51.11% TerraCore / Chapter 23: Chapter 22

章 23: Chapter 22





Waking up in my slumber I again found myself in a somewhat familiar place.


Just beside in the bed in where I'm sleeping, was Isaac looking smug for some reason. Seeing his smug look kind of weirds me out, I wonder what happened to make him look so happy.

"Hello to you as well..."

"Well, now quite the long face. Does my smile not suit your taste?"

"...What the hell are talking about?"

"I've heard that most patients tend to be well off, when they see their doctor's smile. So, I was testing it to you"

"Right... I suggest you quit it. You're looking more like you're belittling me"

"Hahaha... I guess that was a failure. So, how are you? You feel anything bad from your body"

"Not much... I'm just tired"

"I see, that's very fortunate. I can't have you dying now, before I fully analyze your capabilities"

"Right... I guess I'll have to thank you for treating me. With that said I can't help but feel that me being here than normal, might affect my financial side"

"No need to problem yourself with that. Most of the time when you're here, it tends to be with you collapsing, and not by having any serious injuries that need treatments"

"I see... You mentioned collapsing, what happened to me?"

"Ah? You don't know, yourself? You were found lying on the ground, in the caverns farther north of the Northern Lake"

"Right! I remember now... I was being chased by Psionic Blue Ants after I made myself as a distraction for both Bobby and Evee"

"It seems that this Bobby person's testimony was correct. So... what happened to all the Ants and I suppose might as well ask how did you escape?"

"A-aahhh.. That will be quite a problem... I-I don't actually remember how. All I remember was that I was just running, with no directions or destinations in mind. Just wanting to escape the pursuing Ants"

"I see... Is that all, that you can remember?"

"For now, that's all I can think off"

"I guess, we can conclude how you were able to escape and what happened to the Psionic Blue Ants as a mystery with no conclusions for now. But... from what you just said. There are some hypotheses that I can think off"

"Oh really? Hearing the thoughts of a professional might not be a bad idea"

"Well if you insist... Despite your situation being an abnormal one, there are possible explanations of how you were escape unscathed. The one that I find the most plausible is that, you've probably ran far enough to which the Ants wasn't able to detect you anymore. After which, you probably passed out, essentially making you undetectable to the Ants that may have passed your unconscious body"

"It may be plausible. But... I highly doubt that a Psionic Blue Ant will just ignore me If I ever passed out, especially if it's a middle in a chase"

"Well... that depends on how much of sleeper you are. If you're a quiet one, then the chances of you being ignored is somewhat high. But I do agree with what you said. There are still many factors that don't add up in your situation, especially on the part of where the Psionic Blue Ants have gone to"

"Wait... are you saying that the Ants went missing?"

"Fortunately, yes. The guards weren't able to find nor encounter one in their search for you. Which in itself is a mystery on its own"

"We found those creatures when we were exploring the abandoned facility, did the guards at least explored that area. Those things might still be hiding in there"

"Well they did, and they found nothing in areas of where they found you. And the same goes for the abandoned facility"

"I see... that's indeed quite a mystery"

"I guess so. We still don't have the full picture of the situation, so we can't really conclude this case to be solve. But it's not like you're hiding any information from us anything... So, enjoy the safety of these walls and relax for now. With the things you've experience today, I can quite say that you earned it"


"Quite the long face... Did something from what I said, struck you?"

"A-aahh... not really, I was j-just thinking about something"

"Well for now. You can either rest here or leave. I heard that you have a little sister, Bruce. If you want, I can inform her about your situation if want to fully rest here"

"Ah! No need Doc. Isaac, I won't be here for too long"

"I see... I guess I'll go and report your condition and testimony to the guards. While you do you"

"Right... thank you again, Doc. Isaac"

"No need, I didn't really do much. Oh yeah! I've also heard that you've passed Heisenberg's test, I'm very impressed. His quite harsh with his methods but I guarantee you that his one of best Psionic teachers around. So, if you ever feel mad at him, don't let it get on your skin"

"I'm already over with that. So, you don't have to worry about me getting all mad with sir Heisenberg. But I do agree with how his methods are quite extreme"

"That's good to hear, I'll be going now. Take care"

"You too, Doc Isaac"

And with our conversation over, Isaac silently leave the clinic's bed room. As for me on the other hand, I began checking my body for any injuries that I might have received from the Ants encounter.

