1.35% D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Mental Breakdowns don’t really help anyone

章 24: Chapter 24 Mental Breakdowns don’t really help anyone

Kat quickly followed after managing to catch up without much issue."So do you know your way through these tunnels Shizuka?" asked Kat

"Sort of, these tunnels have a special enchantment in them that confuses those who are not of my bloodline and aids those who are. I do roughly remember the correct direction but I am relying mostly on the enchantments guiding hand" said Shizuka

"Wait if that's the case how did I managed to navigate the tunnel before when I was going to your room" said Kat

"The enchantment doesn't work on demons, it neither helps nor hinders because when the original was made my grandfather had no blood on hand to calibrate the formation. Though from what I know of demons most of you are distinct enough that we'd need a host of samples and it just wasn't feasible at the time, my many greats grandfather was no demon summoner, that's a path my mother chartered mostly by herself" said Shizuka

"I see, so, do you know how long we will be running through these tunnels? Not that I mind really but I doubt either of us can run forever" said Kat

"Indeed, sadly this is a rather long series of tunnels, it will take us at least six hours to navigate. I suspect there is a more efficient route, but the aiding enchantments aren't perfect, they will get you to your destination, just not in the fastest way possible most of the time and I'm afraid they are simply too useful for it to be worth preparing an additional path through this labyrinth" said Shizuka

"Ok, do you plan on taking any breaks along the way? Are there good resting spots?" asked Kat

"No not really, the tunnels weren't designed for casual use. The shorter routes don't need them, and the longer ones are intended for when we really need to get away from something like now. We can stop if you feel tired but with my three tailed physique six hours should be more than manageable if I burn some mana to empower them along the way" said Shizuka

"Ok" replied Kat

And so the two marched on, through an endless maze of bricked walls and lightless tunnels. Kat started to really get into the pace of things and use the chance to zone out and focus on her body.

*This is so strange, I haven't really gotten to use my wings yet but they already feel very comfortable to have around, and it seems that I was right, having them folded against my back doesn't screw my balance because it seems to be a normal way to store them. I do feel the urge to stretch them out occasionally but it's mostly fine. It also seems like my muscles are a lot more efficient then before I'm not sure if my top speed is actually much better outside of my posing shenanigans but endurance wise, they are much improved, we've been running for at least a few hours. *

It was at that moment Kat noticed the walls had changed, the walls were now completely smooth, and looked more naturally formed then the walls that came before them. This prompted Kat to remember that it had also been some time since the last turn or intersection."Hey Shizuka, how good is your night vision" asked Kat

"Honestly rather poor unless I dump excessive amounts of mana into it" replied Shizuka

"Well, the walls are smooth now, are we going the right way?" asked Kat.

At this Shizuka immediately halted her advance and Kat found it shockingly easy to stop in place behind her with a bit of help from her wings. Shizuka slowly walked over to the wall and begun to feel the smooth stone. Shizuka began to tremble slightly as her hands covered more and more of the wall before she raised on up creating an ice cube with a small light inside. Shizuka stared at the wall with disguised panic, that Kat didn't miss with her perfect dark vision.

"We might have a problem" said Shizuka

"Please elaborate, what might that problem be?" said Kat

"Well, the walls shouldn't be like this, in fact I didn't even know the tunnels had smooth walls in any section let alone on the route we were supposed to be on" said Shizuka

"So what does that actually mean Shizuka, I'm just following you" said Kat.

Trembling slightly Shizuka replied "It means one of three things, I think, and I sincerely hope none of them are true"

"Well, spit it out Shizuka, I'm not going to bite your head of for a mistake" said Kat

"Well, it's not quite that. At least one of these scenarios is completely unacceptable to me, but I'm forced to consider nonetheless" said Shizuka

"Stop dancing around the issue. We can deal with them whatever they are" said Kat

"Easy for you to say, you don't even know what the problems are, how can you say that" said Shizuka.

Kat remained extremely calm. *Do I need to use my calm aura on her, she's clearly freaking out a lot here and we need to get moving at some point. We can't just stay in the tunnels. I'll tell her first.* "Shizuka I'm going to project my aura onto you, you need to calm down"

"No, I'm fine I don't-" Shizuka was interrupted by the calming presence that washed over her. Turning her back to the wall she slid down landing softly on her backside.

"I did need that. I'm sorry Kat, that was very unqueenly behaviour from me. The possibility, the fear of those options was a bit too much. So I suppose I should explain. The first option is that your presence somehow messes with the enchantment. It can't figure out if you're a friend or foe and so it's trying to lead us in a roundabout way so that I can lose you somehow. Honestly, I doubt that's the case, but it's the one I most want to believe.

