her right off and she gasped for breath, a trail of saliva connecting her lips to his cockhead. Then he plunged her right back in with a loud pop. She screamed again, her vibrating throat palpitating his cock as he plunged into her hot, wet mouth all over again.

"Your husband loves it, Molly!" Harry moaned, "He loves watching you take that down your throat!"

"Yes," Arthur gasped, as he leaned forward, his eyes focused on Harry's massive cock tearing open his wife's mouth. Suddenly, Harry twisted Molly's head until her glazed eyes were staring right in Arthur's direction. Her right cheek bulged as Harry's massive head jammed up against it. Harry withdrew ever so slightly and then pushed again, contracting and expanding her right cheek with the force of his short jabs.

Then after several short jabs, he let go. Molly turned around and started bobbing up and down his cock – she was barely taking a quarter of his entire penis, but Harry had to admire the effort. His head seemed to bump against the back of her mouth at each downstroke and the tip nearly left her head at each upstroke. Her tongue continually lapped away at all the flesh that it could reach, occasionally teasing around the eye of his penis. Harry loved it when Molly did that.

Then, he placed his hands upon Molly's shoulders, stopping her motions, and walked forwards, pushing her down. Molly gasped and choked around his cock, but he did not relent. Eventually, her head was between his things and his cock buried deep into her mouth with his balls on her chin. He pivoted swiftly on the spot. With his cockhead still inside her hot mouth, he rotated so that she was now leaning back with her breasts proudly pointing at the ceiling. Now, her head was right underneath him, only upside down. He chins faced away from him and her forehead was right between his thighs, staring up at his muscular backside. His massive balls settled around her nose. Molly would have fallen backwards if Harry wasn't holding onto her face with his strong hands.

Harry loved this feeling. His cock was pointing straight down into Molly's mouth and his balls were hovering mere millimetres above her nose. Then, he bent his knees and plunged down. Molly gagged as his cock went straight into her throat and his head burst through the back of her mouth. She screamed and his balls slammed into her nose, burying he thin nose right into the valley between his massive testes.

"No, Molly," Harry said harshly, "You're not in control any more."

And Molly knew it. She was nearly falling backwards and his massive testicles were blocking off her nasal passage. His cock was bulging into her throat and she had never felt more turned on. She had lost control and it was amazing. She was spitting and choking and practically painting his cock with her saliva.

Harry rose up on his toes until only his head was left in her mouth, before plunging right back down again, smashing her face with his heavy balls once more. And repeated the motion until he built up an amazing rhythm, slapping his balls down her face each time he went down and shoving his cock further and further up her mouth.

"You little harlot!" Arthur gasped, his knees wide apart as he jacked off furiously, "Take that cock, you whore!"

And Molly was screaming and gagging and taking it all in like a champ. She slobbered all over the cock that was claiming her mouth as property and rubbing her nose against his balls each time they deigned to smack themselves down on her. And then, Harry drew off. Molly was about to fall backward, but Harry seized her shoulders roughly and pulled her up to her feet.

Then, with a mighty shove, she was thrown upon the bed. Molly's knees felt slightly numb after leaning on the floor for so long. But even without touching it, she knew her pussy was dripping wet. She had never been more turned on in her life.

Harry then knelt right in front of the bed (right in front of Molly's husband too) and buried his face right back into Molly's ass, like he had found a home there. He licked and massaged around Molly's thighs with his tongue and hands respectively for several minutes until Molly groaned and tried to force her dripping twat onto Harry's mouth, but he was having none of it. He was still teasing and laying languid licks around it instead of on it. The brat, Molly thought.

And then, all of a sudden, he was back. He burrowed his nose into her rosebud and Molly gasped as his mouth finally met her pussy with an open-mouthed kiss. He slurped noisily at it and she moaned loudly. And then she felt his mouth withdraw with a slurp and something hard plunged into her.

"You like my fingers in your twat?" Harry taunted, "Merlin, Molly, you're flowing like a bloody waterfall!"

Harry turned his head sideways and addressed Arthur, who was jerking himself off furiously on the chair behind him. "She always gets this wet, Arthur?" he asked.

"No!" Arthur gasped. The sight of Harry making Molly moan with his tongue and hands was so amazing – he had never managed anything like it before. Amidst his lust-filled haze, Arthur had to wonder if there was something deeply wrong with him for being like this. Then he shrugged it off and answered, "Not for me."