"Phew... It seems that nothing bad happened to me, while I was pass out"

With my conformation complete. I then, get out of the bed and prepared myself to leave the place. Seeing how no one seems to be around, I just leisurely made my way to the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator to reach my destination, I was able to have the time to think of the things that happened today.

I wonder if Isaac knew that I was lying...

To be honest, most of what I just said were a complete lie. I actually remember how I escape the Ants and why those creatures are missing. The reason why I lied is to avoid any suspicion on me. If they were to know that I was able to control a Psionic Blue Ant Queen despite my lack of experience and the fact that I only knew about it in only a week. They will certainly find me extremely suspicious and probably might even get me in danger.

I can't have them finding out about the Character Building Tool. It's the only advantage and trump card I have in this mysterious world.


And with the facility elevator stopping in its tracks, I finally made it to my destination.

Before I even head out to the elevator and go to my room, I've just realized that my clothes don't look very well. A missing jacket and a dirtied shirt and pants.

How the hell do I explain this to Claire...

With nothing much to do in my situation, I began making my way to my dorm. Hoping that Claire isn't inside, so that I can change clothes and hide the fact that I just destroyed another jacket just to save my life.

Opening the door of my dorm, I was meet with Claire whom is leisurely reading some book.

"U-umm.. H-hi..."

"Oh? Big bro you're bac-… Why do you look like you've just been beaten? Don't tell me that big bro just got in a fight"

"N-no! I wasn't in any fight; I've just came back to work... t-that's all"

"W-work...? I thought your work involves travelling and sending messages?"

"Y-yeah... But there will days where I don't have any things or messages to send. So... I tend to do, some other things in the side"

Having this conversation with Claire, I can't help but feel an odd sense of déjà vu.

"I see... that's quite like you big bro. You've always been a workaholic ever since when mom died. But I suggest you to relax every once in a while. You already have a decent paying job; you don't need to overwork yourself"

"Right... I'll try if I ever get the chance, but with how things are going. I'll think that I'll be even more busy in the upcoming days"

"That's understandable I guess... Even teacher Katherine has been very busy with the counseling job that she has"

I wonder who's this Katherine person that Claire keeps mentioning.

"With that said, what happened to your jacket big bro? I remember you wearing one, just before you head out"

"W-well... b-because I got dirtied, I left my jacket to washers. I'll be getting by tomorrow so you don't have to worry"

"You left your jacket but walked in here looking like that?"

"Hey! I can't go home naked, so I have no choice"

"You could have just walked here along with your jacket. But you do you I guess..."

Thank god, she bought it. I would have probably spilled the truth if she keeps insisting.

"Oh right! I finally fixed your damaged jacket big bro. You can have a look yourself"

Eager to show, how she fixed my older and damaged jacket. Claire left the sofa in where she was reading her book and went to bedroom. After a few seconds of looking in the closet, she quickly went back to where I was and showed the old jacket.

"What do you think?"

Upon closer inspections, I can see how she covered up the ripped parts of the jackets with a different colored cloth. Despite their conflicting colors the clothe blend well in the jacket's aesthetics, giving it some sort of style that I found somewhat pleasing.


Category: Clothing

Description: Unknown

While observing the jacket, I accidentally activated my Identification ability.

I guess I have to get used with random texts popping up in view...

"U-umm... It's good. I quite like contrasting colors of the cloth and the jacket"

"Really! I thought that were going to hate it, because of how different the cloth I used to repair and the jacket's cloth. Are not lying to me?"

"I-I'm not! I'm serious about it"

"I see... t-then I-I expect a reward of some sort, for fixing your jacket"




"Are you going to ask me to buy you a Mushboar steak?"

"W-who knows... I might be or m-maybe not"

"You're not very good at hiding your desires Claire"


Disappointed at Claire, I began clinching her cheeks once more. I don't know what's her fascination about that steak that makes her want to eat it every day. But I do wonder if I pry into her head, all I'm going to see is just her full thoughts about that steak.