"Secondly, the enchantments could be breaking, they have come somewhat unravelled and don't work correctly anymore leading us astray to be lost forever in these tunnels. And finally, that I am not my mother's daughter. Last time I tested the route she came with me, and the caves clearly recognised her, she always knew where to go but I only ever had a vague sense of direction and maybe, maybe they think I'm the intruder" said Shizuka

"Shizuka that third possibility might be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard" said Kat"What would you know, my mother is a wonderful Queen and despite my best efforts I seem only to have talent in magic, the affairs of state constantly escape me, I'm forever walking in my mothers shadow" said Shizuka rambling away

"Shizuka, have you ever looked in the mirror? I'm not sure what you think, but I have never seen a mother daughter pair that share their looks so completely. Plus your mother isn't an idiot, why would she let you use these tunnels if she knew you weren't her daughter. This is nonsense." said Kat increasing the power of her calming aura slightly.

Shizuka started cackling against the wall, tears leaking from her eyes. "Can it really be that simple Kat, I always feel so different from her, and I've never met my father… but what do you mean we look similar?" said Shizuka. Kat just looked at Shizuka like she really had gone crazy.

"Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You have the same hair, the same face, same build. So much of you is the same it's easier to comment on what's different the only thing distinguishing you from your mother is age and that scar you have, on your left cheek"

"What are you talking about Kat, I have red hair, and certainly no scar" said Shizuka

Kat walked slowly towards Shizuka as she sat on the ground, reaching out towards her face she traced the lines of Shizuka's scar "It's right here, what are you talking about" said Kat. It was at that moment Shizuka screamed. Kat leapt away from the girl and watched as she started to glow. Shizuka had her hand shakily reaching up to her face as the light got brighter and brighter before it traced the path of Kat's fingers.

"I ha, have a scar…" said Shizuka haltingly before she snapped her head around to Kat and whispered softly "I remember" before promptly collapsing to the side falling limp and unconscious.

*Ok Shizuka when you wake up I have some serious questions for you.* Thought Kat as she lifted Shizuka over her shoulder. *Hmm, this is rather difficult with her tails and my wings.*

Moving Shizuka to the front and into a princess carry and resumed walking straight ahead. *I don't want to be trapped in these damn tunnels any longer than I have to be. Haven't even run into anyone else and already weird shit is starting to happen.* Sighing Kat continued on into the darkness, wondering how Shizuka could possibly have missed the family resemblance or what she meant about red hair.


Meanwhile, back on Earth, Sunday 9:00 am day 2 of Kat's disappearance

The same individuals were present. Gramps scanned the room over stacks of papers that seemed to double since yesterday while the witness in his suit and tie sat in the corner now covered in a blanket with a spiral design on it. It seemed to lull the onlooking into a calm state of mind and help them relax. Sylvie and Vivian were sitting opposite a chess board readying the pieces for their first match.

Two hours past, Vivian was in check and things were looking bleak when their game was interrupted by Gramps voice "So, is there any news regarding Kat's whereabouts" "Actually there is, turns out her aunts cousins third daughters stepmothers niece's childhood friend is from a long lost line of professional yodellers and Kat happens to be particularly well suited to the profession. As such she was dragged off into the mountains to complete a training course without much say in the matter. Oh and there should be no cell reception because they are so far away from everything" said Vivian"Right, well… if there was no cell phone reception how did Kat get this message to you? You informed me that you had no idea where Kat was yesterday" said Gramps"Her message was delivered by carrier pigeon" said Sylvie. Gramps just shrugged and went back to his paperwork as the witness continued snoring."Checkmate" said Sylvie.

章 25: Chapter 25 The Dead(?) Twin

Kat jogged forward with Shizuka in her arms hardly noticing the increased weight when after about 30 minutes of running a coppery red started to bleed into Shizuka's fur. *Um, is this a good thing? Shizuka seemed to think she had red hair, but she was also concerned she looked nothing like her mother… Is this an improvement or not?* Kat sighed as she jogged.

*Honestly when I promised to protect Shizuka I didn't think I'd need to protect her from herself. Or maybe I'm the one going crazy… I wonder how the contract factors into that, like if someone tries to compel me to hurt her. No matter just keep running Kat, you can get your answers once she wakes up.*

And so Kat continued her jogging unaware of the passage of time until her passenger stirred in her hands. Carefully placing her off to the side Kat watched as Shizuka slowly woke herself up when suddenly Shizuka's eyes snapped open and she stood up.

"Finally, I'm no longer trapped in her head" shouted Shizuka? with her hands on her hips staring at the ceiling.

"Um, what are you talking about?" asked Kat. Shizuka?'s eyes flashed to Kat before she let out a long sigh.

"It's complicated Kat, really complicated" said Shizuka?

"Soo, are you the same person or not? And am I supposed to be protecting you or is this a problem" said Kat somewhat confused

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, I am Shizuka and she is Shizuka but we are not the same person, or maybe we are? I'm not sure anymore, this wasn't supposed to happen, and it really screwed with her head. Hmmm, ok for simplicity let's call the other one Major and myself Minor, that sounds fun and will help you understand things as I explain them" said Minor

Kat simply watched Minor expectantly.

