100% Parallel Lights / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New World
Parallel Lights Parallel Lights original

Parallel Lights

作者: Alice_Z_Canary

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: New World

Everything was pitch black.

When I had gone out to get the groceries this morning, I was not expecting to find myself in total darkness. It was a bit fuzzy, but the last thing I could remember doing was examining a bell pepper for bruises. Had I passed out? Did someone hit me over the head? Or was I... WAS I DEAD? It didn't make much sense, but if I had only passed out why did I feel completely aware of my surroundings? Or maybe I was dreaming? I was extremely confused and disorientated. I continued to ponder the possibilities when a light appeared out of nowhere. It hovered over my head, illuminating the space around me. When I turned around, I found a small man hunched over on the ground, mumbling some sort of prayer. I gasped and jumped back, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Uh... Hello?" I tried.

There was no reply.

"Um, Excuse me?"

The man continued to mumble in some foreign language. I didn't understand most of what he was saying, but every once in a while, I heard a word I recognized.

I decided to try again, "Um. Sorry, but could you tell me where I am? I seem to be a bit lost."

Still no reply.

I cautiously inched closer to him, then reached out my hand and touched him gingerly. As soon as my hand made contact with the strange man he stopped praying and a blinding light shone from my hands and arms. I shouted in disbelief and once again everything went dark.

I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling, wrapped in very soft blankets. I was in an incredibly comfortable bed, lying on my backside. When I had opened my eyes all the way I acknowledged the situation and sat up in a bolt, gasping in surprise. I slowed my breathing as I looked around the room. It was old-fashioned, but well furnished. Not to mention, enormous! The bed I was lying in was big enough to fit twenty people my size. Lavish curtains hung from the frame above it, similar in color to the ones hanging on the windows. The room appeared to have a red and gold theme. Everything was lined in a gleaming gold color, including the floor. The tiles appeared to be made of marble, decorated with the shiny metal on all four sides. And rolled out down the center of the room was a long red carpet. I had to stop myself from laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Because at the end of the overly extravagant carpet, there was a girl dressed up as a maid standing by the doorway. Behind her and on the opposite wall were some large bookcases, tall enough to outshine the empire state building. Next to the one on the left wall was an equally huge dresser, with a vanity station across from it. I was so taken aback by the sheer size of everything, I almost forgot to ask where I was.

I snapped back to reality and looked across the room at the young girl, "Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?"

She jumped at my sudden inquiry and immediately bowed her head.

"Your holiness," she said, "You've awakened."

Your holiness?

"Uh... yeah? But where am I?"

She looked a little surprised at my question as she raised her head to look at me, but still answered without hesitation.

"You are in the guest room at the palace of Lioness. You were summoned by the High Priest Zarcoff in order to aid this country in it's coming battles. We have hope you will guide us graciously and bring good fortune upon this land." She bowed again, deeper this time, and I almost asked her if she was sane in the head but decided against it. This chic was serious.

That's when I noticed my arms. They were tightly wrapped in bandages from my fingers to my elbows. I didn't remember being injured, and they didn't hurt, so I asked the maid what they were for.

"Why are my arms bandaged?" I asked.

This time she stood up all the way and answered without looking surprised. "When you were summoned, a golden light was coming from your hands and arms. It was so bright, everyone thought they might go blind. The High Priest said it was your divine power, and as mortals, we were not worthy to gaze upon it. So, he ordered that your arms be bandaged in the hope that it would help conceal your powers."

Once again, I resisted the urge to laugh. What was this girl talking about? Palace? High Priest? Divine powers? I was completely lost. Where was I? I was trying to wrap my head around it all. How had I gotten here? One minute I was in the grocery store, and the next I find myself in a palace bed? It just didn't make sense. And even worse, I wasn't even worried. Or at least, I didn't feel worried. If anything, I was excited. I had always longed for adventure and dreamed of what it would be like to travel to another world. I didn't have a way home, or any way to contact my family, but I didn't care!

