32.93% Tales of The Celestial Prince / Chapter 109: Celestial Learning V Stella's Godly Mishaps I

章 109: Celestial Learning V Stella's Godly Mishaps I

Causing the young prince to then adorably blush even more and causing his nose to then unknowingly bleed once again confusing the young prince even more causing Celes to then proudly smile.

All the while Selphie gently wiped away the young prince's nosebleed before then gently kissing the young prince's forehead.

"My precious celestial teddy bear is still a boy after all! Even if he doesn't know it fully himself!"

Selphie reassuringly comforted.

'Who's fault is that? Yours! You didn't even want to negotiate by much! Especially when it comes to your own traditions! He's ninety nine percent a girl up until you realize his female reproductive organs were simply replaced by male ones!'

'An-And you didn't even want to negotiate beyond that because instead of removing those womeningly lumps you put them in permanent stagnation! Yes, I did my research!'

'Not only that.. you did such a good job at keeping your traditions that he's practically Elfinia but for some absurd reason a boy?'

Celes rantingly thought, before then simply ranting even more having felt Selphie was truly shameless in this regard! Seriously she likes to call him a boy but everyone knows she was the adorable master mind behind it.

'And I'm not even going to talk about how the majority of his mindset and behavior that's entirely female! While those parts that don't just know he 'only' likes girls and the fact knows he knows he's a boy!'

'I-I mean that's good an-and I honestly love it.. but.. what is this?! Only a Gold God can throw the majority of the rules off a cliff and pull this nonsense! Let's hope he doesn't get bullied or treated like a little girl..'

'Honestly wouldn't mind the last bit up until whoever's trying to flirt with him learns that he's actually a quasi-boy who's in fact an actual boy? You're the one who did this to him! No wonder why you call him your teddy bear'

Celes rantingly thought before then helplessly calming down and causing her to then playfully nod.

"Our 'Auri' is practically a little Elf girl that takes the most after his mother and your 'Elfinia' but unlike them, he has a male genitalia and tiny fragments of masculinity floating around that remained to be unseen"

"While his body is still very much female, just 'without' the female 'parts', and despite this unique combination it could be said he's truly the best of both worlds?"

"If the female part was a world and his male part was a shooting star! Not talking about our Auri's genitalia of cour-"

Celes teasingly pointed out, having wanted to learn why Selphie of all people was like this, all the while entirely leaking her previous thoughts before then being quickly cut off causing Selphie to then quickly cover the young prince's ears.

"Don-Don't say stuff like that you bully! Even if my celestial teddy bear is as you say he might still be unnecessarily subconscious about that sort of thing! Ke-Keep your dirty thoughts out of my precious celestial teddy bear's ears!"

Selphie adorably reprimanded causing Celes to then playfully laugh.

"I was only kidding! Oh and while his ears are still covered.. we both know it's unnecessary for him to worry about that sort of thing! Not to mention that time he showed up looking like a much younger Elfinia with her hair and battle dress.."

Celes teasingly confessed, adorably confusing Selphie by these words.

'You literally gave me someone who can actually fulfill my fantasy of playing with your Elfinia! It was impossible to touch much less allow such thoughts to leak about her. But now.. I love you Selphie! What an amazing friend!'

Celes tearily thought, causing Selphie to then adorably blush having sensed an imbalance of some sort before then quickly remembering something herself causing her eyes to then excitedly sparkle before then calming down.

"Your right! And both Aldra and Elfinia looked identical when they were the same age! The only difference being Aldra had a completely different fashion sense and decided to grow up!"

"And with my celestial teddy bear, he still has so much potential! I bet he could wear Aldra's old Idol outfits and they'd fit too.. Rory and Stella too! Bu-But that's for 'after' we finish our lesson!"

"An-And that's if my celestial teddy bear and the others want to too!"

Selphie adorably giggled causing Celes to then happily nod all the while causing the young prince to then adorably look to both with an adorably curious expression.

All the while with both Kaylan and Stella.. Stella had yet to transform however she was getting pretty close causing Kaylan then curiously nod.

