100% HOT HOT STORY / Chapter 88: FINAL C88

章 88: FINAL C88


We transported down fairly early and the kids and I went to examine our new home while Annie and Bernice went off to examine the men's dorm. Gonzalo Whatshisname (I'm going to have to learn it, because he took Bernice's sister as his concubine) and a Civil Service woman named Vera came by before we transported and spoke to the three of us about the 'job' Annie and Bernice had volunteered for. "You are not obligated to provide sex to uncommitted males, either of you," Gonzalo pointed out. "Women from the Civil Service brothel can and will be provided for that. We have several in the brothel on the surface who are there for punishment and reorientation; long-term male residents can assist with that. You may do as you please in this area based upon what you think might be therapeutic, but I believe that you are both aware that your primary role is the provision of emotional support." Annie and Bernice nodded, but I knew that Annie would probably hop into bed with someone in the near future to see what I did about it. Well, fine. If she wanted to test me, that was okay -- if she seemed inclined to hold a long-term grudge, we might have to revisit things. I owed her and I loved her, but our roles weren't reversed and she would have to get past this at some point; in the meantime, she could play and I would look the other way until things just got too uncomfortable.

The kids were thrilled with our new place and so was I; when the women came home tired at dinner time, we went to the cafeteria in the building (I'd just gotten used to calling such places a 'mess') and had dinner, then returned home for some quiet relaxation and bed. Bernice and Annie cuddled against me and I decided not to press either of them for sex -- but sometime, late in the night, I awoke to the sensations of a warm mouth on my cock. Bernice wanted her fix, apparently ... The lights came up, dimly, and Annie knelt there next to her, rubbing her back as she sucked my cock to life. "Make sure you save some for me, now..." she said, grinning impishly.

"Always," I replied.


Friday was a long, LONG day! I waited until it appeared that Vera and Maureen were not going to the surface with their families, then moved mine; Marie stayed with the children in our new apartment while I took Jolene with me and occupied my new office to direct the accommodation of the unassigned concubine families in their new quarters.

Having Vera and Maureen and Mark in orbit and myself on the ground proved to be fortuitous -- especially after Bernice and Annie McGowan arrived. We were able to -- hand-off, I believe the term is -- our charges from the on-board team to the team on the ground without losing control of anyone. Jolene was also there to render assistance -- which in many cases was to remove someone from the immediate vicinity of the transport pad.

By dinner time, the flow had abated; most of the unassigned families had been transported during the afternoon, and we had many of them settled and local assistance was available for the rest. The Decurion sent me on my way, but stayed to supervise. I banished Bernice and Annie after ensuring that they were aware of my appreciation for their efforts; I didn't want them spending their first night in their new home in the bachelor quarters. The assigned staff was on duty; after a briefing where I reoriented them somewhat regarding changes in their function (someone was obviously expecting to run a prison) I took Jolene home.

My quarters were pleasant -- even mildly opulent -- they contained all of the Confederacy conveniences we had come to expect and more in larger, more free-flowing spaces. Marie had the children settled -- something that was not a serious effort, since Antonio is thirteen and Isabella nearly twelve. I did a little exploring and settled in to relax and distance myself from the tensions of the day -- and I allowed my women to do the same by not making any demands upon them.

Jolene's concept of relaxation included me, however; she came to me and said, "Can I cuddle?" I waved acceptance; why would I deny myself anything so pleasant? She settled next to me on what became a loveseat more or less in the process of her doing so. The adaptive furniture could be somewhat disconcerting...

While she opened my shirt and slid her hand in to rub my admittedly hairless chest, I pondered the fact that Jolene had become the first woman in my stable in almost no time and without conflict, largely because she wished to do so. Marie had been with me for several years and one would expect her to contest this change -- but ours was a relationship based upon convenience and very similar to the sponsor/concubine relationship at the outset. Marie was a 'trophy wife' -- a mistress, actually, who lived well in return for her various services, among which were various 'hospitality' services if I required them to seal a business deal with a client. Love really didn't enter into it, although I was certainly fond of Marie; in many ways, she was an employee more than a spouse. Becoming a concubine offered her an opportunity to display her admittedly spectacular body in public -- little else had changed.