I was hoping I'd get some time to process my emotions and figure out what had happened to me, but before I knew it a swarm of maids had come in through the door and were now surrounding me, ushering me to leave the bed. I obeyed and they whirled me away to a smaller door on the right side of the room. They opened it to reveal a luxurious bath the size of a community pool. Two of the maids rushed up to me asking if I preferred lavender or rose petals, extending their arms so I could see the baskets full of flowers. I was taken aback by the sudden question and stuttered a bit before I could answer, "Uh... um... lav... no! Rose! I like roses." I said stupidly, blushing at my indecisiveness. They nodded and rushed to the side of the bath throwing the petals in.

A couple more maids surrounded me grabbing at the nightgown I had been sleeping in. It was white and flowing, almost like a dream.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, covering myself with my hands. "I can undress myself, thank you!"

I hadn't meant to sound angry, but their actions had startled me. They backed off in surprise and bowed their heads in apology.

"We are so sorry, your holiness. We did not mean to offend you." They sounded scared, like I was going to hit them in my non-existent fury.

"Oh. No, I apologize. It just surprised me is all. I'm not used to having people... undress me so... casually." I laughed nervously.

They looked at one another, a little shocked at my response. Then bowed their heads again.

"There is no need to apologize your holiness. Please, take all the time you need. We will wait for you outside the bathroom door. There is a towel by the bath you may use to cover up with when you are finished."

With that they hurried out the door, leaving me alone in the steaming room. I sighed in relief, glad to finally have a moment to myself. I looked at the water and decided it might be nice to relax a bit. I slid off the gown and lowered myself into the bath. It was warm and smelled of roses. I sighed again. I hadn't taken a bath in such a long time, it was ten times more refreshing than a shower. I knew I probably shouldn't let my guard down, being in a strange place with even stranger customs, but for a moment I let myself forget the shock of coming here and the uneasy feeling I had about the future. I melted into the water and stayed there for quite some time. Much too soon, though it had probably been hours, a maid came knocking at the door.

"Miss? I am sorry to interrupt, but you have been summoned by his majesty the king. We must get you dressed and ready."

The king, huh? I groaned and reluctantly removed myself from the calming bath. I wrapped the towel that had been left for me around my soaking body and told the maids it was safe to come in. Once again, they brought me away to the other room. They gathered around me once again, showing me beautiful gowns like none I had ever seen. I touched them in awe, the smooth fabric pulling me in and putting me in a trance. But they were all to extravagant and... puffy. I asked if they had anything more light-weight and they smiled, scurrying away to bring me another collection of dresses. When they returned, I gasped. The color of the fabric was a vibrant green I had never seen before. The waist had a golden ring wrapped around it and the bottom was almost like a mini-skirt, but it was covered in a more see-through cloth that fell over the right side, wrapping around the back and stopping at the left hip. It only had one strap that would go over my right shoulder, the fabric folding over to create a wavy effect. It was absolutely stunning, and I nodded in approval to my maids.

This time I allowed them to dress me, only because they seemed so excited, and it seemed wrong to refuse. Though I didn't like the fact they were seeing me naked, it was my biggest fear, and they didn't mind it one bit. I made a mental note to myself to remember to get dressed before my maids could reach me next time.

They worked swiftly and quietly, slipping fabric over my skin and tightening it at the waist. I could barely breath, but I assumed that was normal. When they were finished with the dress, they sat me down at the vanity to do my hair and makeup. I never wore makeup, I always saw it as to much of a hassle, so I told them to go light. They bowed in acknowledgement and set to work. Two of them worked on my hair, braiding it on both sides and wrapping it into a bun on the back of my head. They had their work cut out for them. My hair was incredibly thick and extremely long. It fell of my head in messy strands of pitch-black hair, always a pain to manage. But as they worked, they ran their hands through the strands with admiration, murmuring sounds of delight. They seemed to think it was quite pretty, though I'd never liked it.

The two working on my face didn't fail at giving me a natural look. They applied little to almost no blush, and the lip-gloss was a nude color that made my lips shine. The eyeshadow they used made me look older and more mature. And they plucked away most of my bushy eyebrows to make thin lines that looked much more refined. Finally, they added a small amount of mascara and eyeliner to bring out the color in my eyes. A light blue that shined like the Caribbean Sea. I saw them as my most attractive feature, and the maids seemed to agree looking at them with approving smiles.

And with that, they were finished. They all stepped back to admire their work, and I smiled. I thanked them, and they bowed in response, leaving the room in a hurry. All but one remained. I wondered if I'd have to get used to the bowing and formal names. It was strange and made me uncomfortable. I hoped that over time I could get the people here to address me more casually. As I was mulling this over in my head the maid that had stayed in the room approached me.