"Right, right, further explanation. Ok so I died, or maybe she did? Hmm let's start from the beginning. Originally there were two of us, twins, mum had two daughters Shizuru and Haruka. I was one of the two, um I think I was Haruka, I'm not quite sure it's hard to explain.

"Anyway that's not the point. There were two of us until we were attacked, assassins were sent to the palace with orders to kill my sister and me. At the time we shared a room, so they only had one place to sneak into. I'm not quite sure how the snuck in even to this day but clearly something went wrong and my grandmother burst into the room before they could finish us off, so they just used their mana to combust themselves on the spot. The explosion nocked me, or Haruka out and pretty much killed Shizuru" said Minor

"Right, but that doesn't explain" Kat gestured vaguely in Minor's direction "this whole thing"

Laughing Minor continued "Right, so well, sorry I get a bit scatterbrained, it's really hard to hold my thoughts together now that they are so much more free. Sidetracking right never mind. So my Grandmother was already there and she quickly picked us both up and rushed us somewhere deep in the castle and began to set up a strange formation. I woke up, or Haruka did, still complicated, and I mean I am getting there, it's just… right so Haruka woke up and Grandmother explained that she could save us, one of us, and I, I think, decided to save my sister. It was explained that everything that I was would be used in the formula to heal Shizuru's body and soul and that I'd die, but the choice had to be made willing or we'd both die instead"

"Anyway something went wrong, Major, or Shizuru, maybe I think… woke up but she knew something was wrong, she could feel Haruka dying and decided to try and keep me around. Well…. That didn't work quite as well as one might hope, when Shizuru decided to hang on to both of us, we sort of combined a bit but we also split? It's really hard to understand Kat. Anyway, Major seemed to get the biggest parts of both our personalities, sadly I was a bundle of worry and insecurities so Major got most of those, and I seemed to be scraped together from what's left" said Minor. Kat stared at Minor unsure of what to say, mind reeling with the implications of the story.

*What am I even supposed to think about that. What the hell am I supposed to do? Anything? Nothing?*

"What happens now?" said Kat

"Well I didn't quite finish my story Kat, see Major had a few problems, well more than a few problems. Because she took so much of myself with her I was very tiny at the start, hardly a fragment of what once was, and so I couldn't do much at the time, that came later. Major on the other hand was freaking out because she felt like she was responsible for her sisters death, but also that she was dead, and then she had all of Haruka's petty childhood insecurities suddenly thrust upon her and she snapped a little. Just a wee bit.

"Anyway one of the major sticking points causing these issues was my insecurity regarding the fact that I didn't think mum was my mum you know? I looked so different and she always seemed so much cooler than me. Silly in hindsight but it was my deepest rooted fear that all others stemmed from but obviously Shizuru actually looked exactly like her, so one of the major things that was breaking her mind was that inconsistency, so Grandma placed a really powerful illusion on her to make her appear to be me. Plus somehow, we decided to take both names, because using one or the other felt so fundamentally wrong because neither of them were her names" said Minor.

"Right, but your hair appears to be red again now? I thought you said that was an illusion" said Kat

"Well, my hair, Minor's and Haruka's is red, when Major is in control it will go back to being blue. I guess you have true sight or something because nobody else noticed" said Minor

Kat felt a powerful headache coming on pressing against her skull. "So what am I supposed to do in this situation?" said Kat

"Well good question dear, Major's not dead, you've just taking a sledge hammer to the little box she keeps all the nasty memories in when you told her that she looks like her mother. Honestly, I'm just as stumped as you are in regard to what we should do. Honestly, I don't really want to be in charge. It's weird. I mean sure being in control is kinda nice but I really hope this means she will talk to me and besides, Kitsune have a pretty simple cloning technique we can learn off Grandmother and that should let us have a proper conversation, until then I'm really not sure…

I also don't know how long I'll be in control for. See I call her Major for a reason, this is still her body not mine, just at the moment she's in a few too many pieces so I'm the more put together one at the moment, I expect that to end somewhat eventually… hopefully" said Minor

"Right… soo should I tell Major about what's going on when she wakes up? Will you still be around?" asked Kat

"Um, hmm, well depends? I mean, in the ideal scenario when she wakes up Major will be in control, but she can still hear me. If that isn't the case then I don't know if it's best to tell her or not, our minds are already really fragile as they are and I'm not sure if taking another hammer to Major's would be ideal, especially considering the stress she's been under" said Minor

"Ok. What do we do now?" asked Kat

"Well, in the long term we continue on to meet Grandmother, we need her for a few things now, sanctuary from the Beast King, the cloning technique and maybe a little bit to stop our combined minds falling apart rendering us comatose and unable to think. But I mean no rush" said Minor

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