29.33% One Piece Bounty Wars / Chapter 22: Cleaning House

章 22: Cleaning House

While Jack and Luke sailed across the open ocean, they spotted a tiny dot off in the distance. "What do you suppose it is?" Luke asked curiously. "I'd wager that it's a pirate ship" Jack said confidently. "Are you sure? Looks more like a marine ship" Luke asked skeptically. "Okay how about this, if it does turn out to be a marine ship, I won't ask to fly the boat for a whole week, but if it is a pirate ship then we get to fly again today. How about it?" Jack asked with a smug look on his face. He knew Luke hated the way they "Flew" and a solid week without having to worry about it was too enticing to pass up. "Deal!!" Luke declared. Inwardly Jack was laughing maniacally because with his Haki, he already knew it was a pirate ship. After another 10 minutes the ship was close enough that Luke could see the ship clearly, causing his face to pale instantly. "You suck!!" Luke said angrily. "Stop being a sore loser. Anway lets go make the world a better place by getting rid of some filth!!" Jack said happily as they got closer to the pirate ship.

When Jack saw the flag of the ship he smirked as he thought, 'The Black Cat Pirates.' "These here are Kuro's men. I say we kill them, loot them of anything of value, then go flying" Jack said with a smile. "*Sigh* Fine" Luke said with an exhausted look on his face. When the pirates got right next to their little ship, Jack grabbed Luke by the back of his shirt and jumped aboard the pirate ship. When they landed, Luke was glaring daggers at Jack as he shouted, "What the fuck?!! I don't need you to carry me like a little kid. I can get up here just fine on my own." Jack wiped an invisible tear from his eye as he said, "They grow up so fast." Luke didn't even bother with his Captains stupid sense of humour, he just pulled out his swords as he eyed the pirates that were staring at him and Jack. "I need to blow off some steam, so which of you little cunts wanna meet your doom first?" Luke asked menacingly. No one on the ship made a move until a man with heart shaped glasses and long grey hair started laughing, which prompted everyone else to start laughing. The laughing was the final push Luke needed to charge right in, which caused the pirates laughter to die immediately as they were cut down one by one. As Luke was cutting down the no names, Jack went right for Jango and the two creepy idiots that were dressed in cat costumes. None of them lasted for even 10 seconds when Jack got close to them. The cat creeps were turned to ash, while Jango was stabbed through the throat. 'I think Jango is worth like $9,000,000 berries. No point is letting that go to waste' Jack thought with a greedy look in his eyes that would put a certain orange haired theif to shame.

The fight or massacre was over in less than 5 minutes, which surprised Jack as he didn't know Luke was actually this strong. "So thats done, now lets go and raid them of anything of value" Jack said with a smile that stretched from ear to ear while he rubbed his hands together. "Greedy bastard" Luke mumbled to himself as he followed Jack below deck. After a few minutes of searching, they managed to get about $900,000 berries worth of stuff which made Jack smile. 'Every bit counts' He thought as he separated in it half. "Okay here's the thing. We can split things evenly or you can give everything to me and when you need something, I either give you whatever it is you want, or however much berries you need at that time. I can storre a lot of shit with my power so we won't need to worry about space. Which do you prefer?" Jack said to Luke. I'll take option two. I don't wanna keep track of shit, plus I am really bad with money" Luke said calmly. Jack just gave a nod then made his way back outside the ship. They jumped to their little boat before Jack stored the big one in his inventory. "What exactly is your power?" Luke curiously asked.

"Well I rule over Darkness. Darkness can be used in many different ways, like creat a pocket space where I have absolute authority. I can also nullify anyone elses power, which is the main reason I chose this Devil Fruit" Jack replied without deceit. "Why would you mainly want it for that?" Luke asked in confusion. "There are some frightening abilities out there, and I'd rather avoid trying to counter them, when I can just get really strong and erase their power. Most people with Devil Fruits rely way too heavily on borrowed power instead of doing both. Atleast in the first half of the Grandeline. In the New World, which is the seconds half of the Grandeline, then you either get strong with power and body, or you die" Jack said matter-of-factly.

