30% Fate/Death / Chapter 3: Valuable information

章 3: Valuable information


Place: church basement

Time: the same night after ordering Karna.


Shirou kotomine is in a room. All masters of red are sitting around a table that has a Pot with holes in it. From the pot a mist comes out that seems to make all the masters lose themselves in a trance like state.

"Ruler has entered Romania. And is heading to Trifas." Shirou Kotomine says.

"We´ve dispatched Lancer from out end. " He continues.

"Not even the adjudicator will prove to be a match against his power." Kotomine says with a little smile.

"Well then, we shall await the good news." Kotomine says while lifting his teacup with a smile.


Place: on a road to Trifas, on a car wreck.

Time: same time Kotomine is talking with the masters of red.


Jeanne is sitting on the wagon while looking out. Then, she sees something.

"It´s dangerous here. Please turn back now." Jeanne says in a no-nonsense voice to the man driving.

The man replies.

"Huh, I can´t leave a young lady on such a dark road!"

Jeanne activates her charisma and says.


The man complies and stops the car. Jeanne walks from the wreck and the car turns around and drives away.

Suddenly a majestic voice is heard.

"I take it you are Servant ruler."

Jeanne turns around and looks up at a road sign. There, a man with golden armor is standing on it.

"Prepare yourself" he said. Suddenly he jumped down at Jeanne faster than the speed of sound. A big cloud dust became of the road in at least a 10 meters radius. Out of the smoke Jeanne sprinted backwards from where she ones stood. Jeanne now had plate armor around her stomach and holding a rewound flaglike weapon.

Out of the smoke comes the man clad in golden armor, Jeanne starts talking.

"Lancer of Red… Son of Surya, the sun god. You must be the Heroic spirit, Karna" she says in a voice that is certain.

"Ho" Lancer says a little bit impressed.

Jeanne continuous.

"I am the adjudicator if the Holy grail war, Jeanne d ´ark."

"Do you understand the meaning behind challenging me?"

"It is unwise for you to speak of things you already comprehend." Lancer replies.

"Understand that because I am here it is a clear declaration of war." Lancer says while concentrating his eyes.

"What is the meaning of taking me down?" Jeanne asks in an upset voice.

"I know not. My master commanded me."

"Therefore, as per our contract, I mobilize as such."

"Lancer…" Jeanne takes a fighting stance.

"Let us proceed, Ruler. Sorry to say, but considering you special privileges, I do not need to hold back." Lancer says as his body is surrounded by a fiery aura and his weapon, a staff with a wheel like object at the end, it is coated in fire from tip to toe.

"One attack as an offering. With that, I shall finish this" Jeanne takes a defensive stance ready for Lancers attack.

"Get him saber!" a man's voice is heard.

Suddenly Lancer turns around and smacked away an attack. The attacker flies 10 meters and lands on the ground and immediately releases a wind strike with prana in it. Lancer take it head on his lance tanking it like it was never there. Behind him the Road sign was split in half like it was paper.

"You must be saber of black" Lancer says in a little interested voice.

The presumed Saber nods.

"Hm, wish means, your objective is also the Ruler." Saber does not move, or blink, just stare at lancer.

The man's voice is heard again.

"That was a close one, Ruler!"

"I´ve come to pick you up" a fat man wearing a white uniform with golden outline says, as he walks forward and stops by ruler and starts panting.

"You must be Saber of black´s Master." Jeanne deduced from hearing him commanding Saber of black.

The man stops panting and stand up right and smile.


"My name is Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia." He turns and points towards Lancer.

"Now! Lancer of Red! We clearly saw you attempting to murder Ruler! To attempt to murder of the Heroic spirit administrating the Holy Grail War is the epitome of rule violations!"

"I will not deny. Now that one of the black factions has arrived, I must start with you"

Lancer answers in his majestic voice while looking at Saber.

The master of saber is enraged and says.

"Shut up! Keep quiet and obey the orders of Ruler and my Saber"

Jeanne just looks at the master of saber and says.


The master of saber just looks at Ruler with a confused face.


"I have not reservation about you all fighting here if you wish to. I shall not interfere with this, so please be assured."

The master of saber is shocked.


Jeanne goes on.

