"Oh, Yu Zhong, you are here." XueYa stepped from behind the small screen covering the dining area from view.
Yu Zhong didn't answer as he watched the green tail flick out of sight, disappearing into the bedchamber. He let out a little breath of relief, thanking the gods that XueYa had just missed seeing QingYu shift and slither away in a hurry. The green snake was fast, surprising even Yu Zhong with its agility and speed.
Feng MuLin stood by the screen while XueYa stepped around the table, his brows pulled in a slight frown. His sharp eyes trailed over the area, stopping briefly over the still-steaming tray of food before his gaze settled over Yu Zhong.
XueYa, bby, I don't think its a good idea to ask LiangLin if he wanted to marry u or not.... (o o ;;)