Jolene, on the other hand, was a case of mutual affection built up over the time we were seriously engaged in monitoring her sister; love was a distinct possibility, if not already the reality between us. Marie could have presented herself similarly -- and had, on occasion -- but the mindset was different; to Marie, it would have been an effort to provide her usual exceptional level of service, anticipating my needs, rather than a quest for comfort and affection. I kissed Jolene's hair and she raised her head and brought her lips to mine and we spent a pleasant time exploring one another.

I became aroused -- a side-effect, not the purpose of the exercise -- but no less compelling than if Jolene had been deliberately enticing me. "I think we should go to bed," I husked in her ear, and Jolene rose, nodding, holding my hand.

Marie, who had been seated nearby reading a book, looked up to ask, "Will you need me?"

I pursed my lips. "Not immediately."

"I have set up another room so that one of us may have privacy," she murmured, her eyes on mine. Clearly, she was aware that her duties were in the process of suffering a reduction.

"Very well," I nodded. "Do not feel that you must sleep alone -- but you may if you wish." I allowed Jolene to tug me away.

In my bedroom, Jolene undressed me; while she did so, I asked, "Will there be ... disaffection?" I waved at the door, the inclusion of Marie evident in the gesture.

"No." Jolene placed my uniform shirt in the closet to be cleaned by the automated clothing maintenance cycle. "She believes that at a minimum, things have become old and stale for the two of you, and that it is best if I shake things up a bit. She may join us at some point, but for now she believes that you will obtain more pleasure from a fresher source." Jolene smiled. "I have no complaints with that." She bent to allow me to step out of my trousers and I steadied myself with my hand on her back.

I had none, either. We made passionate, but gentle love for what seemed like hours, Jolene's ankles crossed behind my back and her eyes bright as she expressed her pleasure in soft moans and caresses. I did my best to impregnate her; I wanted to see her swollen with child, her large breasts suffused with milk. Where that sentiment came from was unclear, but it was there; I wanted to see the glow of pregnancy surround her. My first wife had been beautiful when pregnant, well beyond the beauty which had caused me to fall in love with her -- but motherhood had soured her, somehow; I knew that this would not be the case with Jolene. When we were finished, I rolled off her and pressed myself against her back, sliding a hand between her breasts from below to cover her heart, and went to sleep with my nose against her neck.


Tina wanted it, fast and furious, as soon as we walked in the door. I hugged both of them and gave Jack Jr. some attention, and then she had my hand, tugging me off to the bedroom. I thought about it for a second, but this would get her dealt with, so I let it happen. We did it doggie; the poor bony thing's belly almost touched the mattress as it was -- Tina looked like she was carrying a basketball already at six and a half months. I gave her what she wanted and she settled down, then rolled onto her side and went to sleep, satiated -- which wasn't unusual for Tina; she was somewhat selfish that way. The good news was that it cleared the decks for Dottie after dinner.

Tina didn't go to dinner; she was perfectly happy to 'sleep in.' We didn't go to the 'food court' regularly, since a replicator is a replicator and you can get it all at home -- but we did that night because it was a celebration for Dottie and Jack Jr. and because everyone else was more or less used to eating out. The thing about the food court was that real humans took orders and they tended to dress up the dishes or whatever so everything didn't look identical -- much like restaurants on Earth have taken to doing in some places. Dottie got a seat next to me, with Jack Jr. just beyond -- but Beth took the other side...

Back at our place, Keisha took charge of Jack Jr., rolling him in with Shawna and Elise, and she and Tara bundled them off. Young Jack didn't seem to have any issues with having two black mamas -- or two black sisters, either. Abe was a different proposition; from Jack Jr.'s perspective, a five year old was almost an adult. Jack didn't know how to deal with him and didn't even know if he had to. Mack's son Michael might as well have been an adult at ten...

Keisha and Tara made the kids -- and themselves -- disappear; Frieda crawled into Mack's lap and batted her eyes and said, "Hello, Big Boy," sparking laughter, and Dottie cuddled up to me -- and Beth stuck out like a sore thumb, wanting attention and knowing she wasn't the focus of things.

Dottie eyed her. "I'm two weeks overdue."

"I know," Beth replied -- clearly, it didn't change things.

Dottie sighed. "Share?"

"Okay." Beth climbed up on the couch on my left.

"You're a bad girl," I noted, not really pressing it.

"I know." Beth ducked her head and looked away. "I just..."

"You're not allowed to be jealous of Dottie," I chided. "In the first place, it's unnecessary. In the second, it causes unnecessary friction in the household."

