14.89% The marvelous devourer / Chapter 7: Chapter 4

章 7: Chapter 4

After Ling Tian finished off the Black Night Cat, He had no strength left and fell on the ground. Ling Tian checked himself to and came to know that most of his bones and organs were heavily damaged, If he was left in this condition then will surely die.

Ling Tian took out a senzu bean and ate it without any hesitation. Soon a heat surged from within him and all his injuries including his broken bones and shattered organ were completely healed. If there were no blood on his body where the injuries used to be, then nobody would believe that he was fatally injured.

" Good thing I have the senzu beans, although it is a pity that I just used an extra life of mine, it couldn't be helped after all living is the most important thing. If I am alive then there will be more opportunities to get better things in the future."

Ling Tian again examined his body and was shocked by what he found, because now he was no longer a cultivator at 2nd level Body Refinement Realm but a cultivator at 3rd level Body Refinement Realm and he was at the peak of 3rd level.

" haha, now I'm one step closer to getting back the system and my special powers"

Ling Tian understood that his breakthrough was probably triggered by his Saiyan bloodline.

" I fought a life and death battle with the monster cat , that must have brought out the Saiyan's potential within me."

Ling Tian was extremely worried because, Although Saiyans have unlimited potential but only by fighting strong opponents and tough battles can unlock that potential. So in other words, if Ling Tian wants to depend on his Saiyan physique to breakthrough in his cultivation he would have to fight more life and death battle which is basically impossible with only three senzu beans remaining in his possession. Even if Ling Tian decide to depend on Saiyan physique to breakthrough the cultivation levels, with his meagre 3rd level Body Refinement Realm cultivation , all he could find is a sure death battle as most of the cultivators of age similar to Ling Tian have a minimum cultivation of 7th level Body Refinement Realm.

Ling Tian didn't have much hope in breaking through the cultivation levels with his saiyan physique. Ling Tian had to think of some other way to make breakthroughs in his cultivation.

Ling Tian walked around the forest for two hours before finding a stream. Ling Tian used the water of the stream to clean himself of blood and wash the blood on his clothes.

After twenty minutes.

Ling Tian now finally looked like a human. His clothes still had faint blood stains but it didn't bother him too much. Ling Tian then looked at his image reflected on the water surface and was surprised.

" Damn, I hate to admit but this body is slightly more handsome than my previous life."

Ling Tian was bit frustrated because, although he said that this body was only slightly more handsome than his previous incarnation he clearly knew that this new body of his is way too handsome, Infact there was no comparison.

Then a thought struck him. ' This is my body now, that means I might be able to hook up a few girls and finally lose my virginity. Then is won't have to die a virgin again.'

" hmm? Wait a second, the monster beast I had slayed was Black Night Cat which means it must have been guarding a spiritual herb and must have come to where I was because of the smell of blood, but the Black Night Cat is now dead, that means the spiritual herb is now without a guardian and is waiting for me to take it."

When Ling Tian thought up to here, he became very excited as he started to run back to where he had slayed the monster beast. The reason Ling Tian's excitement was because the spiritual herb that Black Night Cat was guarding was 'Earth Profound Spirit Fruit' . Ling Tian of the past, though did not have much knowledge about this world or many other things, he had painstakingly learned a lot of books about spiritual herbs . From the knowledge Ling Tian inherited from his predecessor, If a cultivator below Foundation Establishment Realm consume the Earth Profound Spirit Fruit then his/her cultivation will increase by two levels within a cultivation realm without any effects on their foundation. This spiritual fruit can also enhance the rank of his/her spirit root. Ling Tian of the past had precisely come to the Black Wind Forest to try his luck and find this herb but unfortunately he had lost his life here which has led to Ling Tian possessing the body.

Ling Tian had reached the place where the the corpse of the monster cat was , then he started to search the area.



After 3 hours had passed.

Ling Tian stood before a cave that seemed pretty ordinary without much points that stood out. Ling Tian put up his guard and slowly entered the cave. Once Ling Tian was inside the cave, he was surprised that the seemingly ordinary cave was in fact very spacious and had many kinds of low grade spiritual herbs growing here. Ling Tian slowly and steadily walked into the inner spot of the cave.

As Ling Tian arrived at the inner cave he had a big smile on his face because he had found what he had come here for. Ling Tian was excited as he was about to pick up the Earth Profound Spirit Fruit, he noticed a human skeleton from a few meters away from the Earth Profound Spirit Fruit.

Near the skeleton was a redish gold coloured three leaved grass. When Ling Tian inspected it closely and realized what this three leaved grass was. Ling Tian stood there shocked for a minute before laughing at the sudden happiness that befell on him.

" hahaha! I never expected that I would actually come across a Heaven Soul Grass. If the Heaven Soul Grass is here that means the skeleton was a Heaven Core Realm expert when he was alive."

The three leaved grass was the Heaven Soul Grass. This spiritual herb can be directly consumed or be refined as a Heaven breaking pill which is extremely useful for peak Earth Core Realm experts to breakthrough to Heaven Core Realm. The Heaven Soul Grass is born after the death of a cultivator at the peak of Heaven Core Realm.

The main feature of this spiritual herb is that even a mortal can consume it and it will not harm him/her. The Heaven Soul Grass can increase the Soul Power by many fold of those who consume it. The Heaven Soul Grass contains all the insights the Heaven Core Realm cultivator had in his/her life right before his death and the one who consume it will gain almost all of the insights contained within it. This is why even Heaven Core Realm experts covet this extremely rare spirit herb.

This was the real reason Ling Tian was excited about. With the insights he will gain after he consume the Heaven Soul Grass his future cultivation speed will be on the same level as that of the so-called geniuses.

Ling Tian then closely observed the skeleton and noticed that there were three rings on its finger.

" Could it be?" Ling Tian had a good idea about what those rings were, but he had to personally examine them before confirming his guess.

Ling Tian wasn't ashamed of robbing the dead and he slowly removed the three rings from the fingers of the skeleton. Ling Tian sent a strand of spirit energy into a silver coloured ring and when his spirit energy entered the ring he found that there was a space of about 300 cubic metres.

" it really is a spatial ring and one with bigger space ." Ling Tian was very happy about his sudden fortune. Ling Tian quickly examined an azure coloured ring and found that the space within it was at least ten times larger than that of the silver coloured ring. Ling Tian examined the last ring which was the crimson coloured ring, but he got no reaction at all. If he did not get this ring from the Skeleton of a Peak Heaven Core Realm expert he would have thought this to be an ordinary ring.

Regardless he still kept the ring. Ling Tian then transferred whatever was in the silver ring to the azure ring and he also put the Earth Profound Spirit Fruit and Heaven Soul Grass in the azure ring as well. He then quickly started collecting all the spiritual herbs within the cave and stored them all in the silver ring.

He then returned to spot where corpse of the Black Night Cat was supposed to be, but when he arrived there, the corpse was nowhere to be found. Ling Tian was a little upset as he had intended to take the body of the monster cat and use it as food.

" I have to leave the forest before its night or I might lose my life right after I obtained all this fortune , I've a beautiful future waiting for me. I can't afford to die in a place like this."

Ling Tian started to run in the path his predecessor came through and after an hour of running he finally reached the exit of forest.

" I'm finally out of this shitty forest. My path to supremacy starts here."

Ling Tian was a bit after running at full speed for nearly an hour, so he started to walk towards the Spirit Advent Sect and he was quite to excited to go to the place which might probably be his first stepping stone.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


