Suddenly I recognized him, he has changed a lot since our last meeting, but it was difficult to confuse these curly hair with something. He studied with me in the first year and, it seems, fell into a coma on his birthday. This was discussed at the institute for a long time, trying to find the reason why this happened. Some kind of inspection even came to us and measured something in all the rooms, but after a week of studying the buffet and all the other rooms, she found nothing and left. But this guy was remembered for being very quiet and calm, full and not very sociable. For the whole first course, I exchanged with him a maximum of a couple of dozen phrases, and that is, it was almost always: "Hello" and "Bye." But what was remarkable about him was his view, always calm and seemingly permeating through. When he looked a man in the eye, it seemed that he was evaluating and weighing him, and generally reading like an open book. Not surprisingly, no one wanted to communicate with him, too heavy a look, but I liked him, since when he looked at me, I did not see anything in him that others said. Neither weighing, nor an unpleasant look, piercing through, but only benevolence and slight incomprehensible sadness.
All these thoughts swept in my head in one moment, and then he went upstairs with the help of Dad, who jumped down to help him get up, and immediately began to run around the crowd with his eyes until he found my look. And I realized that I got... His gaze has changed! It has become even tougher and somehow otherworldly, and at the same time fascinating... When he climbed the apron, he approached me and, having exchanged a couple of phrases with him, I heard my brother's scream from behind, turning around, happily jumped on his neck, but when she turned to thank the guy, he was no longer there, and the crowd that arose hid his disappearance.
He quickly got home, not forgetting to buy again in the store, as he felt just a BRUTAL hunger. He took a bite and sat down at the computer, putting the sheets that the dean gave me on the computer table. I read carefully, apparently, I have to work hard, I have an understanding. One pleases that school subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, geometry and so on ended in the first year, and from the second began specialized subjects, information on which can be found on the Internet in huge numbers. So, what do we have? We need to pass fifteen credits... And, accordingly, fifteen exams, as well as four course exams. Not bad, but hopefully my newfound ability to read and process information quickly will help me in this. It is a pity, however, that when I read information so quickly, then I still have to waste time to understand what I read, but I can do nothing somehow.
By the way, about abilities, they show themselves very strangely. Regeneration, as you can see, works constantly, since after that sliding and bruising of the back, I no longer feel unpleasant feelings in it, but on the contrary, I feel fine. But she must be. depends on the energy of my body, since it is different to explain what I wanted to eat so much after that jerk and slowing down time, I cannot. In addition to energy, such acceleration loads the body itself quite strongly, the legs humming after that quite strongly. And in general, the whole body after such a load, but everything passes quickly after I sing. Therefore, the conclusion can be made unambiguous - if I want to be a superman with swings on Wolverine, then it is necessary to eat a lot and, more importantly for me, tasty. In principle, I do not mind, of course, but still, how not to turn off the hoof after such races, if there is nothing to chew nearby... So, you always have to carry with you something calorie and stored for a long time. I think the Snickers and the like are quite suitable. So, further. Supersize, as I called it, also works from energy in the body, however, it feels to consume much less than the same acceleration, or the effect of delayed time is different.
If you concentrate a little and strain my vision, then I can look through the walls and even hear what is happening there, which cannot but please. And night vision is also a simple bonus, a very useful acquisition... It's like everything. And no, also the ability to feel a sparring partner and repeat everything behind him, feeling how to do it correctly. It is also very good, and it is necessary to do this more diligently, since being able to stand up for yourself will always be useful. Yes, and get a couple of black belts, if everything goes well, I think it will not take as long as the rest of the people. Everything, it is decided, tomorrow I will again go to the hall for the whole day and try to squeeze everything possible out of his visit. So, something I was distracted, which, in principle, is unwise, with such steep changes in life and a Damocles sword in the form of forced military service... It's time to study, I decided and selected several subjects from the list, punching information on them in the search engine.