"I will take you to see his majesty now miss."

"Okay," I replied, "Lead the way."

She tried to bow again, but I stopped her.

"No! There is no need for the bowing. You don't have to treat me so formally. Just call me Alice."

She looked shocked

and said, "Oh no! I could never address your holiness so casually. It would be disrespectful." She looked at the ground bashfully.

I thought for a moment and had an idea, "You have to follow my every command, right?" I didn't actually know this for fact, but it seemed to be the way things were going. If she was so insistent on serving me there was no harm in forcing her to call me Alice.

She looked at me without speaking and nodded slowly.

"Then I command you to call me Alice." I said firmly, but not in a rude way.

She looked genuinely confused and started to protest, "But-

"No! No buts. I am Alice. Not 'Your Holiness' or 'Miss'. Just Alice, got that?"

She gave up and released a small smile, "Yes mi- I mean... Alice."

I beamed, it wasn't completely relaxed, but it was progress. I smiled to myself, content with my accomplishment, and the girl led me out of the room. That's when I realized I'd never asked for any of their names.

"Excuse me, sorry. But I never asked for your name."

She looked over her shoulder as we kept walking, "I'm Elsie."

"That's a pretty name. I like it."

She seemed to blush as she turned her head away, then said, "Thank you."

We continued down the lavish corridors of the palace, lined to the brim with guards. They all stood perfectly still with their eyes facing forward. Occasionally I would catch one sneaking a glance at me, but as soon as I looked their way, they averted their eyes. They seemed really curious about me for some reason. I suppose it made sense though. They had probably seen everyone in the castle pass by multiple times, but I was a newcomer. Not to mention, everyone I met seemed to worship me. I didn't know who they thought I was, but I was sure they'd be disappointed if they ever discovered the truth. I wondered what I would do about that. Would I be beheaded for impersonation? Or was that maybe too extreme?

I tried to take my mind off of it by distracting myself with the palace decorations. The halls were truly magnificent! I had never been in a building so large. Except for maybe the airport. The floors were marble, just like the ones in my bedroom. But these tiles were lined with silver instead. They glistened under the streams of sunlight that drifted from the tall windows. The shimmering glass was over twenty feet in height and perfectly maintained. I wondered how long it must take them to clean windows that huge. I thought about Elsie and the other maids, and I felt bad for them when I thought of the painstaking work they must endure. I hoped with all my heart they were payed well, if at all, and made a promise to myself I would treat them kindly. They were hard-working people who deserved my respect. I felt guilty that they had to take care of me, I hadn't done anything to deserve such treatment.

Whatever it was they wanted me for, I was determined to turn them down nicely and try to find a way home. If I could. I still didn't know much about this world, and they might punish me if I'm not careful. Then I realized what had just gone through my head. Did I want to find a way home? An adventure like this is something I've wanted my entire life, could I turn it down so easily? It was an opportunity I would most likely never get again. If I left now, would I ever be able to forgive myself?

Before I could finish thinking about what I was going to do, Elsie suddenly stopped short in front of a pair of massive doors. I guessed we had reached our destination. I gulped in response to the intimidating entryway. This must be the throne room, I thought. This is where I'm meant to meet the king.

Elsie turned and looked at me, "Well. We're here."

She extended her arm toward the doors as if presenting them and bowed. Two of the guards standing nearby bowed in response and moved to open the doors. I broke out in a cold sweat as the heavy wood creaked open. When they were done revealing the way to the throne room, they toke up positions behind me. I saw that as a sign to start walking, so I slowly approached the room as I released a breath. I hadn't realized I'd been holding it until then. The guards followed, and my eyes widened as we entered the chamber full of regal-looking guards.

What had I gotten myself into? I tried to keep my emotions under control as I strode down the center of the room, but I was sure anyone who was really looking would be able to tell how nervous I was. I had thought I was simply going to meet the king, not his entire army! I attempted to smile in the hopes I would look more relaxed with the situation, but I ended up grimacing and cursing at myself instead.

