66.66% Chronicles of High School Dirty Little Secrets - The Library Card / Chapter 10: Track 8 - Love Me Like You Mean It by Kelsea Ballerini

章 10: Track 8 - Love Me Like You Mean It by Kelsea Ballerini

How ironic. Outside the priviledge world of our university lies an underpriviledge community.

When we moved here in this country a lifetime ago, it came to me as a baffling realisation how different poor and rich are. Despite owning one of the largest ranch in Maryville and a successful auto repair shop spanning to 17 branches all over Tennessee, I don't think I ever felt that we were rich, we're mostly covered in either grease or mud.

Emily and Lolo J are by far the richest people I know, and Donald Pricks was the poorest. Now I think Donald wasn't really poor, he was a mechanic in my dad's Knoxville branch. One time we visited him because his wife died, and I was scared to go inside his house that looked like it was gonna collapse. But he owned a Ford F150, about an acre of land with a big red barn, they sold haystacks.

According to Blue, this neigborhood has about 900 families living. It isn't that bad looking compared to other poor communities I usually see on TV. There are good size streets and roads, most of the houses are like stack piles of match boxes, but there are several that are concrete and goes up to three or four floors and some are as thin as cereal boxes.

But one thing I find incredible in this kind of places, while the rich kids of our school stresses over the simplest and dumbest things, the kids and pretty much anyone here in this neighborhood can give you the most genuine smile like they are happy with their lives.

Blue also said that our university owns this private land, so pretty much all these houses are squatting, but the school let them as a charitable act. Codswallop! as Hagrid would say. 'Dunno if the white-haired old men chancellors of our university has any human left in them to be genuinely charitable; I bet they are lurking in the shadows, planning some evil plans to push these poor people out sometime in the dark future. Oh yes! I'm a potterhead; one other reason why I buried myself in books was Hermione Jean Granger. While I am team Ronald Weasley, Hermione is me.

I decide to take off my plaid long-sleeve shirt that I was wearing at school today. I think it's going to be hot outside, and I think, I'll be fine with my inner army green tank top with the straps of my bra completely visible. I doubt someone's gonna be lewd around here, we're doing a charity after all. I'm also wearing cigarette denims so legs are off limit, but since I know this day is gonna happen, I didn't wear my favorite overused sneakers today; I'm not sure what to expect for this outreach but my sneaker might just completely die if I've worn it today. So instead I wore one of my white slip on shoes; I have a thing about wearing white when I'm doing some activities, because when it gets really dirty, that means I enjoyed what I did.

Blue, the gentleman, opens the door of his blue Subaru WRX STI that we used to get here; Ferrari is not very charitable. Blue gives me a reminiscent look as I come out of his car, I roll my eyes at him and I let out a meaningful smile. I know what he's thinking.

"Best kuya!"

A boy in a dirty white sando - not the color - sprints towards us. I reckon, he's about the same age as RJ and he also have that cheerful and smart tone in his voice. The boy hugs Blue that he returns with equal compassion.

"Andy, how are you? You cut your hair," Blue ruffles Andy's hair. They both appear to be very comfortable with each other.

"Best kuya, I got 93 on our Math exam yesterday!" Andy exclaims very proudly.

"Wow!" Blue pinches his nose, "I told you can do it. I'm proud of you! You're the best bruh!"

They high-five, then the little boy smiles, he shies out and sprints back to his playmates.

Blue returns his attention to me as he closes the car door, "That's Andy. He used to hate math, but I sat with him and thought him diligently; he's one of my scholars now."

I'm surprised, "You have scholars??"

He titters, shy, "Just three. And it's not much, public school is free anyway. But the little expense that they have, I cover for it. I buy them school supplies too and new uniforms. Andy's parents left him with their neighbor when he was, like two? But he's a high-spirited kid, and smart too!"

My heart melts. This is a side of Blue that I know mostly from campaign flyers, but to know it firsthand, I just want to marry him right away.

"Best kuya, indeed!" I tease.

He chuckles, again, shy, "No. It doesn't mean that way. You know, Vote the BESST! with double S's."

