81.37% Star Wars: The Holy Empire / Chapter 78: Chapter 74: Future of the Death Knights

章 78: Chapter 74: Future of the Death Knights

"GOOD!" I yelled out "I promise you this. I will give you the honor and glory you so deserve. I will give you the battles and strength you so desire! This I promise!"

"MANDALORE! MANDALORE! MANDALORE! MANDALORE!" cheered the Mandalorians as they raise their fists into the air.

I used my hands to motion the crowd to quiet down. Soon the Mandalorians quieted down, and were staring at me with respect.

"I know that there will be those who will not accept me as Mandalore, just because they see me as an outsider just like that Mandalorian before." I said "If you don't like the idea of me being Mandalore, you may challenge me to a duel. If I lose, I won't be Mandalore and I will leave forever but if you lose, you will have no choice but to accept me as your new Mandalore. Now, are there any challengers?"

No one stepped forward

"No challengers, then. Good, so you accept me as your Mandalore" I said "Now, you may go back and continue with your daily lives. In due time, I will call you to fight in wars that have never been seen before."

I stepped back and turned to Pre Vizsla.

"Take me the Command Center of the hideout." I said to Pre Vizsla "We need to discuss the future of our organization."

"Follow me." said Pre Vizsla who led me off the stage.

In the distance, there was a group of curved-roofed mining buildings.

Soon, we arrived and entered the group of mining buildings. Inside I could see holocharts, holographic communication stations and other high tech technology used for mining.

Pre Vizsla led me into the center of the buildings which was converted into a Command Center with a holomap device in the middle of the room surround by a few metal chairs.

I sat down at the biggest and comfiest chair which was obviously meant for the leader. I started looking at the holomap, and was thinking.

Pre Vizsla then sat down in the chair next to me on my left side.

"Mandalore, are you sure you don't want to train and use some Mandalorians as assassins?" said Pre Vizsla "Trained in the right way, some Mandalorian Assassins will be very useful for your future Empire."

"There is no need. A Mandalorian Assassin might be skilled but they would never be as excellent as the Assassin that I have at my side already." I said "Also I have won the hearts of most of the Mandalorians here by promising to give them honor, and turning them into assassins will be going against their honor, since a lot of people find assassinations to be dishonorable. I will never betray the promises that I make to my people."

"Only one assassin? You will need more than one if you want to build an empire and defeat your enemies and who is this assassin?" asked Pre Vizsla

"His name is HK-47, he is the best assassin droid that was ever built but he has a personality chip flaw but his skills make up for that little flaw. Plus his mission success rate is pretty good at 99%" I said "Also don't worry about the number of assassins I have at the moment since I will have more built in the future."

"So you plan on only using Assassin Droids to commit your assassinations then?" asked Pre Vizsla

"Yes, I will only use Assassin Droids for my Shadow Reapers." I said

"Shadow Reapers?" said Pre Vizsla "Is that going to be the name for your assassin group of Assassin Droids?"

"Yes, they will be the ones who reap the lives of my enemies from the shadows and then they will disappear into the shadows, leaving no trace behind." I said

"Why are you so set on using Assassin Droids?" asked Pre Vizsla "I still believe a Mandalorian Assassin would be much better than a droid, sure droids can be logical and tactical but a Mandalorian Assassin can also be the same and unlike droids, a Mandalorian can adjust to changes in dangerous situations."

"Do you want me to break my promise to my people!!" I said angrily while slamming my fist on my armrest. "Don't bring this up again unless you want me to get angry."

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "I just wanted to give my opinion on this matter."

"I don't mind you giving me your opinions and advice but when I give my word to my people, my word is my bond, and my bond is as strong as Beskar steel, so that bond will never break." I said "Do you understand? I don't like the thought of you asking me to break the bond I just created with my Mandalorian people."

"I understand." said Pre Vizlsa "I won't bring this up again."

"Also you don't have to worry to much since my future HK-series Assassin Droids can easily adjust to changes in any kind of dangerous situation." I said "The HK-series Assassin Droids are the best Assassin Droids that were ever built."

"Why have I never heard of this HK-series before?" asked Pre Vizsla while thinking

"Because the technology to produce them was lost through time but I know where to find this lost technology, and the last remaining HK Assassin Droid that is active is my HK-47" I said "Now enough about my assassins, we need to discuss the future of the Death Knights."

