18.86% Tales of The Celestial Prince / Chapter 62: Ancestral World IV Hanah's Mishaps II

章 62: Ancestral World IV Hanah's Mishaps II

"I wanted to bring him much earlier but my schedule was hectic and he still needed to learn a allot.."

Selphie confessed to surprising the young prince after hearing the much more mature side of Selphie.

Causing Selphie after noticing this to then immediately hug the young prince even tighter.

"Sorry, my precious celestial teddy bear! Anyways 'Elfine' I'm sorry about that!"

Selphie adorably apologized causing Elfine to then gently shake her head causing the young prince to then adorably nod.

Before then whispering into Selphie's ear surprising her causing her eyes to then adorably sparkle with excitement.

"Really?! I was hoping you'd ask that! Of course, I can! I can bring you here anytime you want! Of course, that's if Elfine doesn't mind?"

Selphie excitedly asked causing Elfine to then gently nod.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way.. I still have much to teach him! And I also wouldn't mind such 'precious' company"

Elfine reassuringly teased before then playfully hugging the young prince from behind.

Causing him to blush causing both Selphie and Elfine to then smile.

"I've noticed Aurel's hair is even longer! You must have completed his bloodline! If anything it feels like I'm looking at a little you! I'm impressed! Not to mention those outfits are super cute! I'm so proud of you!"

Selphie happily confessed causing Elfine to then gently shake her head before then kissing the young prince's forehead.

"He was the one who chose them.. so I don't deserve 'such' high praise, If anything we simply have a remarkably similar taste"

Elfine reassured surprising Selphie causing her to then shake her head.

"You do, and don't be so hard on yourself! You two are truly the most precious!"

Selphie adorably reprimanded causing both the young prince and Elfine to then smile.

After the group hug had finished Elfine had soon begun conjuring up the same outfits with, however.. minor tweaks before then packing them up for him.

All the while being hugged by the hip by the young prince while Selphie helped with the wrapping.

After both finished packing the young prince's new outfits Selphie had soon conjured up an elegant yet lavishly designed silver space ring before then remembering something causing her to then adorably whisper into Elfine's ear.

Surprising her causing her to then smile once more before then gently nodding, after packing up three more space rings full of both Noel's, Rory's, and Stella's new outfits Selphie couldn't help but proudly nod.

Causing Elfine to then remember something before then conjuring up both an elegant white quill with silver patterns and silver dragon blood ink before then conjuring up an elegant piece of paper and a white and silver envelope.

Causing her to then immediately write several paragraphs before then placing it into the envelope and conjuring up her magic seal causing her to then immediately bite her thumb before then finishing the seal with her blood.

And placing it into the young prince's space ring.

"Make sure your 'mother' reads it ok?"

Elfine asked causing the young prince to then adorably nod before then remembering something else.

Causing him to then adorably blush causing Elfine to then remember the same before then whispering into Selphie's ear causing her to then freeze.

"Aure-Auri.. look at me!"

Selphie surprisingly asked causing the young prince to then look to her with an adorably blushing expression before then immediately becoming flushed and looking away.

Surprising Selphie even more.

"You're right! I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out! So precious! Aurel I never thought you'd be so intimidated by anything! I'm so sorry my precious celestial teddy bear!"

Selphie apologized before then reassuringly hugging the young prince causing him to then pout before then immediately shaking his head causing him to then adorably whisper something into her ear as well.

Surprising her once more causing her to then become teary.

"My celestial teddy bear is quite the charmer! Please Aurel never change!"

Selphie tearily giggled.

"Despite 'knowing' a very small vocabulary.. our precious 'little' Auri can typically still get his point across, I'd imagine he listens and puts them together.. It's however odd that he's able to speak 'Ancient' Abyssal Dragon"

"Along with an entirely different dialect belonging to what I assume originated from those 'Sun' and 'Moon' Elves.. and of course Elvish.. and yet he hasn't mastered the 'common' tongue?"

"I understand he's still a child and is quite shy so maybe it's just my 'imagination' perhaps?"

Elfine asked surprising causing Selphie to then hesitantly smile.

"You're right! However we thought we should leave it in the hands of his 'mortal' tutors in the hopes of allowing him to live a somewhat mortal life as per his wishes.. but I agree! We should at least try to teach him 'some' common!"

Selphie agreed causing the young prince to then adorably look to both with an adorably curious expression.


The young prince pouted surprising both causing Elfine to then gently shake her head before then kissing the young prince's cheek causing his pout to then immediately cease.

"I-I love Sel-Selphie an-and Elfine!"

The young prince happily declared surprising both once more causing Selphie to then adorably smile.

"I love you to my precious celestial teddy bear! Oh, and at least Silas isn't 'such' an awful influence!"

"Even if it's a little of his 'righteousness' it's still among of his 'finer' qualities.. however, don't let him mislead you with his shamelessness! Stay true to being the best celestial teddy bear you can!"

Selphie remembered causing the young prince to then adorably salute.

"N-No being bully Silas!"

The young prince adorably repeated causing both Elfine and Selphie to then immediately kiss the young prince's cheeks.

After the adorable kissing session, they had soon said their goodbyes causing Elfine to then gently kissing his forehead much like she had done several times earlier before then giving him an elegant deep silver insignia.

Representing an Ancient Elven Tiara embedded with a strange black sapphire surprising Selphie.