"Ah. Blue Easton Standford S. Tarub. But still, what you're doing? It makes you the best kuya too," I smile sincerely.

He smiles back. He grabs and holds my hand as we head to a two-floor concrete building. On one side, there is an open basketball court, and there is a mini grocery store on the first floor. Blue said, the Baranggay Captain owns this building and, with the help of some sponsors like our Student Council, they've transformed 3/4 of the building into a Learning Centre.

"When did the Student Council started helping this Learning Centre?" I ask as we head up the exterior stairs of the building.

He looks at me and let out another shy expression. I realise, shy Blue is another thing I didn't know before.

"Err. When I became a junior vice-president? For a long time, the Student Council has been doing some charity, but they're random, nothing really, you know, no relationship with, whatever, whoever they are helping. There was no programme. So I created one, and made a relationship with this Learning Centre. You know, so we can see results, we see progress, how our help is making a difference."

I nod in agreement to his explanation. As I do, I bite my lip too, trying to hold my heart from falling out. He is just so passionate telling about it. I'm certain again, he is going to be my husband.

He almost were yesterday. Our first kiss is one to make into a story book, I'm now excited to tell it to our future kids and grandkids.

He didn't intended to kiss me that late afternoon, but we did. He was only being coy behind me, he didn't expect that I would turn my head that way. When our lips made contact, our lips decided that they wanted more, so the brisk touch turned into an intended kiss, our lips pressed deep and I tasted heaven.

I remember it vividly; there was no flavor, of course, but somehow it tasted really good, like cotton candy - airy soft and sweet. We didn't move tho, his upper lip was between mine and my lower lip was between his, just pressing against each other, and our eyes were close, or at least mine was.

It went on for - I tried to count the seconds but I lost it after seven - certainly several seconds. When we both realised what was happening, our body wanted to part ways but our lips were glued. It was several seconds more that our bodies were pulling out from each other before our lips finally let go. When we got ownership of our own lips again, we stared at each other like we just broke a 10,000 year old ceramic vase from the mountains of Tibet.

"Blue," I found the courage to speak over a minute after the kiss, my throat was very dry.

"Mecky," he uttered but with only half a sound. Then he drew his lips inwardly, wet, slow and uncertain.

We were speechless for another several seconds, it was only broken when a loud bang echoed around. I don't know what it was, a door maybe.

"So, see you tomorrow?" Blue said, his eyes were moving in different directions.

I didn't get the question, I was totally perplexed, "Huh?"

"The outreach. I'll uh, we'll drive off together. The other officers will take the school van," he looked into my eyes, "But, we'll go together."

"Yea, sure. Of course," I mumble.

Then we both shied and lowered our head. I pressed my lips inwardly while he just continued wetting his lips; once, I glanced at him and he was brushing his lower lip with his thumb, his head jerked to one side. When I fully looked up, he was gaping at me with a meaningful grin crept up his face. My heart was on fire.

"We're not gonna.. ignore what just happened right?" he asked, certain and with that presidential confidence in him.

I was gonna say something else but instead my mouth went ahead than my thoughts, "We kissed," I answered.

He smiled meaningful and lowered his head before he bored his eyes into mine, "We did."

"I hope that wasn't your first." Again, it came out before I can stop it, and I said it too forward.

His grin widened, "Was I bad? --- No, that wasn't. I think not yours too?"

I shook my head and shied down. Then he walked closer, I froze.

"Look, I have to go. But I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" he said, romantic; his height was perfect, I smelled his perfume.

"You said that already," I mumbled. Then he replied, "I know, I just want to say it again. I'll go now."

Then like a lightning striked my heart or like I was an engine jumpstarted, he kissed me on the corner of my mouth, and I felt the sensation all over my body. He became, definitely, heretofore, my kisslawfully-wedded husband.