I decided to keep my eyes forward and focus my attention on the man in front of me, who I assumed was the king. With one look at his shining golden crown and heavy velvet coat, anyone could make that deduction. This man was the definition of royalty itself. I had never seen anyone as pose and intimidating as him. I suddenly regretted my choice, realizing focusing on the king only heightened my concern.

Everyone's attention was on me, and as I reached the first row of guards, they all fell into a deep bow. They leaned forward at a ninety-degree angle, keeping their heads low and staring at the ground. I resisted the urge to tell them to rise. I was incredibly uncomfortable being praised like this. I had always hated being the center of attention, not that it happened often in the first place, but this was beyond approval. They worshiped me. And I hadn't the slightest idea why. I could feel the guilt welling up inside me by the minute. I wasn't supposed to be here, it was a mistake. I should have said something earlier. Oh! Why had I let it drag on this long, I cursed at myself.

As I was trying to devise a way out of the situation, I had approached the King without realizing. I almost let out a small gasp but stopped myself in the nick of time. I was going to have to bear through this ceremony, I would pull someone aside and tell them the truth later. Doing it now just didn't seem appropriate.

I stopped walking and stood completely stiff in front of his majesty. A blanket of silence washed over the room as the music that had been playing came to a sudden stop. I gulped again and nervously looked at the King, not sure what to expect. That's when I first noticed the people standing next to him. I remembered glancing at them when I entered the room, but now I could properly acknowledge them. Sitting to the King's right in an equally magnificent throne, was a woman. She was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was a magnificent red color, that seemed to shine like fire under the light of the candle-lit chandeliers. I had seen red hair in my world, but it didn't even begin to compare to the shade of the queen's hair. It was a deep color, one could truly call red. Not the orangish-brown color of my home's citizens.

But her eyes were even more astonishing. Though they were brown, a more common color, they shone like a river. Which, more often than not, where brown with kicked up soil and mud. Her eyes seemed gentle, and I could tell she was a caring person. I instantly felt a deep respect for the woman. I didn't need to see her in action to know she was kind to everyone and everything in her path. She made a perfect queen.

On the King's left was a young man who looked like he could be my age, but the way he carried himself might suggest otherwise. His hair was black like mine, but not nearly as messy. It was slicked back in an orderly fashion and combed to a point in the back. His eyes were a deep grey that resembled a raging storm, and his face was lined with a deep scowl. It looked as though he'd never smiled in his entire life. And even though I didn't even know his name, I felt a deep sorrow in my heart for this boy.

I turned my attention back towards the King, and I realized the boy next to him must be his son, because I had never seen two people who looked more alike. They both had the same greasy black hair and shocking grey eyes. And the same frown glued to their faces.

Suddenly, the King spoke.

"Your Holiness. Goddess of War and Wisdom. Bringer of the rains and sun. We welcome you to the Kingdom of Liones." He ended with a bow.

His wife and son followed his lead.

Shit. What am I supposed to say?

I gathered up all of my courage and managed to croak out, "Why have you summoned me here?"

I wanted to crawl up in a hole and die. I sounded ridiculous. They would figure me out right away and I'll be sent to jail, or worse, killed.

The King spoke again, and I jumped a little at his commanding voice.

"To assist us with the war of course! We have brought you here so that you may grant us the strength to crush our enemies and win this war!"

As he said it, the soldiers behind me cheered in agreement and approval. I crinkled my nose at the thought of war. All the bloodshed and chaos... no matter what they are fighting over, it isn't worth all that.

I looked at the king, a little fearful and said, "Who are you at war with? And what started the fighting?"

He seemed taken aback by my question, but answered anyway, "Not long ago, our neighboring country came into possession of a very powerful mage. They ravaged across the land taking hold of anything that would bring them profit. They've destroyed villages and killed innocent civilians. Soon we decided we'd had enough. We joined forces with the kingdoms of Clariness, Reins, and Lilith to retaliate. We asked our most powerful priest to assist us in the battles to come, and he managed to summon you as result."

I didn't know what to do. These people expected my help in destroying their enemy. I had never known war, but I had certainly read all about it in the history books. I knew how horrible it could be. I didn't want to be any part of that. But I couldn't just tell them, sorry not interested, can I go home now? I was in big trouble if I didn't think of something fast. Then it hit me.

"How much information do you have on this "powerful mage"?" I asked.