"This insignia represents my approval.. I haven't been to The 'Old' World in some time.. The Elder Council may or may not have made a fuss.. but I don't believe in taking any chances.."

"If they were to ever get bold this should 'shut' them up.. I never had an issue with them however times change.. even if they don't have any 'real' power I'd imagine they can still 'whine' as the best of us"

Elfine reassured before then gently caressing his face causing Selphie to then adorably nod.

After fixing the young prince's hair both the young prince and Selphie had soon met up with both Sylvia and Aurora surprising both after seeing the young prince causing their hearts to then melt before then returning to Celestia's Dreamworld.

After returning to Celes's Dreamworld they were soon greeted by both Celes and Hanah along with another girl that looked very similar to Hanah in both age and appearance, this was of course Hanah's little sister Luna.

Luna wore an elegant golden armored celestial-influenced white dress and boots with two adorable yet empty sword sheaths much like Hanah's complimenting her fiery golden eyes, and platinum blonde hair.

Pristine white skin, and dangerous yet adorable features surprising Hanah after noticing the changes done to the young prince causing Luna to then adorably look the young prince up and down.

"Hanah.. ar-are you sure that's a boy? Sh-he just looks like an Elf bra-girl.."

Luna helplessly confessed causing Celes to then immediately laugh.

"Pft! At least she tried.."

Celes laughingly confessed causing both Hanah and Luna to then quickly pout causing the young prince to then excitedly rush over with an adorably curious expression causing Hanah to then angrily pout even more.

"Hmph! Come with us!"

Hanah angrily pouted before then grabbing the young prince's hand and marching away causing Luna to then excitedly follow.

"Poor Aurel.."

Selphie worriedly chimed in causing both Lilly and Celes to then lazily shake their heads, after marching for about twenty minutes all three had soon arrived in a large grassy plain.

Causing Hanah to then finally stop her marching.

"This should be far enough away! Auri! Le-Let me introduce you to my little sister! The Last Celestial Empress Luna Claret Vale!"

Hanahproudly introduced surprising Luna causing her to then look to Hanah with an adorably surprised expression.

"Han-Hanah.. they changed that to Celestial Queen remember?"

Luna shyly reminded causing Hanah to then angrily shake her head.

"I don't care! I was 'supposed' to be The 'Last' Celestial 'Empress' before they even decided to change it! Those bastards only considered that title of The 'Last' Celestial Empress 'appropriate' for me"

"And yet they decided not to pass it onto you despite my wishes! So I don't care! They can rot in every layer of the endless Abyss! Your The 'Last' Celestial Empress you got that?! Or do I need to get Celes to make it official?!"

Hanah angrily retorted surprising Luna causing her to then tearily smile before then nodding.

"Yo-Your right.. I've just missed you so much!"

Luna confessed before then immediately hugging Hanah surprising her causing her to then hesitantly nod before then quickly remembering something else.

"Let-Let's save this for later! Fo-For now help me train Auri! Hi-His body is still recovering in the infirmary du-due to him being the closest punching bag at the time.. bu-but we don't have to worry about him getting too hurt here!"

"Seriously despite him having the same potential as us he's still doing nothing with it yet?"

Hanah surprisingly confessed surprising Luna causing her to then look to the young prince with an adorably apologetic expression.

"Right let's get to training! Aur-Auri it seems you already unlocked your Golden Dragon form since you repelled my attack with your glan-gland before.. ok! We'll show you how to make use of it!"

Hanah added surprising Luna even more causing her to then curiously nod, moments later Hanah had soon equipped her two sheaths with two wooden inscribed training swords.

Before then quickly handing Luna another two to replace her 'real' celestial swords and two to the young prince before then finally pulling out a giant chest filled of training equipment out of her space ring out sheer of frustration.

Causing Luna to then helplessly shake her head.

"Right! These toy swords are inscribed to handle celestial elements.. mostly fire! But only for a short time.. so around ten to fifteen minutes! For now, we'll be showing you how to apply it and make use of your gland!"

Hanah strictly explained causing Luna to then helplessly nod.

"What she means is celestial flames or what they now call 'golden' flames are quite useful! Be it from inscriptions, alchemy, and even Pharmacy!"

"Celestial Flames coming from your gland is the most potent because it originates from your own bloodline!"

"Anyone with a deluded Celestial Bloodline can still learn Celestial Flame or Fire Magic?"

"However, its potency still depends heavily on the purity of your Bloodline! Since yours is already 'mostly' complete.. then that would only mean that your Celestial 'Royal' Bloodline would be at least a thousand times more potent!"

Luna excitedly explained with a hint of anger in the hopes of competing with Hanah at least in some regard causing Hanah to then angrily nod with approval before then unsheathing one of the inscribed wooden swords.

"Watch carefully!"

Hanah displayed before then gently breathing onto the inscription causing it to then immediately light up.

"I doubt they taught you anything substantial just yet so I'll be showing you how to 'slash' from a short distance without the actual need of being close to your target! Watch closely!"

Hanah explained before then immediately slashing a tree six meters away causing it to then immediately explode surprising the young prince causing his eyes to then adorably sparkle with excitement.

Wakeless Wakeless

I may be busy today, so I've published these much earlier than I usually would it seem. Of course it may be because I may have forgotten to publish chapters today or the day before so I had to make it up somehow.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


