76% One Piece Bounty Wars / Chapter 57: Vacation

章 57: Vacation

The trip from Alabasta to Sabaody would normally have been a day or two for Jack, but with bypassing the sky islands and everything else in between, the trip only took a few hours.

They arrived at the bubble covered island around noon, then went straight for Grove 13, to Shakky's bar. "I wanna get to Secon by tomorrow, so we can spend a few hours here." Jack said, getting everyone's attention as the ship slowly started to descend next to the bar.

"There is a giant amusement park here, so why not let everyone go and have some fun, eh?" Jack added, getting cheers all around.

"Alight then. The girls already know where it is, so I'll let them lead the way, however... Smoker or Luke has got to be there with you, and under no circumstances will you split up from them. I should only be about an hour, then Shakky, Rayleigh and I will meet up with you all."

No one was really surprised at Jack's words, him being the overprotective person that he was, and with Soran and Makino, who had almost zero combat experience, it was all the more understandable.

"Smoker can babysit for awhile. I gotta do a quick check of the island, but I'll have my Haki spread out to the max just to be safe." Luke said, getting a few nods from everyone else.

Jack was okay with it, because unlike most people, Luke's Haki stretched far enough to cover the entire island and then some, most likely due to his Devil Fruit. Jack wasn't ashamed to admit that when it came to Observation Haki, Luke's went a lot further than his, but his was still superior in everything else.

As soon as the ship was a few feet off the ground, everyone jumped off, then Jack stored it away into his inventory, then let everyone rush off to do as they wanted. Seeing them leave, Jack smiled, knowing with everyone there, it would take an extremely large force to take them down, and even then, they could still hang on long enough for him and Luke to make it there, thus he wasn't worried.

As soon as they were out of sight, Jack made his way into the bar, only to hit the floor a the instant the door swung wide enough for him to enter. He had barely managed to dodge the figure of large man flying above him, then rolled to the side, avoiding to bullets that his the floor where he was only a moment ago.

"SHAKKY, IT'S ME!!" Jack shouted, causing the origin of the chaos to come to a halt. "Oh, hey Jack. Sorry about that, just been having a blowout sale." Shakky said, not sounding apologetic in the slightest.

"HAHAHA!! It's been the best entertainment I've had in weeks!!" A cheerful Rayleigh shouted from the bar, drinking a bottle of bourbon that Jack had acquired for him. "Well I'm glad you're having fun and all, but try and not kill me or any of the people I brought with me." Jack said as he walked over and took a seat next to Rayleigh.

"To be fair, I kind of figured it was you. Well, at least someone powerful anyway. It's just, ever since we decided to move, I advertised about my drinks being 25% off, and the business has just been booming. These drinks you gave Ray have been a big hit." Shakky said, causing Rayleigh to spit out his drink and start coughing.

"WHAT?!! You've been selling my drinks?!!" Rayleigh asked, looking more betrayed than Jack could believe. Having the decency to look guilty, Shakky replied "Only the ones you said gave you a weird feeling in your mouth. And a few of those bottles of scotch, and two bottles of the bourbon."

Rayleigh looked as though he was going to burst at any moment, but before he could Jack chimed in, "Don't worry too much about that, I got loads more. Plus, I got this place back home where you can drink as much as you want, and all you have to do is throw people out who try to cause problems."

At Jack's words, Rayleigh looked as though he just found his dream job, if the tears that were forming in his eyes were anything to go by. "HEY! Those are the only enjoyable things about owning a bar, and now you're gonna let that be his job?!!" Shakky asked, looking as though she would fight Rayleigh and Jack for the job.

"It's gonna be your building, so just hire someone to do all the paperwork and then take over that role. As for Rayleigh, I need him to train some people, then whenever he isn't training someone, that's his job." Jack clarified, making Shakky calm down and nod in agreement.

"Whatever! So when do we head out?" Rayleigh asked, wanting to get to his new paradise sooner rather than later. "It'll be about three to four hours. I got some kids with me, and they have never been to an amusement park before, so I decided to give them a few hours of fun. Plus this will give Luke enough time to scout the island, and for me to get you two packed up." Jack answered, getting a nod from Rayleigh.

"That works for me too. My going away party isn't quite finished yet." Shakky said, looking over to three unconscious people in the corner of the bar. Jack also took a glance at the three unconscious people, but instead of commenting on it, he got up and started putting everything that Shakky wasn't trying to sell into his inventory, then he left the old couple to themselves for the next three hours.

Walking out of the bar, Jack started to make his way towards the park at a leisurely pace, taking the alone time to relax himself. Along his walk, he inspected the place and found out that it was doing surprisingly well.

Bandits were on the low side of things, and people looked far happier than the last time he was here. He figured it might have had something to do with the lack of Celestial Dragons coming to visit, them still being stuck in the Holy City, recovering from the torture he had put them through.