"I'm impressed.. from what I've heard from the others Aurel wasn't such a quick learner?"

"However, if you don't transform there's nothing to be impressed about.. with that in mind if you 'aren't' able to catch up to him and the others I doubt you'd be anything more than a hindrance to them in the future.."

"Now.. again both feel and understand what I just told you and turn it into power! Stop hesitating and at least 'try' catching up to that big brother of yours.. or was I wrong to assume that you were ever committed to such a thing?"

Kaylan asked causing Stella then adorably and tearily freeze before then hesitantly closing her eyes.

"I-I won't be a hindrance! I-I'll be like bi-big brother an-and mommy! An-And big sister and Noel too! S-So don't be a bully big sister!"

Stella tearily cried.

Before then distancing herself even more before then immediately feeling a burning sensation flowing through her entire body causing her to then tearily flinch before then immediately being covered an intense white light.

Surprising Kaylan, causing the light to only amplify before then growing even more intense as if fighting an invisible enemy before then slowly becoming a uniquely yellow Ethereal Gold, unlike its shiny darker counterpart.

Surprising Kaylan even more causing her to then curiously smile before then calming down.

Moments later after intense light had dissipated.. revealing an eight-meter tall sleek white dragon.

However, Stella's once pristine white scales that radiated a holy light was currently transforming into something similar to the previously seen uniquely yellow Ethereal Gold light.

Complimenting her already gorgeous scales and sleek figure causing Kaylan to surprisingly and curiously frown.

'The Dragon Aspect of Dreams? No.. despite their similarities, I felt fragments of Aurel's blessing? No, not a blessing.. but something much more.. and if I am not wrong I also felt even tinier fragments of Selphie as well..'

'Aurel must have done something extraordinary to help his little sister in some way.. or could it be she was simply born that way? No matter..'

Kaylan curiously thought before then nodding, after Stella's strange transformation had finally finished.

Unlike normal Celestial Dragons and the obvious yet slight color difference, Stella's eyes were also drastically different.. in that endless sea of gold, there were glowing runes.

Both of who were strange white runes and celestial golden runes floating around endlessly.

Complimenting the similarly almost invisible runes floating about on her endless golden sea of scales giving her a surprisingly unique yet overwhelmingly beautiful charm while also complementing her gorgeously sleek figure.

Causing Stella to then adorably sigh with relief before then happily looking to Kaylan causing Kaylan to then playfully nod with approval before then seemingly transforming almost immediately and without the flashy light show.

Revealing The Celestial Dragon Aspect Kaylan in all her glory.. however in her much 'smaller' form resulting in her now being sixteen meters tall almost double the size of Stella.

Kaylan unlike 'normal' Celestial Dragons was still in fact a Celestial Dragon Aspect.. the representation and representative of Celestial Dragons as a whole and of both their sheer power and beauty.

Resulting in Kaylan obviously looking drastically different than her much lower counterparts.

Kaylan's scales were the purest and radiated the purest Ethereal Gold, her eyes radiated and glowed with even more so with ancient and unknown glowing celestial ruins floating seemingly endlessly in the sea of gold.

And much like her eyes her body and scales also radiated with the same bright ethereal golden runes and patterns that seemingly float endlessly throughout her body.

Complimenting her elegantly sleek and a beauty comparable to the highest Demigoddess.. giving her an overwhelmingly beautiful and powerfully potent charm.

Causing Stella's eyes to then adorably sparkle even more before then being cut off.

"You're a strange one.. however, I'm impressed.. you already beat Aurel's record and apparently have a much more powerful form than he originally 'had'.. at least when he 'first' transformed.."

"Fortunately for you, he's busy with other 'studies' so you'll be able to catch up eventually.. but when it comes to experience and techniques you're still lacking.."

"He had actually learned how to implement magic into his Silver Dragon Form and even used it against someone who had the eyes of the Abyssal Aspect and mid-battle no less.."

"Despite you not being someone who can rival him yet, that doesn't mean you won't be.. both you and him have the same incredible potential, at least for 'mortals'.. and with that in mind I believe you're up for the task.."