"Huh," Harry said and shrugged. He did not want to go there. And he plunged right back in. With his fingers still inside, he rolled up his tongue, pushed it right in, lapping inside her pussy as Molly slammed her fist on the bed in pleasure. Then he grinned inwards – he had discovered a new trick over the past few months.

He breathed inwards, focused his sense – his magic, as it were – on his tongue, and then breathed out, letting the magic flow through it. While Molly wouldn't really feel the magic itself, the discharge of magic through his tongue had a certain side effect that Ginny certainly appreciated when he went down on the redhead. His tongue vibrated. And with great frequency.

Molly screamed so loud Harry felt like his entire head was reverberating with the sound. Man, he thought, this woman sure has a healthy set of lungs on her. And then came the fountain. Harry almost laughed at how much the mother resembled the daughter. Tremendous spurts shot straight out her twat in arcs that spanned several feet. It was like a series of low-pressure jets ejecting straight out of her pussy, one of which landed right near Arthur's legs, and he was sitting five feet away, at the very least. Exactly like her little daughter, Harry thought smugly.

Arthur was so surprised he stopped rubbing for the first time since he'd started. He had never seen Molly do that – if he wasn't intimidated by Harry before, he definitely was now. He still didn't regret this decision, but he was highly surprised at this amazing sight.

Molly slumped on the bed, her body shivering with the force of the after-shocks that accompanied her amazing orgasm. She could barely make a sound – her throat was raw from screaming and she was literally panting into the bed now. Her limbs felt loose and she couldn't seem to move. Her amazing ass was perched high in the air, her quivering cunt open wide for all to see.

Suddenly, Harry slapped her ass with both hands and lifted it into the air with a strong grip. Her torso still lay on the bed as he dragged her across the bed until she was lying lengthwise across it. He pushed and she crawled across the bed with what strength she had left. She felt Harry get on the bed behind her. He waddled on his own knees towards her.

She was now on her knees, her body slumped forward with her enormous breasts squashed on the bed. Her husband was off to the side and had resumed jacking off, at a more gentle pace as he waited to see what Harry was about to do next. He gasped as Harry got onto the bed, enormous cock swaying imperiously, behind his wife.

Harry lifted his cock up and waddled up to Molly until his balls slapped against her ass, now littered with her own pussy juices that had sprayed all over the place. He then let go of his cock so that it lay right on top of her ass.

Arthur gazed in shock, rubbing a bit more rapidly now as he saw how gigantic Harry really was – it was a monster. It was bigger than Molly's ass was, with its head on her lower back. It was, or at least appeared to be, thicker than his forearm. There was no way that would even fit inside her!

Harry drew back and bit till his balls were no longer touching Molly's quivering pussy and slammed straight back in again. His balls made a loud slapping sound against Molly's cunt as his cock humped against her ass crack. He was virtually dry humping her now, with his cock nestling in and out of her magnificent ass cheeks. And Arthur could see the rise and fall of Harry's penis as it snuggled in and out of Molly's rear-end.

Harry kept up a furious pace – his massive cum-filled testicles were laying resounding smacks upon Molly's twat, which seemed to kiss them each time they slapped against it and the friction of his enormous penis against her ass-crack felt amazing. He was spanking both her ass cheeks with his hands as he did so, each hand alternating on each cheek, leaving them red and raw. Molly was panting again, her pussy juices flowing down his balls now, droplets bouncing off them onto the bed as her cunt drooled underneath his shaft. She slowly pushed herself up and snuck her right hand underneath her, even as Harry kept humping her ass. And each time Harry's testicles came with range, she rubbed his balls with the flat of her palm, even as they smacked against her vagina.

Arthur couldn't take it anymore. He spurts all over the floor – the sight of Molly cradling Harry's balls with her hand as he dry-humped her was just too much. "You whore!" he grunted, as he ejaculated, "Fuck!" And his orgasm seemed to go on for almost twenty seconds before he finally stopped ejaculating. His left hand was all wet now with his own sticky semen, but he just couldn't stop. Not now. Not even when the main event hadn't started.

Harry laughed – that was possibly the first time he had heard Ginny's father swear explicitly. Well, no sense prolonging this, he thought. And he drew back.

With a gentle push, he stuffed his massive cockhead inside Molly's gushing pussy. The auburn-haired mother arched her back in pleasure and looked straight at the wall opposite her with unseeing eyes. "Harry!" she screamed, "Gently! Your head is bigger than my husband's entire cock!"