Just thinking about the celestial fuckers made Jack smirk, and thoughts of ending every single one of them in the most brutal way possible entered his mind.

He was brought out of his dark musings when someone bumped into him. Looking at the person who bumped into him, Jack saw that it was an extremely tall man, but what caught Jack's eye, was the fact that he knew who this person was. It was Wet-Haired Coribou, an infamous rookie pirate who was at Sabaody Archipelago around the time of the Straw Hat Pirates' reunion after the 2 year time skip.

'I don't know if it's what I did to change the story or if he traveled here before the time-skip, but he clearly already ate the Swamp-Swamp Fruit, turning him into a swap logia user.' Jack thought as he watched Caribou's snake-like tongue come out of his mouth and practically wrap around his head.

"Watch where your going,!!" Coribou said, changing part of his arm to a brown swamp-like thing. "Shut up, you sick twisted little piss-ant!! You walked into me!!" Jack shouted, causing Coribou's smile to go wider to an insane degree, then he called over a tall man with green hair, this being his brother.

From what Jack remembered, both were extremely violent, killed hundreds of people because it gave them great pleasure, and Coribou got off on burring people alive and selling people into slavery.

Instead of letting them do the whole villain monologue thing, Jack devoured both men into darkness, then quickly found their ship. Upon boarding, he slaughtered the entire crew, then went inside and found a few dozen people in cages, mostly women and children.

Bringing a few crates of fruit out of his inventory, Jack pulled the two scumbags out of his darkness, then proceeded to stuff a handful of Sea Stone beads down their throats, and finally gagged them. "You prey on those weaker than you for entertainment, well now you will experience what you've put others through." Jack said as he began to cut them, poke them, gouge out their eyes, and removing their toes and fingers.

He also decided to get creative, and got some syringes of acid and injected it into their blood. What followed was them screaming, squirming, and blood to flow out of every orifice of their bodies. "Hopefully you learned what not to do for the next life." Jack said, then burned them until they were nothing but ash.

After getting the Swamp-Swamp Fruit, all the captured people on board were released, and after finding Luke, they both helped them get back to their homes.

Luke's day was also quite eventful, him having found a few slavers and pirates, hell even some marines were taken out. With the both of them taking people back to their homes, they met up at the amusement park a few hours later, then found Smoker, Tedi and Lucian sitting in a dining area, eating an odd assortment of food.

"Hey guys! How's the park?" Luke asked as him and Jack took a seat at their table. "It's super fun!! We tried a whole bunch of rides, but Smoker ate something bad. I think he has food poisoning, so we decided to just watch the ladies from a distance. They're still having a blast." Tedi said, pointing over to a carnival game where you shoot some little ducks to earn some prizes.

They also noticed Nojiko and Makino had pretty much won almost all the prizes. "That hardly seems fair. They're not giving anyone else a chance to win anything." Luke said, smirking at how they were cleaning house. "That's nothing. They already cleaned out a few places." Lucian said as he pointed to a few bubbles floating in the air above them.

The bubbles on Sabaody could be used to carry things, thus reducing the weight to almost nothing. Looking to where he was pointing, they saw dozens of the large bubbles filled with all kinds of toys, clothes, food, objects, and shoes. "I don't think they're gonna be allowed in here anymore." Luke said, looking back over to the group of girls.

"We're done here anyway. I'll go get them, then we can head out." Jack said, not phased at all about what the girls did. When he told the girls it was time to go, Soran, Selene and Apis looked heart broken, but the stall owner looked at Jack as though he was his savior, thanking him with tears in his eyes.

Getting back to Shakky's, Jack loaded up what was left of the booze, then grabbed everyone else before they shot off towards Secon. "So you're a king?" Soran asked, her question directed at Rayleigh as they soared through the sky.

The roar of laughter that came from Rayleigh pretty much answered her question, but Soran was still curious as to why they called him 'Dark King Rayleigh' which caused her gaze to stay locked onto him.

After finally calming down, Rayleigh replied, "I'm not a king. It's just a title that was bestowed upon me. It's like your brother's. He isn't actually a wraith or anything like that." Hearing his reply, Soran nodded her head in understanding, then went back to drawing a picture.

"So what are you doing in Secon?" Shakky asked, her curiosity coming to light at the unknown. Sitting at the table, Jack moved his gaze from the card game he was playing with Tedi and Lucian to the older woman, then put on a thinking pose.

"Well... to pay a favor I owe Sengoku, then take him and Garp back to East Blue. Although I wanted to travel to a few islands before we head back, maybe go see the sky island again." Jack's words caused Soran to snap her head up, excitement clearly present on her face.