"Shut up, Jack," Dottie said blandly. "Harassing Beth is distracting you." She eyed Beth, fondling my cock, "Want to help with this? I get firsts and thirds..."

"Okay." Beth smiled shyly and leaned over to play with my balls while Dottie sucked me down. Thirty seconds later, they moved to the floor, side by side while I ended up in this position like a weird frog with one foot on the couch to expose my balls to Beth's tongue while Dottie sucked my shaft.

Things got serious -- fast! "Bedtime!" I croaked. Dottie took Beth by the hand as she got up and the pair of them swayed toward the bedroom ahead of my swaying cock -- which I hurried to keep up with.

Dottie deserved missionary-style, so I racked her back; she was plenty ready to take me in. "Don't distract him," she directed Beth, "but you can stick yourself in here and there..." Beth nodded; one thing she HAD gotten used to in the past couple of weeks was having another woman in the bed. I watched them work it out; Beth compromised by moving behind Dottie's head and rubbing her breasts and nipples -- and kissing me, occasionally. Dottie and I were used to one another and knew what worked and what didn't -- but I had experience with four new women and that meant I had new tricks to try; Dottie was undulating and wailing, "Oh, you sweet man! FUCK!" in no time, it seemed like. I kept pounding through another three cycles, then lost it as she was tightening up for the fourth; I felt bad about that, but the timing is seldom perfect and Dottie seemed pleased. "You have a nice touch," she complimented Beth.

Beth blushed. "Thankth."

"Let's get him ready for Round Two."

That didn't take much; I was used to going twice -- even three times. I never really went down and Beth replaced Dottie under me. Dottie contented herself with rubbing my back and watching. We didn't make much noise -- just pants and grunts and gasps -- but Beth's eyes were locked on mine the whole time, and her heart was in them -- and her hands were everywhere, caressing anything she could reach. As with Dottie, I got Beth past three orgasms, but lost control of things before the fourth. When I rolled off, Dottie pursed her lips and said, "I can't compete with that."

"You don't have to," I retorted, panting, "You are the mother of my firstborn. I would rather you just got along."

"We can do that," Beth gasped. Dottie smiled and nodded.

Round Three was Dottie riding cowgirl; she was pretty athletic about it. "I wish I could do that," Beth mused.

"You can -- it just takes practice," Dottie puffed.

"I'm too big..." Beth sighed.

"Nonsense," I argued, re-energized by my position, "You just think you can't. We'll try it, later or tomorrow or sometime."

"It's hard on your tits," Dottie gasped; she was holding hers to keep them from bouncing crazily. A few seconds later, she staggered in the saddle, moaning. "And you have to keep your balance when you cum," she gasped. "Don't squat, though -- kneel. I like to squat ... but it takes more ... effort..." She was going at it like she was killing rats; obviously, she'd missed me ... which was a good thing.

Still, sex seldom takes a million years; I lasted a good deal longer than Dottie had reserves for and after her third orgasm, I unplugged and got behind her to finish. I like doggie; I'd learned that I like putting up a visual of my women's faces and their swinging jugs while I do it, which adds a little in the way of emotional contact. I got Dottie past one more before I unloaded in her -- and everyone was satisfied. I dropped over and flopped on my back and Beth diffidently crawled over to clean the cum off my erection. Dottie just smiled and waved -- she wasn't much into that, anyway.

When Beth was done, my bladder let me know that I was overdue for the post-coital leak, so I got up to take it. My bedroom door was soundproof, but whatever room Frieda and Mack were in, the door was open; I could hear Frieda caterwauling, "Oh, Baby! I LOVE an ass man! Gimme that thing!" Grinning, I went on about my business. When I got back to bed, Dottie and Beth were talking quietly and they opened a gap for me to settle into between them.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, fine," Dottie replied. "We're just getting to know one another."

"Good." I cuddled them both against me.

It was over. I was home, and I'd picked up four more women, one of whom was likely the love of my life -- and it looked like integrating them into my existing family wasn't going to be a disaster. I'd helped shepherd a huge number of families from Earth to my new home and even gotten in a few bonuses. Things would move forward from here without me -- the school would be set up and become a going concern and all of the families we'd managed to bring would integrate themselves into the colony. I would go back to doing what I had been doing before I was selected for the mission -- or maybe something different; an opportunity might present itself due the success of the mission. In any case, it was back to a more stable existence...

I couldn't wait.

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  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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