Remembering yesterday's kiss, I can't help but keep stealing glances at Blue's lips now. We reach the second floor of the Learning Centre, then we enter a door and into a narrow hallway that I see leads to an open hall at the far end. I see some of the officers carrying boxes and moving around. I reckon the two opposing walls of this hallway are the classrooms. Our job today is to fill the classrooms with round floor tables, books, study materials and more educational stuff; I saw one officer carefully loading a human skeleton stand into the truck at the school earlier.

"Kuya Besst!"

An innocent looking girl in goldilocks ponytails runs towards us as we are about to reach the open hall. She looks younger than Andy, but she's wearing a clean little yellow dress.

Blue carries her up in his arm, "Mayka, you're wearing the dress I bought you."

"Yes. I showered," Mayka says in a sweet innocent voice.

Blue and I giggle, humored by her answer. Then Blue nozzles Mayka's cheeks and kisses her, "Yes. You showered. Smell good! Hmm. Pretty, pretty girl. Ok. Go back and help them with the books, baby." Blue puts her back down then she runs into one of the classrooms.

"Is she your -- one of your scholars too?" I ask.

I now see fully, the open hall; there are posters of alphabets and animal names, building names, and multiplication tables on the walls. On one corner there are two low shelves of books, the wall opposite the hallway has two large blackboards; Blue said, the two classrooms where just recently installed, this open hall must be the previous learning area. But it's being emptied now, the lots of it is being transferred to the classrooms by everyone. I see other student volunteers from my school as well, aside from the SC officers.

Blue looks at me, ever shy, "No. Not yet. Mayka, she has a bit of a learning disability. So she's not in grade school yet, she's supposed to be in 2nd grade now. This learning centre helps her catch up. I help her catch up. She started 1st grade last year but through the half of the school year, she didn't want to go anymore. She was bullied for being slow and too poor," Blue said matter-of-factly, then he taps the back shoulder of a full-figured woman who's personality is as colorful as the rainbow printed dress she's wearing.

"Oh, Blue! Ha! Thank god! My prince charming! I've been waiting for you."

The woman is overly excited, I can't help but genuinely smile at the lightness of her aura.

"Hello Adele," Blue hugs her like they are very familiar with each other. Adele is probably in her early 30s or late 20s, but she exudes youth in her appearance, like the kids will instantly trust her.

Blue introduces me and we share our niceties. I learn that Adele founded the Learning Centre. She lives in the neighborhood as well. Now, she works as a supervising officer in a call centre company. It was through her that Blue learned about this learning centre, the call centre she's working for is one of the companies owned by Blue's family.

"Blue almost co-founded this Learning Centre with me. His Student Council helped provide most of the books here, but Blue shares his own money for our funds, to, you know, buy snacks and we also provide healthy dinners for the kids. Even though, Atang Reyes, the Baranggay Captain, rents us this place at a very cheap rate, almost nothing, but we pay for electricity and all. All our teachers are volunteers tho," Adele tells me as we head to the boxes of new educational materials that are to be set up in classroom number two. Blue is already out there doing his thing as the leader of the group he brought in.

"I think it's very.. noble, this, what you've done here," I comment as I lift one of the boxes.

Adele lifts one too, "Oh, there is nothing noble about being poor, as Blue would always say. Almost every parents here in this neigborhood are poor, and as with the cycle of poverty, the kids live poor lives too and get used to it. While, at first, I just wanted to provide some education to kids I pass through on my way to school in college, I know, a lot of them are out of school kids. But Blue wanted to show them that there is more to -- than this life of poverty. That they must want to break from it, not just dream of becoming rich or having money as most poor people do, but to actually be equipped with knowledge and skills, confidence, and the understanding that suffering is a choice. And you can choose not to suffer in a life like what we have here. That's Blue's mission. It's strange, for a kid like him no? Super crazy rich? And he has this compassion to people like us. You know, he has three scholars already? And he's only 18!"

I look at Blue from the window of classroom #2. He went down to the truck that brought the boxes and new floor tables. They decided to set floor tables instead of regular classroom seats, in this way, kids will sit on the rubber-matted floor which will make it more intimate, more friendly.

