/ Fantasy / Crimson Overlord

Crimson Overlord オリジナル

Crimson Overlord

Fantasy 366 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: Nickaido

4.79 (25 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins!

At the beginning of the universe, there was only chaos. Chaos gave birth to a world, accumulating into Black and White and the five elements (also known as the Origin Elements), creating the world's laws and the order of heaven and earth.

This world was called the Origin world, where the Original beings born out of chaos reigned. They created orders, creatures, and numerous worlds where they reigned as Supreme beings until a calamity befell them and destroyed the Original world alongside numerous worlds.

Two billion years have passed since then. In a small world somewhere, a baby was born carrying an unusual past.

A love story of a vampire, the primogenitor of vampires.

Nickaido's here; this story is a reboot of Prime Vampire, do not expect the same story or the same characters; many things have changed. Please support me and make this story a great story through your comments and suggestions, and once again, English is not my first language.

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  1. Harrison_Smith_9694
    Harrison_Smith_9694 貢献した 6368
  2. seth_medeiros
    seth_medeiros 貢献した 5070
  3. joel_woodward
    joel_woodward 貢献した 4950


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    If you like vampires, overpowered mc then what are you waiting for go read the novel. Right now this novel only has few chapters but i can guarantee that you'll get hooked only after few chapters if you're a fan of this genre. Really waiting for new chapters. Till now great work author.

    2 の返信を表示する

    For now I find this novel very good: The MC has tragic past we still don't know. The first Arc (until chapter ~30) seems to be the prologue and it was very good. Concerning MC past I like the fact that he seems to have a close relationship in the past with a girl but end up separated cause of some event. It give some new vibes different from other novels in the romance part. Again a good work from you author, I am updated on Death Guns which I find excellent too. I hope you will keep up updating Death Guns and now Crimson Overlord cause I love both of them.

    14 の返信を表示する

    Never thought I would enjoy reading this Novel as much as I did ,this was really amazing,the Author did so much work in this and I appreciate it ,I found myself wanting to read more and now I can't wait to read the next chapters fingers crossed I'm going to read this book to the very last chapters ,Good job

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    LV 1 Badge

    Reading Status: C31 Writing Quality 5/5 Stability of Updates 5/5 Story Development 3/5 Character Design 3/5 World Background 4/5 The total score: 4.0 I recommend reading if you have time 👍 I will wait to read more to update the review to a more objective one, but everything is still young, turning points have not been reached and the character expansion arc will only begin with the academy. It has great potential. Personal comments: I liked the concept of the story, I will add it to my library. On the other hand, I would like to see the protagonist have more "prominence", because it feels like a story with several protagonists and that is not my thing. I know he's OP, but he's seen little of each other, and while I understand he wants to keep a low profile since he's hurt, his cold and detached personality plays tricks on someone who isn't imposingly powerful on the surface, it just seems someone who seeks to become mysterious for the simple fact of being able to do it, and that leaves me with a strange feeling in my mouth, I mean, I love characters like that, but he lacks "Aura of Protagonist", that power and that differentiated personality, or that attribute that characterizes it from the rest, marking its central nature in the history of the plot, and I believe, in my humble opinion, that it takes more than being OP to have this "Aura of Protagonist". Otherwise great job, writing quality is fantastic, although a little more detail and description would be appreciated on certain interactions, like point of view changes, and internal comments, but of course it's all subjective, and adding a few things in certain sites sounds easy, but it is not always. So a few more details would not be bad to help imagine the world and the characters, their interactions and how they are while how they appear to be. As a last point, I would like to go deeper into the interiority of the protagonist, in his background, so that he does not feel so empty, but I understand that this will be seen in the story over time, so it will be easier to understand his actions and his goals, since from what little I've seen, everything is still green and it's hard for me to differentiate if the protagonist is proactive, or simply follows the decisions of others like a beta. The story has potential, I came in with the harem tag so I'm kind of looking forward to it, otherwise the action scenes are great, keep up the great work you're doing. I just hope not NTR! Peace and good luck.

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    just to be sure is it related to death guns in another world? because their are some characters with the same name im confused and don't really understand abouy that part can you tell me if it is or not thanks

    2 の返信を表示する

    Fun to read I like the main character’s attitude against anyone that would go against him. Pretty satisfying when he put them in their place.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Love the story so far, thanks.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

    0 の返信を表示する

    While vampire stories are not my favorite or even prefered genre, the story is quite good and very intriguing. There are some small granmar issues and the dialogue sometimes feels forced and unnatural. But its nothing granmarly cant fix. The flow of the story is really good and I can already imagine the epic adventure about to happen!

    0 の返信を表示する

    Not a bad start. You have grammar mistakes here and there and some of your sentences are a bit too long. I do like the way you describe things so far, paints a clear enough picture. I would appreciate more descriptions of the surrounding. Overall, a good start.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Enjoyed it , it was fun to read . Wanna know more about the world , the mc . Is Hella gonna be important? What about the others introduced? Like her mother . What is the mc's background? It's all a mystery for now , especially since there are only 3 chapters as of this review. But yeah , would recommend it. 👌

    1 の返信を表示する

    this author Nikaido. He is one of outstanding webnovel authors with good skill in scene describing. you probably enchanted with his scenes describing. For this book I want to know something. There are too much married women in harem? I don’t like that kind of woman. They’re not deserved for Mc’s holy rod. And there were too much other men’s stains and clues in their holes and on their bodies. after Mc pierce their holes and then he use his rod with other harem’s members that can make other women dirty with other men’s stains and clues.

    5 の返信を表示する

    I love this novel it is very interesting and wonderful

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    Good start Grammar Mysterys Powers Characters At 60 Chaps to early to to recognize if it is a drag story or not.As usual first volume has no problems.

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    Ukraine : "Vladimir- Kun please be gentle ". Vladimir-kun : "sorry Ukraine-chan ,I can't hold back anymore" . *squirts the entire 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division into Kyev *

    1 の返信を表示する

    what a story the characters are so good in this story and the writer did a fantastic job and every character is so good in this story to keep it up I would love to be your reader

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    I have read books but believe when I say this particular one has a unique taste to it. The plot development is creative and intriguing. I love this so much, great job author!

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    Nickaido's here with Crimson Overlord and obviously I'll give myself a five stars. I will try to make this novel enjoyable so please collect it and support me through your comments and suggestions.

    5 の返信を表示する

    Amazing work and awesome writing! I'm especially intrigued by the power system and can't wait to see more of it in the next chapters. Added to my library and will be waiting for future chapters, good luck to the author!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Although there are only a few chapters so far the premise is great. I love stories involving the occult so hopefully it develops well. Keep up the good work!

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    Am not a fan of vampire stories but this one got me hooked. Interesting starting and I love the mysteries and adventures. Kudos to you author 🤩🤩

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    作者 Nickaido