The king blinked a couple times, thinking. "I believe the only information we have is that he originated from the north. Other than this, we are uncertain."

"I see... And have you deployed spies on the inside to gather information for you?"


I toke a deep breath and put on my best poker face, then said, "My brothers and sisters and I do not often meddle in the affairs of mortals, but this mage intrigues me. Normally, I would offer you no more than my advice on how to advance from here. But I want to see this human with my own eyes. Do you have an adventuring party prepared? I have decided. I will venture into enemy territory and scout out the area. I will find out the enemies' plan and report back here. I do not know how long I will be gone, but you may assume I will not fail. And on my authority as the goddess of war I order you not to attack until I have returned. If I find out you have disobeyed me, do not doubt I will incur my wrath upon you."

I tried to look serious and intimidating and it must have worked because the king responded,

"Of course. I will prepare my best warriors and adventurers. I will send them to your room when they are ready."

I studied the king's face carefully. That seemed almost too easy, and I though I detected a hint a hesitation in his response. He seemed a little reluctant to comply, and I feared he was questioning my actions. I was glad I'd be out of there my morning.

I nodded awkwardly and spun around. I was ready to book it out of there. My guards followed me trying to match my pace while trying to keep their armor from clanging around to much. I felt a little bad for them, but I couldn't slow myself. I needed to get out of that room, and quick.

As soon as we were on the other side of the doors, I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked around for Elsie, but she wasn't there. Instead I was greeted by a man dressed like a butler, holding out his arm in the direction of my room and bowing. I followed him back, still a little shaken up from my meeting with the king. When we reached the room and he opened the doors, I was surprised to find a line of people dressed up in fancy armor and carrying heavy bags. When I entered, they all immediately bowed and said, "Welcome back, your holiness!"

I cringed. I was never going to get used to that name. I was going to have to work with these people about that too.

"Um, hello. I assume you're the adventurers the king has prepared for me?"

"Yes, your holiness." Said the girl standing at the front. She wasn't wearing as much armor as the others, but I could tell she'd hold her own in a fight. I also noticed she was carrying a katana on her hip. A Japanese style sword? I thought. How similar is this world to mine?

"Alright. I'm just going to come right out and say it. Don't call me "your holiness"."

The girl looked perplexed, "Would you prefer Ma'am?"

"No, I-" but then I stopped myself. I can't just ask them to start calling me Alice, it's a selfish request. They were probably told over and over again to address me properly. I didn't like being called that, but I also didn't want them to be uncomfortable when they said my name.

"Yes, Ma'am is fine." I said, still cringing.

She nodded and bowed again. Jesus! How many times are they going to do that a day!?

I sighed, then looked at the row of so-called adventures. They didn't look very experienced, a lot of them were still fairly young. Actually, all of them. They couldn't have been much older than me. I wondered why the king would send them to help me, but I put my suspicions aside and focused on the people in front of me.

"Aright." I said. "Tell me your names then."

I smiled and they all replied with, "Yes Ma'am!"

"My name is Lily." Said the girl in the front, then she continued, "From the left to the right is, Leon, Tiana, Tank, and Hanson."

"Ah. My name is Alice," I thought for a moment, then added, "Goddess of War and Wisdom."

"We are honored to be working with you, Ma'am!" they coursed.

I exhaled a long sigh. This was going to be really emotionally draining.

"Alright. So, I know your names now, but what are your skills? Lily, I noticed you have a katana?" I looked more closely at her sword. I could tell it was well-crafted.

"Ah! Yes, it's a family heirloom." She said. She seemed happy that I recognized the weapon. Maybe it wasn't a common sword used here? Well... if I hadn't been a hardcore otaku, I might not have known what it was.

I looked next to Leon, and he perked up when he saw me staring. "I- I'm a warrior, Ma'am!"

I almost giggled at his nervousness. A warrior, huh? So, he'd be fighting on the front lines with that broadsword of his.

"I am a support Madame. I cast heal and fire-bolt." Tiana said.

A mage. I was glad I'd get to see magic first-hand.

"Tank." Tank said gruffly. I assumed that was his class, as well as his name. But I wasn't quite sure...

I moved my attention to Hanson, and he introduced himself as an archer. He seemed cool and collected. I could tell we were going to get along well.