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "What do you think we should do?"

"First off, I know you have been mining Beskar from these mines so you should mainly focus on mining as much Beskar as you can." I said "I want to be able to equipment all of our Mandalorian Knights with Beskar armor as soon as possible."

"Of course, with Beskar armor we Mandalorians will become an unstoppable force." said Pre Vizsla

"Also I want to you have a Mandalorian Armorer imbed some beskar in my armor for me while they fix my armor" I said while looking at my damaged armor with shrapnel in it and a bunch of scratch and dents. "Make sure the beskar doesn't affect the mobility and flexibility of my movements."

"Yes, I can have it done by tomorrow morning." said Pre Vizsla

I then started to take off my torso armor and placed it on top of the holocommunicator in the middle of the room. I then took off my armored gloves and armor wrist guards and placed them next to my torso armor.

Finally, I took off my mask and turned it around to look at it. It was full of scratches and one big and long gash down the right side of the mask. There were even cobweb of cracks in the visor

'Good thing, my visor did break and got it my eye then I would of died.' I thought

"A KID!!" cried out Pre Vizsla

"I am no kid." I said "I am 16."

"I can't believe it." said Pre Vizsla who was holding his head with one of his hand. "I can't believe I was defeated by someone nearly half my age."

"Just think, I am half your age now and I was able to defeat you." I said "Imagine how powerful I will I become once I am as old as you."

"You are right, you were able to defeat me at such a young age, and once you become my age you will probably be the strongest person in the Galaxy, and no one will be able to kill you unless they send a battalion of soldiers to kill you." said Pre Vizsla who realized what I was saying.

"Now, my next order of business is that we need to recruit more Mandalorians to our Organization" I said "So, you need to focus on mining Beskar and recruit more people to our group. Only focus on these two things ok."

After I was done talking, my holocommunicator started beeping.

I unhooked the holocommunicator from my belt and press the answer button.

Appearing was a hologram of B1-AC-130.

"Greetings, Holy Emperor." said B1-AC-130 "I have arrived with Lucrehulk 1."

"Good, have you stayed hidden?" I asked

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "We have arrived and weren't detected by any scanners. I had the Lucrehulk 1 stationed nearby the Concordia moon but far enough not to be detected by anyone, your Holiness."

"Good, send down a transport shuttle with the supplies and equipment I asked for to my location." I command

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "I will have the supplies sent down as soon as possible."

I press the button on the holocommunicator and the hologram disappear and I hook it back onto my belt.

"A Battle Droid?" said Pre Vizsla "Please, don't tell me that is one of your armies is made out of those pieces of junk B1s."

"Trust me, the B1s that I have are no ordinary B1s." I said

"How are they different from any other piece of junk battle droid?" asked Pre Vizsla

"Simple, I have upgraded their software and their intelligence so they are no longer stupid, and now they have autonomous thinking as well. With their improved intelligence their combat skills will improve the more battles they survive and the more training they have." I said "Also I upgraded their targeting software, with their new targeting software, their accuracy rate has increase to almost 90%."

"That is impressive that you were able to do that." said Pre Vizsla "But I still think that B1 Battle Droids are useless. How many B1 Battle Droids do you have?"

"Right now, my Holy Droid Army consist of 300 C-9979 landing crafts, 9000 Vulture Droid Starfighters, 9000 Trade Federation troop carriers, 3300 Multi-Transports, 37,500 Armored Assault Tanks, 1,974,,000 B1 Battle Droids and 300 Droidekas." I said "It's only a small army right now, but I plan on acquiring more in the future."

"Holy shit, you call that a small army." said Pre Vizsla "With that army, I could easily conquer Mandalore back from Duchess Satine."

"It is small. Too small." I said "I need bigger armies, big enough for me to conquer this galaxy and save it from the Unknown."

"Save it from the Unknown?" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, space is a big place, and their are many different kinds of alien species out there especially in the Unknown Regions and beyond those regions." I said "You many think the Jedi are your greatest enemies but they are not, they will become our future allies in the future against the greater threats, a greater enemy that the Galaxy needs to fight against."

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