And that set Arthur off again, and he was hard.

Harry pushed further. Molly's twat seemed to dribble all over his penis as more inches of cock-meat sunk deep into her cunt. And then, with a deep breath, Harry pushed. His hips met Molly's plump arse with a resounding clap and Molly pushed her face down into the bed to let out a muffled scream.

"So… fucking… tight," Harry grunted, "You're a lucky man, Arthur."

"Fuck!" Molly screamed her words muffled by the bed she had pushed her face against, "I don't think I'll ever be tight again, Harry!"

Harry choked out a laugh and then pulled back. Molly moaned at the gaping emptiness and then let out another muffled scream as he plunged straight back in, filling her right back up. And just like that, Harry starting pulverizing her pussy.

As for Harry himself, if he had thought that blowjob was amazing, this was truly heavenly. For a woman who had popped out so many children, her twat was remarkably tight. He felt like he was parting flesh each time he speared in, his head seemingly tearing her inner (soft, wet, silky) walls apart as he plunged in. And his head met her bony cervix each time – slammed and smushed against it - and Molly seemed to love the feeling. Like mother, like daughter, Harry thought again.

"And now onto the next level," Harry said as he rose to his feet, keeping his penis stuffed into that amazing cunt. He squatted down, his thighs nearly perpendicular to the ground, his feet planted firmly on the bed. He was perched above her like a caveman, his dick was in her gushing cunt and her gigantic ass was smashed against his abs. Time to act like a caveman then and pound her pussy into dust.

And pound her he did. Molly felt him get up, but she hadn't expected him to up the ante. He was pulverizing her insides now, reshaping her cunt and absolutely ruining her for her own husband. She screamed into the bed, slammed her hands against the soft material, tore at the sheets and moaned. And the best and the worst part was that he was rubbing everywhere, against her sweet spot and his balls were smashing against her puffy, swollen clitoris.

Arthur didn't know he had it in him, but he was nearing a second ejaculation. He watched, drooling as Harry rode his wife in a power stance, squatting atop the bed and virtually pounding down on his wife's ass as he slammed his meatstick into her gushing pussy.

After nearly twenty minutes of furious pounding, Harry grabbed Molly by her auburn tresses and pulled. Molly's muffled scream now turned into an open-mouthed scream as her face rose off the bed and into the air. He then slumped back onto his knees and pulled Molly to her knees as well. He then let go of her hair and grabbed Molly's tits with both hands. Merlin, Harry thought, these are enormous! He juggled them, parted them and slapped them together with his hands, groping and squeezing and relishing the heavy feel, even as he pounded furiously into Molly's pussy. And then he grabbed both her nipples with strong fingers and pulled.

Molly screamed and squirted, again. She almost appeared to be pissing herself as a large puddle grew on the bed. Arthur followed suit. At the sight of his wife shuddering in delight, he ejaculated for the second time that night, adding to the droplets of sperm on the floor. His ejaculate was notably less this time around and he knew he was practically running on fumes now. But he just could not stop. Not with this young Adonis practically owning his wife like this.

Molly tried to scream out to Harry to stop. The pleasure was too much – it was overwhelming and she was beginning to see spots. She really did try to scream at him to stop, but he showed no mercy. He kept thrusting into her (the fucking brute) even as she squirted around his cock, allowing her no respite at all. Her scream had long since died as she rode one high to the next, her mouth now open and her eyes rolling up into her head.

She couldn't even stay on her knees anymore and slumped against Harry's hands. He laughed and let go. In relief, Molly tried to slump back down onto the bed, falling forward, but before she could, Harry hooked his hands around her thighs from behind and lifted.

Molly gasped audibly as she was raised into the air, her legs spread out on either side, her thighs held aloft by Harry's powerful hands. Her back was slumped against his muscled chest and her breasts were being jiggled around mercilessly by his constant pounding. She was spread-eagled in his arms. Harry got off the bed and displayed her body to her husband, heaving breasts bouncing atop a tummy that bulged periodically with each thrust of his penis. Arching back. Legs spread outright at him. Plump ass squashed against Harry's midriff. And on prominent display – her juicy twat, tearing open at each titanic thrust of Harry's enormous shaft.

Molly's eyes were rolling up into the back of her skull. Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth like a bitch in heat and her mouth was gaping into a stupid smile. She was utterly and entirely lost to bliss. And right next to her face was Harry's, smiling confidently as he utterly destroyed her cunt with his shaft.