"And for your reward, I'll give you whatever knowledge I've 'gathered' through encounters with Selphie's Dragon Aspect.. just don't tell Selphie of course! It'll be our little secret"

Kaylan helplessly praised surprising Stella causing her to then adorably revert herself followed by Kaylan causing Stella to then happily and tearily hug Kaylan.

"I-I'm so happy! Kay-Kaylan's no bully! Kaylan's th-the best! Ka-Kaylan's the smartest! I love big sister Kaylan! Tha-Thank you bi-big sister.."

Stella tearily confessed with an adorably happy expression having been praised by someone so much stronger.

Causing Kaylan to then adorably smile before then noticing something causing her to then curiously frown.

"Stella.. why are you crying?"

Kaylan surprisingly asked causing Stella to then worriedly hug Kaylan even tighter before then tearily whispering into Kaylan's ear surprising her and causing her to then reassuringly nod.

"Nightmares that feel real.. and you say that feeling won't go away? From what you described.. It must've been a hidden Teleportation Array.. and you say it takes him away to a scary place? This sounds like a vision of some sort.."

"And of course, he'd be lonely after being sent through that 'Void' Teleportation Array.. those disgusting things block tracking and even put a strange blessing on their victims.. the strongest 'Void' Blessing would hide you even from the gods.."

"So the part about no one being able to find him.."

Kaylan coldly speculated before then quickly calming herself down.

"Thank you for telling me this Stella.. I'll inform Celes an-and my sisters of this.. even if it does happen I'll be with him.. however knowing his wishes I doubt he'd allow me to interfere too much.."

"However also, If or when this 'does' happen then you should train and keep training.. so when he does finally come home you'll have the chance to welcome him home.."

"As a 'proper' rival.. for that to happen you'll need to know how to use your gland and that transformation?"

Kaylan reassured having felt surprised that Stella of all people were among the rare few elves with the sight.

Causing Stella to then tearily nod before then happily hugging Kaylan even tighter having felt a lot better knowing someone so strong would protect her big brother.

All the while after what felt like an hour or so the young prince finally mastered the basics of souls and learned how to snatch them after both death and abandonment along with even spirits to an extent.

While still a big unknown to him having only understood the concepts behind them thanks to the help of Malous and his mentioning of them.

Causing Selphie to then both adorably and worriedly give up before then assisting him in this regard by teaching him both the loopholes and the ways of circumventing the rules.. so much so that even Celes learned a thing or two.

Surprising the young prince, even more, causing him to then happily pounce on both causing both Selphie and Celes to then proudly smile.

All the while Aurora who had already happily memorized everything she could while still not showing off her own unsuppressed form couldn't help but smile before then remembering something causing her to then playfully smile.

"I wonder? Hey, Celes would you care if our Aurel 'snatched' a few 'Celestial' Souls if he were to ever encounter your Celestial Blight?"

Aurora teasingly asked.

Causing Celes to then quickly freeze before then frowning surprising the young prince before then being cut off.

"Yes.. and no.. my Progenitors and Celestial Blight Lords are off-limits.. even to our 'Auri'.. however! There are still a few black sheep I'm reluctant to let go of! So maybe?"

"Other than those you can snatch the souls I abandoned and some of The Lesser Celestial Blight Lords and Vampires? Speaking of which.. there are still some cuties among the 'normal' Blight.."

"Unlike me, they don't discriminate so they have plenty.. they're quite wasteful if anything? So you do whatever you want with them! And if you meet The 'Goddess' of The Blight ignore her.."

"Despite only being a Silver God she's even lazier than me so I'd be careful.. despite her being much weaker she can be a 'menace'.. plus surprisingly enough she had shrines 'hidden' everywhere.."

"She also likes gold strangely enough so ransoms are quite more common than actual donations.. If you wanted to.. you can also buy those souls through her through donations.. give her enough and she might even make an appearance.."

Celes playfully warned surprising everyone and causing Selphie to then helplessly nod.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C109
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