"Ahh!! Big bro stopp..."

"I think I'm having a hard time clinching your cheeks than before. My god, don't tell me that you're getting chubby Claire"

"What! Stop lying big bro! I'm not getting fat! M-maybe you are..."

"Nice one, Claire... You really got me there...Now then, I remember lending you some money for lunch in case I don't return. So... did you use it to buy another steak"

"That sarcasm in your voice was just really cruel big bro. You could have just ignored my insult"

"I'm asking you a question here"

"Ahhh-ahhhh! Okay-okay, I didn't buy one. Cause I know you were going be angry. I only bought some bread and soup for lunch"

"How can I be sure that you're not lying"

"Does this cute face of mine, ever lied to you"

"You ate four Mushboar steaks once, despite me telling you to slow down on eating those"

"A-ahhh... I was hungry at that time..."


"Ahhh!!! I'm telling the truth!"


"Fine... I'll buy a Mushboar steak. But for this time only, too much cholesterol is not healthy for your body. Especially for someone like you"

"Hehehehe... I win again"

"Quit being smug will you"

"Fine... but before we head out, you should take a bath first, big bro. You smell like sweat"

Heading Claire's words, I began sniffing my body. Smelling a strong scent of sweat in my body, I genuinely feel like throwing up. I guess it make sense considering I've spent a majority of the day running from Ants.

"I guess I should take a bath for now. So please wait and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone"

"Okay... and please do hurry. I'm already getting hungry"

-End of Chapter 22

Bonus Info: Psionic Ants are a common creature that roam the deep caverns of Terracore and can be found pretty much everywhere from the slums in the East to the well-developed North. Due to their poor eyesight and lack of lights, the Ants through evolution developed a good sense of hearing and touch. Their hearing is so good that they can hear any creature that is hiding from underground like Cave Bunnies or similar creatures.

Their sharp claws can easily rip any flesh and rocks, making hunting for prey and digging easy for them. Their bodies are covered with a shell-like property, that acts as their defense for many things; be it environmental hazards or external one's like other creatures or predators.

They're a eusocial type of insects that has a Queen, soldiers and workers, which all work together to grow and expand their colony. And there are only 3 types of Psionic Ants that have been in Terracore so far; those being Psionic Blue, Red and Black Ants.

Queen Ants are the leaders of their colonies and most Ants tend to follow most of its order/command. They stand in an average 7.4 inches and is different from all the Ants for they're the only ones that can actively use a psionic ability and have a tail. They mostly do-nothing but just eat and lay eggs, but with how they're body structure works. If they ever get the chance to hunt, they excel even the greatest soldier Ant and with its great speed and strength. It is known to be one of the most dangerous creatures in Terracore.

Soldier Ants in the other, mostly do the hunting and guarding of their colony. With their sharp claws and innumerable numbers, they can easily overpower any creatures they face, even the ones that can threaten their colonies. With their bodies having psionic properties, they have a greater strength than an average human person and their average height totals in 6.4 inches. Fortunately, they do not have the ability to use psionic abilities. But despite their short upcomings, they are still regarded as one of the dangerous creatures that exist in Terracore.

Worker Ants are somewhat similar in look of the Soldier Ants but they are shorter in height, with them averaging only in 5.5 inches. And unlike from the Soldier and Queen Ants, a Worker Ants only has two arms instead of four. But a Worker Ants arms is its greatest arsenal, for unlike both Ants. A Workers Ants arm is thicker in size, which is great for tunneling rocks and ground. Its claws are not very sharp but is much stronger than a Soldier making crushing things their specialty. They can easily make bases for their colony and whenever a Soldier Ant kills a creature, the Worker Ants collects said loot and stores them in their colony. Their crushing specially is also great for dissecting armored or shelled prey.

Despite the dangers they threat, their good sense of hearing and bad eyesight is one of their greatest weakness. For they can easily get stunned by any loud noise they hear and if one keeps quiet, they cannot perceive said person. They also are weak to heavy blunt weapons and they also are frail to sharp ones. Their skin is good for resisting bullets but with a higher caliber bullets and a strong gun their resistances are almost non-existent.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