"Alrighty then! Let's get to work!" I didn't realize what I'd said until the words had already left my mouth. I'm supposed to be a Goddess! I chided to myself. What is wrong with me? I decide to roll with it, even though my new teammates were obviously confused and uncomfortable. What was I supposed to do? I'm no Goddess!

I laughed nervously, "Well... ha... what's our first order of business?"

They stood there for a moment, not quite comprehending what I said, still in a state of shock. Put snapped out of it as soon as it registered, I was speaking to them.

"Oh! Um... I suppose that's up to you, Ma'am." Lily said.

Of course! I can't rely on them, I'm the leader. Dammit. I hated being a leader.

I thought about a moment, then decided. "First, I'm going to get changed out of this gown," I gestured to my gorgeous green dress, "Then we're going to head into town... there are some things I'm interested in."

That answer seemed to satisfy them, so they bowed and left the room, but not before saying "Yes Ma'am".

I had changed into a traveling outfit, provided for me by the castle. I was wearing a long tunic and some shorts made of flexible materials. My boots rose above the knee, and I had a small cape with a hood tied around my neck. They had offered me much more extravagant outfits, but they weren't really my style, so I chose the simplest one I could find.

We had left the castle about two hours ago and ventured into town on foot. So far, none of my party members had spoken a single word. I was beginning to feel a little awkward. No. A lot awkward.

Lily looked like she wanted to say something, but she was holding herself back.

I turned to her and said, "What is it? You keep staring at me like I left the castle in lingerie." I laughed at my little joke, but Lily just blushed and stammered out,

"No! I wasn't staring... I just... I- I-

I cut her off, "Calm down! It was only a joke!" I started laughing again and patted her back. I began to feel a little more relaxed after we left the castle. Nobody was calling me your holiness, I was wearing comfortable clothes, and I was on an adventure! I felt like I could be myself again. I certainly wasn't going to try and play god 24-7 while I was around these guys. We were going to be traveling a long way together. I wanted us to be friends. I was determined, and no one was going to stand in my way.

I sighed and stepped a little farther from Lily. Her shoulders relaxed a bit, and I felt a little pang of sadness. Did I really make her that nervous? I wasn't even who they all thought I was. I was beginning to grow tired of this.

"Look. You guys don't have to be so nervous around me all the time... I'm not going to chop your heads off if you tell me what's on your mind. I don't know what they told you about the gods, but we aren't nearly as bad as you seem to think. If anything, we're more like you humans than we are like gods. Please, I'm begging you. No. I'm giving a direct order. Be yourselves. I'm really not used to this kind of treatment; I just want to be friends."

Lily looked at me and seemed to scan my eyes for any mockery or humor, but when she couldn't find any, her expression softened.

"Well... um... all I wanted to say is... And I mean no offense! But... um... I'm worried about your outfit... Not because it doesn't look good on you! NO! You are absolutely stunning! I've never seen such pretty black hair! I mean... Gods what am I saying? I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She bent over into a deep bow.

I urged her to rise, but then I couldn't contain myself any longer.

"HAHAHAHAH!" I started to laugh uncontrollably. It gained me quite a few looks of disapproval from passerby, but I didn't care.

Lily whimpered, and I had to stop myself from laughing more. She's so cute!

"Are you worried it's unbefitting of a Goddess?" I asked, "I get it. But it's better this way, I don't want to draw to much attention with flashy robes. Besides, that's not really my style." I put my hand on my hip and smiled.

"Oh, I see. That makes sense."

I giggled again. This girl was so timid. She must have worked hard to reach her position.

We continued walking, and pretty soon we were at our destination.

"A weapons shop?" Tiana said.

"For- forgive me for asking ma'am. But what would a goddess need from a weapons shop?" Leon stuttered.

"I told you, didn't I?" I said, "I don't want to draw to much attention, using my...um... divine powers and all."

Obviously, the truth was I didn't have any powers, but I wasn't going to tell them that. Luckily, I knew how to use a bow. So, if it came down to it, I'd be able to defend myself.

I turned back to the weapons shop and made my way through the doors. As soon as I entered the large, dimly lit room, my nose was filled with the horrible smell of smoke and charcoal. I bent over and covered my nose, overwhelmed by the smoke. I started to cough.

"M'lady! Are you all right!?" Lily rushed to my side.