I see Blue carry out one of the floor tables, it looks pretty heavy, and Blue looks so hot carrying it. Again he is wearing a plain v-neck blue tshirt and a belt-less jeans that hangs low on his waist. He's never looked too fancy at school either unlike the other rich kids there, there is a sense of simplicity in him, despite being expensive-looking.

I see another car that just now parks in front of the truck. I have a glimpse of someone in the front seat, I see sir Yap with his signature scarf on his neck. I've expected a teacher should be here, it's an official Student Council activity and there must be a supervising faculty to oversee it.

I continue with the setting up of classroom #2. It's a pretty big room, almost as big as ours at school. I continue chatting with Adele, she has a bubbly personality; she makes remarks and jokes that just lights up the room; her dress sways distinctly from her full hips whenever she walks; her full cheeks hides some of her eyes when she smiles and she smiles big; and her voice has a light tone but with an enthusiastic volume that the entire floor can hear her.

I learn from her more of about Blue's involvement with the Learning Centre - that he comes here every weekend to tutor, sometimes after school as well. I think Adele thinks I'm Blue's girlfriend, for how the way she is more attentive of me than the other student volunteers. She's wrong tho, because I'm his wife.

While I now begin to set up the long table in the open hall for when dinners arrive, I see a kid holding a stuffed toy bunny in one corner of the room. There's no classes for the kids today but some of them are here to, supposedly so, help with the setting up, but they are too excited with the new stuff. Except this boy in the corner, I've noticed him for sometime now, he looks so shy. It makes me a little sad, the other kids seem to be having fun, so I decide to check on him.

"Hey. Hi. I'm Mecky," I greet him. He smiles shyer than shy. He reminds me of RJ when he was this little, he had a shy face that was too cute I wanted to put him inside my heart.

"What's your name?" I ask again. I level down to him so that we are eye to eye.

He smiles, timid, "Daniel," he mumbles.

"Daniel? Hmm. That's a good name. What about this little one, what's his name?" I ask about the bunny.

Daniel smiles bigger, "He's bunny." I shake bunny's hand, "Hello Bunny." Now Daniel's natural smile comes out. His hair is ruffled but his clothes are clean.

"Are you ok here? Why don't you join the other kids? They are checking all the new books."

He shies again, this time I feel sorry for him and I don't know why yet.

"I don't know how to read," he mumbles.

"Hmm. Well, that's ok," I give him a kind reassuring smile, "There are a lot of books there that has really nice pictures, very colorful. You can look at those."

He looks at me, pondering. I think I'm getting through him, "You know what, I have a little brother, and when he was little like you, he doesn't know how to read too, and his classmates teased him. But I told him, he can start by just looking at the books, the pictures, and then, later the words. Eventually his brain will recognise the words, then he can read them, or he can just ask me how to read it. It is always good to ask if you don't know. And now, he's number one at school, no one teases him anymore."

Daniel smiles big. Ok, we're best friends now, or maybe just book buddies. It is true tho, RJ had a hard time learning the alphabet until he was six. We think, it has something to do with him born prematurely. He was teased in pre-school until 1st grade for having slow reading comprehension. That's when I started playing teacher for him and he learned.

I pat Daniel's head and he walks towards the other kids looking at the books that were just put in the shelves inside classroom #1. Now Daniel looks at the book that another kid just opened, he just got a new friend, I hope. I smile.

I stand up then I turn around to head back to classroom #2. Then I see Blue standing by the end of the hallway looking at me - awed? surprised? in love? I can't really read his expression.

Then sir Yap comes in too, our revered fashionista teacher. He's wearing an outfit that is too fashionable for today's activity but somehow it works, it has a charitable appeal in it. I smile at him which he responds with a short one. Even though sir Yap gave me the same highest grade as Cece in junior high English, I know he doesn't like me, he doesn't like boring people. So I kind of expected his short smile response.

Strangely, as I watch sir Yap talking to Adele, I can't help but think about sir Albert as well. It's very random, like, out of the blue - Out of the Blue? - Anyway, I'm pretty sure I had a thing with sir Albert - Albert - last night at the pub too.

