Michelle: "Alright... I should atleast tell you why I'm here and what I'm planning to do."
\/ *Nick will not be talking much in this chapter since this is when Michelle explains herself. tyfyt* \/
Nick: "Alright, Fire away when ready."
Michelle: "*Inhales...exhales* I am a lituran, (Li-tur-an), and I am here on royal business to make contact with humans and bring a human male back home, atleast for the time being.
Nick: "Wait. Why do you need to take one of us back to your home planet?"
Michelle: "Hush. I was about to tell you. So we can make... peaceful 'relations' *// O ^ O //* with you humans..."
Nick: "...ahuh..."
Michelle:"...and what I'm planning to do is take you with me because we know each other and you're very easy to talk to. :3"
Nick: "Okay, Sooo I have a lot of questions like first off, how long will it take to get to your planet? Is English your native language? And what inhabits your planet?"
Michelle: " Alright, Answer 1, It will not take long at all only like 3 hours in earth time while in hyperdrive, Answer 2, Mostly yes we just changed a few words that sounded ridiculous but you should get it pretty quickly, Answer 3, We are an advanced civilization with a fatal flaw... There are no men on our planet whatsoever, that's why we require a human male that the women on my planet like or they'll kill him on the spot.
Nick: O_0 "*Chokes* "khemm... Excuse me?! THEY WILL KILL ME IF THEY DON'T ACCEPT ME?! That's wayyyyyy too extreme!"
Michelle: "*sighs* Nick calm down okay it's not what you think, alright? What I mean by accepting is that if a human shows up on our planet without the proper clearance then they will be killed, You have nothing to worry about, you'll be treated as a royal guest as long as I'm by your side. ;3 hehe."
Nick: -_- "Fine, but don't scare me like that, it's not cute. *>:l*"
Michelle: "Cute?"