As they started to sail again, Jack looked at his map and picked a good spot for their next destination. "Now hang on" Jack said evily as he made his way to the rear of the boat. Luke didn't hesitate and grabbed hold of the mast like his life depended on it, which it actually might. Jack charged up like before and launched them through the skies once more. As the flew Jack looked over and smirked to Luke, who didn't look as scared as he thought. Luke looked down and was in awe of the view, which didn't go unnoticed by Jack. "Admit it!! You Really Like IT!!" Jack shouted happily. Luke didn't bother replying as he knew what would come shorty that would end this view. After another few minutes of flying they started to decend, to which Jack charged up another blast and launched them when they were a few feet above the water. The landing wasn't as bad as the first time, but it could have been better. When Jack and Luke looked around them they noticed they were in the middle of a fleet of pirate ships. "Luke turned to look at Jack as he said, "Oh yeah!! Let's launch ourselves into the sky! Nothing could possibly go wrong!!" Luke finished his words by raising his voice up higher at the end. "Hey this just saved us days of searching them out anyway, so I don't know why you're complaining like a negative little bitch!!" Jack stated back loudly.

While the two men on the little boat were bickering back and fourth, the pirates on all of the ships were staring a them like they were freaks of nature. "Did you see that Don Krieg?!! A pirate said to a tall man next to him that had big sideburns on his head. "I bet it's that ship. We must get it at all costs. Send word to the other ships that I don't want the ship to be damaged in anyway, and to capture anyone on board!" Krieg ordered. Luke and Jack finally stopped shouting at each other and turned their attention back to the pirates around them. "Okay I'll take the 35 ships on the right while you take the 15 on the left!" Jack spoke like they were having a race. "What?!!" Luke shouted angrily. "I'm sorry, I guess I thought you could handle that much, but I guess I can take 45 and you can handle 5 of them" Jack said cheerfully. "Whoever handles the most ships wins, and gets to pick our next destination!!" Luke said, his face burning with rage at being mocked by Jack.

Jack nodded his head, and they both jumped in oposite directions onto pirate ships. Jack didn't use his Deavil Fruit power because he felt that would be cheating and also to give Luke somewhat of a chance. Looking over towards Luke, Jack noticed that the man was like death incarnate with his two swords. Luke ran around at a terrifying speed cleaving heads from shoulders, dodging bullets and redirecting blades from the defending pirates. Luke ended up taking his first ship in a few minutes, which was extremely good compared to how long Jack thought it would take. Jack wasted no time in exterminating all the pirates on the first ship, then jumped to another. Krieg was trying to get his men under control, but there was chaos all around. After losing everyone on over half of his ships, Krieg ordered his men to point the cannons and guns on their own ships where the two monsters were. The pirates knew they would attacking their own allies as well, but they would follow the orders of their captain. All of the remaining ships pointed their cannons at the man who had killed most of their comrades, and on Kriegs command, they fired.

Jack was lost in combat. He was running around pirates, cleaving their heads from their shoulders, and sliding on the deck and taking legs with him. There was a big bastard that was covered with shields all over his body that was acting like he was worth something, but Jack slid between his legs and fired a shot from his pistol right through the mans balls. The big man, or big eunuch I guess, dropped to the ground dead. All of the pirates that were watching were stunned. Some of them even pissed their pants. Jack noticed that there were dozens of cannons pointed at him and Luke, but brushed it off. After seeing Luke in action there was no doubt in Jack's mind that Luke could deflect the cannon balls like Zorro did in the anime. 'Seriously, how the fuck did he do it?!!' Jack shouted in his mind. When the cannons were fired Jack deflected the incoming projectiles towards the sea, while Luke used them to his advantage and sent them towards the other ships. "Don't do that!! Those ships can sell for a lot of money!!" Jack cried out towards Luke. "Seriously?!!! At a time like this, and you are still thinking of money you greedy bastard!!" Luke shouted back in disbelief.

