40% The Chronicles of Light and Shadows / Chapter 10: Cap 10 - Necromancer

章 10: Cap 10 - Necromancer

-Kid. -His voice was soft and he tried to adapt to the maximum the warmth that his appearance could encompass. –This information is somewhat secret. And not even those trained by our academy have this knowledge, only those who want to follow the path of necromancy who are aware of the peculiarities of such a ritual. So could you tell me how you managed to get such information?

-I ... -His voice failed. Elyse tried to remember how it was spoken, but she couldn't remember. It was only when she realized that the minister's eyes were encouraging her to proceed, which Elyse found strange because he must have been the scariest in that room. But somehow, that guy who with just one speech made everyone be silent reminded her of her father, this brought a little sadness for the longing for that feeling and at the same time encouraged her. –I read in the book "rituals and invocations for intermediate students", he only makes a superficial mention about linking souls and emphasizing that it is forbidden, but does not give any details on how to do it. But I was able to deduce what the ritual would be like, there is no way to connect a dead soul to a living body. Unless a person wanted to become a Ghoul and that is not something I would do intentionally. So I thought that if we could connect the soul when it was in transition between the plans of life and death, it would be possible, but then we would have to kill someone or be present at the time of death, only then would it be possible to achieve this. But there was still a problem with the connection. So I thought for a week. And I came to the answer, the empathy ritual, or rather, an empathic link. But to reach a spirit of a very high level it would be necessary for him to die a very violent death. -Elysa scolded herself again, but she couldn't stop talking anymore. She had told Simon the butler everything, but he didn't understand much of what she said, talking to experts made her mind thirsty for knowledge so aroused that she couldn't control herself. - But the link had to be made with care so that lives did not connect too, as it would be the last mistake made by the necromancer. So before the spirit left, it would be linked to your soul. This would increase your spiritual power.

The silence was the only answer obtained, all eyes in the room looked at her like iron. Later, several of those necromancers would still be stunned by everything they had heard from a little girl who hid her age, some would feel fearful enough to want total distance from the girl, a natural response from humans when they encounter something they cannot understand. But in the eyes of the Minister of the Council of necromancers, that girl reminded him a little of him, which made him fear for the girl, if her curiosity was as great as his, she would be involved in big problems, it was then that in her iron-carved face flashed a smile.

Few necromances in that room knew how to accurately narrate the entire geist seishin ritual. Elyse could see various types of looks, some of the admiration, others of fear, but what shocked her most was the smile on the Minister's face. That was an act she never expected on the face of someone with such a high position, that expression of admiration was something that Elyse couldn't decipher, but one thing she can see, it meant much more and Elyse couldn't imagine how much.

-Do you think you ask to trick me, girl? - Her staunch opponent looked at her with more fires in her eyes than the last time, and the air next to her started to shake with a terrible aura. Elyse tried to deal with the fear, if he cut her back she would have no way to defend herself

-Enough! I believe her. -The minister said in his favor. –This is a well-kept secret of the necromancer order. The geist seishin ritual has been banned since time immemorial, and few necromancers have obtained this knowledge. It is quite difficult to believe that a young child can arrive at this reasoning. However, ElyseBard, you were accepted in the first selection phase of our institution. We cherish saga minds, but I warn you. Know how to respect the limits between the coherent and the incoherent. However, the mere mention of this ritual to anyone who is not part of the qualified faculty of that institution will carry terrible penalties for you.

Everyone's eyes were as cold as ice, and Elyse wondered if, after dealing with death so much, she wouldn't have that kind of look either. She had seen more of death than many would not see a lifetime, her eyes were also very dark, but compared to the look of those men she was a playful child who only knew how to play with butterflies that flew through the garden.

-Thank you sir. -His voice sounded strong, she couldn't weaken.

Elyse was directed to the site of the second phase. The place was spectral, icy, and terrifying. She had never been so scared in her life, but she managed to reach a peaceful mind. A state where she was able to control her fear and see things more clearly. Now there are little more than two hundred aspirants to the necromancer. They were all much older than Elyse, who looked like a displaced child. More than half had failed with only the first round and that made Elyse fear what awaited her the most.

In the examiner's room, there was still a fight over Elyse, many thought it was a very dangerous bet to let a girl know about such a secret and discussed ways to tamper with their memories. Not for the ritual itself, but for the consequences it brought. The basis of necromancy is to use the dead, not to kill for rituals. The implications that his failure could bring were more catastrophic when merging wrong the soul would be born a creature that did not belong to any of the plans and the only thing she was looking for was blood and death from everything around her, she was transformed in a demon thirsty for destruction.

Elyse went to the far side of the room and tried to recap everything in her mind. She still felt angry at having said that, to have impressed everyone would mean that they would always be watching her. This was not very good, not for a person who did not want to attract attention and who had goals to be achieved within the Institute. Now it was only a matter of time before they discovered her true identity and that made her feel apprehensive.

Elyse interrupted the flood of thoughts that swirled in her mind, the second phase had begun. Around her she can see an immense amount of spiritual energy, in that selection they were using all kinds of spirits, and by the degree of spiritual fluids, there were several warrior spirits there. That meant it was not going to be easy.

{Hi guys, I'm the one who knows everything! With Elyse I find out why curiosity killed the cat.}

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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