Arthur remembered the scene he had peeped in on with Harry and Ginny in a hot flash. Harry was dominating his wife exactly like he had dominated his daughter. And his wife was loving it.

And Harry's pace nearly doubled. Arthur's eyes bulged at the pace Harry was going at now. Molly's limbs were hanging loose off his hands, dangling uselessly as she was reduced to a quivering mess.

"You cow," Arthur snarled as his pace of masturbation turned frantic, "Look at you taking that log up your dirty little hole."

"I'm sorry, Artie!" Molly screamed, "I'm… sorry!" She was still making that stupid face. "This… is… AMAZING! This… cock… AMAZING! FUCK!"

And the last word turned into a scream – only this time, it seemed to be stuck in her throat and came out as a high-pitched keening sound. For the third time that evening, Molly squirted. And she was barely three feet away from him. Each jet of delicious juice splattered his face and he was drowning in a pleasure that extended beyond his own mind and his wife's. And Arthur came, again. This time, it was pretty much empty, only a few transparent drops oozing out of his battered penis.

"Where do you want me to cum?" Harry asked, as Arthur jerked himself off furiously and his wife just kept squirting, her entire body trembling and writhing as if it were under the Cruciatus.

"Seed me!" Molly screamed, just as Arthur yelled, "Inside."

Harry grunted. Arthur watched in amazement as his heavy balls seemed to pulse – once, twice, thrice, four times, five, six… it seemed to go on and on, And each time he pulsed, Molly seemed to squirt, still letting out that choked scream. Luckily for Arthur, she was squirting down this time, and her squirt seemed to be mixed with Harry's ejaculate. His wife was practically sitting on Harry's balls now, his entire length buried inside Molly – the young man was practically ejecting his baby batter right into Molly's womb.

As Arthur came down from his own high and saw a mixture of Molly's juices and Harry's semen forming a puddle on the ground, he was very thankful that they had prepared those anti-pregnancy potions before this amazing encounter.


Arthur sighed happily as Harry pulled Molly off his shaft, now glistening with Molly's pussy juices, and slowly laid her onto the bed, his erect cock still throbbing. Harry's wand seemed to come out of nowhere as it appeared in his hand. He waved it over the dropped clothes and they reappeared over his body, his belt fastening itself around his pants. He still had a very visible tent, but he silently walked out of the bedroom, as coldly as he had come in.

There was nothing left to say.

Arthur gazed with lust-filled eyes at his gorgeous wife as she lay before him with her legs spread out and her gaping cunt on display. What seemed to be gallons of semen were oozing out of her cum-filled pussy. She had literally fainted with pleasure.

Arthur couldn't take it anymore. He jumped on top of his wife, buried his face in her cleavage and burrowed his small prick in her pussy.

She was very loose, and he loved it. He used Harry's sperm as a lubricant as he slid in and out of her sloshing pussy as a man possessed. And in four strokes, he had orgasmed again – a completely dry orgasm this time – and dropped beside his wife with a sigh as he went to sleep.

He had never been happier, and he could not explain why. Harry was everything he and his wife had dreamed about, and much, much more.


Harry didn't go up to Ron's bedroom. He didn't want to.

He went straight down to Ginny's bedroom. He entered it and saw that it was brightly lit. Ginny was lying on the bed and gazing up at the ceiling. Her eyes snapped to the door as he entered and her face lit up with a smile.

He opened his mouth, but she quickly crossed over to him and shut him up with a kiss. She drew off and said, "I don't care. I don't need to know. I love you."

"And I love you," he rejoined.

She smiled and started unbuckling his pants. "Then prove it," she said, "Prove that you're mine. Make love to me."

And Harry bestowed an affectionate smile upon her as they kissed and tumbled onto the bed. Harry knew this wasn't going to be like the frenzied stuff he had done upstairs. This was going to be loving and gentle.

He could sort out his feelings tomorrow. For now, he was with the one he loved, and he could keep going with her forever.


The next day

"Ginny," Ron asked his sister tentatively, "Is something troubling you?"

He had noticed his sister biting her lip as she looked at Harry flying around the Burrow on his Firebolt. She was disturbed by something. And he wanted to help. He knew Harry had been sneaking down to his sister's bedroom, and he didn't mind (he imagined he would be doing the exact same thing once Hermione visited the Burrow).

Ginny looked at Ron and then looked away. Then she looked back at him again, and hesitantly, began to speak.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