Jack carried on like nothing big had happened and continued cutting them down. A man wearing a grey open jacket with a green shirt under it came running towards Jack holding stick like objects with metal spheres on the end in each hand. Jack jumped into the air while the man got into an attack stance, and when Jack was coming down the man thought there was no way for him to dodge so he swung his weapons with everythng he had, but all he hit was air. Jack had baited the man into attacking, then at the last second he jumped in mid air and did a spin. As he spun around at a blinding speed, he brought his leg down on the mans head, splitting the mans skull open. Jack moved on to another ship, while Luke was doing the same.

Krieg was losing his shit. He was down to only 6 ships left, but the two monsters were killing his men as if they were butchering fish in a barrel and they had shotguns. Soon it was down to just Krieg's Galleon, and both Jack and Luke jumped on board. Jack looked to Luke and smirked before saying, "I could let you take this one and you would still lose. I got 33 ships and you only have 16" Jack's smug look just made Luke want to get stronger all the more. "Just you wait, I'll mop the floor with you next time!!" Luke declared. Jack just laughed at his words before asking, "So who gets to kill sideburns here?" "I think I should get him" Luke said. "How about we play rock paper scissors to see who gets him?" Jack asked like he had a brilliant idea. "How do you play?" Luke asked curiously. After explaing the simple rules, Luke agreed. They played it, and Jack won. "Best 2 out of 3?!!" Luke shouted. "Stop being such a sore loser and just accept that I get to kill him!!" Jack shouted back. Luke just shook his head before walking over to the railing and sat down.

The whole time the two squabbled, Krieg was watching with a stupid expression on his face. 'What the hell is going on?' Krieg thought internally. Krieg was brought out of his thoughts when one of them started walking towards him, while the other went and sat down against the railing. "Are you seriously underestimating me?!!!" Krieg shouted angrily. Jack started to shake his head before replying, "If anything I believe we are overestimating you. If you weren't wearing that fancy armour under your clothes there then I would have let him fight you" Jack said while pointing at Luke. "I am definately overkill for someone like you, but I don't mind as long as I can sell your armour for a decent price." Jack spoke casually. Krieg tried to speak again, but before any words came out of his mouth Jack appeared in front of him with a pistol pointed directly in his face and pulled the trigger. Luke who had been watching everything from the beginning, stood up from where he was sitting and walked over towards the dead Krieg, while saying, "That was very anti-climatic." Jack glanced up to Luke then back to Krieg before saying, "It really was. I thought it would be a lot more exciting than that, but you can't get everything you want. Anyway lets start the fun part and raid the ships!" "Greedy bastard..." Luke mumbled as he started going through the ships with Jack. Jack burned the corpses of everyone, but Krieg and the guy with metal sphere sticks. That guy apparently was worth $12,000,000 berries while Krieg was worth $17,000,000 berries.

Jack stored all of the ships into his inventory then they boarded the little boat. "Alright, because I got to kill Krieg, you can pick where we go next" Jack said with a smile on his face. Luke appeared to be thinking over where he wanted to go then asked, "Do ya know a place with a good bar? I could really go for a drink." Instead of replying, Jack pulled out two bottles of Rum from his inventory and handed one of them to Luke. "There's a little bar in a small village on Dawn Island. The owner sold me a few crates of this stuff for a good deal. No idea where she gets them, but I haven't tasted a better drink than it!" Jack said proudly as he took a large gulp of the red liquid. Luke tilted his head back and downed a mouthful. "You weren't kidding. We gotta go back there before we set out in the Grandeline and stock up!" Luke spoke happily. They just drifted along the ocean for a few hours telling stories about their lives and their training. Jack actually learned that Luke trained in the same village as Zorro did by the same master, but Koushirou was a lot more strict with him than the other students becuase Luke told him he would go out and get rid of the marines and the World Government. When it was almost nightfall Jack set a course back towards Dawn island then they went to sleep. 'Within the next few days the marines should get here, then I can set out' thoughts of destroying the marines filled his mind as Jack drifted off to sleep.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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