He kind off helped me forget the kiss of the century that just happened earlier. I didn't get a chance to go back to Cece anymore since his brother has arrived. So I went ahead to the parking lot, awed, then ecstatic about Albert's night black 1973 Chevy C30 One-Ton Dually. I wanted to dissect everything about it but Albert worried about the traffic on the u-turn to Uptown Place.

At the pub last night, Albert was magnetic, like he found this new self and I was the first person to ever meet him. Earlier, when I got to the parking lot, Albert was already in a new outfit - a belt-less, light-wash denim pants matched with a tucked-in, darker denim-double pocket-long sleeves polo with the sleeves rolled up his elbow.

For a second, I thought I saw dad, when he took mom on a date once. Dad didn't like feeling old, so he would usually dress up younger than his age. Much like Albert, he looked young last night, he was just Albert, the guy at the bar.

"So the old-aged question is, why did you become a teacher?" I asked the tipsy Math teacher last night. I wanted to move on to another subject, we just had a long talk about the theoretical mathematics of the great pyramids of Giza, a topic that Cece is obsessed about.

He was adorably slouching on the bar surface, then he straightened himself up befitting of a professional, "Professor Soledad R. Nuvali, PhD, D.Sc," he pronounced with proud conviction. "She was my university professor when I was taking my Sociology degree. She was also my professor in my minor, Psychology; she's my bestfriend, my pseudo-sister and my pseudo-mother. She would hate if I call her grandma tho, because she just colored her hair white, her hair are not all white yet, she would say in her signature domineering way. But she taught me the value of life, taught me how to find myself in this forsaken world and helped me find my courage to pursue my passion - teaching. You know, there are a lot of truly passionate teachers out there who puts up with your immature shits everyday. For me, it gives me a sense of fulfillment when I impart knowledge to other people. I'm not a change the world kind of guy, but.. it does makes a difference. I think, somehow, being a part of the growth and development of young people, I help shape a better future."

I gave him his fifth big-ass glass of our infamous Irish draft beer, I like a guy who drinks beer like a man, "I think.. you are very passionate," I said honestly.

He laughed wryly., "Passion is one thing, purpose is another. I don't see myself any other way. I knew I was going to be a teacher when I was in Kindergarten," he said with a deep sense.

I remembered my dad, he told me he also knew early on what he's gonna be when he grows up, he wanted to play with cars and horses. I'm not certain what I wanted to be yet, but for the longest time I've had my mind set to be like my dad when I grow up.

"Then why take three different bachelor degrees at once? How did you do that? That's practically impossible," I asked.

He snickered, "Took me seven years to graduate. At first I thought I could do it, then when I did, I wanted to get hit by a moving train so badly. It wasn't easy, I needed to schedule my breathing, you know, so I don't die completely. But I love Math, I personally believe it is the one thing I am naturally good at. Then computer is the future, so Computer Engineering. Then I wanted to understand why people are the way they are, why the society is the way it is, and the insane expectations we have as a human race, so Sociology and Psychology. I took -- well, then, I considered Architecture to please my father."

He looked uncomfortable when he mentioned his dad. His death must not be easy, I thought, and I know.

"You were an insanely high-achiever. You did what is almost humanly impossible. Two Zuma Cum Laudes, and a Cum Laude on a subject you don't seem to want? Your dad must be proud," I commented sincerely.

His face, however, hardened, like I said something wrong. Then, like he forced to brighten up his face and he answered, "If you live in our house, those achievements are as expected. My mother would say that some people are born with instant expectations and responsibilities, and we are those kind of people. It may not be our choice but we have to deal with it. That's being a Henyo. We become what we're expected to become. Passion is for the average people," then he sniggered before he took another gulp of his beer.

That sounded rather odd, I thought. But then, I thought, having parents who are both National Artists, it comes with a little burden. It's well known that his father is a National Artist for Architecture, as well as his grand father who's fame dates back during the Quezon Presidency. His father built some of the acclaimed national monuments and buildings in the country. His mother, infamously known as Doña Elizabeth Rose Elizalde, is a world-reknown and high acclaimed Filipino painter and a prominent world art collector. She was also bestowed the nation's highest honor of being a National Artist for Visual Arts. I did wonder what kind of life could that be for a young Alberto E. Henyo.