"The fact that Lancer of Red is after my life, and the combat between Saber of Black and Lancer of Red are two completely different matters."

As a Ruler, Jeanne always is doing the best of interest to the grail. So, she needs to be a Neutral party and cannot take sides even if someone attacks her.

"As a Ruler, I have the duty to uphold the rules of this battle."

Lancer points his spear at both Saber and Ruler and asks.

"Are you two fighting together to overpower me 2 against 1? I would not mind that."

Sabers master is shaking in rage.

"Saber! Kill him! Crush that Lancer of Red!"

Saber readies himself and lancer takes a stand.

"I see. It seems you and we can now procced in killing each other." Lancer goes on.

"I once meet a man with similar eyes to yours. That man was undoubtedly a hero. If you look at me with such eyes, that you are fighting me is not a coincidence but an inevitability."

"My name is Karna, The son of the Sun God. If you don't fear my lance than attack me."

Lancer says while his whole body is surrounded by his fiery aura again.

"I´m Siegfried, a wandering knight of the Netherlands. Pardon my impudence!"

Saber says, and charges towards Lancer. They clash weapons an explosion occurs.

Saber and Lancer keep exchanging blows that damage the terrain. Lancer using fire and Saber using wind it goes back and forth. Suddenly Sabers armor get damaged and he bleeds.

"A magical lance piercing my dragon armor… That technique, that legend, that hardship… My humble respects." Saber says while touching the shallow cut he got from Lancer on his face.

"Should we keep fighting? The sun is out soon. I´m fine with that. But your master seems to be getting feed up." Lancer asks.

Saber replies in a respectful voice.

"I only wish that next time we can fight at full strength."

"Yes, Saber of black. I am grateful to have clashed blades with you as my first fight."

Lancer says as he goes into spirit form.

"Please wait, Lancer of Red!" Jeanne says but it was too late, he had already fully dematerialized.

Jeanne leaves to Trifas while master and saber of black returns towards the Yggdmillennia castle.

Unknown to Ruler all of this was observed both visually and with sound.

In a cloud 1.5 Km away a ball with eyes is looking towards Ruler, this is the Eyeball Corpse and it got both information and sound thanks to its ability (Distant hearing) it allowed it to hear everything that was said. Now it flies towards its master ready to deliver the information.


Place: With Ainz

When: Right after the eyeball got information.


As Ainz is sitting on a throne in his small fortress he created with:

("Create Fortress")

Along with a lot more spells and Magecraft to hide it and give Ainz benefits, it was as strong as a caster (territory creation: B)

At that rank, creation of a "magic workshop" becomes possible. This workshop generally can be the size of a building, self-sustaining, reduces the cost of all spells cast by Ainz by half, increases mana regeneration by 40%, and warns the servant of all intruders within the workshop. ​

Gazef standing beside him like a knight protecting his lord. They are talking about the Yggdmillennia willing to attack in the middle of a city with a population.

"It is good that you made my Sword at least have a type of beam attack. What gave you that idea Master?" Gazef asks.

"I have researched the holy Grail wars before this, and I found that Sabers usually have some type of beam attack, so I modified your sword to have at least 10 charges of the (True dark) spell that will activate ones you sip a bit of you Mana into it." Ainz says in a proud voice.

The crystal that was in Gazef's sword Razer Edge was modified by Ainz personally to be able to hold that much magical power and he made the blade much sharper and more durable. It was Ainz pride and joy to be able to tinker with a Noble Phantasms successfully.

Suddenly Ainz remembers.

"I have forgotten! I haven't looked at your stats, this will just take a moment Gazef"

Ainz says in an exited voice he will finally see what his servant's stats is.

{"I am so exited!"} Ainz thinks.

Suddenly Ainz body is covered in a light and he is calm again and looks at Gazef calmly. He gets a Picture in his head of Gazef´s stats.


True Name: Gazef Stronoff

Class: Saber

Type: Heroic Spirit

Source: ?

Region: ?

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Hidden Attribute: Earth

Qualified Servant Classes: Saber



Strength: B+

Endurance: A

Agility: B+

Mana: C

Luck: D

N.P: A+


Class Skills

Magic Resistance: C

At this rank, spells D rank and bellow are nulled, and all spells in the area are reduced by 2 ranks.