Just then the blacksmith came out from the back room.

"Woah. Your friend all right there?" he said.

"Ma'am, do you need me to use a healing spell!?" Tiana asked in a panic.

"Watch your tone blacksmith. You're in the presence of a Goddess." Hanson gave the man an icy glare.

"HAHA! A goddess? Your friend thinks mighty highly of you ma'am! You'd best be careful, or he's going to get you all into a lot of trouble," the blacksmith laughed.

Hanson continued to glare at him, gritting his teeth. I saw his anger and thought it best to stop him before the situation escalated any further.

"I'm quite all right Tiana, no need for a healing spell. And Hanson," he turned to look at me as soon as he heard his name, "I'm not sure our friend here understood your little joke. Perhaps you should stop calling me that in public."

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, trying to get the point across. At first, he looked confused, but then his face lit up with realization. When he finally understood what I was trying to say, he looked ashamed of himself and turned his eyes to the ground.

"I was just a little overwhelmed by the smoke. I have an unusually strong sense of smell."

"That's all right ma'am, most costumers come by here are at least a little bothered by the scent, but I've never seen quite a reaction such as yours," the man bellied a grand laugh and threw his head back in delight.

I slowly moved to stand, and Tiana rushed to my side to help me up. The blacksmith waited patiently, and when I had finally recovered, he inquired about my intentions in his shop.

"So, what brings you to my humble little shop here ma'am?" he asked, eyes sparkling.

"I was hoping to purchase a small knife, and also a bow, if possible," I replied.

"Mmm," he thought, "I've got plenty of knives, but my bow selection might be somewhat limited... I'll have to take a look in the back if that's all right with you." He said.

"Of course, take all the time you need." I was actually hoping he would take his time, so I could fully recover from the assault on my nose.

With that, he retreated into the back room once more, and I seated myself nearby on the only chair available in the room.

"Sorry, guys, but I'll be needing the chair this time." I apologized earnestly. I knew they were probably tired too, after all the walking we had done that day.

"No need to apologize ma'am," Leon said, "We are willing to sacrifice our every need in order to satisfy yours."

"Right..." I sighed.

"Um, ma'am," Hanson started.


"I would like to apologize for earlier... and also, let you know that I'm willing to accept any punishment you deem worthy of my infraction."

I was honestly a little bit shocked. I knew they were whole-heartedly devoted to me, but to willingly suggest punishment? I had just met these people, and they acted as though I was their one and only ruler. It was unsettling, to say the least. I had to set things straight here and now.

"Okay, look guys. I don't know what preconceived notion you have of the gods, but like I said earlier, we aren't all that different from you mortals," I felt somewhat bad assuming a role that wasn't really mine and possibly undermining a whole religion, but this needed to be done, "We see you all as creations made in our image, almost like our children," that sounded like a religious thing to say, "We understand that mortals make mistakes," like me, "And we accept those mistakes. Just because you lost your temper a little doesn't mean you deserve to be heavily punished. I might reprimand you, but not so severely as you think. I will never hurt you without just reason, not that there could ever be such reason to begin with. I want us to be friends, not master and servant. Do you all understand?"

The group stood somewhat mesmerized by my speech. I imagined none of them had experienced such kindness. Not that I was bragging, just being realistic. In this world, it was obvious many things were expected of those with high status. I assumed their training was not available to just anyone, and they must have been born to high-standing family. Meaning they had lived out their lives as nobility, and honestly, that kind of sucked. To them, my gesture was incomprehensible. They were used to always striving for perfection, taught to fear their higher-ups, and here I was completely ignoring all such tradition. This was a big shock to them, and I waited for them to finally respond.

It was Lily who spoke first, "Thank you," she said, bursting into to tears.

"Yes, thank you," was Tiana's tentative response.

Both girls approached me and held out their arms, asking for a hug. I gladly accepted. Leon and Hanson glanced at each other apprehensively, then approached slowly to join the embrace. Tank hung back, unsure of how to react, I think. But when Leon motioned to him to join, it was like something finally clicked and he understood what was happening all of a sudden. He gave a gruff smile and enveloped the entire group in his arms, picking us up and squeezing. We all laughed as he set us down again, and the smile remained plastered on my face for some time afterward. 

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