Then I return to setting up the food table in the open hall. I realise there is not enough plates for all the people I see around. I ask Adele if there are more and she directs me to the grocery store downstairs, the caretaker will help me with more plates. I open the exit door at the end of the hallway and to my surprise, I see the guy from the pub and he is freaking hot.

"Oh, thanks for opening the do -- " Albert is obviously surprised too. He's holding a large box of pizza and a bag of two buckets of Jollibee fried chicken, and under his one arm is a bottle of 1.5 litres of Coke. In split of a second, I think those are unhealthy. But damn Albert looks healthy hot to me.

"Alb -- sir Albert. Need help?" I say in a jolt.

I thank my brain for keeping me alive. Albert, with his damn tousled hair, is wearing a plain emerald green muscle fit shirt with the sleeves rolled up his arms. It's a round scoop neck with a little V thing in the middle. It's tight on his arms and chest so I can discern the firm tones of his upper body. He's wearing a dark-wash denims that gives his height a seductive stance. He looks even younger than last night, and he looks at me like he is gonna kiss me.

He briskly shakes his head like he just found his consciousness back again, "No. Err. I'll be fine. There are more food downstairs tho. Bambino is supposed to help me with the food. Where is that teacher?"

"Sir Yap just came in po. But I can help with the food," I say, a little mystified by the way he looks at me.

I come downstairs feeling like there was a wet, sticky water sprinkled on me. I don't understand Albert's effect on me. Something would just squeeze inside me and it's wanting to be released so very, very badly.

I come back up with more plates and two more bags of buckets of fried chicken. There are more food at the back of the red Porsche Cayenne GTS that is parked behind the truck. I realise, it is sir Yap's car, his essence is all over it.

As I enter the door, I see Albert and Blue on the other end of the hallway, Albert's expression is hard on Blue, like he's not pleased with his presence. But when they both look at my direction, their faces light up. But not because of me I think, it's the buckets of fried chicken I am carrying that excites the kids even more.

"I didn't expect you to be here. You didn't say," Albert says. Blue is giving out plates to the kids around while Albert and I continue to set up the food.

I look at Albert, I see my father's eyes again. I simper, "Ah. Yea. I didn't. I didn't know you'll be here too. Blue invited me yesterday afternoon."

His expression turns coy, "Not your boyfriend, right?"

I snigger, "No. Not my boyfriend. I don't have one."

He opens the foil cover of the two large round pans of filipino-style chinese noodles (Pancit Bihon) that just arrived at the table, "For now. But not for long, I think," he says with a meaningful smirk.

I grimace wryly, "No. There's.. nothing going on with me and Blue," I lie.

I lied not because I am being in-denial, but because I don't want him to think that there is going on with me and Blue, if that even makes sense.

His smirk turns even more coy, "I wasn't talking about him."

What?? -- Oh, ok. -- What????

Blue returns to us at the food table, looking at me like I am the goddess of love, his eyes are beaming, "How did you do it? Daniel -- What did you say?"

I feel defensive. I don't get what he means, but he isn't accusatory, "I didn't do anything. I'm innocent," I jest.

He laughs silly, "No. I mean, how did you get him to join the other kids, let alone open a book? You know, Daniel is the most introverted kid I know. He's too shy to even talk to me. He only talks to Adele, and even she can't help to make Daniel be social. And he's kind of scared of books too," his brows are knitted in awe, his lips - his lips - are so plush red.

I feel like a darling. "Not much. I didn't do much. But it's a good thing, right? He seems to be enjoying the books now, and he's friendly."

"You're a darling, Mecky!"

And great-Mary-mother-of-God! Blue leans in and kisses me with such unexpected ardour. I freeze in my stance holding a thong for the salad that the kids will definitely never gonna eat. I feel the pressure of his lips, like he is tasting me with such fervor. It isn't a quick kiss, he's staying, so, I don't know, like ten seconds later, I pull out. Now, I feel sorry for the ceramic vase, it's been broken again for the 10,000th time.