Riding: C

The Servant is capable of handling most mundane animals and vehicles with considerable skill. They can achieve difficult maneuvers with some effort. ​


Personal Skills

Bravery: B

At this rank, the servant is highly resistant to all mental interferences, including distractions, emotions, illusions, etc. The servant gains a chance to completely resist mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy, and even if they fail, the duration and potency will be reduced.

In Life he has said "No!" to what you can only call the incarnation of death and challenged it to a duel, even knowing it was futile.

Battle Continuation: B

The Servant fighting abilities will not be hampered at all by localized wounds and, can continue to fight for a brief period after receiving a lethal wound. Bonus effect of gaining the chance to escape combat after being defeated and survive long enough to reach allied territory.

Martial Arts: A

At this rank the servant must be one of the people that has the most (Martial Arts) or Warrior magic of his time. It is fueled by Stamina and not Mana. The effects can make Gazef gain temporary boosts in different things like strength or Perception in a burst much like (Prana Burst).


Noble Phantasms

Kingdom's five treasures: A+

It is a set of five Pieces of equipment that are written under this text.

Amulet of Immortality:

It gives Gazef a Regeneration factor. A shallow cut will be healed in a second and a Limb in 10 hours. This makes him able to fight without worrying to much about injuries.

Gauntlets of Endurance:

It Gives Gazef Endless Stamina, it gives Gazef the ability to use martial arts forever without stopping.

Guardian Armor:

An armor that cannot take damage from anything of C rank and lower.


Nothing is known of this piece of equipment.

Razer Edge: A+

A blade that is said to be able to cut through any armor, this blade was only D rank with the ability cut any armor one rank above it before and below. But with Ainz modifications It is now an A rank weapon capable with the same capabilities.

Gazef can use (true Dark) as a beam attack it will Gain a + modifier if the creature he is shooting it on is something of the Holy Element, like a priest…


{"UmU, Good stats and good skills and, aww yes! My modifying really worked out good."} Ainz thinks happily.

An arm of a skeleton starts writing on a paper that lies on a tree screen. This was made by Ainz. He learned it from the Clock Tower and has used it regularly when he is in contact with a client or want information.

Ainz takes the paper away when it stopped writing and started to read it.

"It is from the Priest."

"Berserker went out of control and has stormed into the enemy's citadel."

"This will not complicate much, other than a potential loss of an unstable resource." Ainz said not to worried.

30 minutes later.

Through one of the windows an Eyeball corpse comes flying in and reports by showing Ainz what happened between Ruler, Saber, and lancer.

"Hm saber I will be fine with but that fire user. I will have to be careful of that one." Ainz is weak to fire, so he will disengage if he sees that Lancer.

"And as for Ruler, she is a Saint and it is certain that she has some type of holy Attack"

"I will wait for more information before I engage her."

"Now, Time for some preparation to be in order" Ainz says as he goes from his throne.


Place: Yggdmillennia forrest

When: Morning


If you looked through the forest you would see a giant man with metal bindings around his body.

He looked like a terrifying hideous Stripper. He is Berserker of red and is right now sprinting through the forest of the enemy and getting exploded on by magical traps, but they do not affect him at all.

In a tree above Berserker two servants are observing him. While the Yggdmillennia are looking through a Golem bird.


Place: Yggdmillennia castle

When: Exact same time Berserker is rampaging.


"I assume that is Berserker of Red" Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia, the Head of the Yggdmillennia clan says. As all people of the Black faction looks through the screen that is made by casters golem familiar.

Berserker look back at them and slams his sword against the familiar, making the screen dark.

"What will you do, Uncle?" Darnic´s niece asks, Mster of A

"We cannot let this chance slip by. This Berserker of Red… If we play our cards right, he can be our pawn."

Vlad gets out of his throne and looks at Darnic.

"Darnic… let me hear of your strategy. Let the curtains rise on the glorious battle."

Darnic bows.

"Yes, my king" Darnic says as he smirks a little.

LoVarg LoVarg

There was not much in the episode that i felt was really important. So i copied the things i thought had the most useful information.

I did not include Seig because he is what i would call a trash, bland protaganist and i don´t want to dirty my hands writing to much about him.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