"OH PLEASE?!!! I won't ask for anything again for a whole month!!" Soran begged, hoping to see the place she's been fantasizing about since before she met Jack. "Haha, I figured you would like to see it. Yeah, we can stop there on our way back, make sure they are all doing okay. We can take a bunch of rocks and soil there for them too, help them grow their crops better." Jack said, causing the little girl to practically start doing cartwheels.

"Someone's spoiled!" Nojiko teased, causing Soran to stop her happy parade and stare blankly at Nojiko. "You're the last person that should be saying that!!" Nami shouted, saying what everyone else was thinking.

The ship sailed for less than an hour, at which point they had crossed the Red Line and officially arrived into the New World. Moments after their arrival, the weather went from calm to chaotic in a split second, prompting Jack to stand out on the deck of the ship as he countered the weather around them, acting as an unbreakable shield.

It wasn't until an 2 hours later that the weather finally calmed, and Jack was allowed to take a rest from the long fought battle.

Sitting against the mast, Jack decided he may as well do something for himself while he was here in the New World, thus he got an idea. Calling Luke out onto the deck, Jack said "Luke, I need you to do something." Not having anything better to do at the moment, Luke asked "What is it?"

Taking a moment to double check things over in his head, Jack replied, "Could you go and explore a few places for me?" Jack went into more detail about what he wanted Luke to do, which got a wicked smile in return from Luke. "Oh Boss, this is awesome!! It's about time we start doing something fun!!" Luke exclaimed joyously, fully approving of his task.

"Alright, but just scout it out for now. Remove anyone you think you can without getting caught, but don't take any chances." Jack said, getting a nod from Luke before he shot off into the sky after getting an envelope from Jack.

He waited a few more minutes after Luke departed, then went into the control room and started to boost the speed of the ship, prompting everyone to stay seated and relax to the sound of the music that three little children were playing.

"How come you never got some of these before?" Shakky asked Rayleigh, knowing they had been to the sky islands before. Shrugging his shoulders, Rayleigh replied, "Never thought about it before." Simple, but understandable.

A few hours later and Jack noticed the needle of the Eternal Log Pose to Secon was pointing downwards, meaning they were really close, so he slowed the ship back to it's original speed, then went to inform Nojiko to start descending downwards.

Everyone was more than excited to be out of the skies for awhile, almost rejoicing as they jumped to the docks of Secon. "This is a resort island, right?" Nami asked as they all stared at the city in front of them.

"Yes it is. And before you ask, yes we can spend a few days here to relax. We're already here, we may as well enjoy ourselves." Jack said, pulling out a few million berries and giving each person an allowance of sorts. Rayleigh and Shakky even got a large sum, which Jack considered a small advance on their yearly wage.

Jack saw that everyone was about to run off to do their own thing, but quickly stopped everyone before they could get too far away. "Hold up!! Where do you think you're going?!" Jack said as he shot a glare towards Soran, Selene, Apis and Makino.

"To the resort?" Soran answered, sounding unsure of herself. "What did we talk about? You don't leave my side! If something happens to any of you, you're gonna be stuck back home for the rest of your lives!!" Jack stated, causing three of the four people to get chills down their spines.

"Well?! Hurry up then!!" Makino said, prompting Jack to move his ass. Everyone else smiled, then made their way towards the resort, all as happy as could be.

As everyone walked into the lobby of the resort, they took notice how crowded the place was, which made them wonder if there was even any rooms available to them. "Excuse me, but are there any rooms available?" Jack politely asked the clerk.

The clerk, an average sized man with short gray hair, looked up from a stack of papers, finally took notice of the group, causing his eyes to widen in horror. He instantly recognized Jack for who he was, causing him to start sweating immediately.

'What shitty luck!! First one of the Four Emperors, and now the most famous, and arguably the most dangerous man in the world is here!!' He mentally cursed.

The horrified look didn't go unnoticed by anyone, and they all knew the reason behind his terror, causing most of them to sigh, while others just giggled. "Please sir, we aren't here to cause any problems. We just want a few rooms if you have any available, and if not, we'd like to experience your wonderful resort. You have my word, we won't cause you any problems."

Everyone watched as Jack soothed the clerks mind, and some were shocked at how polite he was being. The clerk thought Jack would just demand what he wanted or else, but he didn't get anything of the sort.

"Selene!! This is what I was talking about when I told you about the Golden Rule!" Soran said, getting everyone's attention. Not noticing that she was center of everyone's gazes, Soran continued, "Treat people the way you wish to be treated, regardless of gender, race, or beliefs, and everyone wins!!" She had been telling Selene and Apis things that Jack had taught her, and now they saw one of his teachings in action.

The clerk having listened to the little girl, actually smiled broadly at that. 'Golden Rule...' He made a mental note to remember those words, but in the meantime, he quickly got his brain back in order.