I immediately turn my head to Albert, he is stunned. I turn to Blue again and he looks shy. Oh now, you're shy!?!?

I look around and I knew everybody saw it. The kids start to do their kiddie teases of oooooing, a lot of oooooooing.

Then I don't know what's getting in to me. I wipe the corner of Blue's lips, it has some of my lip gloss. Then, I glance at Albert and I let out small smirk like I am daring him.

Daring him to what? Oh lord! Please enlighten my confused brain.

The night ends rather eventful. We finished the classrooms and it feels like we are good people, the kids I believe had a lot of fun. As I did too. Well, because Blue kissed me for the second time since yesterday, and he turned too romantic for a not-so-boyfriend-yet the rest of the night, and Albert wasn't gonna put up without a fight.

Albert and I went into a dance of tango with the daring looks and the abrupt pauses of our facial expressions and it made me wanting him to want me more, to prove me that if he wants to love me, then he must love me like he means it. Oh, yeah!

I don't understand what's going on with me, I know I'm sort of, pretty much, definitely inlove with Blue, but then, there's Albert who's giving me all that body spasms and aching feel.

Now, it's 9:00pm. It's past RJ's bedtime but he's still here in the living room, cushioned in our mother's love on our massive super soft sofa. I sit in my spot, on a window nook cushion, it's cozy and I feel safe here with the walls in my front and back, the window on my side and only one side open for the rest of the living room.

It's that time of the year again, the month before dad's birthday on 1st September, which also means, my parent's wedding anniversary.

We have a tradition of watching dad's video recorded memories every night this month of August, it was sort of dad's version of vlogging even before it became a thing, and he had tons of them.

My dad loves to record videos probably since the invention of home video camera. This is how RJ gets to know more about our dad, and in a way, experience him. And despite we've seen these videos several times, it always feels like new.

In one of the first videos, dad was following a dog. He was laughing excitedly because the dog stole a shoe. He tried to take the shoe from the dog but the dog would growl.

Then another video is of mom before she had me. Mom was in a coveralls while she was harvesting honey from boxes of beehives, dad was keeping himself in a distance, he's too cool to admit that he's afraid of bees, but we all know for a fact that he is. But mom was chill, scraping off the fresh honeycomb like a pro. Then dad focused the camera on him eating a small block of honeycomb, he looked very young and very handsome with his soft-looking stubble.

Then another video of mom learning to ride a horse, dad was teaching him. Mom was being adorably scared and mad at dad, but dad was being such a sweet charming man. They both are precious and lovely in this video.

And then one that always strikes a cord in my heart was a video of them sitting on a porch. Dad put the camera in a leveled position, probably on top of a chair, unaware that it was on and recording. It captured him sitting beside mom, he was blowing mom's scraped knee. Mom told me later why she was wounded, she clumsily tripped while running after their dog. Dad was coy and a little bit naughty while magically healing mom's wound with his breath. He was obviously captivatingly in love with mom, and he would tease her legs too with several small pecks.

They had a thing were dad raises his point finger up and he would wiggle it like a crawling worm. Mom never told me what it means, but it was their special thing, and I always finds it endearing. Tonight it's about an hour of dad's videos for us.

Not to completely lose myself in the feeling, I open the book that Mr. Severus suggested and see what is so special about it. It's a Theology book, it's either very special or no one really cares.

Skimming through some of the pages, I feel sleepy. But I notice that there are vandals in some of the pages too. I shake my head, how rude is it to vandal such kind of book, so, I check the Library card to see who's borrowed this before. I don't recognise the names and the dates are way before my time in this school.

But one is very familiar of course, Alberto E. Henyo, last borrowed yesterday. I randomly check the back of the card and it only has the rules and regulations for borrowing books written on it. But one caught my attention, an out-of-place number 11 on the rule list written by a pen — 11. Do you want a real adventure? Check page 69.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