N-yes, there is anything there, but what I need is absent. And I need lectures on the subject I'm studying. After thinking a little, I went to the institute's website and gladly saw on its forum sections on all those disciplines that I needed. Together with attached scanned lectures on them, which some kind soul posted! Delighted with such luck, I downloaded the first file and plunged into reading. So to say, I gave all the lectures on one of the subjects in just twenty minutes of fast scrolling with a wheel of a mouse. I also read articles from textbooks that were recommended for independent study at the end of each lecture. The handwriting was good, it seems, female and even without cuts. After reading one of the lecture courses so quickly, I decided not to stop and read a couple more. Plunged back into reading... i. as a maniac, not distracted by anything but walking on a small need, he sat behind the compo for five hours. And when I finished reading the last concept, according to Business Communication, I realized that I had mastered more than half of what I needed to learn, and that I had so zealously taken up this matter in vain. Since the head began to hurt quite a lot and even dizziness appeared. Without coming up with anything better, I went to the shower, under hot jets, which slightly eased the headache. Looking at himself in the mirror, I saw inflamed eyes with bursting vessels, and realized that it would be time for bayonets. After reaching bed, he immediately fell off and cut off... And I dreamed of a very interesting dream. Woke up because my stomach was banal. After lying for some time with my eyes closed, he tried to remember what I dreamed. Since I felt that in the dream from which the banal hunger pulled me out, there was something important... Focusing, I could remember, only some vague pictures. It seems that I stood at the board and answered something enthusiastically, according to the feeling, it was a teacher. And all, further deaf, no matter how much I tried to remember what else I was doing there, I could not remember anything. Come on, I thought I'd figure it out later.
Quickly standing up and having done morning treatments, he immediately went to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, which began to alarm me to some extent, since the refrigerator was completely empty. Then he decided to climb the shelves above the stove and five minutes later searched all the cabinets and even the balcony, where sometimes some pickles were stored. But this time I was unlucky, it was almost empty. But still the catch was, however, not rich, one pack of pasta and a jar of clot. Quickly putting the water to heat, refreshed the knowledge of cooking pasta, reading the instructions on the package. After all, there are such a huge number of species, and even from different manufacturers, that the period of their preparation can vary, and if you overdrive, what happens is better to throw out immediately, and not try to eat. I got pasta, which I need to throw into boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes and watch on readiness. When the water boiled, he threw pasta there, immediately mixing them, then put a kettle for a seagull, since it's not a matter of smell. And I love tea. I opened a jar of clot, but for some reason there were no spoons for it, there was only a fork. The pasta drain, I was pleased with the result, they turned out well, poured a kettle with a green milk fly and thoughtfully stared at the pasta pan and a jar of clot.
For some time he transferred the look from pasta to clot and back, in indecision he took the jar and briefly thinking poured its contents onto pasta. Having thoroughly mixed all this business with a fork, he poured it onto a flat plate and, drinking with a seagull, quickly ground everything, it turned out surprisingly bad. In parallel with the saturation, I tried to understand what I read yesterday, and I was surprised to understand that I was easily guided by what I read yesterday, and with a little effort I can even verbatim repeat some parts of the notes. In order to avoid a return of headache, which, incidentally, passed after sleep, he began to carefully scroll through each read item in his head separately. Trying to understand all this and spread it in my head on the shelves, which, in principle, turned out, but required close attention from me. So carried away by this matter that I spent a couple of hours at this lesson, but after that I could easily answer any tricky questions about a particular subject that I can only ask at the standings or exam. For some reason, it seemed to me that they would definitely be.
Quickly washing the dishes, I sat down again at the complex and tried to sit down again for study, but something was wrong. No, I read as quickly and even understood something from what I read, but the assimilation of information went with some effort and responded with a slight headache. Realizing that, apparently, a rest for the brains was needed, he began to think about what to do then. Thinking, I decided that if I am a sane to engage in martial arts closely, in particular, aikido, then I need to buy the necessary sports equipment. Since what I went to the first training last time was stretched and even slightly tore after throws. He plunged back into the expanses of the Internet and quickly found a site where kimonos were sold at fairly affordable prices. Climbing the presented assortment, I found a suitable kimono, just for classes. White and dense cloth, just under my height of one hundred and eighty-five centimeters. Having written down the address, he decided not to postpone the matter in a long box and immediately go after it. And then I will go to a day training session, which just began at two in the afternoon, and now it was already twelve hours. Gathered, he left the apartment and calmly went to the metro, cashing money in the ATM along the way. There were only 15,000 on the card... Not enough, but, I think, enough for a kimono and payment for the first month of training in the hall. Mentally, however, I ticked myself that I had to think about where to get money, since I didn't really want to ask my parents for money, but I had already gone for the twentieth year.
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