"Excuse my rudeness, sir!! We do have a few rooms available, but we only have our more expensive rooms free. We had a large influx of patrons over the last few weeks, and it was only recently that most of them had to vacate the premises because they could not pay. However instead of leaving the resort, most of them opted for our cheaper rooms, thus leaving the high end suits free." The clerk explained, sounding more at ease, but still sounded as though he was trying a little too hard.

At the story, Jack thought of something that made his mood drop, and he had to force a smile on his face as he asked, "Excuse me, if you don't mind my asking, how much is the bill that is owed? And would it happen to be charged to a Sengoku?"

The clerk looked a little surprised at the question, but figured it wouldn't matter anyway. "It is indeed Mr. Sengoku, and the bill was $2.4 billion berries a few days ago, but after adding the last few days onto it, it's now at $3.2 billion. Apparently the money is being shipped to him as we speak, so we allowed it given his reputation." The clerk answered as he read from the papers he was looking at when Jack entered the resort.

"I'm sorry, but did you say $3.2 billion berries?" Jack asked, his forced smile disappearing in an instant. "Yes...?" The clerk answered once again, not sure as to why Jack would care about someone else's bill.

"Excuse me. I gotta go say hi to a soon to be dead Buda. Won't be but a minute!" Jack said, looking as though he had gone insane in an instant. Without giving anyone time to react, Jack turned into a shadow and disappeared from the room.


Sengoku POV

Sengoku was relaxing in the hot springs, trying to forget the past few weeks. What was suppose to be his retirement quickly turned into what would have been his slavery contract to pay off his bill, but luckily for him he had the favor of someone who was richer than anyone he had ever met.

Today was one of the only days since his retirement that Garp wasn't with him, having chose to spend his time talking it up with Whitebeard at the harbor. Not wanting to waste such a rare opportunity, Sengoku went to the spa, got a massage, had caviar, tried Champaign but hated it, choosing to go for a fruit juice instead.

He also got a facial, body scrub, tried a few of the items that were provided, and after a thorough pampering, Sengoku was now relaxing in the hot springs. His great mood was crushed however, when a shadow appeared out of nowhere, then reformed into an all too familiar figure.

"Hey Jack." Sengoku said, not even bothering to question anything this man did. "$3.2 billion!! You expect me to pay $3.2 billion berries for a fucking favor?!!" Jack asked, his anger rising, which also caused the temperature of the room to increase dramatically, causing more steam to form.

Without a care in the world, Sengoku waved it off as he answered, "We both know you're super rich, so it shouldn't be too bad. Just remove Garp's bounty and you already got most of it anyway! Yeah, remove his bounty, but don't worry about removing mine, I'm content with it."

Jack's eye was twitching uncontrollably, and all he wanted to do was incinerate the man. "I'll pay it, but it either counts as both favors or you put in a months worth of work for me back in East Blue." Jack stated, not leaving any room for Sengoku to argue with.

"*Sigh* Fine. That's more than fair. I'll take the second option." Sengoku grumbled, choosing to work for a month rather than give up a favor that could change his fate on a dime. "Good. Now before we do anything else, are there people here that are still charging to your tab?" Jack asked coldly, already cracking his knuckles.

Getting an idea as to what Jack was about to do, Sengoku couldn't help but thank the heavens that Jack had killed that Celestial Dragon. "There are." Sengoku answered evilly.

What followed next, was Jack going around to every room belonging to a member of Garp's crew or Whitebeard's and stored them all into his Dark space. The resort got paid, while also getting quite a bit extra to make sure Jack's group was well taken care of, only this time Jack made sure to pay in advance.

Deciding it was best to get a massage before he confronted Garp and Whitebeard, Jack did just that. It wasn't until almost 2 hours later that he was walking towards the harbor with Sengoku, who was particularly happy.

When they got to the docks, Jack could instantly make out the forms of Whitebeard and Garp, who in turn instantly recognized him. Jumping aboard Whitebeard's ship, The Moby Dick, Jack waved his hand and over a hundred people appeared from darkness, who all looked as though they went through a small torture.

"Anyone wishing to stay at the resort from now on, must pay for their own stay. You try to get out of paying, and I'll take you for everything you have, then move to your ships!" Jack declared, then rose up slowly into the air.

Turning to Whitebeard he said, "I apologize for entering your ship uninvited. Please forgive me." Whitebeard only nodded, then signaled it was okay to come back down. "Where the hell were we?!!" One of Whitebeard's crew members shouted, still not understanding what the hell just happened to him.

At the man's scream, a few of Whitebeard's other sons came forward with their weapons drawn, unsure if this was an attack or not. However this was in fact the wrong move to make, because the next instant everyone who had drawn a weapon was on the ground convulsing as volts of lightning coursed through their bodies, while the cause of said volts appeared next to Jack.

Seeing everyone tense up at his entrance, Luke shouted "LET'S START THE PARTY!!"

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

That's right!! Cliff-kun is at it again!! Good night!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C57
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


