Burnice and March exchanged glances as they slowly backed away from Kat. They'd come out of that interaction rather poorly. Nell was down, Kat managed to catch the ball, and they missed their own shot at Kat. Things were looking rather bleak for the duo, but they weren't ready to give up just yet.
On Kat's side of things, it felt like it was already over. She hadn't pulled out any of her ruder tricks and two people just didn't seem that scary anymore. *I wonder if Thyme actually turned this thing on properly. I can feel it limiting me… but nowhere near as much as last time. Wait. Does Thyme know I'm Rank 3 now? Surely they can tell… right? But it's been so smooth… hmm…*
"Thyme, just to check, this armband is calibrated for me at Rank 3 right?" asked Kat.
Before Thyme could answer, Stan shouted out, "You're RANK 3!"
Title names should be back to normal tomorrow. Just wanted to continue the joke through the dodgeball section.