(Death pov)
I could only stand there frozen, the rejection was completely unexpected, and I had felt torn from it, nobody had rejected me like that before, I am death, I am unrivaled by beauty, no one could resist, even a being of his standards, I have waited this long for him to come to me as my love and now that he is the strongest being in the universe, besides my siblings and me, he is able, but he says no.
"I can't say that I love you, I don't, at least not yet," he said with a small frown.
I froze "But... you have that look in your eyes when you have seen me, you say you don't. But I can tell you do."
He shook his head.
"Lady, that was lust, not love," he replied, "I can't say I love you because I don't know you."
(Flashback End)
That statement somehow only makes her love for him even stronger.
No! is not going to end like this, of he doesn't accept my love than I would make him! and I will prove to him that I really do love him! And he will accept me!.
Her eyes glowed dangerously before death disappeared
(My pov)
Once I had reappeared inside of my house I sighed, and powered down, well, tried to at least, I couldn't, Once I realized that my arms were still glowing that otherworldly glow, I started to panic, I did it again. and again and again, still, nothing happened.
"Power down!"
"Return to normal!"
Many different statements I have tried, My panicking has only increased.
'This is wrong,' I thought to panic "something is seriously wrong, I can't turn it off!"
I started to do many hand motions, nothing was working,
Ok This is obviously not getting me anywhere, let's see if I can meditate and calm my self and find the problem,
I felt my power level drop down tremendously and I smiled, ah there it goes.
I opened my eyes only to see my hands still glowing that otherworldly glow.
I started to panic I stared at, no, No! NO!
"This is bad this is very, very bad, My God form isn't turning off This means I am stuck.
off Off! OFF!
I stomped the ground causing a mini crater to form under my feet, it wasn't even, I barely put any pressure into it.
I groaned as I slumped, after a minute or two, I took a deep breath and got back up.
Ok, panicking, nor complaining is not going to get me anywhere.
I will figure this out later, it will not cause any deaths to me since I am immortal.
I have never been so happy to have made that wish.
Haha another chapter done, Have a good day good luck and stay safe