100% The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED} / Chapter 19: Ch 19: Good morning.

章 19: Ch 19: Good morning.

[AN: around 1400 words. Sorry for the delay but I had tests and was busy so I couldn't find time to write. Also please do read the author's note at the end. Thanks for reading.]

I woke up as the sun shone through my window. I was feeling more tired than usual as I got up. Considering what I did last night, that was to be expected.

Toga was still asleep with her signature grin still on her face. Last night was fun and Toga was much better than I expected.

I cover her petite body with a blanket and get dressed as I make my way to my kitchen to have my daily dose of coffee. Waiting for the milk to boil, my thoughts wander as I think of Toga's heartfelt confession.

I believe that I have completely subdued her will now, she says she 'loves' me but what she doesn't know is that its because I made her so. I have warped her personality and molded her to my tastes and now even if I tell her that I brainwashed her, she will still love me. Her 'love' towards me is not something that can ever be erased and you could even say that it is a part of her personality.

The closest comparison to this would probably be Momonga rewriting Albedo's code in Overlord.

Toga was an experiment to test new applications of my power and the potency of my blood. After running a few tests, I learned that my blood when ingested into someone makes them more susceptible to my commands and in the long run enables me to mold them like Toga and gain a 'zealous' 'believer'.

Now this method is inefficient for widescale use as my ability is more than enough to get people under my thrall but I found a good use for it, that is to deal with the 'strong willed' characters. After seeing knuckeduster actually resist my control, I felt insecure once again after a long time.

It showed me that my control is not absolute....yet but it also opened new doors for me. I had to come up with something to deal with these 'strong willed' characters as I would never be sure if the person was under my control or not and I would rather not learn that fact the hard way like Kilgrave who had his neck snapped, while there were other factors involved for Jessica resisting, one could never be too cautious and anything could happen as I was in a world full of superpowers….

And so the current best way to deal with the strong willed ones is to change or rewrite their personality completely. By injecting my blood into them regularly and then brainwashing them should do the trick but I must once again show caution as they might even develop resistance if they have a healing factor. In fact, it is one of the reasons that I have not attacked Chisaki.

Still there are more factors that need to be taken into consideration like blood type so this puts more restrictions, Himiko was able to take my blood as her quirk let her do so but others…...I am not too sure about.

Well, there goes my plan of sedating Knuckleduster…...Wait…..not all hope is lost yet. Now that I think about it, it's not completely my 'blood' that had an effect on Toga but its more of the virus present in me that affects my thralls.

My virus enter them and my ability is always active, I just have to command them in a….well, commanding tone.

As I am discovering more new applications of my ability, I am also seeing the limits that it has. The ability is not as perfect as I hoped. My ability is good for a surprise attack and as long as I am prepared and word my commands properly, the chances of success is high but once my ability is known, then it can be countered quite easily.

It's a good thing I am hidden right now and I will stay like that till I am absolutely sure that I can crush everyone as easily as I can speak. Still I can't remain complacent and have to find more ways to improve and further better my ability and the safest place to do that would be the I-Island.

It has the best scientists from all over the world researching various fields among which quirk is one of them. And while my ability is not a quirk, I am sure that with how much technology has advanced, they can make my ability stronger. Maybe they can make me emit more virus, make its potency stronger or even make it stay inside my thrall permanently, I don't know and soon I will find out when I go there but for now, I must focus on the task at hand which is.....making coffee.

I prepare it soon enough and being the generous, kind,loving and other flowery termed man I am, I make enough for two cups, one for me and one for Toga. Do I know if Toga drinks coffee or can even drink it? I don't and frankly I don't care either but one thing I am sure is just the fact that I made it for 'her', she will be happy. Pleasing a person is easy when all they want is to please you.

I am pouring coffee into the cups and getting ready to wake Toga when she walks out of the room, her blonde hair is messy and she still seems sleepy if her sluggish way of walking is any indication. She is wearing nothing except a shirt of mine which I had left her. The shirt covers her till her hips but still leaves much for imagination.

"Good morning, Akira-kun"she greets as she nears me.

Beaming a smile at her, "Morning Toga-chan, did you have a good sleep." I say as I walk over to her with two cups.

"Mhm...I am still sore from what we did…..last night"She replies as her face turns red.

"Well then, go get washed up and have this coffee that I made for you."

"For me..thanks Akira-kun."

She walks away to the bathroom giving me a view of her ass as she does so. I start preparing for my day when I get a call on my phone. Picking it up I see that it was from the head of the assassin clan that I had 'imported' from China.


"Hello Master, our task went according to plan and we captured the pro hero Midnight. Are you pleased Master?"

Ah...now that was good news indeed, turns out the morning today was really good.

"Good job….agent.."I try remembering her name but can't seem to recall it.

"Thank you Master, I am most honoured to hear your praise although I am only doing my duty."she says and it isn't hard to notice that she is very happy now even though she is trying hard to pretend she is not. Such a tsundere...don't worry I will make an effort to remember your name.

"Still you did a good job and good jobs don't go unrewarded, tell me what do you need?"

"M-Master...there is really no need for a reward for my lowly self but if you insist then perhaps I can get your permission to go to the amusement park….."

This girl…..she wants to be girly but her status as an assassin doesn't allow her.

"That's quite a small request there but it will be fulfilled, in fact I can accompany you if you would like it."

"A--amusement park with M-master..of course Master, you can come with me…."

"It's settled then...you pick the date and for now, keep our guest company, I will come have a chat with them…" I hang up the call.

Cute girl she seems but you know what's better, Midnight and now she will be mine. It seems all went according to plan.

She will serve to be a useful tool to monitor the hero side.


[Author- A short chapter where nothing much happens but I wanted to show Mc's thought process a bit more so…..here you go.

Also I have decided to write the Warlock of Magus world fic ...as well as the slice of life one. I need some suggestions on how to start the WMW fic or better yet, the first world and as for the slice of life one, it will probably take a while as I have to rewatch all the anime and do research.

Now for the Leylin fic, I am thinking that he will visit some relatively powered worlds before going to the main one which is LOTM where I have many things planned.

I want your suggestions on which worlds he should 'visit'. I am kinda thinking dxd but I stopped watching it long ago and I only read its fanfics so...you tell me.

Anyway thanks for reading. Please do consider leaving some reviews and votes to make me happy.

Leave your thoughts in the comment section and I will most likely reply as I love interacting with you all. See you next chapter.]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


